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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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years, as a result, this unrest was suppressed, this is what an attempt on the power of the oligarchy, that is, the oligarchy of the 15th century, the boyars, can lead to, it’s also interesting, if you think about it, the new newspaper mentions these terrible men from the front who came in 1945 year since the war? who became the post-war elite? it was all those people who fought, those same men, moreover, they were united by the war, they were enveloped in war. leonid ilyevich brezhnev could come to the factory and talk with the turner, not about how he works, about where he fought, in which in the first ukraine, the second, no, in the forty-third i was, it went, they were surrounded by war, it united the country, victory united the country, gradually...
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and even the translation was so rudely done there unsuccessfully , you know, these are not in russian everything from there sits jeffrey sachs, under yeltsin the chief economic adviser sat through him, this came through him, he gave and translated into russian and gave this is what they did and what are they for the citizens or what?
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and if we are talking about the fact that we need economic growth, then this is inevitable disappearance, not even of specific figures, but some type of figure, you know, okay , well, remove nabiulya now, install ulyukaev, something will change, or is it senelnikova murileva, well, or make another rotation, that is, appoint, respectively, between the central bank, the ministry of finance, appoint a minister of finance, what- will it ever change? nothing, but can i tell you why? because , within the framework of informal agreements of the nineties, the financial sector is under the control of the imf, and of course, of course, this launched mechanism brought with it a lot of new and not always good things, for example, you can it would be imaginable that a veteran...
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of the great patriotic war could collect a billion rubles in bribes, and while still in the position of deputy minister of defense, especially in wartime, while the war is going on, and this happens when the whole country is collecting rubles and kopecks for drones, for training, and so on and so forth, well, in general, this is not really what we’re talking about now, because bribes were always taken in the ussr. they took it in russia they took it, it was always a different story, that it was with the collapse of the country that this ceased to be shameful, it ceased to be awkward, it even seemed to become, to some extent , valor, and it could be that, for example, a person who came back from the great patriotic war would be tasked with building a lady to protect... residents of cities, villages, towns
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of some kind region, so that almost a billion rubles would be spent on something that is not a dam, on something that... is an earthen rampart, as happened in the orenburg province, this is what the minister of construction irek faizolin says about this, the dam that they say in orski, this is not really a dam, a dam a billion rubles is not worth 10 km, with enormous speed, a huge mass of water pressed not on the dam, but on the earthen rampart. but it took 4 years to build it, from 2010 to 2014, according to the then head of orsk, viktor franz, this dam was supposed to protect the city on both sides and forever solve the problem of flooding
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during floods. in general, you can imagine in those days that a responsible employee, for example, such as a special director. while building sergei komarov, without hesitation, reported that the dam was gnawed by rodents, and its pancake burst thousands of houses were flooded, normal, this is also a mystery to me, because in this place there are only, these are only some factors, i assume two factors, or it is the human factor, someone drilled with a horizontal drilling machine and laid some kind of communication with... for the discharge of wastewater, let’s say in the urals, but after looking at what place in the filming, in what place the hole turned out, this factor disappeared from me, the only factor left was the rodents that could carve out this dam, and this two-three-centimeter holes, openings,
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mink, it would be enough for the water to flow , vasilyevich, of course, forgive me, please, in general this could have been... it’s not even a question of punishment, but the point is that those people went through a terrible, great war, they understood the value of life , the same minister of construction irek fayzulin responds to this remark about grazunov. these are generally technical procedures that were prescribed there hundreds of years ago. let's figure it out, i have a reason to give these examples, because today we still use everything that was done 60,
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there, 80 years ago, they laid the very foundation of security, which, as we ourselves see, we still use today, can such a person, for example, be responsible for other people? listen to what ilya demkin, the son of the deputy prime minister of the perm territory, alexei demkin, says, who , by the way, had to resign after these words. some people ask me: “ilyukha, will you return to pere, guys, this is my saturday morning.” and by the way, as journalists found out, ilya demkin’s comfortable and such a happy life is paid for from accounts a large russian developer oo trading
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house pzsp, where he is the founder, it’s normal, the parents of this young man don’t think twice about it. and why doesn’t he want to return to his homeland, maybe because he knows how his parents are building this homeland, because he understands that everything here was not done in good faith, and so it is everywhere, the flooding simply revealed what should have been revealed for decades, now, if there had not been this flooding, this terrible flood, then this... tamba, which itself in fact, an earthen rampart, and they would have thought that this billion had gone where it needed to go until the moment the water destroys this dam along with the rodents, but how do the people who are responsible for this behave, that’s when
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residents, citizens come to the leader , compatriots, talk, ask what happened, look how they communicate. this is a leadership with people, with citizens, with their compatriots who were flooded, who came to ask for help or at least get an answer as to why this happened, look.
