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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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our issue is completed with the upcoming holiday, the holiday of the great victory. it's a big information evening, that's what it's all about. we’ll tell you in the next hour: they are retreating to unprepared positions, the ukrainian military is crying with a western journalist. kiev has spent almost a billion dollars on the construction of fortifications, the militants are unhappy, and are increasingly asking where the trench and zelensky are. the grant-eaters who escaped from russia are fighting for the fattest piece. what did chubais discover in israel, where can they place their children on agent khodorkovsky? and what are they all for? hate
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head of the extremist fpk pevchikh. albanian nazism in ukraine, the militant kekich, liquidated near avdeevka, was a member of the neo-nazi party. how does the albanian third position recruit on social networks? who pays for internationalism in ukraine? sick people to the front, schizophrenics to the rear. the ministry of defense of ukraine has softened the requirements for future recruits to the limit; now only cancer with metastases will save you from conscription, but... how many wars can you fight with such soldiers? the symbol of the competition was distorted. the olympic flame in paris will be carried by a transvestite, minima gesture, promises to be in twenty-five-centimeter heels and in full dress. who needs this circus? we lost platoon commanders in the squad. even
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the sergeants did not survive. these are the revelations of a militant of the 67th mechanized brigade of the kiev regime, who agreed to speak to the press on condition of anonymity and said that in the battles with the russian army in the north of the dpr , essentially the entire backbone of the formation where he personally serves, as well as most of the formations in neighboring sections of the front. what reasons and not only the obvious superiority of our troops in firepower, but also the lack of any reliable defensive defenses among the ukrainian armed forces. weapons, in fact, it is precisely this issue that the material of the american news agency is largely devoted to, it recalls that several months ago zelensky promised to build 2,000 km of fortifications, well, be it a trench or anti-tank dragon teeth and stop the advance of russian fighters in the donbass, but his promise, how now it’s clear that he didn’t comply, because otherwise the ukrainian ukrainians wouldn’t have complained that they were forced looming under shelling on bare ground, why is everything like this, evgeniy nipot wondered, evgeniy, hello, but it seems that some
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budgets were actually allocated for digging trenches. alexey, hello, almost a billion dollars since the beginning of the year, and there are reasonable questions from the militants: where is the zelensky trench? they built and built and finally completed the construction, supposedly a line of defense behind which the dry landers should cling with their fingernails and teeth, but not allow the advance of russian troops. according to the plan of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, the head of the kiev regime stated that ukraine would build to 2.0 km three strips of fortifications, the lines are not that... “ they say they dug up here, and built up here, the russians should not pass through, a beautiful glossy picture, as is often the case in some places, turned out to be just a picture. the militants retreating in the donbass raised a cry in the western media, such the headline gives away the retreat is unsafe, no, it’s not about the barriers of the nazi detachment, but about the virtual absence of defensive lines in a number of directions,
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one of the militant commanders said that during the retreat he expected a labyrinth of dugouts and trenches, but his people found only a few. small pits where it was simply impossible to hide from artillery shelling, but how did this happen, because so much money was allocated, according to american media, we are talking about 38 billion hryvnia, almost 960 million dollars, and this is only from the beginning of the year, before -they didn’t think about it, because there was a concept for the battle before...
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militants fleeing from different parts of the front accuse the command and political elite of almost negligence, they say they didn’t foresee it because they didn’t expect such an advance by the russians. the situation is so acute that information about it is leaking even in the monolithic broadcast of a 24-hour telethon, the kiev regime missed the moment, which led to huge losses. the loss figures are confirmed by the media, financed by america, with... giving an example in the materials, within a 2 km retreat, 100 militants were eliminated. it is necessary to increase the pace of construction of fortifications so that during a retreat we retreat to a prepared position; these fortifications are not enough. but here
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again the general rolled back made his own adjustments to the plans of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. for example, businessmen, firms, who are involved in the construction of fortifications, they say. that debit and credit , to put it mildly, do not add up, plus widespread bureaucracy, it is reported that in order to receive payments, entrepreneurs are calling 12 officials, they have been hanging on for a long time, they did not believe that we could break through their existing line of defense, so there is no special need they saw it as investing resources in the rear, on the other hand, when they already have a terrible shortage of personnel, they raked everything out simply to provide critical, well... now they will provide only critical infrastructure, finding human resources that can still be thrown at a construction site is still, well, extremely difficult for them. the inhabitants of the bank, in the usual manner, are trying to turn the dial to the west; all the failures of the ukrainian armed forces are due to the delay in assistance from the united states.
