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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the russian heavy aircraft engine pd-35, designed for long-haul aircraft, can be created in 2-3 years. the head of the rostec state corporation , sergei chemizov, announced this at a meeting with prime minister mikhail mishustin. yes, the wait won't be long. our colleague anna lazareva has the details right now. anya, what other topics were discussed? hello colleagues, we talked about the main results of last year’s work both in the defense sector and in civilian projects. state corporation rosseh - hundreds scientific and industrial enterprises and associations, they cover many areas: transport, energy, space, medicine, but the most important area is the implementation of state defense orders. sergeevich, please tell us about the results of the year, and... what
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are you working on now? almost 80% of the weapons that are used today in the zone were created at the enterprises of our corporation. in the twenty-third year, new production aircraft su-57, su-35s, su-34, su-30-sm2, il-76 md990a, iyag-130, k-52m, mi-28 nm helicopters, t-90 tanks were delivered breakthrough. and artillery reconnaissance complexes penicillin in 2023, production volumes of self-propelled artillery increased by 10 times, mortars by 20 times, and multiple rocket launchers by two times. ammunition production is growing. in the twenty-third year, rostec enterprises supplied 25 times more of them than the year before. the rostec team increased by 70,00 specialists to 660,000. the state corporation's revenue is twenty. almost 3 trillion
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rubles, which is a third more than a year earlier, output per employee increased by 22%, to 4.3 million rubles. by the way, when significant growth in state defense. order, the volume of civil revenue in the twenty-third year did not decrease, even increased in absolute numbers, and today reaches almost a trillion. and also about the civil sector, rostec has accumulated significant competencies in the field of medicine. and currently our company produces more than 150 types of already registered types of products for various areas of healthcare, the product line is constantly expanding in accordance with the requirements. the wishes of our medical community, for example in last year, the development of the latest mobivento ventilator for patients with chronic pulmonary diseases was successfully completed, and the registration stage is underway. there are serious developments in the fight against
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oncology, newborn health, and ophthalmology. previously, devices were bought abroad, but now russian analogues have appeared. nacimbiu's holding within the corporation will continue. supplies of vaccines under government orders to the microgen company received a certificate ; the regions sent more than 104 million doses, and the ministry of health on registration of a medicine against hepatitis b. another area is energy. the state corporation rostec created the gtd-110m turbine. now it is being installed at the udarnaya station, which is being built on the taman peninsula. this is the first production turbine. and now we can with confidence.
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building units for large main pipelines, such as power of siberia, sakhalin, khabarovsk, vladivostok. in the future, rostec is ready to ensure 100% import procurement and import substitution in this area. well, now on to other topics, the state duma proposed weakening requirements for tinting the front side windows of cars. the corresponding bill was prepared by deputies of the ldpr faction, the authors. the document notes that today the punishment for improper tinting of windows raises too many questions, and besides , the tinting itself becomes a reason for traffic police officers to check the car, and this is fertile ground for abuse, the explanatory note says. so, deputies propose to abolish
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fines for tinting the front side windows of cars if they transmit at least 50% light according to the indicator from the technical regulations. now, according to the guest, the light transmission of the windshield. conditions for driving, creates personal space, reduces the load on the vehicle’s resources, and this directly has a positive effect on driving safety. let me remind you that today
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you are fined 500 rubles for too thick tinting. the amount is the same for all regions of russia and for any type of transport, for cars.
