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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the program is an international review. events
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of the week, chronicle, facts, comments, an important factor in domestic politics, how israel influences the united states, the international criminal court is getting ready, the most popular international organization, why everyone wants to join brix, materials from our program, art. it is becoming more and more difficult to negotiate a language, especially in conditions of confrontation. the confrontation in palestine is already 7 months old. israel says hamas's potential has been seriously undermined, but fighting continues. to succeed, rafah must be cleared, the army insists. however, the prospect of another city being destroyed and more casualties unsettling israel's allies in the west. in general, the political
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effect of the war in gas is larger than the military one. american tom stiglich and his family values. the father tells the mother, now i am sure that someday she will become an excellent demonstrator with such and such data. harry varvil continues the theme of student protests. columbia university class of 2024 yearbook. orange robes. not at all by chance. emmanuelle del rossa from italy with her look, a cheerleader with the word usa on her t-shirt, pom-poms the color of the palestinian flag. another american, jim margulis, continues on the topic of tent protests. a man who looks like joe biden says: thousands of new households, this is another achievement of mine as president. christopher vaint about the role.
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the universities themselves. students in traditional graduate clothing on the right and left. the inscriptions are different: one is for palestine, the other is for israel. professor in the middle. how do i ended up here? behind the scenes there is intense bargaining. israel is persuading not to go on the offensive, promising to resume normalization with the gulf monarchies. the palestinian question: the reason. the vicious circle of violence is moving somewhere again. it has always been believed that rulers in the region must necessarily look back at the so -called arab street, public opinion demanding justice. not so now. it looks like that same street is now anywhere but there. last december , the washington post wrote: young citizens the united states, compared to older generations
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of americans, tends to be more supportive of palestine in the conflict with israel. in life it looks like this. last october, a peaceful protest against violence in the gas sector on capitalist hill turned into clashes with the police. hundreds of jewish demonstrators burst into the congress building wearing black t-shirts with the inscription “jews ask for an immediate ceasefire” and slogans like “let the gas live.” us police suppressed the demonstration behind...
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the epicenter was columbia university, one of the most prestigious in the united states. police dispersed the tent camp, after which the students captured the main... this is emery in atlanta. students lined up in a human chain from which they were literally torn out. crakes and shots are heard. the police used rubber bullets. another video is also from erie. two police officers hold a handcuffed young man while
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another tasers him. and here's noel mcafee, head of the philosophy department. the police take her away in handcuffs. according to cnn. more than one and a half april student protests in support of palestinians have already been detained thousands of people, even where student protests were peaceful. perhaps the most famous arrest was a protester from texas who came to a rally with a lizard, and both were eventually detained. the palestinian issue in the united states and europe has been seized upon by the youngest and leftists. part of society, the unshakable support for israel in the western establishment contrasts with it, with world public opinion. the un trial for genocide initiated by south africa, and now the intention of the international criminal
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court to issue an arrest warrant for netanyahus many people sympathize with my comrade. the defendants' answer: criticism of the israeli state is malicious anti-semitism. universities that have created a front are being promised orc-conclusions by their sponsors, and the international criminal court is being threatened with serious punishment by the us congress if it dares to involve the israeli leadership. the pro-israel lobby in the united states is represented by three powerful organizations: united christians for israel, the conference of presidents of leading american jewish organizations. and aiics, the us-israel public relations committee connections. each has its own specialization. the first works in christian communities in the united states, the second in jewish communities, and the third primarily in congress. aikos was founded in 51 by the canadian actor, journalist and foreign agent according to
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the american version, issaiah kenon. for the first 3 years, the organization was called the american zionist committee and initially did not have much success. everything has changed. after the arab-israeli war of sixty-seven, the committee began to organize trips for american politicians to israel, returning home, and republicans and democrats received arguments that israel is the only parliamentary democracy in the middle east, and america's natural ally in the region. in the seventies , the situation in the middle east also contributed to the success of aiks. terrorist attacks, arab oil embargo, spread of ideas.
