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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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cooperation in the fight against terrorism was discussed by vladimir putin and president of tajikistan emmali rahmon by telephone today, as reported in the kremlin, they also discussed cooperation
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in the long-term period until 2030, and let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches to budget policy, including planning the country’s main financial document based on budget rules. well, in st. petersburg , meanwhile, a major overhaul of the nevsky prospect began avenue. in total, it is planned to repair 72 facades and 62 roofs. until 2027. the restoration will begin with staronevsky, parts of the avenue are located between alexandra nevskaya lava, vosstaniya square. according to the press service of the city administration, 2.5 billion rubles have been allocated for the nevsky prospect program. in the first year they plan to repair more than 40 facades and 30 roofs. all work, if necessary, will be carried out comprehensively. during the clearing process they are revealed.
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late additional layouts and domasks, which are directly removed after they are identified, and accordingly it reaches the historical layer, the historical plaster. the nevsky restoration program will be supervised by the housing committee, and the committee for state control, use and protection of historical and cultural monuments will act as the executor, since most of the buildings on nevsky prospekt are recognized as cultural heritage sites and require their restoration. a special approach with the study of historical materials, the involvement of specialists who they will accurately restore the artistic decoration, as well as the appearance of historical buildings, which will be restored using archival documents. each house requires special treatment, so photographic recordings, layer-by-layer clearing, measurements, and research are carried out. specialists select the desired color for buildings, taking into account the city’s palette, which includes 40 shades traditional for st. petersburg. well, on to other topics, military intelligence.
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the mood at the bank is getting gloomier, one of the main sources of the anglo-saxon world, the publication the economist, comes out with alarming revelations from the deputy head of military intelligence of ukraine skibitsky. according to him, the capture of chasovyar, which is the key to the liberation of other cities of donbass, is a matter of time; there is no need to talk about any borders of the ninety-first year. general skibitsky does not see the possibility of winning a war with russia solely on the battlefield. even if it were possible to push back russian troops to the borders, this would not put an end to the fighting. they can only end in agreements. right now both sides are fighting for the most advantageous position ahead of potential negotiations, which
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may not begin until the second half of twenty-five. while the russian army acts as a single organism with a clear plan, the position of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield is getting worse. american help. it is late when weapons leak to the front, it is unclear whether such a prolongation of the conflict plays into the hands of the united states and its military-industrial complex. hungary has long advocated peace talks. an adviser to prime minister orban said in an interview with american journalist tucker carlson. the west's position is not getting better. daily hundreds, thousands of people are dying in vain. and our conditions for achieving peace and stability are deteriorating. our task now is to emphasize the point that this war is not. in our interests, it must be stopped immediately. unlike the united states, europe is in no hurry to transfer weapons to kiev; even its most loyal supporters do not believe in ukraine’s victory on the battlefield. during the 2 years of the conflict , european industrialists never took the war footing, assuming that american generosity was about to end. it is possible
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that both democrats and republicans perceived the decision to provide arms assistance is essentially the last straw that can be given to the ukrainians. according to american politicians, ukraine should use this tranche in such a way as to receive. kiev will try to push the so-called peace summit in switzerland, 120 participating countries have been announced, invitations have been sent out, but the question is who will respond. in brazil, the forum was considered unpromising by russia's indifference, and the very fact that the initiator was the president of ukraine was rather repulsive. moreover, peace initiatives proposed by other countries including china, they are not going to discuss it, so why go? russia will not be effective at... what was present is constantly being carried out at different levels regarding china, we are doing everything to china levels with the participation of our partners in consultations. russia did not initially intend to participate in this format; switzerland has long lost its neutral status and the ability
