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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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it’s a decent amount of money, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, so that’s it, dad, the path of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first . opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get a loan from sberbank and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber prime. now is the time for economic news. the us ban on imports of russian uranium sent shockwaves through energy markets. prices exceeded $92 per pound, what happened to? experts
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note that the ban will negatively affect, first of all, the economies of the states; it will be very difficult to quickly replace nuclear fuel; russia accounts for a quarter of all american imports, which makes our country the largest supplier. the g7 stated that the issue of complete confiscation of russian assets is no longer being discussed, although this continues. ukraine. the association is now considering alternative measures, the financial times writes about this. the publication cites fear of retaliatory measures as the main reason for refusing confiscation. earlier, the russian foreign ministry stated that the country would use all available tools if the west decided to confiscate its frozen assets. kazakhstan has become the main buyer of russian electricity. in the first quarter, the republic purchased 977 million kilowatt-hours. this is half of everything russian. export -
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the businessman reports. experts expect further growth supplies. the reason is a shortage of electricity. it is associated with an increase in consumption against the background of wear and tear of generating capacities. and arcelor metal, the world's second-largest steel producer, forecasts demand for the metal to grow by 3-4% this year. and this does not include china. according to the company, india will increase consumption the most by 6-8%. the expected growth in europe is up to 4%, the usa
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is such a rich film, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would not call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is absolutely on your own, he left me, this is an adventure, this is a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, right now and i’m going to cry now, this is amazing, this is world-class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24.
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in the khabarovsk territory, the area of ​​natural fires is growing, reaching 50% in the last 24 hours alone. a state of emergency has been introduced in the region, and rescue teams from neighboring regions are arriving to help firefighters. our correspondent elizaveta yurova is monitoring the situation. sunny district, evaran forestry , fire paratroopers assess densely smoky areas from the air. 24 hectares of forest are on fire. and this is how the flames destroy everything in their path in seconds. they are stopped by federal aviation forest protection officers. beth in...
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in the khabarovsk, amur, solnechny and ulsky regions, almost 400 people, dozens of pieces of equipment and aircraft are involved. squeezed-out land in the khabarovsk region, timely liquidation helped save the nearest forest fund from fire, but this is not always the case; most often the fires are located in difficult terrain and getting to them is not so easy. therefore , additional forces, 52 specialists from the amur region and buryatia, are helping the regional group. firefighters were deployed to a difficult-to-reach forester.
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all our own resources and resources are abandoned saving a specially protected area. now let’s go to the right, closer to the gas pipeline, and we’ll work there. the situation is monitored every minute using space monitoring. the screens show where the hottest zones are in the region; while the weather conditions are only heating up, a reduction in the fire hazard class is not predicted. small short-term rains, more in the southern part of the territory, but rains that will not extinguish the fires.
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the covering has been destroyed, they are waiting for the flood to begin in yakutia. the operational group of the ministry of emergency situations went to the lensky district of the republic, opening the river forecasts for the coming days. and in the orenburg region , more than 3 billion rubles have already been paid to those affected by the flood. winter has returned to some russian regions, a snowstorm passed through woodmurtia, chuvashia was covered with may snow overnight, the regional ministry of emergency situations issued emergency warnings about frost and strong winds. today the weather is expected to deteriorate further; the morning turned out to be snowy in the svertlovsk region. forecasters
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warned that the snowstorm could last in the region until may 4. light snow fell in the morning in tatarstan. according to weather forecasters, cold weather will continue. over the weekend and the first half of next week, it was decided to resume the heat supply in kindergartens, schools and hospitals in kazan. the prime minister of georgia canceled his visit to the united states in response to demands from the american side to stop discussing the law on foreign agents. parliament managed to approve the new document in two readings. this caused a wave of protests in the country. the topic will be continued by alek komarova. western foreign agents. one of the instigators of the protests in georgia , the pro-american tv channel formula, its journalists openly on the eve of a new rally provoked by local authorities. aren't you ashamed that the ministry of internal affairs lies so blatantly? who are you anyway? i am a journalist for the
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formula tv channel. behave decently, you will call anyone at home arrogant, since you were raised that way. last night the demonstrators changed their location and chose heroes square. one and a half kilometers from the parliament, the road was blocked with stones, they walked right between the cars, the drivers had to turn around and go around the square, as you can see. protesters completely blocked here traffic, this is one of the central junctions of the city. closer to midnight, the crowd divided into several columns, they paralyzed traffic on the embankment and adjacent streets. at the same time, a hacker account with the flag of ukraine in its profile reported that it was possible to hack the website of the georgian ministry of internal affairs. by this time, some of the protesters had reached the building of the tbilisi city hall. afterwards we went to the square in front of the parliament. along the road, demonstrators began. unknown people joined the police to detain them, they attacked the protesters and beat them. pro-western tv channel formula
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immediately stated: the attackers were police officers in civilian clothes, of course there was no evidence, and the charges were soon removed. washington once again tried to interfere in the internal affairs of georgia, because of this the country's prime minister had to cancel his trip to the united states. the prime minister of georgia was invited from... the united states with the proviso that before the visit, the parliament of our country should temporarily stop discussing the law on transparency of foreign influence. such conditions do not correspond to the principles of partnership based on mutual respect and trust. by the end of the second week of protests, the rally participants finally composed demands on the georgian authorities. they want the bill to be rejected, freedom for those detained at rallies and repression against employees of the ministry of internal affairs. the final third reading of the document in parliament on...
