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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

11:30 pm
there are classics that i like more and more, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious, period, one of my friends is getting ready for a new party, the costumes need to be more modest, dad, we’re out of internet, and so are the minutes, but dad will now turn on the megafamily service, combine up to three numbers for free and receive bonus gigabytes every month, only in a megaphone, are you sure you chose this dress yourself, or did someone tell you? at bikfest you definitely choose, four nuggets for 39 rubles and others offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with a 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period, what we bring from...
11:31 pm
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according to the government, 160 countries have been invited. they are supposedly ready to invite russia too, but it refuses. the situation surrounding the fighting in ukraine is complicated. nato began to recognize russia's military successes, although the conclusion was not in favor of concessions, on the contrary. french president macron, in an interview with economist magazine, clarified in which case the direction is possible. french units, if the front collapses, a request will be received from kiev. other publications lament the opportunity missed ukraine at negotiations in istanbul 2 years ago. let's talk about the state of affairs with our regular interlocutor chaz freeman. he is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable veterans of american diplomacy. they are now talking a lot about some kind of negotiations, although their subject is still unclear. it seems
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that neither side is trying to reach an agreement, but wants to buy time to mislead their counterparts, this is generally a typical practice, this is a common occurrence for the so-called...
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that the ukrainian ambassador to china met with a special representative of the prc government for eurasian affairs. the success of the mediation efforts, which were largely ignored at the time, but are now recognized as such, was the agreement on a draft peace treaty at the end of march 2022, with the participation of turkey and
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the then israeli prime minister, navtali bennett. at that moment, the general public was not informed of the essence of the agreement. however, i think we all more or less know what is there. another reason for the start of the war was the situation of the russian-speaking population of ukraine, and this circumstance also requires answers to many questions, including regarding a peaceful settlement. the civil war in ukraine began long before a full-scale proxy war began. what to do with the russians there? there are many complex issues in the russian-ukrainian confrontation. requiring resolution, but the key to any agreement, and everyone understands this, must be the restoration of ukraine’s neutrality. in the korean war, the usa and 15 other countries acted under the un flag, and the ussr and china were on the side of the dprk. after the first
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success of the north korean army, which captured almost the entire south, un troops intervened in the conflict. their advance was driven back. scamersen almost to the border with china, but then chinese volunteers entered the battle and pushed the americans back. in the summer of '51 , the parties found themselves on the thirty-eighth parallel, in the same place where the conflict began a year ago, and the fighting reached a dead end. then negotiations took place in moscow between stalin, kimersen and a member of the central committee of the communist party of china, gaugan, on the advisability of a truce. representative of the ussr to the un, yakov.
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refused to sign the document. from the un it is noteworthy that the south korean representative was signed by the commander of the american contingent, general clark. formally, both koreas are still at war. american-vietnamese peace talks began in paris in may 1968. from the united states, the main negotiator was henry kissenger, on the vietnamese side. secretary of the central committee of the party of vietnam xuan thuy and his adviser le dho. it was the latter who had confidential conversations with kissinger. in october 1972, a draft agreement was developed to end the war and restore peace in vietnam. it provided for the withdrawal of us troops
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and allies from the south of vietnam and the transfer of the process of political settlement into the hands of the vietnamese themselves. but november 7th. nixon again wins the us presidential election, after which he immediately proposes changing the text of the agreement. according to washington, the conflict is resolved. should not be in the hands of the vietnamese themselves. moreover, north vietnam must recognize the existence of the south. having become familiar with the new requirements, the drv delegation left paris. on the night of december 18-19, 1972, already by order of nixon massive bombings of the cities of hanoi and haiphong, also known as christmas bombings, began. they lasted 12 days straight and were meant to be coercive. hanoi accepted the american conditions, but during this period , vietnamese pilots and soldiers shot down
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dozens of enemy aircraft, including more than thirty b-52 strategic bombers. under public pressure and in the face of the growing gate scandal, washington was forced to make concessions. kissinger returned to the negotiating table, on january 27 , 1973, the termination agreement. war to restore peace in vietnam. you have a long diplomatic career behind you, i want to ask you about another conflict, vietnam. there were many attempts to start negotiations and for a long time without results. we have witnessed a similar situation. both sides also stood up and argued that negotiations were impossible. and then the right moment came and the dialogue began secretly in paris. henry kissenger then met with the vietnamese and secretly discussed the issue with the chinese. over time, the open
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process, similar to the current structural difficulties arose because north vietnam was unwilling to negotiate with the south, and south vietnam was unhappy with the united states acting on its behalf. and, of course, the united states misinterpreted the preconditions for the conflict, believing that the culprit was the tricks of chinese imperialism in southeast asia. i remember. with a mediator, for example, with china, and will continue with the participation of everyone, as it was in 2022. while the potential for a transition to peaceful