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and good afternoon, colleagues, well, unfortunately, this is a feature of the may climate in the european territory of russia, but this year there is a cold snap it will turn out to be phenomenal in scale, in duration, but as for the white ones... then this is symbolic snow. the geography of snowfalls continued to expand even during the daytime. solid precipitation was noted on the border of the samara and saratov regions. winter has returned to the southern urals. precipitation turned to snow on the m5 highway, chelyabinsk region between the glass and sadka. impressive images are coming today from the regional center of kamskoye ustya in tatarstan. the day before yesterday it was +16 here, and today local residents were saving blooming strawberries and lands. from the cold, surroundings covered with an impressive layer of snow. what's the weather,
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what's the entertainment. in several regions today they made maeviki. a special name has been invented for the may snowmen. there's enough snow. in udmurt, the maximum depth of snow cover on the morning of may 3 was 5 cm, in the kirov region - four. however, residents of the european part of russia reacted to the return of winter with humor and began to look for playful explanations for the sudden cold snap. the culprit of the snowfall in the nizhny novgorod region was assigned an uncleaned christmas tree in the village of afonino, in the republic of koma the day before they noticed a restless santa claus. in the coming night, as a result of the arctic invasion of the associated frosts, as well as precipitation in different phase states, the zone of potential ice will cover most areas of the russian north, the volga region, and the urals of western siberia. motorists with summer tires, be careful. on the night of the fifth of may. in the zone of negative temperatures from 0 to -5 will be the north and east of the russian plain, the entire urals
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, most of western siberia, and in the north-west in central russia the black earth region will not be lower than +1.6, in the southern regions of our country from +6 to +11. well, this is what the map of precipitation looks like on easter night in central russia, certain areas of the black earth region, in the south of kuban, stavropol, and the republics of the north caucasus, there will be rain. snow and sleet. based in the north-west of russia, but the worst weather is mainly snowfalls, ice conditions, accumulation of wet snow, expected in western siberia, especially in the south, where up to 20-25 mm of precipitation will fall, which is half the monthly norm, snowy the cover, for example, in khantemansiysk will double from 15 to 30 cm. in moscow now the weather is million-per-million, clear but fresh, the thermometer is +9.2, with sunset it gets cold... to +5, on saturday night in conditions of partly cloudy weather and intense
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radiation cooling, the capital will be hit by light frosts down to zero -2, which were last observed almost a month ago. during the day, as the atmospheric front approaches, the sky will gradually begin to gloom and rain will freeze by the end of the day. the air will have time to warm up to +11-13. it will be cloudy on easter sunday and rainy, night temperatures will be +4-6, daytime temperatures will hardly reach +10. the next week will be cold with a chance of frost and short-term local transition of precipitation into the solid phase. well, the weather is not kind, we are looking forward to warmer weather. well, now to other topics. tbilisi and washington will need to make efforts to reset relations amid disagreements caused by the new agents bill. this was stated by prime minister of georgia irakli kabakhidze. stanislav bernwald is monitoring the situation. opposition activists have already
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for several days they have been blocking traffic on the streets in the center of tbelisi, the day before they marched in a procession from rustavelli avenue through mirabakh kustava street, blocking the entire heroes square and adjacent streets for about 6 hours. after the police began arresting on heroes' square, they came to the rescue. thousands of people poured into supporters from rustavelli avenue, and traffic in the center of tbilisi was completely blocked. the head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander darkvilidze, said the day before that he had authorized the use of rubber bullets, but the police for now they are refraining from extreme measures. meanwhile, the protesters continue to throw bottles and stones at the police and special forces. molotov cocktails are already in use. only the pouring rain managed to cool the ardor of protest at least a little.
