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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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as he formulated it on the territory of russia with british weapons. a terrible noise arose in the world media, including in the british media. why? yes, because for the first time, so openly, a western politician admitted what has long been an open secret for all countries of the world majority. the west is waging an open war against russia at the hands of the ukrainians, but it turned out to be so self-incriminating, it was such an obvious self-exposure and evidence of its own crimes that 2 hours after this publication appeared, apparently under pressure from downing street, the news agency deleted this material, stating that the message that the minister ... had revised some details in
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the material, a revised version, as stated in the material , will be published in due course. end of quote. well, firstly, this fact, so to speak, of an undisguised balancing act, on the verge of censorship, did not go unnoticed by anyone. even those who wanted to remain silent and sit on the sidelines were simply forced to speak out.
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direct quote: i'm flattered by the fact, said richard moore, this is mi-6, that president putin thinks that my service is behind this, but in reality everything is more parazoic, said richard moore. britain has made clear that it will help ukraine defend itself. and that's what we do. end of quote. the former commander of nato's european army, general philip breedlove, advised the ukrainian armed forces to pay attention to the crimean bridge as a target for attack in order to weaken russia. according to the ex-commander of the alliance, kiev can strike across the crimean bridge, attacking it across the kerch strait with harpoon anti-ship missiles, which the united states supplied to ukraine. according to pridlov, you won’t believe the attack on the crimean bridge from ukraine, but he said it completely justified. the minister of foreign affairs of estonia, urmas rensail , welcomed the explosion on the crimean bridge and congratulated the armed forces of ukraine on this.
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quote: heads of estonian diplomacy. estonia certainly welcomes this, and the ukrainian special units congratulate appointments that are likely behind this operation. the positive thing is that the traffic has stopped, reinsalu said. the head of military intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine, budanov, admitted, direct quote: the bridge is well protected, but everyone is working on this problem. end of quote. ukraine's envoy voon keslits hinted at kiev's impending attack on the crimean bridge; he published on a social network an image with six main types of bridges in 2024, where next to the inscription kerch bridge there is an empty picture. a member of the polish sejm from the left, robert biedron, called the message about the emergency on the bridge, this is his direct quote, just think, this is a deputy, a polish deputy.
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a balm on the heart, and his colleague from the law and justice party, miroslav stechowiak rózecka, pointed out that this event has more than just statistics. symbolic but also practical meaning. go ahead. the head of the latvian ministry of defense, baiba braža, stated that ukraine supposedly has the right to attack russian targets, and some western countries that transfer weapons to ukraine allow kiev to strike russian targets. the lithuanian ambassador to sweden, the former head of the lithuanian mit, hinted at an impending attack on the crimean bridge. and he posted the following post , a direct quote from the lithuanian diplomat. if.
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there will be something similar in relation to, well, for example, a tunnel under the english channel, or some civil infrastructure facility, as it seems to you, although on the other hand, my question is probably more rhetorical, they already had it on their territory civilian blown up infrastructure project in the form of the nord stream. one and two, they don’t even conduct an investigation, because everything indicates that they are behind this, it turns out that they not only sponsor the terrorist activities of the kiev regime, they themselves
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think like terrorists. the enthusiastic congratulations of the westerners in connection with the terrorist attacks on the crimean bridge then soon began to be erased, as we have already said about this. apparently they realized that this would literally be proof of their terrorist mentality. isn't it visible here again? isn’t the direct analogy with cameron’s statements about attacks on russian targets, his current statements on the same level? it’s not news to us that the collective west not only turns a blind eye to all the crimes of the kiev regime, but also openly encourages and... pushes them to commit them, cameron’s words are a clear confirmation of this, the question is different, what happens is that they not only push others historically on the path to the road leading to tory activity, they
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themselves think so, they themselves think so normal. to summarize, i want to say that what cameron said is another thing...
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state exporters to objectively assess the risks of using supplied weapons
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for violations of international humanitarian law, gender-based violence (article 7), and also prohibits the transfer of weapons if there are, as it says, reliable knowledge of the recipient's intention to use these weapons to commit acts of genocide, crimes against humanity, serious violations of the 1949 geneva convention, attacks on civilian objects or civilians, article: six. as for the common position adopted by the european union, it establishes basic rules for controlling the export of military technology and equipment and prohibits the issuance of a license for the export of weapons if this creates obvious risks for the use of military products for the purpose of internal repression in the recipient country or would lead to a violation of international humanitarian law. it will also contribute to the emergence or aggravation of armed conflicts in territory of the recipient country, as well.
