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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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device, weapons and ammunition. it was fsb officers who found it in the car of a ukrainian saboteur, which he abandoned while hiding from security forces in the moscow region. he knew very well how to work with this arsenal and was trained in mine explosives in lithuania. there they also explained to him how to handle weapons. he arrived in russia in march of this year. in mishcherskoye he rented an apartment where his belongings remained. he himself allegedly worked as a car mechanic. the coordinator informed them and explained that there was a large cluster of residential buildings there. ski facilities, there are sports facilities, accordingly, if there are arrivals there, a lot of people will suffer, and this is footage of the interrogation of another saboteur, a woman from the city of antratsit in the lpr by phone transmitted to the ssu data on where it is better to aim so that there are more victims, security forces are also there in the lugansk people's republic a ukrainian citizen was detained; she was also in contact with the ukrainian armed forces. for 2 months she transmitted data to the enemy about the location of russian equipment. i realized that people could get hurt, yes.
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civilians, well, if i could go back and rewind this time, of course i would she didn’t do it, but repentance won’t help the woman now, a criminal case has already been opened against her and is being investigated under the article of espionage, she could face imprisonment for up to 20 years. anastasia ponko, anna nikulaesh, lead. russian units retook 547 km.
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what is the ukrainian armed forces’ defense line like now? this is a system of hacked ukrainian strongholds that the militants, no matter how long they held, are surrendering at what cost? and now in detail. russian defense minister sergei shaigu during a thematic conference call announced important figures. this year alone, losses in the ssu exceeded 111,000 people. 21.00 weapons. daily losses increased in april. up to a thousand militants. a ukrainian armed forces unit is trying to cling to certain lines, but under our onslaught they are forced to abandon their positions and retreat. since the beginning of the year, we have taken control of 547 square kilometers of territory in new regions of the country. they cling to what would be wiser to leave and run, they run, but when there is already an obvious failure, leaving the wounded and dead on the field. technology,
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which never affected the course of hostilities . and the result of the past two weeks , the russian armed forces liberated novobakhmutovka, semyonovka, berdychi, this is all the avdeevka direction, zelensky’s formation is moving further and further away from avdeevka, which the ukrainian command described in colorful terms as a reliable line, indestructible. but really, what can you say, just to lure more men to the front, but no one believes in syrsky’s stories, they are sent by force. the kiev regime is tightening mobilization, ukrainians who do not want to fight are forcibly sends them to the front line, in fact, they are still being thrown to slaughter, such an inhumane attitude towards their population testifies to the desire of the ukrainian authorities to curry favor with their western masters in order to continue to receive financial and military assistance from them. the west continues to provide military assistance. for every dollar
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he asks from the kiev leadership. sergei shaigu again emphasized the states and the company demands to prevent the collapse of defense and to restrain the offensive of russian troops at any cost. but it doesn’t work? one can imagine the degree of dissatisfaction among western curators in kiev after the appearance in the center of moscow of an exhibition of captured equipment, which caused an incredible stir, and yet the picture has already spread all over the world. for nato pr people, their armored vehicles are a shame. and the piggy bank of destroyed western equipment is only replenished. our marines of the pacific fleet hit a convoy the day before in the southern donetsk direction, among the combat units was the american maxpro. they are usually treated with lancets. pre-launching deep into the defense reconnaissance drones. from above, a lot of interesting things are revealed and a lot of things are subsequently eliminated. units of the vostok group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the formation. the ukrainian armed forces in the staromayorsky and
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prichistovka areas repelled three counterattacks by assault groups of the 106th territorial defense brigade in the urozhainy area. enemy losses amounted to up to 135 military personnel, two vehicles, and an m777 howitzer. and here is also footage of destruction, but this is a warehouse, a field ammunition supply point for the ukrainian armed forces, already on fire. took off on air after a targeted hit by our artillerymen from the center group. targeted strikes to the rear in the ssu also do not stop. our intelligence regularly provides new and new coordinates of rear facilities involved in the need. ukrainian army. assembly shops, power facilities, personnel locations are flown to the target every day. the result of the past 24 hours, the german iris launcher and s-300 launchers were eliminated, and the oil depot involved in supplying fuel to military units of the armed forces of ukraine received a serious defeat. in
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in the zaporozhye city of takmak , an apartment building again came under fire. governor evgeniy baltski announced this. according to him. but there may be people under the rubble of the five-story building, and rescuers are working there now. let us remind you that on april 26 , an apartment building was also attacked in the ukrainian armed forces, one person was killed, four were injured, and before that , residential areas of the city were shelled in the ukrainian armed forces on april 12, then 16 people were killed and 28 civilians were wounded. on the first day of the exhibition of captured equipment, it opened this wednesday 1st of may. more than eighty people came to the worship mountain. human. sergei shaigu spoke about this today. the minister of defense recalled that the exhibition will be open throughout may. its opening was timed to coincide with the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. captured weapons and equipment were captured during a special military
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operation. on poklonnaya hill you can see american abrams, bradleys, german leopards and marders, as well as other foreign samples, including those made in great britain, the czech republic, france and finland and now our correspondent egor grigoriev continues to work on poklonnaya hill. he again comes into direct contact with the studio. egor, welcome. egor, judging by the footage, the cold weather does not frighten visitors. which exhibits arouse the greatest interest in your opinion? and how many guests are there at all? does this excitement continue? olga, artyom, hello, there are more and more people because it’s a weekday. after work , everyone flocks here to poklonnaya hill to look at the captured units of military equipment that our soldiers got, captured and brought here from the fields of the northern military district, you can see how many people are taking pictures now, for example, next to
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this turkish armored car kirpi, i’m reading this information, short about the technical characteristics of this vehicle, i’ll add... then more than 200 units of such equipment was delivered to the ssu, supplied by turkey, and before that this vehicle, together with our peacekeepers , was engaged, for example, in patrolling in syria. if we take a look, i’ll ask the operator to show us whether traces of a hit on the windshield are visible, these are precisely traces from small arms and...