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it is already clear to everyone that the protest is becoming non-peaceful. the situation is heating up day by day. the georgian authorities traditionally blame the opposition for the deterioration of the situation and, not unreasonably, hint at external forces that are adding fuel to the fire. the vice speaker of the georgian parliament especially notes: non-governmental organizations have been intruding into the political sphere for a long time, which is categorically unacceptable. when you have no chance in the elections, of course, destabilization is your only option, and we have been talking about this for so long, not to mention months and years of attempts to develop such processes in 2019, in 2020, in 2020. many experts note that the direction of the georgian protest is very similar to that which took place in kiev in the fourteenth, at the dawn of the then not yet victorious maidan, first a clash with the police, then more severe actions of the protesters, in the end it came to weapons. an interesting video: a crowd of young
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people in the pouring rain blocked one of the central streets in belize, a few minutes ago they were organized. they handed out raincoats, here's an interesting point: people in green raincoats, quite a few of them were seen last night, as if they were coordinating the actions of the protesters, literally conducting this street choir, this has already happened somewhere, yesterday it was such an aimless walk throughout the city , they had few people, but they were trained and that means what’s the plan: part of the students, these trained guys with all their equipment, and block a street somewhere to create traffic jams. it was possible, of course, at first the police really tried to disperse them, so to speak, from the idleness, and then, when even more increased, the police again did the right thing, they retreated to what is called a transport hub, heroes square in veres, and there was a colossal traffic jam there, there is irritation among drivers, and indeed there are clashes between protesters and the same drivers who were forced
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standing in traffic jams for hours because of a protest is by no means isolated, but meanwhile, those who are directing this protest... are looking for new forms of expression, protests take place not only on the streets, this is the tbilisi ballet and opera theater after a concert of the berlin philharmonic orchestra, which passed the day before. this ending to a cultural event, it must be assumed, was not to everyone’s liking; nevertheless, art should be outside of politics. stanislav bernwald, news. pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if any pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain, pentalgin, we can do without pain, and are you sure that you chose this dress yourself, or someone told you, at the bikfest
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you definitely choose, four nuggets for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price , and even more profitable, sunnies, you have online classes, our internet has run out, and so have our minutes, and dad will now activate the megafamily service, share his minutes and gigabytes, combine up to three numbers for free and receive bonus gigabytes every month, who’s here? number one? megafon, many entrepreneurs have already received money from a considerable business fund.
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now it’s your turn, alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business on thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw. and with each ticket sold is 10 rubles. will be transferred to works of mercy. buy branded tickets. yes, i myself didn’t think that i would become a driver, i haven’t had time to look back for three years already, the schedule is free, there are orders, it works out decently for the money, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, just like that, dad, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro, how do you like it,
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cool, but save up a savings account for a subscription, top it up regularly. you will save up 16% faster. magnet - the price is what you need. sausage dyndynoch 99.99. say no, it's ruined by silicone. and yes, shauma shampoo. 90% ingredients of natural origin. for healthy, beautiful hair. take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to ends. ant from greenbelt is effective against garden ants. greenbelt works. there are classics that people like more and more, classic burgers, grand and new, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious and
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full stop, with yota your money will not fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes of running, you can yota, deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. military intelligence of ukraine recognized the impossibility of kiev’s victory on the battlefield, this was stated by the deputy head of the main intelligence department of the medical defense of ukraine vadim skibitsky in an interview with the british newspaper guardian. natalia solovyova has details. the tactical success of the russian army in ukraine is developing into a strategic one. military support from the united states was not enough for kiev, the mood in the banking sector is becoming increasingly gloomy, one of the main mouthpieces of the anglo-saxon world, the economist the deputy head
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of ukrainian military intelligence, skibitsky, comes out with alarming revelations. according to him , the capture of chasofir, which is the key to the liberation of other cities in donbass, is a matter of time. there is no longer any need to talk about the boundaries of the ninety-first year. general skibitsky does not see the possibility of winning a war with russia solely on the battlefield, even if it were possible. throw russian troops to the borders, this would not put an end to the fighting, they can only end with agreements, right now both countries are fighting for the most advantageous position before potential negotiations, which may not begin until the second half of twenty- five. while the russian army acts as a single organism with a clear plan, the position of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield is getting worse, american assistance is late, and it is unclear when weapons leak to the front. such a prolongation of the conflict plays into the hands of...