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help, but why don’t people go, they’re afraid for their property, for their houses, uh, but they need
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to believe that everything will be reliably provided, here is another person who is dissatisfied with bloggers, a difficult person, this is gennady yuryevich semigin, state duma deputy, chairman of the state duma committee on affairs nationalities from october 12, 2021. on september 29 , a post signed by semigin was published on the website of the organization headed by semigin, which stated that the akhmat battalion had to kick the soldiers of the armed forces of the russian federation onto the battlefield. a normal statement, yes for deputy this text hung on the site until the morning of monday, october 2. and for...
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a serious outburst broke out, why? because many noticed that no one paid attention to the hacking of the site for two days, and simegen himself reported that for two days there was no access to this site, although the text was somehow miraculously removed, who cares heal, the devil is in the details, because the text itself was removed, but... but it was left in everything, and it is quite natural that
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the largest media, bloggers, and even one military man wrote about it blogger evgeniy raskazov, by the way, he is a member of the svo, he wrote quite rudely, called the deputy names, said that everything is turning around here like an ear in a frying pan, meaning that whole, so to speak, mess, they removed it, they didn’t remove it, they hacked it, they didn’t hack it and so on. mister... semikin was offended, well, of course, it’s offensive when he calls you names, i don’t support this, but in response to what raskazov wrote, semikin filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity. on april 15, the court partially satisfied semegin’s claim, obliging blogger raskazov to pay 500,000 rubles from...
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but isn’t this the same rightness as the head of the region who is asked to remove the phones, who can also be understood. true, but considering that the blogger is a participant in the svo, the amount requested is a million rubles more than the payment for the fact that if this blogger, god forbid, were killed at the front, that is, if
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the court granted mr. semegin’s request, blogger... died, then the payment due for this death would not be enough to satisfy the moral damage of deputy semigin. i don't want to take sides this is not my task. i'm just trying to analyze the relationship between an act and punishment, the right of a boss to talk to ordinary people.
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a makarov pistol was found in his car, this is illegal carrying of weapons, his car has more than 100 unpaid fines, maybe this is a poor family, there is no money, no such luck, there is money, 70 million in cash was found in their apartment, when in bags
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they took this money out, then the neighbor was shocked, why was this money at home, why not in the bank? not in savings bank, maybe because this is illegal money, that is, not only that , this cash was not taxed, that is, it did not benefit the state in which these people lived, but the subtlety of the situation is different, look, shadow business, violation of laws, tax evasion, organized crime groups , murder, fictitious marriage, illegal presence in the country, it would seem, yes, sit quietly, live quietly, don’t bother anyone, everything is fine with you, everything is fine, but no, why? because there is complete confidence in
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impunity, where this comes from confidence? from experience, how many trials, investigations, and so on, end in nothing. why? think for yourself. this is a trend where for 15 thousand a person who does not speak russian can get a document stating that he speaks russian, and for 70 thousand you can make an effective marriage and become a citizen of the russian federation. but this cannot go on indefinitely, or rather, it can go on indefinitely, and this will be the end for... our country, for russia, isn’t that so, and besides, there is no need for repression, humiliation, no, just bring order to this issue, real order, you remember the crowd, here in the center of sakharovo, which we show how many of these thousands of people are those who are absolutely
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forbidden to be in our country, and just think about it, a person... "russian guy they are killing him because he simply made a fair remark, how should other citizens of the country react to this? and it is very important to understand that this is not a special case, and this is not the tragedy of one person who was killed. one stab with a knife becomes an event and a tragedy for. .." very large quantity people, mother, father, brothers, sisters, comrades, relatives and so on, do you understand what kind of energy accumulates?
