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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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do you dream of realizing yourself in a creative profession? what if you are just one step away from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmas. declare yourself, get funding and implement your project, become in demand. the creative industries are waiting for you! i want too! leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmas. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation today with mamali rakhmon, who was invited to moscow for... victory day,
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according to the kremlin press service, in this regard, russian and tajik leaders discussed joint participation in the ceremonial events on may 9. in addition, the topic of cooperation in the fight against terrorism, as well as interaction in the migration sphere, was touched upon. the presidents, quote, expressed confidence that attempts to artificially escalate the situation around labor migrants coming to russia will be jointly suppressed and will not be able to damage bilateral relations. today vladimir putin held a meeting on economic issues with ministers.
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on may 9, popular front volunteers will deliver particles of the eternal flame to veterans of the great patriotic war and special operation soldiers, as well as to other russian regions. one of the symbols of victory is awaited abroad; 14 countries joined the action this year. how else is the country preparing to celebrate the people's favorite holiday, in the material of anna voronina. this fire has been burning for 57 years in the very heart of the capital. in memory of the fallen defenders of the fatherland, today they are solemnly transferred to a special one.
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bringing our today's victory closer, members of the popular front carefully carry lamps with particles of eternal flame into cars to deliver it to svo participants and veterans not only in russia, but abroad. the sacred fire will go to countries in europe, asia and africa, including algeria, germany, cyprus, tunisia, uzbekistan and serbia. now from here, from the kremlin wall, the fire of victory will be sent to all major cities of russia, from vladivostok to kaliningrad, including to new territories. our group
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is taking this fire to the lugansk region, including those cities that were liberated relatively recently from the occupation of the ukrainian, current kiev regime, where for several years they could not celebrate the holiday, victory day, on a large scale. from the flame taken from the kremlin wall , memory lights will be lit at memorials where there was no eternal flame before; the lamps will be delivered to donetsk, berdyansk and melitopol. the fire of memory that burns in the alexander garden.
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on poklonnaya hill, youth activists and the young guard unfurled a 300-meter-long st. george ribbon that traveled throughout russia. motor rally from vladivostok to kaliningrad passed the tape. unfold in the largest cities, secondly, we stretched this ribbon at saur mogila, in mariupol, in melitopol, in all, therefore, large cities along the line of military contact. veterans of the great patriotic war were honored today in the national guard along with front-line soldiers; military personnel and cadets laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers of the internal troops. in the khantymansi autonomous okrug they are preparing to hold an immortal regiment in the sky, more than 800 portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war wars will be placed on the legendary yag large biplane an-2. we usually paste portraits of our relatives around this space
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between the cabins, so that they will be with us during the flight. and in the krasnoyarsk territory , a parade was already held under the windows of children... who were unable to return from the battlefield. on the eve of victory day, young activists throughout the country, as part of the give back the hero’s name campaign , cleaned up more than 13 thousand monuments, memorials, obelisks and military graves. anna voronina, anna nikulaesh, lead. ukrainian attacks against crimea will receive
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a crushing blow of retribution. a warning for kiev’s western partners, which was given today in the russian media. this is how the official representative of the department commented on the almost open preparations for the attack on the crimean bridge. london even directly encourages the use of british missiles to attack russia and even indicates the targets. details in the material alexander khristenko. one step away from taking the ukrainian conflict to a new, even more dangerous level of escalation, london hesitated. urgent message from reitor with a statement from the head cameron's foreign office that kiev - quote: has the right to strike russian territory with british weapons, the agency published, but soon after it rose in the world media. removed the noise. reiter's report that british foreign secretary david cameron is promising assistance to ukraine has been withdrawn pending consideration of some of the details of the news. a revised version of the news will be published at the appropriate time. however, 5.5 hours later, apparently after
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consultations held somewhere at the very top, the news appeared again unchanged. that's right, great britain essentially allows and encourages ukraine to carry out strikes throughout russia. london will also supply weapons for this purpose. i will say absolutely clearly, russia launched an attack on ukraine, and ukraine has every right to strike back at russia. including in the depths of russia. but this decision will be for ukraine, but ukraine has the right to this. that is, london, as from the very beginning of the conflict, acts as a skirmisher, because before that , western countries imposed restrictions on the use of their weapons. cameron's statement was made in...