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even the most loyal supporters do not believe in the victory of ukraine on the battlefield. during the 2 years of the conflict, european industrialists have not taken a war footing, i assume that american generosity is about to end. it is possible that both democrats and republicans perceived the decision to provide arms assistance as essentially the last straw that could be given to the ukrainians. according to american politicians, ukraine should use this tranche in such a way as to gain stronger support in the negotiations. and this means that kiev will try to push through zelensky’s formula on the so-called.
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use for attacks on russian territory. despite the fact that in the british they allegedly set conditions: they cannot in our understanding, crimea, donbass and novorosiya are not considered russian territory. kiev took advantage of this. storm shadow was directed towards crimea towards other regions, well, the british seemed to turn a blind eye, did not notice, but now through the mouth of the minister of foreign affairs it turns out that permission is being given. british curators encourage their kiev ones. another very dangerous statement, we see such verbal
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escalation. on the part of official representatives we see at the level of heads of state, when it comes to france, at at a more expert level when it comes to the uk, but this is a direct escalation of tension around the ukrainian conflict, which could potentially pose a danger to european security, the entire european security architecture, here we see such a dangerous tendency to escalate tension in official statements, this causes our concern, we continue and... we will continue our special military operation until all our goals are achieved. meanwhile, london and kiev, through publications in yellow press, openly threaten to strike the crimean bridge, including with british missiles. in moscow this is perceived as a direct threat. any aggressive actions against crimea are not only doomed to failure, but will also receive a blow of retaliation that will be crushing. these are the words of
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a mead spokesman. russia maria zakharova, that is, aggressive rhetoric will affect not only the kiev regime, but also its owners. it’s not news to us that the collective west not only turns a blind eye to all the crimes of kievsky regime, but also openly encourages and pushes them to commit. they not only historically push others down the road leading to terrorist activity. they themselves think so. cameron’s words are another evidence of the very hybrid war that the collective west is waging against our country, to which our country gives an answer and will continue to do so. it is curious that the publication of rator coincided with a statement on the official website of the british foreign ministry reporting on cameron’s visit to kiev. meeting with the head ukrainian foreign minister kuleboy, words about the future, a quote from the hundred-year partnership between london and kiev,
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as well.
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he planned to carry out terrorist attacks in the moscow and leningrad regions. the fsb was informed about this. before this, operatives tried to detain the suspect in the moscow region, but he managed to escape. anastasia ponko has details. operational footage shows a ukrainian saboteur trying to hide from the fsb. he was preparing for several terrorist attacks at once. he wanted to blow up ministry of defense facilities, a volunteer center and a fuel terminal in leningradskaya areas. but the security forces stopped these plans. and... an agent of the ukrainian military intelligence came to take explosives and weapons from the cache, when they tried to detain him, he began to shoot at the fsb officers. he was immediately killed by return fire. the phone found on his phone contained correspondence with a ukrainian curator, in which the details of the terrorist attack in the lino region and the moscow region, where the saboteur had already visited, were worked out. ukrainian intelligence officers even discussed the possibility of carrying out terrorist attacks in the baltics in orthodox churches and others places of residence of russian-speaking residents.
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elements of an explosive device, weapons and ammunition. it was fsb officers who found it in the car of a ukrainian saboteur, which he abandoned while hiding from security forces in the moscow region. he knew very well how to work with this arsenal and was trained in mine explosives in lithuania. there they also explained to him how to handle weapons. he arrived in russia in march of this year. in mishcherskoye he rented an apartment where his belongings remained. he himself allegedly worked as a car mechanic. the coordinator told them and explained that there was a big accumulation of residential buildings. there are children's facilities, there are sports facilities, respectively, if there are flights there, a lot of people will suffer, and this is a shot of the interrogation of another saboteur, a woman from the city of antratsit in the lpr by phone transmitted data to the ssu on where it is better to aim so that there are more victims , there in the lugansk people's republic, security forces detained a citizen of ukraine, she was also in touch with the ukrainian armed forces, for 2 months she transmitted data to the enemy about the location of russian equipment, i realized that... people were suffering.
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