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population of the country, many of them are confident that the second coming of christ will occur as soon as the jewish diaspora returns to palestine. all that remains is to ensure israel's final victory over its enemies and restore the jerusalem temple. that's why israel's war against hamas is seen as
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part of prophecy. evangelicals own several television channels, newspapers, news sites and , invariably, a huge number of religious blogs. promoting israel. and western support for israel, and softly, let’s say, dosed solidarity of arab countries with the palestinians. not news, but one point is important: world politics since the end of the last century has been built on the assertion that there are universal norms and structures that ensure their application, this is the basis of the liberal order, hence universal justice, the same international criminal court, designed to make verdicts across borders in accordance with the value imperative. double standard is the norm. the same usa, for example,
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the vast majority of the world, sentiments about hypocrisy, insincerity, carelessness in gas were first exposed by the popular and pretense of the ruling elite of the collective west. this is clearly demonstrated. i don’t like to use the genie out of the bottle metaphor, because it’s not clear which is the genie and which is the bottle, but in the case of palestine, gene is truly free, and he cannot be driven back. will the case be south africa against? his blatant bias and
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desire to continue to ensure his own hegemony in the world system. the international criminal court began its work in 2002 after the entry into force of the rome statute, it formalized the creation of a new judicial body and authorized it. the exception is when the request
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is made by the un security council. musa's jurisdiction included 123 countries, but more than forty refused to do so. among among them are india, china, the united states and russia, with the latter two signing the rome statute, but washington withdrew its signature, and russia did not ratify the treaty, while the united states acts as a consistent critic of the court. american law even allows intelligence agencies to carry out force operations to release us citizens detained on the basis of his warrant, and donald trump, while president, imposed sanctions against his employees. moose does not have its own police or any enforcement apparatus at all. in theory, states should themselves to hand over wanted persons, but there are internal rules of law that allow one not to do this. considers cases in absentia, only after the arrest of the accused, and finances it in approximately the same way as the un.
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each participating country contributes depending on its population and its income. by the way, in the top ten largest donors for 2020, there are six members of the so-called big seven, as well as austria, spain and south korea. but there are also voluntary contributions or donations. who contributed it, the state or private individuals? impossible to install 20 years received more than 1 billion euros, registered claims from 1339 countries, initiated investigations in only eight cases, and some of them ended in acquittal. illustrators from time immemorial have depicted hegemonic powers in the form of octopuses, spreading their tentacles and, well, grabbing everyone. whoever it is. they didn’t draw from russia and the usa to turkey and germany, because expressively,
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but not all octopuses, that is, octopuses, are equally harmful, at least that’s what our incomparable author from kenya thinks. wild pata island in the indian ocean. every day at 9 am, dozens of women and men from different villages in kenya come here to earn money. nowadays there are few fish... they draw octopus season in full swing, they go hunting at low tide with sticks and containers from a chamba canister. sensing danger, octopuses hide in the sand and become almost invisible, so they can be caught. i managed to make good money from octopuses, i built a house and now i’m saving for my children’s education, my parents couldn’t pay for my education, we didn’t even have a roof over our heads, i dropped out of school and began to fish, although women were not allowed to do this at that time; they believed that fishing was an activity only for men. amina bakari from
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the village of shangai, who has been catching octopuses for almost 20 years, says this last time.
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octopuses have never seen anything like this in their lifetime, but for us there is a lot that is new. the transformation of the world order in different directions is very difficult to derive the resultant. is there such a thing? we asked the leading algerian international specialist, yahye zoubir. everyone who
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analyzes international relations today is in a difficult position, many from the theory of schemes and models, which was earlier.
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it is clear what the modern system corresponds to, by what rules it functions; there is no talk of full-fledged multipolarity yet, but unipolarity is no longer the same. i would say that the world system is simply polar and is going through a difficult period of transformation. the global south and rising powers such as china, russia, turkey, iran, refuse to support the idea of ​​a unipolar world, challenge it, they want something new so that international law can take effect.
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in his military conflict. in the case of ukraine, the west is turning the rest of the world against russia, demonstrating unprecedented speed of decision-making. and his position regarding the gas sector is exactly the opposite. israel enjoys incredible support from the west, which views what is happening as a war between israel and hamas, which of course is not the case. the palestinian-israeli conflict has been going on for 75 years, and we can hardly expect its resolution in the near future. the international court of justice declares that genocide is taking place in the gas sector, but the united states and germany directly deny this. what is happening in gas if not genocide? what should i call it? you the global south was mentioned, but it can hardly be considered unified; there are a huge number of contradictions within; perhaps the global south
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is just a social construct that has nothing to do with international reality. someone wants to join the fight for a new world order, someone, on the contrary , supports the old model due to technical connections with the apologists of the order based on the rules and preferences that it gives. however, even those who are connected by some kind of allied ties with the united states are turning their attention to the emerging institutions of the new world order. just look how many people want to join brix and sco. some states want, on the one hand, to preserve the privileges that the old world order provides, and on the other, to receive benefits from supporting the new world order. such undecided people are guided by principle. let's wait and see if the situation turns out in favor.
