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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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it’s not worth laughing, if the animals could talk, it’s scary to imagine what secrets of this place they would tell the prosecutor’s office, but while the zoo continues to operate despite the scandal, what fate awaits the other animals, one can only guess, the sad monkey is sitting, the orangutan, what are you doing so sad? alina skachkova, alexander smychek, ivan knyazev, lead the duty department, the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels, lead the duty department and an honest detective, follow along with us until... on this that's it, tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30, and after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue with the senate program. deposit - the best interest up to
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and loved, it evokes pride every year and only strengthens the desire to preserve the memory. on may 9, russia will celebrate the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. every. year this date reminds different generations not only an important part of history for the whole world, every spring, on this day we also remember that at any time and under any circumstances it is important, first of all, to remain human. today, together with you, we will live the stories of our heroes, those who brought victory closer at the front in the rear, those who returned from battle and those who died performing a real feat, but continue to live in the hearts of their children and grandchildren. the senate program in its format traditionally joins the international one. immortal regiment senators on our air share the stories of their heroes.
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and the vologda region was a front-line region, it all turned into one big evacuation hospital, through which millions and millions of wounded passed. which our doctors put on their feet and returned to the regular troops, of course, every family in our vologda region throughout the country was directly affected by the war, both my grandfathers and tsykin ivan ivanovich and kuvshinnikov nikolai nikolaevich went through the entire war from the first days to its end, to the great victory in '45, both were wounded, but ended the war with orders, medals and...
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it was decided to form cherepoevsky defense committees and attract more than 60 thousand residents from all over the vologda province to the construction of defense structures , and my grandfather nikolai nikolaevich was among these fighters, and the construction of these defense structures began in mid- october of the forty-first year and that was it. .. the hardest work, autumn, slush, winter, there was practically no supply of ammunition, ammunition, food was delivered irregularly, because all this was directed primarily to the front, already by the end of october, my exhausted grandfather
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nikolai nikolaevich wrote a letter to his wife, glafera aleksanovna kuvshinnikova, about his plight and that he was seriously ill, threw everything, took food, took a piglet that was in the household, went to the construction of defense buildings, where children were practically dying of hunger, of cold, she nursed him back to health, she cured him at the beginning of forty -two, and he, having recovered, went to the front in the regular troops, he is in an artillery battalion, which went through the entire war and rose to the rank of foreman.
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and the command came to restore, immediately restore the combat capability of the batteries, which the grandfather did, at the appointed time - the katyusha battery reached the specified line, completed the combat mission, and for this the grandfather was nominated for the award of the order of the red star, and of course he received this order in 1945 and as an order bearer he returned to his... homeland of all turundaev, where he was met by his wife, where he was met by his children, including my father, returned to the hero and exploits of my second grandfather, ivan ivanovich tsikin, who was born in the village of maseevo, totemsky district of the vologda province, he served in a
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support regiment, uh, the provision of food, ammunition, equipment, and uniforms for the troops fell on his shoulders. the southern front, and also heroic events accompanied his entire service, first of all , the liberation of donbass, the liberation of sevastopol, novorossiysk, crimea, he 30 times... in icy water forced the harvest and liberated crimea, for this he was nominated for a military order, red banner, he went through the entire war, ended this war in the baltic states, awarded medals for the restoration of kengsberg, for the liberation of the baltic states, these are the memories that he brought, having gone through the entire war, returning to his native collective farm, he was the chairman of the collective farm after the end of the war and... i, as a boy, came to the village every summer, in the spring on victory day,
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it was our family tradition to come and congratulate my father in the village of maseevo, and i remember the episode when fellow soldiers gathered at the table, a cut glass of vodka, a piece of black bread, they cried and drank. for me this will remain in my memory for the rest of my life this grandmother's house, this barracks was for two
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families, she came to sakhalin after the war, six sons, grandfather died, i was little, i didn’t understand yet, the room was small, these little frills were on his bed in it, a chest of drawers and a triangle like that, i i held it in my hands 100 times, there are literally two lines, remember, soldiers still had crayon pencils like that, well, children don’t remember anymore, probably modern. it says: dear claudia, we are approaching stalingrad, everything is being heavily bombed. my grandfather went to the front at the age of 40, he was very authoritative, an experienced driver, this is the city of skovorodino, mursk region, so he made his way 30 times, they didn’t let him in, six children, especially all after 2 years, dad was just born, he was little, so he was born in march, and grandfather went to the front in may , and disappeared without a trace, so his father was looking for him, my uncles... they found him literally 8-9 years ago, thanks to the military archive,
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thanks to the volunteers, thanks to the archive of the city of serafimovich, here we are 80 years later, exactly on the day when he died on august 20 , 1942 at an altitude of 197.4, backwater farm, this is near serafimovichi, i was his wife that day at his mass grave, there were about 200 people on the table, so i remember... a photograph, when the archives first found them, there was a small hailstone on the fence, and there were four red metal sheets, on one of them, red army soldier alexey georgievich khapochkin, 1902-1942 year of death, that’s why it’s an amazing feeling, it’s to the core, because when they showed us that height, when they say, my grandfather has an award, he has an award, my grandfather had no reward, he died in... the assault and i understand what kind of people we had, get up there, then you understand, you have to live there for 3 minutes, 3 seconds, it’s direct