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to act as a mediator. unfortunately, there is nothing new in the undertakings of the swiss, this is an outright trick, we understand all this perfectly well, kiev offered the same thing when persuading the countries global south. connect to at least one of the ten points of zelensky’s formula, and then interpret this as some kind of collective approval of all its provisions. we understand perfectly well what we are talking about. we once again call on our partners from the world majority countries not to allow themselves to be drawn into yet another anti-russian adventure by the west and the kiev regime. the russian media emphasized: there is no point in talking with those who are not yet interested in peace, but only in the strategic defeat of russia. natalia solovyova, ekaterina shamaeva and evgenia zemtsova. news. the head of the british foreign ministry does not see the need to send nato troops to ukraine. david cameron considers this a dangerous escalation. but he did not prohibit kiev from launching strikes on russian territory, saying that ukraine itself must decide how to use the supplied weapons. about
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london's role in the ukrainian conflict. varvara nevskaya. $3.74 billion annually. this is exactly the amount of military assistance based on the results of his visit. ukraine annually and for as long as necessary. another point of negotiations between the head of the foreign office and zelensky became an agreement on a centenary partnership aimed at strengthening relations between london and kiev in all key areas, from security to culture. later, in an interview after the meeting, cameron said: foggy albion did everything it could to provide ukraine. necessary military assistance, but how to use it is up to her, let her decide for herself. as for the actions on the part of the ukrainians, in our opinion, they themselves must decide how to use these weapons; they are not defending their country, which was illegally attacked by putin, they
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must take these steps. we are not discussing any terms on our part on this issue, let's be clear, it was russia that attacked ukraine, and ukraine has. full right to strike back at russia. it is noteworthy that on the eve of doubts about whether ukraine really has such a right, apparently visited the british government. writers, who published cameron's scandalous statement, hastened to delete the article in order to quote and reconsider some details. for the first time so openly, western the politician admitted what has long been an open secret for all countries of the world majority . the west is waging an open war against russia at the hands of ukrainians. but it turned out to be so self-incriminating, it was so... obvious self-exposure and evidence of its own crimes, that 2 hours after this
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publication appeared, apparently under pressure from downing street, the reitor agency deleted this material, although by the morning of the interview minister reappeared on the agency’s website without changes, also the day before no less the french president also gave a resonant interview to the press; in a conversation with the economist , emman macron again returned to... if the russians had broken through the front line, if ukraine had received a request, which is not the case today, we would legally have to ask ourselves this question, so i think that to rule this out a priori is to fail to learn the lessons of the last two years. macron also noted that other western powers should not rule out this option, because in the summer of 2022 they also ruled it out.
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in particular, there is such a dangerous trend here we note the escalation of tension in official statements; this causes our concern. of course, washington cannot stay away from the escalation of the conflict. politico, citing pentagon sources, said the production lines producing the army's atakemos tactical missile system are producing enough long -range missiles that the us department of defense no longer has to worry about depleting its own reserves by sending them to ukraine. updated production information came from army acquisition chief doug bush on
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thursday. he said that a significant number of missiles that were ordered many years ago have begun to arrive at just the right time to be able to support the way we already support ukraine without losing combat readiness. the increase in supplies to atakomos, as the publication writes, will last at least until the end of the year. true, even western experts are increasingly making statements that new batches of western weapons will provide kiev. extremely poisonous hydrocyanic acid. residents of the city are receiving emergency messages
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about the danger. authorities recommend avoiding the area, closing windows and doors, and turning off ventilation and air conditioning. but i will add that this company, among other things , produces air defense systems and rist, which are supplied to ukraine. sanaa university has invited american students suspended for supporting palestine to study in yemen. this.
