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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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a legislative framework for rewriting history is being formed in moldova. on april 30 , the country's government approved amendments to the law on monuments; now, according to these same amendments, it can initiate the dismantling of monuments that are under the jurisdiction of local authorities if, direct quote, it violates public order and good morals, end quote. opposition politicians and civil activists have expressed concern that these changes could be used to demolish monuments.
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april 24 unit commander moldovan and romanian mercenaries gezika published an appeal in which he stated that his fighters are ready to act from the shadows to limit russian influence in romania and moldova, even if the methods may be considered terrorist. end of quote. how
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3:35 pm
every second ticket wins the russian lotto's easter charity draw; from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to... charitable causes, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. contribution - best percentage, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i exercise on a daily basis, but how to protect my joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. grands and loans were stolen by corrupt ukrainian politicians who are actively buying up luxury real estate in europe and the usa, re-expecting to hide from the inevitable court for their numerous crimes. and a few words
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about speculation in the danish media regarding possible restrictions on the passage of russian ships through the baltic straits. we noticed... how the danish media is inflating a whole campaign regarding the passage of tankers with russian oil, the baltic straits, while as a pretext for introducing restrictive measures, a certain threat is indicated, it’s funny to listen, of an environmental disaster in the baltic sea due to alleged use of vessels by the russian side unsuitable for navigation or lack of insurance documents, i would like to say to copenhagen, you are nearby... apparently, your, so to speak, allies blew up the nord stream and one i2, caused monstrous environmental damage to your countries, the countries of your region, directly
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to the baltic, you shut up and remain silent, and now tankers are interfering with russian oil? because they allegedly can damage the ecology of the baltic basin. we assume that the procedure for the passage of ships through the straits is regulated by the copenhagen treaty of 1857 and the provisions of the un convention on the law of the sea of ​​1982. in accordance with these documents, all ships, including russian ones, have the right to unhindered and safe passage through the baltic straits. unauthorized rewriting of international law.
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in rbetice on april 29 of this year, the czech authorities officially announced that the investigation into the explosion of ammunition depots in the village of rbetice, you won’t believe it, has been postponed. in a joint statement by the czech police and the czech national center for combating organized crime, the following direct quote literally says. russian military intelligence was involved in the organization. explosions and deaths of czech citizens includes the fact that this was not the only such action, but part of the implementation of a program of long-term subversive activities of russian military intelligence in the territory of the european union and ukraine. end of quote. however, the same material goes on to say the following: to
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continue the investigation, the czech police lack some information, including employee promotion data. in a survey on the territory of the czech republic , it is impossible to obtain this data from the point of view of prague, since the suspects are in russia. what can i tell you? the results of the investigation into explosions at military warehouses in the czech republic in 1414 only confirmed the fabricated, custom-made nature of the accusations brought against russia and which in 2021 served as a trigger for... bilateral relations and the complete curtailment of mutually beneficial cooperation. this is how mediocre the authorities in prague lie to their own citizens. like this they sweep the traces of crimes committed on the territory of the czech republic under the carpet of their own
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corruption, their own irresponsibility and their own lies. at the same time, the conclusions of the investigation are ridiculous; they simply do not stand up to criticism. that is, how... everything connected with russia before this was known to you so well that you accused us of everything and passed a verdict without a trial in principle, but how it came to the real thing... it’s funny, really and sadly, in this whole story, only a political order for
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an indictment of our country, as usual , diligently executed by prague under the control of london and washington, but apparently also generously rewarded, since even the inglorious end of a certain investigation did not bother anyone in the czech republic, well, apparently everyone also understands what will happen if someone starts asking . a message about the participation of the russian federation in the international geological congress, it is scheduled for august 25-31 in busan, this is
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the republic of korea. the statement states that direct statistics, presentations and abstracts submitted by russian scientists from russian institutes will be rejected. end of quote. this decision is explained by a certain sanctions policy towards our country. moreover, as we learned, earlier the organizing committee of the congress itself conditioned the participation of russian scientists on a replacement russian one. affiliation with any other. let me remind you that the international union of geological sciences is an international non-governmental organization approved and established in 1961 and uniting national scientific unions with the aim of forming a global geological communities. this very organization's charter states that it must, quote: promote the participation of geoscience researchers in international efforts. regardless of race, citizenship, language,
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3:45 pm
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particular, the share of perfumery in the russian market has grown sharply, more than. on a third, how this industry is developing in our country, why this period can be called and it can go down in the history of russian perfumery, about this in a special report by vera moroz. in order to make a russian soul, we will take three main ingredients, this is juniper, this is keder and this is java vitiver. this is how perfumer polina kazakova found the formula for the soul in a small moscow laboratory russian, that’s the name of its fragrance, from the outside it looks like painting a picture, only instead of paints there are perfume solutions, and to
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complete the work, like an artist, it may take several years. in order to make a perfume formula, sometimes you have to. make 10, 20, 30 and even 50 iterations, when you get that same balance, then you already understand, yes, the formula is ready, then you work further with it from the point of view of technology, its introduction into products and so on, then the aroma is poured into bottles and sent to store shelves. in recent for several years, more and more buyers are choosing domestic perfumes; according to roskachestvo, in the twenty-third year, 47% of consumers switched completely or became more frequent. buy russian brands. one of the largest chains of perfumes and cosmetics. russian brands are taking up more and more shelf space. last year the range increased by 20%. at the same time, demand increased. in 2023 , retail revenue in this category increased by 70%. the balance of power in the market as a whole has changed. domestic fragrances
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have squeezed out exports. their share last year increased to 32% - said the ministry of industry and trade. it did not exceed 20%. the department believes that the trend towards domestic products is only intensifying. we see that russian companies, in principle, are coping well with all the difficulties; they are actively occupying niches that are being vacated by imported brands that have left the russian market. last year we saw a 68% increase in the production of perfumes and perfumes. that's just over 62 million bottles. not a bad result, provided that, in principle, there is growth throughout.