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the unabashed collective west. i would like to once again warn washington, london, brussels that any aggressive actions against crimea are not only doomed to failure, but will also receive a blow, retribution that will be crushing. at the same time, cameron opposed macron’s idea of ​​​​the possible introduction of western troops, clearly preferring remote subversive work to this. in march, after a secret conversation was leaked, it became known that a possible attack on the bridge was discussed generals. bundeswehr using german taurus missiles. participation of the german military in the attack could become a beli casus, that is, a reason for war, but chancellor scholz is not ready to simply hand over such long-range weapons to kiev, as he admitted at the end of april at a meeting with voters. there are weapons that can
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only be supplied if control is maintained over everything that is done with them. and here you can’t have a debate like between friends. don't you trust me? of course i trust my friends. but i wouldn't give everyone everything weapon. for this little laugh , the opposition has now attacked scholz, saying that the chancellor is laughing and insulting ukraine. but taurus and berlin are still keeping it to themselves and acting much more cautiously when planning another western financial attack on russia. the g7 countries have stopped discussing the issue of confiscation of russian sovereign assets, writes the financial times. it was germany, as well as france and italy, the three largest eu economies, that opposed the proposal from the united states and great britain. in addition, other countries were seriously alarmed holding money in the west, particularly indonesia and saudi arabia. although ukraine continues to push for complete confiscation of russia's assets, g-7 representatives
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privately say the topic is no longer being discussed. instead, they are exploring alternative ways to extract funding from frozen assets. they also reportedly abandoned the idea of ​​using russian reserves as collateral to attract a loan to ukraine, fearing lawsuits. and here germany, given its history, is afraid to let the light out ghosts and... also the second world war. germany fears that seizing, rather than freezing , russian funds could set a precedent , prompting new lawsuits against it for world war ii crimes. lately there have been renewed calls for further reparations. poland, which nazi germany invaded and occupied throughout the war, has been demanding $1.3 trillion in compensation from berlin since 1922. and greece has requested more than $300 billion since 1919, but in relation to russian
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commercial companies, the ministry of finance, the united states are acting alone, due to the introduction of american blocking sanctions against the russian transcapital bank, according to its claim, the moscow arbitration court today seized the accounts, prices and securities and real estate of commerzbank, gp morgan bank and their russian subsidiaries for an amount of more than 12 million euros. speaking about the overall cost of the confrontation, which westerners are pushing aside. conditionally do not exist, they are ready to send more and more new batches, even seriously
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ill citizens, according to the new law on mobilization, the concept is of limited use ukraine no longer exists, but now there are four eligible categories, which, as the ukrainian ministry of defense explained today, include hiv-infected people, patients with cancer and tuberculosis, people with alcohol drug addiction and moderate mental disorders. it is separately stated that women, including early pregnant women, can also.
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opposition activists have been blocking traffic on the streets in the center for several days in tbilisi, the day before they marched in a procession from rustavelli avenue through mirabakh kostava street, they blocked the entire heroes square and surrounding streets for about 6 hours. after the police began arresting people on heroes' square , thousands of people poured from rustavelli avenue to help their supporters. traffic in the center of tbilisi was completely blocked. the head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander darkvilidze, said the day before that he had authorized the use of rubber bullets, but the police were so far refraining from extreme measures. meanwhile, the protesters continue to bombard the police. special forces with bottles and stones, in use molotov cocktails are already in progress, only the pouring rain has managed to cool
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the ardor of protest at least a little. it is already clear to everyone that the protest is becoming non-peaceful. the situation is heating up this day. the georgian authorities traditionally blame the opposition for the deterioration of the situation and, not unreasonably, hint at external forces that are adding fuel to the fire. the vice-speaker of the georgian parliament especially notes that non-governmental organizations have been working for a long time. are invading the political sphere, which is categorically unacceptable. when you have no chance in the elections, of course destabilization is your only way out, and we have been talking about this for so long, not to mention months and years of attempts to develop it. such processes are happening in 2019, in 2020, in 2022 now. many experts note that the direction of the georgian protest is very similar to that which took place in kiev in 1914, at the dawn of the then-not yet victorious maidan, first clashes with the police, then more harsh actions by the protesters, and eventually it came to weapons. interesting video, a crowd of
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young people blocked it in the pouring rain. one of the central streets of bilisi, a few minutes ago they were given raincoats in an organized manner, here’s an interesting point: people in green raincoats, quite a few of them were seen last night, as if they were coordinating the actions of the protesters, literally conducting this street choir, this has already happened somewhere , yesterday it was such an aimless walk throughout the city, they had few people, but they were trained, and that means what a plan: part of the students, these trained guys with everything...