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biden's position is causing not only young people to turn away from him, but most of the democratic electoral base. students they are protesting not because they support hamas, they are simply outraged by what the israeli government is doing in gaza. students
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from almost all of continental europe are unhappy with this; fifty students blocked the entrance to the higher school of journalism. from the rector's office they agreed to a multi-day protest until the end of the week, and their colleagues from paris saentispo failed to find a compromise with the leadership the day before. today they started a sit-in strike, some went on hunger strike, the educational unit promised to close the building in the center of the capital. for for european bureaucrats, the situation is worse , says the elpais newspaper. the crisis has completely divided the top of the eu. head of european diplomacy. openly criticizes the president of the commission, and for the entire bloc this is a blow before the upcoming parliamentary elections. a new round of conflict in the middle east has become another obstacle to the formation of a unified european policy. the bloc countries with a larger share of migrants , as expected, do not support israel, which contradicts the general line of the european commission led by fondelaien, which, by the way,
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they blame her for not consulting with the leaders of european states. and therefore the chair of the head of the european commission. russia is staggering more and more under it, analysts write, especially since fondelaien was unable to solve the migration crisis in the union and effectively cope with the ukrainian conflict; when it comes to weapons, she, as an ally of american hawks, is betting on escalation , and this was stated by palestinian representatives at the un. today was the seventh and final briefing on the topic of gas for one simple reason, because that there is no point in coming here again and talking about the number of victims. the global north, americans and europeans are inactive, they say that they do not hear how they want to see those who are the voice of ordinary, albeit still young people, they die every day due to the permanent pumping of weapons into the unstable region. emil mersaev,
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news from paris, france. china launched the zhang 5c' rocket. probe, it has already entered the earth-moon transfer orbit. an automatic space station consists of an orbital, landing, and take-off return modules. on board the landing station contains scientific instruments from different countries. the mission plans to collect soil samples from the far side of the moon for the first time. now it's time for economic news. the first russian companies were able to recover funds from the belgian depository euroclear. they became rosbank. and uk-leader, a subsidiary of gazprom and vbrf. newsletters write about this with reference to sources. prior to this, both companies achieved satisfaction of euroclear's claims, after which they demanded to forcibly recover the money. mts bank and bank will also soon be able to receive their funds saint petersburg. in total , almost 18.5 billion rubles can be seized in all these cases.
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arkady volush will be able to return to managing the dutch yandex-nvi, this is stated in the company’s report. previously, the entrepreneur renounced this right due to eu and swiss sanctions, which were imposed on him in june 2022 and lifted in march of this year. volozh, through a family foundation, owns a 45% stake in voting shares. let me remind you that yandex’s russian assets are being transferred to a consortium of private investors, they will pay yandex nv 475 billion rubles. sofcombank at the end of the quarter almost reduced net profit three times, he earned less than 11.5%. rubles, as stated in the ras report. the loan portfolio increased by 9%, exceeding 2.640 billion. through clients, the increase was less significant, plus 2%. total. against the backdrop of reporting, the bank's shares went down and are now declining within 3.5%. and turkish president recep tayyip erdogan announced a cessation of trade
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with israel, a decision made due to the conflict in the gas sector. according to erdogan, the situation that has developed between israel and palestine is unacceptable. türkiye stops trade turnover with a country that - quote: killed 40-45. palestinians. the ban will remain in effect until tel aviv ceases hostilities. in the enclave. it was economic news. short. tybilisa and washington will need to make efforts to reset relations amid the disagreements caused by the bill on binary agents. this was stated by prime minister of georgia irakli kabakhidze. he canceled his visit to the united states in response to the american side's demand to stop discussing the document. let me remind you, parliament managed to approve the new bill in two readings, which caused a wave of protests in georgia. he is monitoring the situation.
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thousands of people poured from rustavelli avenue to help their supporters, and traffic in the center of tbilisi was completely blocked. the head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander darkvilidze , said the day before that he had authorized the use of rubber bullets, but the police were so far refraining from extreme measures. meanwhile, the protesters continue to throw bottles and stones at the police and special forces. the entrance is already on its way to about that the protest is becoming non-peaceful is already clear
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to everyone, the situation is heating up day by day, the georgian authorities traditionally blame the opposition for the deterioration of the situation and, not unreasonably, hint at external forces that add fuel to the fire, the vice-speaker of the georgian parliament especially notes that non-governmental organizations have been invading the political sphere, which is categorical. it is unacceptable when you have no chance in the elections, of course, destabilization is your only way out, and we have been talking about this for so long, not that for months and years there have been attempts to develop such processes in 2019, in 2020, in 2022 now. many experts note that the direction of the georgian protest is very similar to that which took place in kiev in the fourteenth, at the dawn of the then not yet victorious maidan, first a clash with the police, then more harsh actions of the protesters, in the end it came to...
