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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia the work is clear and precise. is
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russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, could you give me a recipe on how to achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure? in the recent past you are a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. “kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, valera is digging under you, in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into the head, this is a metaphor , look into his head, look in the application or on the website.
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i bear the surname karilin, the bearer of this surname and the grandmother who essentially raised me along with my parents galina elizarovna and her husband, ivan, who died in 1941. vasilyevich karelin, he died defending karelia. karelin from charles, kolovansky district of the novosibirsk region, ivan vasilyevich died in kareli. why was he there? because he was called up at the age of 24 in the thirty- ninth year to the russian-finnish, and after that he remained there, they were reorganized there in arkhangelsk, respectively.
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remained in the rear in asian russia in siberia, worked, she had two medals for valiant work during the great patriotic war, saved all the children, raised them, raised them, in the second line, in my line i also have to tell my mother, my grandfather , ivan ivanovich, was drafted, but shatalov, drafted in 1942, went through the entire war, came with a medal for courage with... a star, my grandmother alexandra,
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she worked in novosibirsk as a driver for a semi-tortie, at first she worked in the defense industry factory, and here i cannot say that novosibirs in the soviet accounting during the great patriotic war in terms of the number of ammunition produced, these are cartridges, mines, respectively shells, it took first place in the soviet accounting, it was engaged in the fact that ensured... the work of the defense plant, in general , i am the heir of these two families, and i am proud of the fact that both grandfathers, karelin, who laid down his life for karelia, and shatalov, who returned from the war, they defended the state, their wives worked selflessly in tlu, some fought, some provided for nationalities, no. provided by
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the red army soldiers, home front workers, soldiers of partisan detachments, and we must understand that we are flesh and blood continuous with all this, allow ourselves... state of affairs, we fought together against fascism, they are now trying to restore it, this is a threat for us, i
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came with a story about a hero of the soviet union, who comes from the lugansk people's republic, the story of ivan sergeevich malko. he was a holder of eight military orders and medals. ivan sergeevich was born into a peasant family in the village of cherkasskoe. he completed seven classes and after that began working as an assistant accountant at a brick and tile factory in his native village. in 1937, ivan sergeevich joined the ranks worker of the peasant red army. demobilized in 1940, but not for long. already from the first days of the war, he joined the ranks of the active soviet army and began his combat biography as a company sergeant major,
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but literally a year later he found himself in the thick of it, fought on the bryansk front, and was already in command of a rifleman. after the storming of könecksberg, and this was a month before victory day, the participants, members of their division, which, by the will of the lord, remained alive almost in full strength, they were put in
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trucks and taken somewhere, the soldiers joked, that for the first time since the beginning of the war they were being taken as gentlemen and they joked that most likely they... to berlin, i must say that ivan sergeevich went through the entire war from the first days literally with his own feet and until the last day, such real infantry, so the guys rode and stopped in the forest in order to rest, so they sat down in the forest, cooked themselves porridge, and the division commander announced that there was a very serious, important combat task, and it was necessary to complete it, by the seventy-fifth anniversary of lenin’s birth, and this task was crossing the odre river, task was that on that bank, on the opposite bank of the odre river, it was necessary to create a fruiting area for the further advance
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of our troops. his company was the very first to enter the river; when they reached the opposite bank, of course, they encountered enemy resistance. they were met by german tanks and infantry, and ivan sergeevich’s companies were followed by the second and third companies, and of course, they had to sit in the trenches for almost a week, resisting the enemy. the combat mission was completed successfully, and ivan sergeevich recalls that the germans surrendered literally in droves, coming out of the forest in large groups, with their hands raised and with slogans hitler kaput. at the end of the war in 1945, ivan sergeevich was awarded the title hero of the soviet union for precisely this feat for crossing the odre river. he also talked a lot about how
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unity and friendship helped him survive, win, and go through all these terrible trials. everyone fought together , shoulder to shoulder, against a common enemy. he is highly respected in the lugansk republic. memory of ivan sergeevich, because his name is really important for the history of the country and lugansk, and after the war he received a higher education and became a trade worker. it is very important for us to preserve the memory of our heroes, especially today, when our enemy is trying to distort our history, question the heroism of our ancestors, divide us, make our victory in doubt, we have no doubts. the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, including for the glory of our heroic ancestors. our
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family has a tradition, every year, on may 9th , to participate in the action with our children. regiment and we are carrying a photograph of my father, a video of ivan fedorovich, he was born in 1919 and has already passed away, but remembering my childhood years, i always noted that his stories about how he participated in the war remained in my memory. my father went to... the front in 1941, immediately after the start of the great patriotic war
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he began serving on the leningrad front, studied at the leningrad air defense school and at the same time defended the city from enemy air attacks. he often recalled how the school cadets stood on... the roofs, how they threw incendiary bombs, how they cleared away the rubble of destroyed buildings, then he served on ships after graduating from college, also in combat units that countered air attacks, and told how they, young military personnel, junior commanders went out to... the city and helped local authorities eliminate the consequences those terrible