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however, polish analysts note that all this rhetoric looks like an attempt, i quote: to shift the blame onto the allies without paying due attention to the construction of fortifications. but yes. even the ukrainian fortifications built over a decade in the donbass fell under the onslaught of russian troops. it cannot be ruled out that in the ssu will choose their usual terrorist tactics. the human shield simultaneously uses not only civilians, but also the houses of civilians. since you don’t need to do almost anything, everything is already ready, shelter from, well , for some time there is shelter from russian attacks, as we can see from... literally the last two weeks , such fortifications are not enough for long, but no other strategy and tactics are in sight have. it seems that for the kiev regime and its western curators the main goal is only to prolong the frenzied resistance
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the ukrainian armed forces, regardless of any losses among ukrainians. so why provide them with good fortifications? evgenia nit and virtual fortifications. within 24 hours. units of russian troops in the center, south and east again improved the situation along the front line, occupied more advantageous positions on the fronts of the donetsk people's republic, and also repelled a total of 13 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces, as a result of which the enemy lost almost 850 manpower, among the destroyed equipment there were a couple of tanks , including american abrams and two infantry fighting vehicles and at least four artillery pieces produced by nato countries. if there is no contact in the donbass, report by pavel prokopenko and alexander kattsuba. it is still unknown what is easier to control, a howitzer or a loaf. the roads near donetsk are such that the car literally sinks and then emerges from the holes. continue to the position on foot, with extreme caution. just look carefully at the steps, look, the petals are scattered here. and here is
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confirmation of the words of our accompanying person. from time to time we are bombarded with ashes like mines, petals, everything is strewn here. he now in combat. position, yes, he, he is ready, that is, if you touch him, a shot will fire, the crew of the d-201 howitzer of the first army corps of the southern group of forces is pushing the enemy away from the capital of the republic. the d-20 operates at a maximum distance of 18 km. the shells go due west. we already came to these guys, but then they stood in different positions. a roll, that is, a change in these very positions, is a sure sign that
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enemy birds are landing every day, we noticed a drone, take a gun, look through the scope, pressed the button and held it, it freezes, the second person is already trying to shoot it down with a machine gun, a fighter with the call sign pumbaa is a full member of this friendly team, he accompanies the crew everywhere, we were worried that there were a lot of all sorts of petals here, that he might run around and step on something , what if there’s still some shambles there, but in principle they thought, it’s unlikely that anything will happen, he’s a tenacious dog, dusty.