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significant changes not only in the political space, but in the value-cultural and economic space. the economic gap between poor and rich countries is growing, so countries are placing hope to create alternative institutions to those of breton woods that will be guided by fairer principles and can contribute to the prosperity of the poorest countries of the global south. towards the end of world war ii, the united states. possessed the most powerful economy in the world, they supplanted the british empire and began to dominate world trade. the difficult situation led to the fact that it became difficult for the british pound to be backed
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by gold, which accelerated inflation. following the international conference at bretton woods in in 1944, a new economic system was created. the dollar was recognized as the world reserve currency, the currencies of other countries were strictly tied to it, it was accepted. hosted by the soviet union, but he decided not to join the work of the fund and bank. theoretically, the governments of other countries could exchange their dollars for gold at any time. in the sixties, charles degol was even able to carry out such an operation. but in seventy- three, developed countries refused. the so -called jamaican currency system, which provided for free exchange rate fluctuations
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currencies, however, approximately 2/3 of the foreign exchange reserves of central banks around the world are still placed in dollars, their issue is ensured by the issue of government bonds, american government debt is considered one of the most reliable investments. even those countries that welcome changes are afraid to commit themselves; everyone wants room for maneuver. in this sense, the western bloc with nato and other associations is an exception. should we expect the establishment of new institutions, or will we now live in a world of temporary unions? establishment of new institutions does not mean sending existing ones into oblivion. the new ones will be adjacent to the old ones and work in parallel.
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russia, china, usa, eu, building a comprehensive network of foreign policy relations, and avoiding any imposition of friendship or enmity. africa, for example, is not eager to turn its back on the united states and become a chinese slave. diversification of connections is what is important: countries want to have more opportunities and alternatives. why become hostage to the imf or the world bank when you can convert. professor zubir
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scared: 150 countries want to join brix. here we would have to deal with the first wave, the ripples it generated on the water, but the second one is rolling in. this year brix will celebrate coming of age. the association will turn 18 in june. during this time , the organization's membership expanded twice. in 2011 to brazil, russia, india and china. south africa joined, and brix doubled this year with five new members. since january , the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, ethiopia, egypt and iran have been invited to the organization. they decided not to change the euphonious name. it remains that way brix, bricks for building a new world. its structure is more like a club than a political bloc. there is no headquarters, no general secretary of the charter. a...
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deals with military issues, but her countries account for almost 50 million km of land, that is, more than a third of the entire surface of the earth. for comparison: in the big seven the usa, great britain, germany, italy, canada, france and japan are half as large; the population of the brix states does not reach 5% of half the world's population. to date , interest in the merger has been officially expressed. algeria and about 30 countries are awaiting applications and invitations to brix. after official submission , bangladesh, bahrain, belarus, bolivia , venezuela, vietnam, cuba, honduras, indonesia, kazakhstan, kuwait, morocco, as well as nigeria, palestine, senegal, thailand and pakistan. after the summit in johannesburg, the russian foreign ministry said: moscow will give priority attention to belarus and
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kazakhstan. in february there is a wish. to join the organization, nicaragua and tsar expressed. the latter has already presented the brix country with options for joint projects in the areas energy, finance and infrastructure. in april , eswatina, sri lanka and syria announced the country’s plans to join brix, and the head of the venezuelan foreign ministry, ivan hill, said: the country already feels part of brix and is convinced that it will join the alliance this year. russia, chairman of brix, has a lot to worry about. brix accurately reproduces the complex complex of the world's contradictory aspirations. its amorphousness can be seen as both a weakness and a strength. the expansion complicates everything, especially if the criteria are not announced, people line up in queues outlandish candidates. on the other hand,
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this is exactly how it arises. accepted, but regarding active participation in saudi arabia for now, by the way, the invitation is thoughtful. after advertising, about another attempt at international unification, now around war.
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