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re-export of weapons becoming illegal must also take into account the risks of uncoordinated circulation, and the numerous precedents that i have already mentioned today and talked about earlier, even with numbers and facts in hand, even according to europol data, there is already a situation with the observance of human rights too.. this means that in the recipient country, its fulfillment of its international obligations as a whole must also be taken into account according to its own standards. western capital is also a group violate political obligations or, to put it another way , politically binding agreements, they were adopted within the osce, by the way, they were adopted within the osce on the western initiative. primarily these include the principles governing the transfer of conventional weapons, this is 1993, the osce document on
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small arms light weapons of 2000 and the osce principles relating to the control of the export of manpads of 2008. well, what literally blew up ukraine, now at the level of its own citizens, is changes in order provision of consular services in ukraine. two innovations at once. the kiev regime occurred the day before and both are related to the procedure for providing consular services to citizens of this country. firstly, on april 23, the ukrainian ministry of defense introduced a ban on the provision of consular services to ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 years. this decision turned out to be so shocking that many even in ukraine itself considered it illegal and even unconstitutional. motivation. the kiev regime, of course,
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will now force men to replace their expired passports to come to ukraine, where they will be captured, where they will be sent for slaughter, an acute shortage of manpower is one of the main problems of zelensky’s losing position neo-nazi regime before the ukrainian ministry of defense, accordingly , the task was set to return everyone who can be returned to the country, put under... a gun to plug holes in the contact line of battle with fresh cannon fodder, a monstrous story, because people, citizens of ukraine, are now literally storming their own foreign institutions, not understanding how they can be outside their homeland. we won't go into this now principle, ukrainian patriotism, a lot has been said about this, even more will be said, but i will remind... i will remind you under what mottos zelensky came to power, and most importantly, i will remind you under what mottos zelensky
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brought the united states of america to power, law, order , democracy, freedom, and most importantly - human rights, none of this that the united states of america, britain, collectively, brussels promised the people of ukraine, directly, indirectly, none of...
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simply refused to talk to ukrainian citizens, whose problems are only multiplying , v including abroad, but he did it in a sophisticated way, he put an artificial barrier between himself and real living people, a soulless machine, a generated program, now here she is, this electric girl will deal with the problem and...
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it’s convenient, it’s not only convenient, this also reveals one more problem, this is what takes this entire kiev regime and its ministry of foreign affairs out of responsibility; to refuse to provide services is to violate, i mean consularly, ukrainian citizens abroad, this violate the constitution, there are no legal norms that... claims, statements, trials, so victoria shi, as she was called, was invented.
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now she, this very internet robot, will bear all the responsibility. in business, and another problem that came to light with this very solution: for the image of this robot , the appearance of a dark-skinned model, representatives of ukrainian show business (razalie nombre), was copied. obviously, in order to literally wash the kiev regime of its well-known, including in
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the west, neo-nazi reputation, this was done, they say, look at ukraine, its... diplomacy in the hottest consular direction is represented by a dark-skinned girl. surely western grants were allocated for this, just as they were allocated to promote this extremist lgbt agenda, through the creation of a speaker position in the territorial defense structures of the armed forces of ukraine for the transgender sarah ashton chirilla. true, then the money ran out, and the ink along with the money also ran out. true, as always, everything is there. it turns out the other way around on his social networks nombre now complains that ukrainians write to her with russian comments addressed to a black girl, endocrine, but nazi and infected with this very fascist ideology, users of the ukrainian-language segment of the internet, directly insult the dark-skinned performer and model, believe that she,
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as they write, cannot and should not represent kiev regime. how is this all in the zelensky style of the monstrous deception that they are trying to commit with this most terrible gang at the bank and with their citizens, with the whole world. i don’t know if this avatar has started working, but the mathematical algorithm that will have to answer all the questions of citizens has already highlighted what was already clear: in the territories controlled by the kiev regime , racism and xenophobia reign, people literally... with this infected, the banking regime is completely interested in the fate of its own citizens, they are interesting only as potential cannon fodder, they are expendable, no one cares about their citizens. rights, i’m already silent about freedom, and i’m not going to think about the situation in the system public administration in ukraine is not deteriorating every day, is not degrading, it is becoming
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hopeless, dragging the country into a total dive, and the country of ukraine continues the lifelong work of, apparently, the kiev regime, to fight the russian language, the manifestation of discrimination and neo-nazism, rewriting the history of modern ukraine . unfortunately, no one has been surprised for a long time. all of them are enshrined in law, however, with special asterlining, the zelensky regime is busy uprooting, literally, the russian language, that’s all that is connected with this, according to the leading obbudsman of ukraine, as he was aptly nicknamed by the people, schrechen fuhrer, taras kremeniya, thanks to the efforts of kiev for forced ukrainization. that schoolchildren studying russian as a subject have decreased by almost 600 times over 2 years. the russian language somehow miraculously survived in three schools, where
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it is taught as a separate subject. despite all the prohibitive measures, it is impossible to destroy it, even with such ghouls who sit on bank accounts. the same taras kremen on april 17 complained that a direct quote: on national broadcasts television channels is practiced. ukrainian-russian bilingual, in which participants use the russian language without translation, dubbing or subtitles in the state language, then joyfully announced that, again, a direct quote: from july 17, 2024, this practice will be stopped, well, they will heal, of course. we are talking about the following: on january 1 , the provisions of the media law came into force, they increased the share of the ukrainian language on television and radio to 90%. for tv and radio broadcasting.