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were clearly interested in what they saw, they
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took a lot of selfies, that is, photographs with samples of equipment and weapons, communicated with each other, but for representatives of the media, probably, they were few, less willing to communicate with us , but we still managed to record short interviews, let’s listen, there is... i think my government will release a statement that this equipment was transferred to a third party, and from there it somehow got to
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ukraine. president biden said abrams - the most powerful tank in the world, and today we see it burned out here. yes, in war equipment is destroyed if it is not maneuverable enough. we are standing right next to the american abrams tank, probably from an information point of view, and this is the most popular model of nato weapons supplied to ukraine, because the american media have been gleaning a lot of information, yes egor, thank you, thank you very much, in direct communication with victory park was our correspondent egor grigoriev. now advertising. contribution - best percentage up to 16%
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these are the facts, we continue, only a few days
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remain until victory day. this year , more than 9,000 people will take part in the parade on red square. and 70 units of equipment, as sergei shaigu said, at a conference call with the leadership of the russian armed forces, the foot column included regiments, battalions and companies by types and branches of troops, crews from svorov, nokhimov, cadet and music schools, young army men, military women, cossacks combined military orchestra. also , our heroes, participants in a special military operation, will march across red square, and the parade will end. flight of aviation groups russian knights swifts. the dress rehearsal for the parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war is scheduled for may 5. as for the russian regions, military parades on victory day will be held in seven cities of heroes and eighteen cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets and combined arms are located
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armies. in total , about 150,000 people will be involved in the celebration of victory day in russia. 2500 types of weapons and military equipment. in addition, it organizes ceremonial events with the participation of garrison troops in more than 300 settlements. well , throughout the country these days, preparations are underway for may 9, the people's front at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden today launched an international patriotic action with the fire of memory. report by anna voronina. this fire that has been burning for 57 years in the very heart of the capital, in memory of the fallen defenders fatherland, today they are solemnly transferred into special lamps to be sent, including to those who are fighting against nazism today. today's action, today's laying on of it, is such a sign of great continuity between what our
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grandfathers did during the great patriotic war, in whose honor the eternal flame was lit. here in the alexander garden in the most sacred place for all residents of our country by our guys, who today in the trenches are bringing our today’s victory closer. lamps with particles of eternal flame, participants of the popular front they are carefully carried into cars to deliver it to svo participants and veterans not only in russia, but abroad. the sacred fire will go to countries in europe, asia and africa, including algeria, germany, cyprus, tunisia, uzbekistan and serbia. now from here, from the kremlin wall. the fire of victory will be sent to all major cities of russia, from vladivostok to kaliningrad, including to new territories, and our group is bringing this fire to the lugansk region.
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citizen of the russian federation, especially in the hearts of our youth. and our task is make every effort so that such actions, dozens of other similar actions, and the work of every large company, state corporation, are aimed at lighting the flames of memory, as i have already said, in the hearts of each of us. but representatives of russian youth themselves understand the importance of preserving the memory of the defenders of the fatherland. on poklonnaya hill , activists of the youth and young guard deployed georgiy.
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for centuries, military personnel and cadets have laid flowers at the monument to soldiers of the internal troops. in the khantemansi autonomous okrug they are preparing for to carry out the immortal regiment in the sky, more than 800 portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war will be placed on the legendary yaga large biplane an-2. we usually paste portraits of our relatives around this space between the booths. so that during the flight they are with us, in the krasnoyarsk territory a parade has already been held under the windows of 97-year-old veteran alexei khrulev,
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activists of the first movement marched solemnly near his house in the village of elovoy, and they also brought order to his site, somehow you look and are proud, and i want such people to live longer, well , it’s very emotional, i almost shed a tear, i feel sorry for neither the time nor the energy, here and... the strong don’t need strength, here, this is what we do, and it’s very pleasant, in any case, this good deed. young people also pay tribute to those who were unable to return from the battlefield. on the eve of victory day, young activists, as part of the “restore the hero’s name” campaign throughout the country, cleaned up more than 13,000 monuments, memorials, obelisks and military graves. anna voronina, anna nikulaesh, lead. go out it’s profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies,
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broadcast. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. anastasia ivleeva celebrated her birthday in donbass. in march, she visited several cities, including mariupol. the blogger said that she did not advertise her trip to donbass. she wanted to form her own opinion without unnecessary comments. i was in donbass. this decision was made, in agreement with the fact that... that donbass is not a holiday destination and secondly, we, that is, i i told you about the stage of rethinking and for me this is a rather intimate moment and since i am responsible and approached this so subtly and it was very important for me to go on my own so that, well, in terms of myself without highlighting the media, unnecessary comments, opinions and so on, that is, so that build your impression, understand your
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feelings. well, in general , i did that to get to know the regions and the people who live there.
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