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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with a 50% cashback from alfabank in tasty and full stop toufon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition, restoration and preservation of youthful eyes. toufon - triple action for eye health. magnet - the price is what you need. altera oil 112.99. a ukrainian agent was killed in the leningrad region; he was caught red-handed when he was trying to take an explosive weapon from a cache. according to the fsb, during the arrest the saboteur opened fire and was eliminated with return shots; a phone was found on him, which... was used to communicate with
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the ukrainian gur, correspondence with the curator was found in the device, it confirmed the preparation of a terrorist attack in the leningrad region, the detainee was trained in mine explosives and handling weapons in lithuania. before the leningrad region, the agent visited the moscow region, where he also planned a terrorist attack. then he managed to escape from the security forces by abandoning a car loaded with explosives. diplomatic mission staff. inspection without a queue, such a poster appeared on poklonnaya hill at the exhibition of captured equipment of the special operations zone, it shows tanks and armored vehicles that were knocked out and captured by russian military personnel. our correspondent egor grigoriev works in pobeda park. and now he is in direct contact with us. egor, greetings, well, in the end, the foreign delegation came to the exhibition without a queue, they were served, and what other visitors say about the exhibition.
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alexander, hello, we personally saw several dozen military ataches, representatives of foreign states here, although invitations were sent to all diplomatic missions, but the most interesting, probably, yes, the guests of today's exhibition from the military-diplomatic corps, unfortunately, refused to visit at the very last moment, i mean, of course, the representatives. those countries that transferred equipment to the ssu, the equipment that was manufactured in nato countries, in the countries of the north atlantic alliance, in the united states, including in other european countries, did not come to talk, it would be interesting to talk to them , they listened attentively to the excursion today, if you can see now behind me, a combat the officer talks about the car, about the damaged car, about the damage it received like that...
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yes, in war, equipment is destroyed if it is not maneuverable enough, excuse me, can i ask you one question about the exhibition, no, we don’t have permission to communicate with the press, no, i do not have the authority to comment, sorry, we are now right next to the american abrams tank, which was evacuated here and delivered to poklonnaya hill, we see a characteristic one.
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victory of this technique, because before that repeatedly, including president biden , stated that these are the most powerful tanks in the world, having gathered this fist together with german leopards, they will break through the defenses, in general , they will almost put an end to the entire esvo, which of course did not succeed, but on tank abram is here today on poklonnaya hill, visitors to this
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exhibition are looking at them with pleasure, there are many people who come here, and they come, by the way, from all regions of russia, adults themselves come to see and show the children, whole families come, there were ...grandfathers with grandchildren, and sometimes kids know even more technical details than adults, let's listen to what the visitors told us, i served with these ukrainians, yes, there were 10 of them, eight of us, they told me in the army, closer to the kitchens, away from weapons , if i went there now, i would say, guys, what are you doing, right? they taught me this way, in fact , it’s the other way around, you know, our friends are fighting, georgy, rabotina is fighting, we look at everything very carefully, all the information, we see these tanks,
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abrams, leopards, these are infantry fighting vehicles, grandchildren ask what questions, they ask questions, of course, so we just came to show them what formidable vehicles and what our guys, heroes, and to get this tank from the battlefield , and the tank is multi-ton, if i’m not mistaken that the abrams weighs about 50 tons, it was specifically necessary... to fit two combat repair and evacuation units under this vehicle, to lift it out, but before that the engineering troops are doing careful work, uh, looking to there were no mines around there were no surprises inside the tank compartment,
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because very often the armed forces of ukraine can leave, they leave tripwires and grenades there, well, simply so that we don’t drag the equipment away, well then, accordingly, the equipment must be... driven to the rear, to the repair base, like this was done with the leopard, but they didn’t restore the tabroms, apparently it’s already here and it’s clear that there’s nothing to restore here, but often the ukrainian armed forces themselves abandon repair evacuation equipment, here in front of us is one of these vehicles, also made on the basis of the abrams tank, on top we we can't show you there a special boom, like a crane, it helps...