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russia with the call sign tourist. we read the enemy’s equipment, which is inactive, there is armor, which, the supply of ammunition, which is carried out by the enemy, well, mainly infantry and the vigilant strongholds, the zigzag formations of the armed forces of ukraine in the smoke, the landing party goes on the assault, two, two, you launch to the edge, as i told you, you launch to the edge before you start to step over the thorn. yeah, we were in a hurry, we immediately entered the battle, the mechanics,
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drivers from this gun helped, covered us, the reconnaissance drone operators coordinate the actions of our winged infantry, detonation, detonation of this blue detonation, watch, the entire cover was turned around for him, let them throw it in there too , an accurate crushing volley against the enemy, our artillery... without any obstacles, no one could approach you either from the side of the road, or in front of the front, or from the flank from the third parachute of the landing
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battalion. the shells are landing right on target, the ivanovo paratroopers have already occupied the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces. hand grenades fly at the enemy, the militants are unable to resist. that's it, give up, give up, in the center, give up. the forest area on the western outskirts of chasoy yar was defended by soldiers of the 67th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy is now located in a number of areas at a distance from us. employees of the research center will decide when tel aviv university. the university reported on
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the opening of a new direction, and, as stated, we are talking exclusively about scientific research, where to say, no politics. but contradictions appear immediately at the start. firstly, the subject of study will be the modern history of russia since the nineties. secondly, it is argued that it turns out that it has not yet been written, so some investigators will have to carefully check everything and sort it out. and what exact meanings will be implied? it's not hard to guess if you look at list of persons involved in the project. in the role of scientists are a couple of foreign agents, in the role of sponsor is anatoly chubais, who, as we see, has found new things to do. why did he suddenly switch to studying history, anton potkovenko wondered, anton, hello, what kind of fashion is this among the relocants of all the musoli bridges in the nineties? hello, yes, indeed there is such a fashion, it is explained simply to divide western grants, everyone wants to grab a fatter piece, but in the end they grab onto it. at each other's throats, simply. anatoly chubaes took on
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the modern history of russia, and from telyaviv, where the ex-head of rusnano settled after fleeing our country and decided, apparently, to earn money, and at the same time remind of his need for a western grant giver. now money for anti-russian propaganda goes mainly through enagent khodorkovsky, which another foreign agent pevchikh categorically disagrees with, and this tangle of grant-eaters is getting entangled. more and more, but what is chubais, who came from the nineties and is now a co-organizer of the center for russian studies in israel, up to? let's follow the formula. tell me who your financial partners?
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instilling russophobia under the guise of studying history is a given, but what else could the chubais center in tel aviv become? all this activity of chubais from israel is an attempt to hide his own traces, this is an attempt to wash himself off, well, to create such a, i don’t know, laundering room, where they would look like his friends, in a completely different light, that is, the guys will wash themselves, because they understand, the new generation is trying to them... the new generation is the foreign agent pevchikh and her clique from liquidated in russia extremist fbk, which they are even trying to revive abroad. this requires western money, which goes, i remind you, through khodorkovsky and company, hence the squabbling. pevchikh, wolves and the fbk
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terrorist organization are one wing, these crazy people are the second.
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the oligarch is not going to let go of the sweet piece of the western financial pie from the position of the singers, we say young blood, he is appointing his children to positions in undesirable grant-absorbing organizations in russia, his son gleb in oxford russian foundation, for example, and the daughter of foreign agent khodorkovsky, anastasia, became a director in another foundation associated with her father’s structures, well, he doesn’t want to share with what once seemed like comrades, and now enemies with aggressive liberal... young people, there is only one source of funding - these are north american funds and part of european funds, now the so-called new clan is trying to fight with the old clan, which certainly includes khodorkovsky, which includes gozman, and gozman, we understand whose man, gozman, has always been a man chubais, these guys will be dividing who will receive grants in the future, or
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maybe the overseas grant givers have decided to replay everything and wipe everything off the board. maybe they decided to push the old bishop onto the chessboard by dusting it off, it is neither white nor black, but a red bishop that got bored in israel and now decided to take part in the anti-russian campaign yet again, well, it’s not the first time he’s done this, if he robbed russia in the nineties, now now... and at the same time he will try to pinch the tail of his competitors in the anti-russian race, who said that chubais and khodorkovsky will continue to be on their way, not to mention the singers, who sleep and see themselves as the sole recipient of western handouts, in fact , people with beautiful faces have always squabbled primarily among themselves, and this will kill them
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completely. anton potkovenko and the mouse fuss.
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they cling to what would be wiser to leave and run, they run, but when it is already an obvious failure, leaving the wounded and dead on the field, equipment that never influenced the course of the fighting. result of the past two weeks: russian armed forces they liberated novobakhmutovka, semyonovka, berdyche, this is all the avdeevka direction. zelensky’s formation is moving further and further away from avdeevka, which ukrokomdonia described in paint as a reliable, indestructible line. indeed, what can you say, if only.