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political will is a negative force that will accumulate among the people, it will flow into lynching when they sort out who came here to work, who came here to sell drugs, commit terrorist attacks, i don’t teach, i’m not an expert, i don’t i know how, but i am absolutely sure that there are methods, they cannot but exist, but multiply 15 thousand by the number of visitors who do not speak russian, or 70,000, but so that it turns out to be more important to formalize a fictitious marriage,
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just as it is more important to pass off an earthen rampart as a dam, in the hope that it will somehow resolve, something like this, listen, no help, why did my husband die, because you’re an ass i covered my... i didn’t stand, i blushed, well done, of course, i feel bad, not bad, because i can’t get through on the phone, i can’t do anything, no one answers, and you’re sitting there, everything’s fine with you, just have a conscience already, you’re in white shirt, and we go for 2 weeks without money, without everything, without water, there is no money, they paid 20, husband, why did he die, husband, why did he die?
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those very bottoms, like this woman doesn’t want to, but he can’t, then why should he do this if he can’t, but it’s not just that, this problem exists, but she’s not the only one, for example, what’s going on inside, very deep, in the depths, as if, look, there is such an organization, the nts, the people's labor union of russian solidarists. it was created by russian emigrants in france in 1930 with the goal of eliminating the ussr. later, the nts
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collaborated with the hitler regime, participated in the creation of the russian liberation vlasov's army. he collaborated with traitors, generals andrei vlasov and fyodor trukhin, and participated in the implementation of the experiment to create the lokotskaya. republics in the bryansk region, and so on, this is already enough to understand what kind of organization this is, and after the war, all western intelligence services began to use the services of nts, and mi-6, and the cia, and masad, and so on and so forth further. one of the leaders of the creators of the nts is vladimir poremsky. personally, who knew lasov. and strukhin, the author of a very interesting, so-called molecular theories, what does this mean? its essence was to send one agent at a time to the ussr, unfamiliar
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with each other and not having the right to act independently, they had to recruit citizens of the soviet union as many as possible, only then they had the right to do something. their task was. recruitment, and then some actions, well, it would seem that the ussr collapsed, everything collapsed, the wall was broken, peace, friendship, jeans, chewing gum, everything is fine, the ntssty could have been disbanded, but no such luck, the west continues assign hopes for the nts; moreover, the closest connection between the nts is revealed. and ukraine, compare the symbols of the nts with the modern coat of arms of ukraine, the symbols of the vlasovo army with the emblem of the legion of freedom of russia. in addition,
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we find out that a member of the nts is a former russian lawyer, mark fagan, we talked about him in the last issue, i suggest to you, dear friends, if anyone is watching me now, about 86,500 people from russia are now watching us, now i will show you the address on the screen where you can write, those of you who are ready to write act, they will contact you. they will talk to you, this is political work that is converted into any other, if you have decided for yourself that you have given up on yourself, you will perish anyway, then do it with benefit, that is, think about what mr. fegen is offering, if you have no reason to live if you are disappointed, if you want to give up your life, come to us. “we
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will help you, and you will fulfill your desire, you will part with your life, and you will do a good deed for us, you will fall into a circle, or you will try to blow up railway track, but it turns out that in addition to the escaped fegin, we now have people in russia who admire the nts and promote its ideas, like this..." the material came into our hands, this is alexander sungurov, professor of political science, higher school of economics in st. petersburg. he is a democrat, he is a liberal, took part in the collapse of the ussr, was one of the leaders of the perestroika club together with anatoly chubais and yegor gaidar. in 1993 , he established the commonwealth fund in st. petersburg
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with mr. poremsky. i met on some trip abroad. listen to the conversation between alexander sungurov and the participants of the round table on mediation at the perm state national research university on october 29, 2022. what can we do now? the second topic is what can be done if such a split in the elite begins or some kind of turn for the better?
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youth forum, and then even further in frankfurt with vladimir dmitrovich parinsky, this is the chairman of the vat of the fifty- sixth, there in the late sixties, molecular, one of the creators of the nts in in his thirties, but who decided that he still had to do something for the future of his world. paremsky, as you know, proposed a molecular theory of the structure of nts, so that people who shared the ideologists of nts in the soviet union would not...


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