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the number one topic in the usa today was russian military personnel, who, according to the pentagon, were spotted at an american base in nigeria, despite the fact that there is still a contingent of the united states itself there, which has not yet been transferred to europe, as required by the authorities of the african country. against this background, the overseas media had concerns about whether the russians would get access to some secret western
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equipment, and whether they should be nervous about this, efimova was looking into. already a separate genre of american television journalism: going up and down the ramp. if you managed not to fall, consider it was not in vain that we flew. and although, looking at these shots, it may seem that the head of the pentagon is carefully looking at his feet, in fact , he turned his attention to distant african niger. the news that the russian military was stationed there at one of the military bases along with the americans caught lloyd austin on a business trip to hawaii, but looking at the situation from ganalu, in the neighborhood of '. i think you know that afb 101, where our troops are located, is an air force base that is located next to the capital international airport. russians are in a separate facility and do not have access to u.s. forces or access to our equipment, and that's what, you know, i'm always focused on, the safety and security
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of our troops. we will continue to look at some things, but right now i don’t see a serious problem here in terms of protecting our forces. in general, if the minister does not see a problem, this does not mean that it does not exist, because back in mid-march the niger government issued an official communication, which reads: the country is breaking off military relations with the united states and asks american troops urgently leave its territory. need i remind you that the presence of the united states on the territory of the republic of niger is illegal and violates all constitutional and democratic norms. an agreement was reached with the us department of defense. in 2012, the republic of niger through a simple note verbale is not only deeply unfair in its essence, but also does not meet the aspirations and interests of the nigerian people for the following objective reasons: firstly, it forces niger to pay bills related to taxes on us military aircraft, which the latter usually have to pay and which cost nigerian taxpayers billions of francs. in
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addition, the competent authorities of niger do not have any information about the military activities that are carried out with the us bass in nigeria. translated from the diplomatic one, it turns out that 12 years ago washington, without asking permission, simply informing niger, built its own military base on the country’s territory, and partially blamed its content on the african nation itself state. only now a new government has come to power and it is changing the rules of the game. the french have already been kicked out. americans are next on the list. local authorities are looking for a reliable partner. they realized that the americans are an extremely unreliable partner. the local military literally told me that we didn’t understand what the americans were doing, that is, they had drones take off from the base, they notified anyone where they were flying, why they were watching, that is , for some reason they were flying.
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they were simply abandoned in a country that is not at all happy with them today. 1,100 us military, who are stationed in nigeria right now are essentially stuck there because of the biden administration, which is more concerned with saving face than saving their lives. our troops in nigeria begged for help, sending intelligence reports and letters saying that they only received clean water occasionally and did not receive diplomatic permission to access medicine.
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the united states, because unlike washington, moscow is not accustomed to neglecting the interests of its african partners. we develop our relations in all areas.
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this is a case where the white house is categorically not satisfied with the vaunted democracy and freedom of opinion, which the biden administration’s main opponent, donald trump, will most likely be able to take advantage of. report from our subcorrespondent in the usa dmitry melnikov. the unbreakable alliance between the united states and israel is being tested on college campuses across america. already 2,200 have been arrested. the epicenter of anti-israel protests is now in portland, at oregon state university. police officers act within the law, resistance arrest may result in the use of force and criminal charges. the same tent camp
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of the defenders of palestine at the university of los angeles, brutally dispersed the day before, now resembles a large landfill. having been denied access to campus, protesters are now demanding that police release all detainees, just as students at the university of texas are doing across the street from the dallas county jail. accusation of vandalism of damage to university property, with which biden attacked the protesters the day before, supporters the palestinians seem to have heard and moved to off-campus actions; in new mexico, they blocked the main entrance to the critland military air base, the same one that was used in the middle of the last century during work on the creation of the atomic bomb. the point is that there were several genocides in which the us was directly involved. happiness, this is especially felt here, where the atomic bomb was created. the atomic war machine also contributes to the genocide that is now taking place in palestine. support
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for israel in an election year becomes one of many toxic international assets for the current administration. losing both muslims and young people as their supporters at the same time is too big a risk, and the democrats are looking outside for protest organizers. so the mayor of new york, where the student rallies began, saw in...
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putting police on their knees during blm rallies is good, then why can’t we protect the palestinians? anti-israel protests in the pre-election year risk seriously harming biden's party, predicts senator bernie sanders, one of those who voted against allocating military aid to israel. people are protesting not because they support hamas, because they are against what israel has done in
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gaza. many say these are students. anti-war protests of the late sixties, an analogy that comes up more and more often in comments, but the united states is not even participating in the current war, and among the protesters there are already too many non-american citizens. donald trump promises to deprive foreign students of visas for participating in rallies if he wins. he himself the day before in new york, not far from the courthouse , he fed firefighters pizza. the second week of hearings in the criminal case of a presidential candidate turned out to be rich in details.
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they want, but i, as a presidential candidate, are not allowed, the leading candidate, the representative of the republican party and the one who is far ahead of biden, i am not allowed to speak, such outrage has never happened here, an angry trump in the white house, the worst-case scenario that is now being feared each other his opponents, the day before the republican candidate in once again made it clear that he will not accept the results of the elections if he does not win them; the majority seems to agree with trump on this. supporters, including confidence in the us electoral system at an all-time low. if two decades ago more than 90% of republican voters were confident that their votes would be counted correctly, then by the middle of biden's presidential term, only 40% remained. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington.
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