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visibility, 600 m, shoot, whatever you want to do, that’s why it was three assaults, the medveditsa river went into tikhidon, and non-locals call it the valley of death, this place is there, you stood up, you are already a hero, you are almost mortal, the second battalion walked over the bodies of the first, the third battalion walked along... so took the height, just took this height, the germans immediately left the city of sirafimovich, let me remind you that this it was the summer of forty-two, when the germans were already beginning to attack stalingrad, but what kind of commanders-in-chief we had, that precisely in the north-west, northern sfimovich is located about 200 km, our troops, already strategically understanding that stalingrad would be held, were already approaching from above the encirclement of stalingrad in six months, yes... february, and i kept thinking that my grandfather had died, the whole company had died, the far eastern one, that
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they were defending serafimovich, no, they had already taken him, can you imagine, this was six months before the victory at stalingrad, that’s the whole company was buried, as it is written in the funeral service, in the garden of such and such a house, that’s where this grave is now, i took the earth from there, i brought it with my grandmother to the grave from his wife, i’ll put it on the grave, i don’t know at all whether i would have gone into this attack, because there literally, well... i understand that that’s all, these are our grandfathers, fathers, and we need to write and talk about this, because no one in a single family in russia would lose a grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, and so on. and so on, i am very proud of my grandfather and that year i was not able to come with my wife, but now we have our own volunteer group, last year we visited with our own, as we say, caravan and 16 times danbas, we collected humanitarian aid, we loaded up, the guys left, we bought a communication system for our thirty-ninth brigade for a tank battalion and a little
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more communications for our platoon scouts and grenade launchers, that is, we work in a targeted manner. we take you there directly, that’s why i couldn’t come last year, but this year we’ll visit either on may 9 or again on august 20, this is because it’s a tribute to respect, memory and just not yet you touch these places, where the spirit of your grandfather, the spirit of our heroes, great-grandfathers, we will not understand what kind of war there was, even we were brought up on the right textbooks, on the right books, on the right films, but only there you feel what it’s like to fight and what was it like to go on the attack behind your homeland? therefore, eternal bright memory to our heroes, my story today is about the exploits of my wife’s grandfather, vasily semenovich loginov, who was born in 1919, in an old
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ryazan village, mostly back in 1676, tribune, 2 years old. having served in the ranks of the soviet army, he was immediately mobilized to the front without coming home. the ranks of the 274th infantry division, 130th, a separate anti-tank division, were called up as crew commander. having gone all the way with the division from stalingrad to the left bank of the dnieper, the division was given the command to cross the dnieper river. in the area of ​​the farm. khreshchatyk, then it was the fifty -second army, the second ukrainian front, this operation was supposed to distract fascist troops from the main attack of our troops in the nikopol-krivoy rog direction, imagine the situation, the first level of defense the nazis were located along the water's edge, and
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given that the right bank of the dnieper or the western bank of the dnieper is much higher than the left, what did our soldiers have to experience when crossing? a few numbers, terrible numbers: in the first 3 days of september 29, 30, 31, when the dnieper was crossed, 1,235 people from the division crossed to the right bank, by the end of october 3 there were 700 people alive, that is, these were the losses these days , and with the very first throw of 929 riflemen... the regiment of this division entered the khreshchatyk farmstead, so the germans were stunned by this throw and occupied defense on the eastern outskirts of this village. having come to their senses, the fascists rushed into a counterattack every 2-3 hours, these counterattacks were going on, then hordes of the ss
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viking division stood against our fighters, these are the elite troops of the fascists, this is a tank division. consisting of two regiments: wertland and germany. and grandfather, vasily semyonovich, just forgot the crew of the legendary forty-five gun, and in the first battle he knocked out one tank. the attacks continued constantly, but in the second battle, when the entire crew was completely destroyed, he raised the soldiers to attack, like an infantryman, and the nazis were thrown back third battle. when the crew was surrounded, also when everything was destroyed, the guns, and there were no shells, he also raised all his fighters to attack, shouting hurray, the germans were thrown back, the next operation was near cherkasy, they entered cherkasy, there was a strong counterattack fascists, with the help of eighteen tanks and 500 machine gunners, in
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that battle on november 22, vasily semyonovich died a heroic death. the most terrible thing in this story is that for the battles near the khreshchatyk village , vasily semenovich was awarded the rank by order of the division, he was awarded the order red star. the order was on november 21, grandfather died on november 22, he never found out that he had received the order of the red star. he left behind a son, sasha, whom he never saw when he went into the army and then to the war. i'd like to read it out. i convey to you my ardent greetings and wish you the best health, i also convey greetings to my dear son shuri, dear nura, i sent you and your mother 700 rubles,
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give your mother 300 rubles, and give yourself 400 rubles. dear, write me a letter more often, i love you so much, and i don’t forget you with your mother and shura, now i’m on write letters more often during your holidays, i look forward to the letter , your husband vasya, this is the story of one soviet soldier: his life path, his military exploits, this sincerity in a letter to his family allows us to look at the future with confidence, and despite everything, neo-nazism will not pass, victory will be ours. now there is a small advertisement, we will be back later, don’t switch. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in
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