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a series of attacks on the capital of the palestinian enclave. the attack killed at least five civilians, including a child, local sources said. at the same time , another humanitarian convoy of thirty trucks with flour and canned food, but due to the huge number of people wanting help, a stampede ensued, as a result of which one person was reportedly killed and several others were injured. driven to despair, people are ready to literally fight for food and water. and the socio-economic situation in the palestinian enclave, according to united nations estimates, is deteriorating
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exponentially. poverty rates have already risen from 38 to 60% in the first six months of fighting and are expected to rise further if the conflict continues. the refugee issue became the main topic of the visit of the head of the european commission, ursula fondelein, to lebanon. she flew here to announce a new financial assistance package for the country. in the amount of 1 billion euros, but as you know, everything has its price. we are committed to maintaining legal routes to europe and resettling refugees from lebanon in the european union. at the same time, we look forward to good cooperation in preventing illegal migration and combating migrant smuggling. translating from european bureaucratic to human, this means that the eu does not wait for itself refugees from the middle east and expects that lebanon will keep them at home, not allowing them further to the west, to the shores. cyprus, for example, as it was before, but in beirut many were dissatisfied with this state of affairs. handouts from the eu will not
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help resolve the issue of refugees; only there are now more than 2 million people displaced from syria in lebanon; almost the same number of internally displaced persons may appear as a result of a ground operation by israeli troops in rafah. hundreds of thousands have now accumulated in the city in the very south of the gas sector and its environs. people from all over the enclave. local refugee camps are already overcrowded and conditions... life there is unbearable, which brings the situation to the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. the situation here is unbearable because there is sewage here and this sewage directly affects the residents, especially women and children, from allergies to stomach pain to diseases, it affects us all. if israeli armored units reach here, then almost 2 million refugees will need to seek shelter somewhere else, and the ultimate desired goal for many, of course, will be euros.
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my passenger. and now some footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. hello. at the last meeting we
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discussed the forecast for the country's socio-economic development. this is the basis for drawing up government programs and projects for their financing and practical implementation. i propose today to continue the discussion of budget plans, not only for the next three years, but also, as agreed, for the long-term period until 2030. at the same time , let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches to budgetary policy, including major financial planning. meetings on economic issues held by vladimir putin via videoconference.
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. we take out loans, they’re easy to apply for, we’re at sofcom bank. we take out loans, but is it good quickly? we are in sofcom bank, loans that know everything we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip. avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback bonuses. when you're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the
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next, our broadcast will continue with the author's program besagon tv. nikita mikhalkov offers to talk about what is happening. the process of changing elites is inevitable for our country. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author's program besagon tv, it will be called when the eyes are more
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than the race. i think you will understand why we called our program that. but first, as usual, i want to share with you our results of the previous program on... russia 24 on russia 1, in rubles, on the telegram channel, on our website, in total, about 12 million people watched this program, this number is quite stable, we repeat it, and for us this is a very great joy. before starting our program, i want you to listen to a short excerpt from the speech of our president, listen, the guys go to war, risk their lives and health, it is from this category of our citizens, especially
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young citizens, and there they are mostly young, and today i met with students who interrupted their studies, many of them went to the combat zone, it is from these people that we must form and...
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these words of the president carry not only hope for many, very many, for
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the majority , but they also pose a danger for a certain part of our elite, which is accustomed to living the way it lived, and prefers to continue to live that way, although, as we perfectly understand, since it was already...
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on this topic, the media began to write about it on agents, listen, there will be a new elite dangerous for citizens, she is loyal to putin , obviously cruel, class, new elite, she will be dangerous, to whom, for whom she will be dangerous, for the people, for the people, no, she will be dangerous precisely for those who write this, for example, a new newspaper that writes to defend stability. a whole army of men from the front line is coming, some of the veterans are now being taken to schools and universities to pass on their experience, the other day in a story about lessons in patriotism, a local... woman
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recognized her father’s killer, someone is being considered for political commissars, so the proposal to turn buying people into the elite, pronounced at the highest level, a precise move, past squeamish officials and an indifferent public, the authorities themselves extend their hand to the veteran and count on gratitude, this is aprichnino, class, what horror is there in this? these are such terrible people from the front line who shed their blood for you, the bastard, while you were lying on the sofa. of course it’s scary, you, the one who spent 8 years passing by the bombing of donbass, is now carefully and quietly trying to sit out, move away, so that it will all somehow resolve, it won’t go away, it needs to be understood, and it needs to
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be accepted, absolutely. it is clear that the svo is not an indulgence to justify some vile acts and crimes, and whether, for example, a person who was convicted of leading the blue whale group, which incited teenagers to suicide, alexander glazov, could be released after participating in the sso , will go to school with the children, explain to them, teach them patriotism, probably not, and of course. such things need to be monitored very carefully , but the new newspaper mentioned aprichnina, and how it arose, oprichnino, this terrible word oprichnino from this terrible beast ioan iv, ivan vasilyevich the terrible, it did not arise out of nowhere, it arose in the fight against the oligarchy. that time with
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the boyars, when they lost a real understanding of reality, when their eyes became larger than their mouths, i will tell you at the end of the program where this phrase came from, where i heard it, then ivan vasilyevich began to transfer management functions to the capable, but maybe not to such eminent people, this is what he writes in connection with this, ideologist of the russian boyars andrei kurpsky, this is very interesting, listen, the grand duke has great faith in the russian clerks, and chooses them not from the noble family, not from the nobility, but from the popovichs or from the simple people of the whole people, otherwise the hater creates his nobles, creates - it kind of offends, it became the reason for the claims of those oligarchs, then...
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from the front, who came back from the war in 1945, who became the elite after the war, it was all those people who fought, those same men, moreover, they were united war, they were surrounded by war, leonid ilyevich brezhnev could come to the factory and talk to the carpenter not about how he works, but about where he fought, in which, the first ukraine, the second, no, in forty-third i was, it goes, they got involved
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in... it united the country , victory united the country, gradually they...


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