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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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anyway, soon there will be no one to catch, and therefore internationalist mercenaries will be thrown into the trenches, but for them, this front line, it seems, will be the last impression in life. evgenia petrukhina and the balkan nazis. now a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. sick people look to the front , schizophrenics to the rear. the ukrainian ministry of defense has softened the requirements to the limit. future recruits will now be saved from conscription only by cancer with metastases, but how many wars can you fight with such soldiers? i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she spring has come, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you
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at the russia exhibition.
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some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next. wait, who are they? new. this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has a call sign, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen artist, you can sing a white rose, i can, you can sing it somehow, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, don’t touch her, not yours, god’s light, what to do, commander, call sign
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passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin, no, i’ll call my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will send. professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream color, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strength and shine for colored hair. sios, my hair looks like it came out of
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a salon. deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. anywhere the appetite, only dad will tame it. will help, dad will help, sausages, dad will help, the charity easter draw of the russian lotto wins every second ticket, from each ticket sold 10 rubles will be transferred to charity, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website, benefit generator bamfidio eldorado, super discounts and interest-free installments, we approve , refrigerator gorenie snowfrost for only 49,999 and also in installments in empidio and elderado, we reveal the secret of an excellent grill, we buy everything in a magnet. positions we play, grill prizes, we get, the formula for an excellent grill in a magnet, votter, it tastes better on fire, burgers, what
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citizens with serious illnesses. judge for yourself, according to the published list, from now on, oncological diagnoses will no longer be considered an obstacle to making a friend diagnosis, unless this is not the case. terminal stage, but in addition, the same applies to people with the immunodeficiency virus, that is, hiv -infected, well, mental disorders of certain categories, again, are no longer an obstacle to serving in the armed forces of ukraine. here, of course, it would be necessary to clarify that the list of diseases is still planned to be divided into several separate ones, in the end, they say, someone will be involved in rear work, some will be signed up by tcc employees, and supposedly only some of the patients will go directly to the front, although given the acute shortage of...
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nezalezhnaya is entering the terminal stage, and what other diagnosis can be made in a country that does this to its population and no one is surprised by this anymore. the ministry of defense of ukraine has updated the eligibility criteria. and hepatitis, the doctrine is to the last ukrainian in all its glory, the ukrainian armed forces have no other options, they now need any meat of any quality, so they will grab those, those whoever they can, and naturally, they adjust a certain legislative framework for this matter, i assure you that when it ends. whoever is there will begin to call up people with open forms, including hiv, inoperable
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cancer, including open forms of tuberculosis, and even disabled people, the first groups will begin to be called up when all the others are gone. tuberculosis has so far been left among the restrictions, but if the patient has been treated, doctors record recovery, then he can safely pack his thing and go to the front. it’s even tougher with cancer patients, now from a mobile phone. only metastases will save; while they are gone, a person weakened by the disease is considered by kiev as a fighting unit. people with oncology will be recruited for the most part into the rear services, with the exception of if the disease is in remission, then welcome straight to the front, you will have to sit in the trenches along with hiv-infected people who are also now fit for military service. i wonder, if such a fighter is hit by shrapnel, how should he even be bandaged? of course, in case of injury, those who are nearby will receive high
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risk of infection, even there surgeons, in principle , have a risk, although they work with gloves, but here there will be no gloves, you understand that applying a tourniquet is done without mittens, if they know that such patients are willing to provide assistance they won’t if you tell a person that blood is flowing from him, and he... in some way, no one comes to him, i assure you, but not only physical ailments in the updated list will recruit people with mental mild retardation, some forms of mental disorders and behavioral disorders, including sexual ones, and if the psychiatrist believes that a person has positive dynamics, then they can hand him a machine gun, also ukrainians who have suffered traumatic brain injuries will be at the front, you can’t imagine it on purpose, hiv infected the sick pervert, the army of the european dream, will supply ammunition. by law, mentally
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ill people have limited access to weapons and driving vehicles due to their inadequate relationship with reality. and them they want to put them in a combat situation. not only is this inhumane, it is also useless. a person has a broken relationship with reality, he is unpredictable. it is uncontrollable, the army is, first of all , discipline, and if you find yourself in combat stress, under the first shelling, anything can happen, including shooting at your comrades. kiev propaganda is trying to somehow justify the frankly inhumane reform, saying that only those who have mild illnesses and who do not pose a threat to themselves will serve . but something is hard to believe in it, it is unlikely that the tsk will gather a consultation of doctors for each recruit, this video
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has been circulating on the internet for a long time: in a ukrainian trench in full equipment there is a young man sitting, clearly seriously ill, he should not be in the war, but someone packed the guy and sent to slaughter, any mental illness occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission, logically, any remission can be for... and a person is recognized as fit as long as he does not have delusions, hallucinations, he is more or less compensated for by you machine gun, it really looks like to agony, when already they grab everyone, i really remember hitler, who handed out faust cartridges to teenagers, ten-year-old children, encouraged them all, we will win now, this is what it looks like. if you look for some kind of logic in the actions of kiev, then it is only mathematical. according to
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statistics, ukraine is one of the worst countries in the world in terms of the number of mentally ill people. even before the svo, every third ukrainian had some kind of mental problem. now there are probably more of them. there is also a problem with hiv and tuberculosis. in general, i don’t want to row. and how many such a hiv army will fight, strategists with banking is not particularly interested. evgeniy tishkavets and total. mobilization. ukraine cannot win on the battlefield. this admission was made by deputy chief gur in an interview with the british publication the economist. general skibitsky tried to pity the impressionable western reader. stating that kiev is now on the brink of an abyss and even that it is extremely rare for independent figures to be involved, he mentioned possible negotiations with russia, and apparently for good reason, since right now kiev is trying to push through its so-called peace formula, details in material by natalya solovyova, the tactical success of the russian army in ukraine is developing into a strategic one, military support from the united states
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was not enough for kiev, the mood in the banking sector is increasingly gloomy, one of the main mouthpieces of the anglo-saxon world is a publication... an economist comes out with alarming revelations from the deputy head of military intelligence of ukraine skibitsky. according to him , the capture of chasafyar, which is the key to the liberation of other cities of donbass, is a matter of time. there are no longer any borders of the ninety-first year has to. general skibicki does not see the possibility of winning the war with russia solely on the battlefield. even if it were possible to push back russian troops to the borders, this would not put an end to the fighting . they can only end in agreements. right now, both sides are struggling to find the best position ahead of potential negotiations, which may not begin until the second half of 25. for now, the russian army acts as a single organism with a clear plan. the position of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield is getting worse. american aid is late, it is unclear when weapons will leak to the front. this prolongation of the conflict plays into the hands of the united states and its military-industrial complex. hungary has
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long advocated peace talks. in an interview with american journalist tucker carlson, the council said. it is possible that both democrats and republicans perceived the decision to provide arms assistance as essentially the last straw that could be given to the ukrainians. according to american politicians, ukraine should use this tranche in such a way as to obtain a stronger support in negotiations. and this means that kiev will try to push through zelensky’s formula at the so-called peace summit in switzerland. 120 participating countries have been announced. invitations
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have been sent out, but who will respond is the question. in brazil they considered it a forum.