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they gave us a gift to all visitors to the exhibition on poklonnaya gora, which, of course, i think everyone here is happy about, and i’ll add that, probably, not all possible examples of technology today here there are, but not, for example, british tanklengers, multi-ton and, probably, the most expensive, of the entire line supplied to ukraine, well , because they often do not reach the battlefield because of their multi-ton.
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yes, egor, thank you, we will definitely see the challenges. i was in direct contact from victory park, was our correspondent egor grigoriev. and now footage of a conference call with the ministry of defense. good afternoon, dear colleagues, let's get to work, overnight the situation in the zone of a special military operation. groups of russian troops continue to break into the system of enemy strongholds along the entire line of combat contact. unit of the armed forces of ukraine. trying to cling to certain lines, but under our onslaught they are forced to abandon their positions and retreat. since the beginning of the year, we have taken control of 547 km of territory in new regions countries. over the past 2 weeks, russian
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armed forces have liberated the settlements of novabakhmutovka, semyonovka, berdychi, donetsk people's republic. the united states of america and its allies demand that ukraine not allow this to happen. the collapse of defenses and at all costs restrains the advance of russian troops. as a result, the enemy's daily losses in april increased to a thousand troops. in total this year they exceeded 111 thousand people, 21 thousand units of military equipment to replenish human reserves, the kiev regime is tightening mobilization, ukrainians who do not want to fight are forcibly sent to the front line, in fact they are still being thrown to slaughter, such an inhumane attitude towards their population indicates the desire of the ukrainian authorities to curry favor with their western masters in order to... continue to receive from them financial and military assistance.
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the russian armed forces will continue to liberate russian territories from neo-nazis. a few words about preparations for military parades dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war war. they will be held in seven heroic cities and eighteen cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets and combined arms armies are located.
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special military operation, including american abrams and bradleys, german leopards and marders and other foreign models, including those produced in great britain, the czech republic, france and finland. the exhibition aroused great interest; on the first day alone, over 83 thousand people visited it. the exhibition will last until the end of may. next, at the meeting, we will consider the progress of issues of daily activities, in particular, let's sum up the results of the heating period at the facilities of the ministry of defense, throughout the country, with the exception of the northern
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regions, it is completed, despite the abnormally low temperatures in the central western parts of russia, heavy snowfalls and spring floods, the next season went as expected. work on the repair of funds, technical maintenance of equipment, and testing of utility networks are carried out as planned. today we will also discuss the condition of the coastal ones. radio engineering posts, which are currently actively used to detect enemy targets, during a special military operation, according to data from coastal radio equipment of the black sea fleet , more than 80 unmanned aerial vehicles and twenty unmanned boats of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed, in order to increase the effectiveness of work, special attention is paid to the modernization of coastal infrastructure. in the arctic, reconstruction of two military camps of the coastal
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surveillance system of the northern fleet is underway. at the meeting we will hear how the construction and operation of buildings and structures onshore is carried out radio technical posts of the navy. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentelgin, we can do without pain. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. if you replenish regularly , you will save up 16% faster. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create a cozy place. in an apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at
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the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. and now the footage published today by the ministry of defense in the red army direction, artillerymen from the center group struck a field ammunition supply point of the ukrainian armed forces. the shells hit the target, this was confirmed by drone operators. after the first explosion, several more were heard, ammunition detonated, and the warehouse was completely destroyed. above sentinel yar in the dpr , paratroopers were awarded the ivanovo division for special distinction in battles right on the front line. units attack the fortification every day the ukrainian armed forces are forcing the enemy to retreat further and further. during the assault on one of the strongholds , russian soldiers took prisoners. our
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war correspondent, alexander katyuba with details. powerful artillery barrage precedes the assault on the ukrainian armed forces fortification on the outskirts of chasov yar. what objects will you hit now? now we are shooting at the platoon strong point, the enemy is starting to rotate, we want to destroy it right away. at the firing line is the crew of the legendary commander of the rocket battery of the ivanovo airborne forces, a hero of russia with the call sign tourist. we will read the enemy's equipment, which is inactive, there is armor. which delivers ammunition, which carries out the supply of ammunition to the enemy, well, mostly infantry , trench points, zigzag roundabouts all in the smoke, the landing force goes on the assault, two, two, launch to the edge, as i told you, launch to the edge, until we started to step over the thorn, we immediately hurried , immediately entered
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the battle, the mechanics and drivers of the delivered gun... row 80 kg, firing range up to 20 km, continuous combat
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work at the division command post, i set the task to completely mine the road here to your left flank, which no one could approach you unhindered, neither from the side of the road, nor in front, nor from the flank from the third parachute, these are the tasks i set, the shells hit the target, the ivanovo paratroopers... the militants are not strong enough, they all surrender, they surrender, hand grenades fly at the enemy, resist the center they surrender, we took a rifle with a friend from the armed forces of ukraine, who decided to enter into battle against the two of us, well, he lost.