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discussions is not obvious, the possibility becomes more real. you mentioned that negotiations during the vietnam war were impossible until some appropriate moment. what was that moment? 8 million tons of bombs, twice as many as were dropped. allies during the second world war, this is exactly the amount of explosives that fell on the territory of vietnam, laos and cambodia during the entire vietnam conflict. the air force, the united states, turned out to be a key player in it, but was never able to become a decisive force, like the branch of the air force that appeared in the united states after world war ii. before because of this, they were part of the army, the funding of which, like the navy, was significantly reduced with the end of the war, but the budget sequestration... did not affect the air force, as the only means of delivering nuclear weapons to their destination. by the early sixties,
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the us had 1,500 strategic bombers, consuming 20% ​​of the total military budget. the generals believed that since the atomic bomb ended world war ii, it could solve any local conflict. for example, during the korean war, commander douglas macarthur absolutely seriously offered to throw it off. the creation of ballistic missiles was redirected, and supersonic bombers
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were abandoned altogether. vietnam required new techniques and approaches, and the main enthusiast for creating a counterinsurgency strategy for the air force was general curtis lemy. but at the initial stage, the vietnamese themselves fought. two people boarded the plane, the americans acted as instructors, and the victory was credited to the south vietnamese pilot. but already in sixty-two. the infamous game of statistics began. the air force stated that inflicted losses of 30,000 people in edkong, despite the fact that so far they had only fought with the rebels in the south. north vietnam hasn't been bombed yet. the army, for its part, also did not lag behind and reported thousands of dead. the problem was that the cia didn't like the numbers. according to their data, it turned out that at that time the red movement in the south numbered a maximum of 1020. it turned out that even before the escalation of the conflict with the arrival of lyndon johnson in the white house, the air force destroyed all
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the rebels in southern vietnam three times. situation on the field the battle began to deteriorate, the escalation took a new turn, sometimes, for things to get better, they must first get worse, for this reason i am especially closely watching the slow advance of russian troops on kharkov, the second largest city in ukraine, and symbolically very important for it, the west is wondering whether russian goals in ukraine will be revised,
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what's the point? i think the korean scenario is a terrible idea; all parties to the conflict should strive for a solution to it that does not contain the potential for renewal war. if a demilitarized zone with an armed border appears in ukraine, on one side, which will be ukrainians and nato, and on the other, russians, the likelihood of a conflict flaring up will not
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go away. korea is generally a bad example. in 1953-54 , they agreed on a truce in the agreement. it was argued that the parties would jointly seek a transition from a truce to peace; no one has ever made these efforts. pressure on pyongyang has led to nothing other than creating a nuclear threat that did not previously exist for our own homeland. now north korea has intercontinental ballistic missiles, yes, not many, but probably about 50 nuclear warheads. in fact, we americans have created a new threat with our own hands. to yourself. for the first two decades after the end of the war, the two koreas completely denied each other and relied on complete victory over the enemy. but, in july seventy-two , the head of south korean intelligence, li-hurak, visited pyongyang. after his negotiations with kimersen, pyongyang and
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siu announced the signing of a joint statements from the north and south. the parties agreed. about the three principles of unifying the country, without outside interference, peacefully and on the basis of national consolidation. however, these agreements remained on paper. the turnaround occurred 20 years later. in december of ninety-one, the heads of government of the north and south signed an unprecedented document. it was an agreement of reconciliation, non-aggression, cooperation and exchanges. an inter-korean declaration was also adopted.
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he proclaimed a policy of solar heat. one of the most important agreements was the decision to hold regular meetings of family members separated as a result of the korean war. and in 2004 , an industrial complex was created in the north korean city of kesson, in which joint ventures of the two countries began to operate. relations only deteriorated in 2006, when north korea conducted its first nuclear test. the peace treaty was never signed. after the death of kimjong-un, his son kim jong-un continued to develop nuclear and missile programs, sanctions were introduced against pyongyang, and only 7 years later, on the eve of the phon chane piada, the north korean leader softened his rhetoric. at the same time , the new president of south korea, moon jain , advocated the normalization of inter-korean
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relations. in february 2018, at the opening ceremony of the winter olympic games, the national teams of the two countries marched in a single column under a flag depicting the korean peninsula. in 2018, the leaders of the two countries met three times and agreed to start with the participation of china from.
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usa, i’m not so sure, i often remember the great general of our civil war, william sherman, under whom we served some of my ancestors. he said that the goal of the war is to establish a better world, and that should be the goal, not dividing ukraine along the front line. thank you. general sherman, to whom our interlocutor referred. cursed the war as an orgy of barbarity and cruelty, but said: wars are not always evil, they are part of the great mechanism by
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which the world is governed. the view of a realist: contradictions are resolved through conflicts, a new order arises for a while, it was so, but what if they are not resolved and do not arise, but the great mechanism is simply outdated. the world has become more complex and frontal... the collision does not bring what is desired, wars become hybrid, victories flicker, and the only sign of order is a persistent lack of order, sorry, no need to burden you, persuaded, we won’t for now, this was an international review, see you in 2 weeks. are you sure that you chose this dress yourself,
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12:00 am
we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. within 24 hours, units of the russian troops in the center, south and east again improved their position along the front line and occupied more.


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