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yourself into another anti-russian adventure by the west and the kiev regime. the russian media emphasized: there is no point in talking with those who are not yet interested in peace, but only in the strategic defeat of russia. natalia solovyova, ekaterina shamaeva and evgenia zemtsova. news. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we're talking about we'll tell you. they turned the symbol into a competition. the olympic flame in paris will be carried by the transvestite minima zhez, who promises to be in... heels and in full dress, who needs this circus? deposit, the best interest up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first.
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based on the values ​​of each individual family, but as it turned out, this is the wrong answer, it turns out that such lessons cannot be abandoned, so in conservative american publics the news about the triumph of democracy in chicago accompanies. a revealing comment that when they say they will come for your children, believe them. however, in the marvelous western world, no one seems to have a choice, whether you want it or not, and extremist narratives manifest themselves in almost every sphere, as proven by the same olympics in paris, in within the framework of which everyone will have to look at the triumph of transculture, because its representatives were chosen as a torchbearer, with a new interpretation of the olympic symbols, anastasia ivanova got acquainted, anastasy, greetings, well, it seems that no one really thinks about sports at these games... anymore. hello, alexey, well, sports are not only in the background, but it seems that they don’t exist at all. what france will now be associated with.
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a sigh of relief, by the way, many french people, when they were introduced to minihusband, is the pseudonym of one of torch bearers at future olympic games. here, in fact, is the torch gesture. so the transfest , aka arthur reynaud, portrayed himself at the olympics. one of the messages that i would really like to convey is... this is the pride of my community that i bring with me, because 10 years ago this would not have been possible, it would never have been possible to have a drag queen carrying the olympic flame, this remains one of the pillars of acceptance for the lgbtq community. since perverts are officially banned from participating in the olympics, they will promote their agenda as best they can, after all, this character has nothing to do with sports. arthur rayno, while still a teenager, admitted that he was gay, and got it later.
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from all the attacks of the conservative media and society, but why not create something of your own, and not mock what was created long before you, these are the words of maria zakharova, the official representative of the russian foreign ministry noted that the true meaning of the olympics is simply distorted. the mayor of paris did not give a damn about all the obligations that the organizing country took on itself and stood up for the transgender person who will open the olympic games, well, it seems to me that, first
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of all, this is disrespect for athletes, athletes. of all countries of the world, because well, remember, let’s remember who usually lights the olympic flame, these are the most famous, most titled athletes, and the veterans of the olympic games, disgraces, are simply disgraces, and it is still unclear whether there will be perverts who replaced gender to participate in the olympiad itself, could in a peculiar way evade a clear answer and explanation each time, formally it is prohibited, but there are reservations: if a man is in dress wants... to compete with women, he must complete the so-called transition before puberty, that is , he must already be a child stuffed with hormones, and what should russians do with such people at competitions? if people want to have a holiday - with transgender people and various other people, it’s not even clear who the athletes are competing with, let
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them themselves have fun at this holiday, will... will our athletes participate, we also don’t fully know, we’ll find out in the last moments, i by the way, i wouldn’t escalate this now ours would not be stuck paying attention to this, because it would be possible for either no one at all, or literally a few people, to compete with those who are not their own gender, while they are allowed locally, here are the recent track and field competitions in an oregon high school. aiden gallagher, a transgender teenager who had been on hormone therapy for just a few months, beat his rivals by almost 5 seconds. in the 200 m race, the victory was counted, but why can’t similar characters be made winners at the olympics later, because politically in the west it’s that’s right, this is a very clear statement, the vector of development of sports and society that is encouraged, acceptable, that in this way the organizers of the olympics seek to demonstrate, the french organizers
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of the olympics, their special... position of support, encouraging transgender people to participate in sports events. it turns out to be the future olympic games, a podium for the next political attacks in gestures and the like. maybe they’ll also give you a rainbow torch? anastasia ivanova and the sodom games. do you dream of realizing yourself in a creative field? profession, what if you are just one step away from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmas, declare yourself, get
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funding. leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmas with vladimir putin today.


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