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the west continues to provide military assistance for every dollar, asking the kiev leadership. sergei shaigu again emphasized: the states and the company demand that the defense be prevented from collapsing and that the advance of russian troops be restrained at all costs. are they working out? can imagine the degree of dissatisfaction of ukrainian curators after the appearance in the center of moscow of an exhibition of captured equipment, which caused an incredible stir, and yet the picture had already spread all over the world for nato pr.
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from above, a lot of interesting things are revealed and a lot of things are subsequently eliminated; a subdivision of the vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted defeats. repelled three counterattacks by assault groups of the 106th territorial defense brigade in the urozhainy area. enemy losses amounted to 135 military personnel, two vehicles, howitzer m777. here are also shots of destruction, but this is a warehouse already on fire. the field ammunition supply point of the armed forces of ukraine blew up after a targeted hit by our artillerymen of the center group. denis alekseev, lead. small ukrainian flags are adjacent to lithuanian ones, and characteristic chevrons are placed next to them on the ground. but local newspapers and tv channels prefer
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not to talk again about those who lie in the graves. this is a rea news report on the situation at the vilnius military cemetery, where in the last there has been a noticeable increase in the number of burials of mercenaries killed in the northern military district zone, moreover in estonia and latvia, the picture is similar, plus or minus, that is, the russian ministry of defense data on liquidations in ukraine. in the donbass , the failures of more than 250 baltic soldiers are confirmed in the most obvious way, and attempts to hide them are essentially useless, just as, in principle, it is almost never possible to sweep under the rug the death of any of the foreign guest performers, by the way, here is another very illustrative example: in the region avdeevka met a certain natural ending a character from albania, and why he is notable and how many of his fellow citizens managed to join him, let’s figure it out together with evgenia petrukhina. evgeniya, hello, but it seems that this albanian has the same views. yes, alexey, hello, that’s right, there is even some connection with the ss divisions. and what, european and american mercenaries have already
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had enough of ukraine, they are going reluctantly, and now the albanians have come, and through them the united states is apparently trying to feed the ukrainian armed forces with neo-nazism, but the albanians are running out. another albanian nazi was liquidated near avdeevka kivari kekich. as the media write, he fought as part of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces together with the nazis from terrorist azov, that is, with like-minded people, because in albania kekich was an activist of the neo-nazi party “third position”, this is the so-called party of greater albania, which proclaims the famous skander, no two states, no kosovo, no albania, a single albanian state, moreover, it is the third position that also claims the territory of bulgaria. north macedonia and greece, so accordingly it is pure nationalist party. why do they need to go to
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ukraine to practice their skills for conquest? territories of bulgaria, north macedonia and greece, so did they, like them , work in syria in the formations of the so-called islamic state, or did they, on the contrary , bring this combat experience of theirs to ukraine? maybe it was precisely for the next batch of mercenaries that zelensky suddenly came to albania at the end of february; western patrons could well have advised him this, given the precarious position of the armed forces of ukraine at the front. what about those who arrived before ended, how...
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precisely the orthodox villages, especially in greece, so the idea of ​​the west to unite ukrainian and albanian nazism in the fight against russia and serbia is quite understandable, they are doing everything
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just to infiltrate bandera in... after the second world war, when representatives of this national front , balikombitar, were forced to leave, naturally, yugoslavia, on the territory of the united states in 1966, the so-called third league appeared, this organization was nurtured by the intelligence services of the united states of america, and naturally, this organization is still under the control of the us intelligence services and...
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the albanians were probably promised that they would become almost the owners of the balkan site, that they were supposedly a new aryan race, so far everything is exactly according to goebbels’s manuals, who else? do the states want to send them to ukraine to fight? they are now actively trying to create combat units from drug cartels, which... after all, on the streets of square, even after the adoption of the law on tightening mobilization, there will soon be no one to catch, but that’s why internationalism will throw mercenaries into the trenches.
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but for them, this front line seems to be the last impression in life. evgenia petrukhina and the balkan nazis. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. hiv patients to the front, schizophrenics to the rear. the ministry of defense of ukraine has softened the requirements for future recruits to the limit. now only cancer with metastases will save you from being drafted. but how many wars can you fight with such soldiers? “i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it’s finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring.


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