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for the courage and heroism shown during the special operation, the paratroopers of the ivanovo airborne forces unit are awarded directly on advanced. under the control of the russian army, ukrainian intelligence admitted, deputy head of the department vadim skibitsky said in an interview with a journalist that it was only a matter of time and the number of supplies from western partners. the publication notes the key to russia’s further advancement in the dpr, and the ukrainian military is not able to hold its positions, just like in the first days of the special operation. according to the intelligence officer, the situation of the armed forces of ukraine at the front is only getting worse, the russian army acts, quote, as a single organism with a clear plan and under a single command,
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end of quotes. reuters once again published a scandalous statement by the british foreign secretary about ukraine’s right to attack russia with british weapons. david cameron said this in an interview during his visit to kiev, and at the same time added london. 2 hours after publication, the reporter officially canceled the news so that some details could be reconsidered. the russian media responded to the message immediately. maria zakharova called the scandal surrounding the diplomat's statement a purely english murder and expressed confidence that cameron actually said those words. and last night, the british minister’s statement appeared again on the agency’s website without changes. the words of the chief british diplomat were commented on in the kremlin by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, in particular, he noted that such statements
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threaten the entire security architecture in europe. another very dangerous statement, we see such a verbal escalation on the part of official representatives, we see at the level of heads of state, when it concerns france, at a more expert level, when this concerns. uses the russian army in the zone created at rostec enterprises, the head of the state corporation sergei chemizov told mikhail mishustin about this. first of a special military operation, rostec
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significantly expanded its production capacity. most enterprises of state corporations have switched to a three-shift work schedule. all companies of the holding participate in equipping the russian army. the sphere of competence of the companies that are part of rostec is practically. across all industries, this is transport, energy, this is space, this is medicine, i know that there is progress in the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles, digital technological solutions, and of course, an extremely important area is the implementation of all relevant tasks related to the state defense order. since the beginning of our own, we have significantly expanded production capacity, most of our enterprises have switched to a three-shift mode. work, the volume of production and major repairs, for example, tanks at our factories increased by 3 and a half times, lightly armored vehicles by three times, the production of rounds for tanks
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infantry fighting vehicles at almost nine. since our specialists continue to work on adapting standard aviation ammunition to the planning and correction module, these are flying aviation bombs, which are in great demand today, and such long-range weapons are very much needed today, and today there is an increase in the production of aviation bombs, of all calibers and types of actions for use with these modules. two strategic missile carriers tu-95 ms, as of russia performed a flight over the neutral waters of the bering sea near the coast of alaska. duration patrolling exceeded 11:00 reported by the ministry of defense. the missile carriers were accompanied by crews of su-30cm aircraft from the russian aerospace forces. at certain stages of the route, foreign fighters took to the air. deposit - the best interest up to 16%
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