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100 km from izhevsk, the city of mozhga, here there is a glass factory with almost two hundred years of history, at the moment it is... the only one who produces perfume bottles in russia. three production lines operate around the clock, 120,000
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bottles per day, almost 130 design variations. in general , the glass is transparent, but in the first seconds on the conveyor the bottles are bright orange, after molding they are lightly heated, almost 600°. on the line, the adjuster operator monitors production, checks the fiery vials that have just... just been cast from the mold, according to on the conveyor, the jars are sent for annealing, this is when the internal stress in the material is removed in order to increase durability, then they are sent to the quality department and then for packaging. the new lines were launched in august last year. here is this project, we have already invested 540 million in it. and today investments continue. together with our chinese partners, together with institutes, we have developed this large project that allows us to produce. 45 million bottles a year, this is a very high quality bottle, under it the oven was specially designed, the glass refector was specially designed for it,
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this super ultrafrint, absolutely colorless glass, which allows, well , let’s say, to present perfumes and perfumes in the most beautiful form. perfume is poured into these bottles all over russia; the largest such enterprises, according to the department of chemical industry of the ministry of industry and trade, are located precisely. in the moscow region, also in kazan and zhevsk, they can all produce, including small batches, which is very important for beginners brands. now more and more perfumers are appearing on the market, who have not yet entered the industrial scale, but are actively striving to show themselves in the field of niche perfumes at various exhibitions. maryana penkova, the president of the perfume club of russia, organizes such exhibitions, she tells us that they not only show beauty and analyze seasonal trends, but
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why right now the russian soul, as a concept of domestic fragrances, has become so attractive, for the answer we go to
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vasilievsky island in st. petersburg, here there is the largest private collection of perfumes and bottles in russia, the most rare from the first years of the 20th century, it lies in the bins, away from the light, in order to be preserved longer, oh-oh-oh-oh, now i’ll feel it, oh, i’ll feel it. invented in 1882, and this is the beginning of the 20th century, well , naturally paris, well paris, elina arsenyeva shows part of her collection, here are classics, domestic perfumes, familiar to several generations, completely new brands that are just about to make their way into history. it is believed that a national perfume school is being born right now, if earlier the trends were dictated by the west, now... the transition to the so-called russian cat, something that exists only in our country. in russia, i noticed that they began to actively use marsh plants,
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siberian plants, some endemic plants that do not grow anywhere else, we have a huge range of conifers alone, this is not a repetition of some already existing style, that is, this the newest thing that comes to us is the level of raw materials. after. originally also took place in another profession, 7 years ago she worked in fashion retail, was engaged in marketing, while on maternity leave she realized that she wanted to be a perfumer,
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a specialized one-year training program for... she studied the last module in france. after i learned how to create fragrances, i realized that a perfumer must be not only a perfumer, but also a technologist in order to adapt a perfume fragrance into a wide range of cosmetic products, including aerosol ones. now polina herself is involved in developing a curriculum for master's degree at the mendeleev university of chemical technology, together with other manufacturers of perfumes and cosmetics at. support from the ministry of industry and trade. recruitment is underway now. traditionally, students will come in september to study as perfume technologists, and this is the first such program in russia. for 25 years now, we have been producing engineers and analysts specifically for the industry related to the production of medicines and various cosmetic products. we, so to speak, will continue these traditions by organizing a new
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program. preparation for master's degree in perfumes. more than ten perfumery and cosmetics enterprises have already entered into an agreement with the university and will accept students for internships. another step in the development of the perfume industry in russia is entering foreign markets, experts say. our perfumery and cosmetics networks are beginning to actively develop in the middle east, qatar, ah, the united arab emirates, many russian brands, with the help of the state, take part in various perfumery and cosmetics exhibitions around the world, and are in very high demand there, mainly, of course, china, the middle east, and thailand, indonesia, so i think that they will all soon conquer the whole world. all over the world the courage of the russian
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perfumer is appreciated. playing not only with aroma composition, but also with philosophy and presentation. at exhibitions you can find brands that dedicate fragrances to achievements or significant events for the country. for example, perfumer alexandra gluck dedicated a line of fragrances to the moscow metro. our first metro station to open at all is sokolniki. and initially they were in sokolniki plum gardens, herbs, peony fields, that is, such a flowery plum.
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and the escalator gallery on vorobyovy gory smells of white peony. more than 485 aromas are installed in the air-water-climate system of the cars, which distribute a subtle smell every 9 minutes; all this also becomes part of russian history in fragrances, ending up in the collection of the most demanding and sensitive collectors. and you and i are contemporaries, witnesses of this process, that is. those perfumers whom you just watched live at some events, they will be entered later in encyclopedias, we will write memories that we were familiar with them, so collect autographs at meetings, these are future wonderful valuable antiques. according to collectors, the next russian seasons await us, only not in ballet, in perfumery, this whole story is happening now, sometimes in small laboratories.
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7. at 12:00 moscow time time on the russia channel. information picture of the day in facts - this is russia 24. in the artemshchikov studio. olga armyakova, this is the main topic for today.


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