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artillery shelling and bombings. after the leningrad front, my father was sent to the far east, where at that time they were waiting for a possible attack on the entry of war from nazi germany, the militaristic japan. and already in the forty-fifth year. stormed the defensive structures of the japanese on the islands of the kuril chain, in our
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archive there remains the gratitude of the supreme commander-in-chief of that period, stalin, to my father, for the capture of the islands of the kuril chain, in particular the island of shumshu, this is a legendary island, in fact it is... an island, the japanese garrison fell, and
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the flag of the soviet union was raised there, and we are proud of all those who defended our homeland, who liberated it from the nazi invaders, and we will do everything to today in our time to ensure the sovereignty and independence of our country, and to be worthy of the feat of those generations of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. here in the photographs is kastyukevich, his paternal grandfather, he fought, starting in 1939 in a rifle unit, he began his combat career, attacked the finnish border, defended the pskov region, after
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that he walked with his units across... the entire baltic states, in march in 1944 , he was awarded a medal for courage, he was a private, a machine gunner's assistant, that is, they, well, he brought ammunition to the machine gun. in march 1944, as part of the 261st rifle regiment, there was a rather serious battle, the officers died, at that moment, when only privates remained in the company, he said: he took command of the company himself, in fact, they prevented a german counterattack, the second grandfather is alexander sergen takshaitov , i remember him, he had two wounds, he began his combat career in the stalingrad region, on the volga, he joined the guards, dnepropetrovsk rifle division, i always liked it, that’s when
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he showed medals, i always liked the order of the red star, and... he received a red star for the feat that he accomplished in march 1944, on march 14 he performed it in the village area, not even like that, shevchenko, for that... prevented the counter-offensive of two battalions, german, that is, well, the battalion at
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that time was about 250 people, that is , two battalions of 500. people went to the rue, so he received the order of the red star for this feat. my grandfather, barbashen ivan yarmalaevich, was born in 1915 in the voronezh province, then it was the village of fashchev. from the first days of the war, my legendary grandfather went to fight at the front and went through almost the entire war, in czechoslovakia he ended it, being wounded, before that he was also wounded several times, but always returned to duty. my grandfather,
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reconnaissance company commander, when i tried to find out, we made a request to the red archive. i remember they were preserved and my grandfather still has a lot of awards, so i don’t even know why, i still can’t understand , but he didn’t like to talk about the war, he was embarrassed, oddly enough, to wear his awards, that’s why , that's probably how it is the man was quite modest by
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nature, i was still little, i remember... that he loved children very much, he always put me on his shoulders, but he had strength on his shoulders, he was tall enough, and it seemed to me that i was somewhere in heaven, he worked for a short time after the war on a collective farm, was the chairman of the collective farm, died quite early, because the war affected him. injury , that’s why he died at only 60 years old, i always remember, in our family we are very... reverent about victory day, we always celebrate this holiday, we walk in the immortal regiment with my relatives, i believe,
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i am deeply confident that as long as we remember our grandfathers, grandmothers, loved ones in general, relatives, those who fought, they are all with us, they are alive, and i... believe that we should pass on this memory of them to our children, our grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, in general, so that this runs like a red thread in every family. our region was partisan. just here in the bryansk forests, naturally, all around there were constantly some kind of battles going on, there were clashes with partisans, taking into account the fact
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that there were a lot of partisans, and of course they also needed to get some kind of food at night, then, let’s say, it was possible there, if there was no snow there, so that there were no traces, they crawled to the cellar, there were conventional signs and it was necessary in...
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places where they were controlled by partisans, they knew this well, they agreed and managed to escape, came to those territories that were under the control
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of the soviet government, signed up to be called up to the front together, not far from bryansk they underwent training , he was sent a unit that...
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my guns were flying somewhere into the sky, but in the tunic there was an icon sewn up that his mother sewed up for st. nicholas the wonderworker. he pressed
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his hand and read a prayer: “lord, if you want to take me away, maybe you’ll allow me to have a son, continue my family line, and then take me away.” and in the end, he was picked up after the battle and he survived, but was seriously wounded, his whole head was exposed, and out of the seven people in the crew, this friend of his remained.
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then he made his calculations, but the pillbox remained, the commander told him what was needed, you need to go around, suppress, throw a grenade there, which was done, just for this feat he received the order of glory, he is represented in this award, then, then there was europe, the crossing of the vistula, where, too, of course, like
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a crossing... they are torn, he told me, you know, it was scary not to complete the task, so like now, here are the front-line soldiers who are fighting, defending the interests of our country, in the donbass, kherson, zaporozhye regions, they they also say
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what needs to be done, needs to be won, to win in every battle, this feeling, this sense of duty, it, of course, may, first of all, lead to a feat, only then does a person realize that he has accomplished a feat. our
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issue is completed with the upcoming holiday, the holiday of the great victory. this. they are retreating to unprepared positions, the ukrainian military is crying to western journalists, kiev has spent almost a billion dollars on building fortifications, the militants are dissatisfied, they are increasingly asking where the zelensky trench is, grant-eaters who have escaped from russia they are fighting for the fattest piece that chubais discovered in israel, where?


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