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another provision of the same law, which determines the criteria for the ukrainian-language program. according to this norm, a program can be considered such if a remark or speech not in ukrainian by program participants, except for presenters and announcers, broadcast live, constitutes no more than 10% of the total duration. i’m just wondering how it will all look, will there also be an avatar like victoria sitting there with a stopwatch, or what? that is... to beat people if they rise to 11% of events in the use of the russian language on air. when
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broadcasting a recorded program, including when repeating live broadcasts, all such remarks must be dubbed, voiced or subtitled in ukrainian. exceptions include reports from the field other than speeches and remarks from journalists. any works, speeches in the languages ​​of indigenous peoples of ukraine, stable expressions, short phrases, or individual words. the use of protection, not to mention the promises that zelensky made, although he promised peace, everything turned out the other way around, no peace, no russian language, the fight against the russian
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language in ukraine is truly monstrous, ugly, repulsive forms. on april 22 of this year , reports appeared in the media that a thirteen-year-old boy was severely beaten at school for what other children thought, and i emphasize, only seemed like it. that he watches a cartoon in russian, it’s interesting, do they even know what language the members of the armed forces of ukraine speak there, they see videos, and what or there is possible, because for the last time, how to brainwash children so that they behaved so brutally in ukraine, not a day goes by without a scandal. now in a hotel, now in a hospital, now in transport, in a store, people are not just arguing, they are beating each other, such a shocking situation has become a consequence imposed
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by kiev. we have repeatedly noted that , grateful for the eradication of centuries-old ties with russia, washington and brussels forgive kiev a lot, turn a blind eye to large-scale violations of human rights in ukraine itself, and, in fact, the kiev regime admitted to this, informing the council of europe that it no longer considers obligated to perform a series of rights.
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here is the situation in moldova, the same problem, the west is turning this country into its silent slave. we continue to monitor the situation in this country. its current leadership, who all consider themselves not moldovans, but romanians, is pursuing a policy of internal repression, repeating the experience of ukraine and the baltic states, by the way, aimed at turning the republic into a powerless one. an appendage of the european union and nato. here are some recent examples. the country has strict censorship of the media . april 26 council on tv and radio broadcasting of moldova fined two gagauz tv channels for, as it was said, disinformation. regulators were dissatisfied with stories about the lack of democracy in moldova and the dependence of the moldovan government on romania. loss of moldovan identity, statehood and traditional values. what was said wrong? well, it’s just interesting,
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because that’s all. what sandu says publicly, pass it off as national policy. pressure on the political opposition continues in moldova. on april 24 , a criminal case was brought to court, fabricated against the head of gagauzia evgenia gutsul. according to independent moldovan experts. its real reason was the participation of the head of the region in the congress of the moldovan opposition in moscow on april 21, at which the creation of the victory electoral bloc was announced. under the pretext of so-called european integration, the chisinau regime is conducting a dialogue.
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believe, but know that the moldovan language exists, considering oneself a moldovan or a moldovan woman, and not a romanian or romanian, or representing another nationality, not bad or good, but simply different, only in a sect, only in in the sect, a person’s identity is suppressed, his will is suppressed. his self-identification is suppressed in accordance with the values ​​and traditions of his people, his ancestors, his family. a legislative framework for rewriting history is being formed in moldova. on april 30, the country's government approved amendments to the law on monuments. now, according to these same amendments, it can initiate the dismantling of monuments, which are in the vision of local authorities,
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if it is, direct quotes.


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