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equipment and block a street somewhere, these trained guys with everything they had to create traffic jams, they succeeded, of course, at the beginning the police really tried them, so to speak, to disturb or disperse, and then, when even more increased, the police again did the right thing, they retreated to what is called a transport hub, heroes square, velisi, and there is a colossal... traffic jam, there is irritation of drivers, because really clashes between protesters and the same drivers who were forced to stand in traffic jams for hours because of the protest are by no means
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isolated, and meanwhile those who are directing this protest are looking for new forms of expression. protests take place not only on the streets, but also tbilisi ballet and opera theater after the concert of the berlin philharmonic orchestra, which took place the day before, such a finale... a decrease in interest in apple products is recorded in china and japan, analysts predict a decline in sales in russia. apple officially left russia for 2 years. ago, and now authorized service centers have run out of original components, how will they repair the equipment, maria slobodyanskaya found out. instead of the native screen
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as much as possible. a similar analogue instead of an old battery, a new one, but from a different one devices, this is today's reality for all owners of apple equipment, the original components have run out and are no longer officially supplied, which means that repairing an iphone or macbook has become much more difficult. on the official apple website there is a list of certified centers operating in moscow, but, for example, they will not help with a broken camera. over the phone we were told that there were simply no details. apple has stopped supplying components for repairing its gadgets since march of this year. finished by this time warranty obligations for all equipment purchased before the company left russia. 2 years have passed, the company obviously no longer sold new phones here and considered its, let’s say, work done, now there will essentially be no authorized service centers, they should turn, they will be if they want to continue to work simply as service centers. it is not difficult to find the necessary parts in numerous metropolitan markets, and they can offer both analogues of different prices and supposedly
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original spare parts from... brought from cis countries. sellers of such components claim that installing a non-original part will not affect the operation of the phone. but in reality this is not entirely true. if we are talking, for example, about glass, then the replacement can really go without a trace, but if something more serious needs to be repaired, then the part can reduce the performance of the device or be completely incompatible with it. a large selection on internet sites for an original display on the iphone, more than 10,000 offers costing from 2 to 30,000. but in this case experts say there are even more risks, a number of services use donor devices for video components as repairs, the donor could be a device, for example, that is cleaned as stolen, and if its strong number suddenly appears in a new phone, and the pilaf statistics see this in the database, they will notice that it is stolen and can completely block the phone and the phone is simply a replacement for the official warranty, today
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retailers offer it, they buy equipment in neighboring countries and provide service according to the same model that the manufacturing company did. the selection of equipment in stores is still huge, ranging from those that were produced several years ago to the latest models, however, due to the lack of official demo versions, it is now hidden behind closed display cases, and to touch the gadget with your own hands, you will need an employee key. the store gives a 1-year guarantee for equipment purchased from itself; if something happens to the gadget, it... will be repaired using the same original spare parts imported through parallel imports or will offer buu parts. in the same way, the parallel import mechanism is used here, and there are spare parts that come from other eu countries, and also in the repair market , the practice is actively used when an already used smartphone or some kind of equipment is disassembled into spare parts and these parts are actually used for repair . the main
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problem is the prices... i've come to know what spare parts are available, what spare parts are not, and then the service can be lengthened. all these maintenance difficulties may sway users towards other devices, experts are sure. many chinese manufacturers have an official representative office in russia, which means replacing a laptop with a new one under warranty or replacing a part will not be difficult. yes, in terms of functionality, some smartphones have long surpassed apple in terms of convenience, so if earlier apple won due to the brand and comfort for
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users, now that it started... on the eve of victory day, vladimir putin spoke on the phone with emmali rakhmon. the heads of state discussed joint participation in the ceremonial events on may 9 in moscow, to which the president of tajikistan was invited. the conversation also focused on cooperation in the fight against terrorism and the situation in the migration sphere. how.


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