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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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dear to uninvited guests, however, lloyd austin, as you know, does not see a problem in this, after all, after the footage of the stars and stripes army fleeing from afghanistan, niger needs to think that washington will no longer be surprised by anything. anastasia efimova, anna pogonin and evgenia zemtsova. news. a chinese rocket launched from the cosmodrome on hainan island on friday , which will carry a research probe to the moon. the device has already entered a given orbit and... deployed the solar sail for further movement around the earth's satellite. on an ambitious mission the chinese space agency is being watched by the whole world; the results obtained determine when the first scientific stations can appear on the moon. with details from beijing, our correspondent in china, alexander baletsky. setting out no more and no less on a great campaign, as the name of the launch vehicle translates, "
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the convergence of the entire solar system, equipped with a drilling rig and a robotic bucket, the device will collect 2 kg of soil, the age of which is about 4 billion years, those that were brought before are a whole billion younger , the probe will have 48 hours for this, but with taking into account the round trip flight, plus time in orbit, the mission will take 53 days, while the chinese space agency has already scheduled the following missions. the chan s7 mission could be launched around 2026. the goal
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of which is to find water and ice at the south pole of the moon, in the twenty-eighth chan e8, within which a basic model of a lunar research station will be built and tested, as well as verified the use of lunar resources in situ. it is still clear what the lunar base will look like, chinese experts are ready to show these are the modules with the code name moon pot. they will be printed on a 3d printer, taking into account the characteristics of the new soil samples. from the crater, and then they will be sent there for testing, while the moon, where the chinese intend to land by 2030, is only a transit stop for the celestial world. the moon serves as a starting point, and the international lunar research station will provide a platform for long-term scientific exploration, work and residence, paving the way for future human exploration of the greater depths space. we are talking about technological, material and intellectual. help
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preparing us for future flights to mars, as well as to other planets. china offers earthlings to develop the moon together with its resources, first of all, to the brix countries. even the western press, which is usually not inclined to admire chinese successes, has already written: since the first chane mission in 2007 in lunar exploration, china has significantly reduced the technological gap with the united states and russia, and in general, the current lunar mission of the prc is unprecedented, if only because... ..
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how need is assessed and what support can be offered, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions, let's start with the fact that there are no universal criteria for need, it is assessed differently, depending on the type of assistance, and each region has its own subsistence minimum. let's look at government support measures that are addressed only to families with low incomes. the most popular is a single benefit, which can be received monthly. payment amount is 50-75 or 100% of the regional subsistence level minimum depending on income level. all income of all adult family members that they receive is taken. all these incomes for 12 months are divided by 12 months and divided by the quantity. applicant, if
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the resulting number is less than one subsistence minimum established in the region, then the family has the right to receive such support. in addition, when determining a family’s right to receive a single benefit , a comprehensive assessment of need is carried out, which includes an assessment of movable and immovable property, and income from bank deposits. so, are there any requirements for the property, what are they? family can own. one apartment of any size; if there are several apartments, then their area should not exceed 24 km for each family member. you can own one house of any size, if there are several of them, the size of the area for each family member should not exceed 40 km. a family may have one car or
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two if it has many children or there is a disabled person in the family. the list of property that you can own is quite large, up to the dacha of a light motor boat and tractor. by... a list of property and income that is not taken into account when comprehensive needs assessment. but the latter does not apply to income from bank deposits; it refers to the interest that accrues on them. if such income exceeds one regional subsistence level for a whole year, then the family will be denied a single benefit. in case the family has already closed. this contribution 6 months before submitting the application, then the income will be taken into account in the general calculation of income, but a decision to refuse to assign a payment will not be made. another measure of support - monthly allowance from maternity
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capital funds. it is provided until the child reaches the age of three and is assigned to families where the average per capita income does not exceed two subsistence levels in the region. payment amount. one children's regional subsistence level. what income is taken into account when assigning this benefit can also be viewed on the portal of the russian social fund. another way of support is a monthly payment in connection with the birth or adoption of the first child. this measure applies only to children born on january 1 2018 to december 31, 2022. the benefit is assigned to families with an average per capita income of less than two subsistence levels in the region. and his. size one children's regional subsistence minimum. you can get money not only for current expenses, the state will help pay for training or development of your own business, which can pull a family out of a financial hole. this support measure is called a social contract. a social contract
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is a measure of support that can be used by a family in difficult life situations. when assessing income levels family is used. 3 months, that is, the family provides its income for the previous 3 months, and if at that time the income was below one regional subsistence level, then the family can apply for a support measure such as a social contract, but for now the income is not enough and even payment utilities consume 22% of it, you can get a subsidy, in some regions the percentage of income is even less, they can compensate up to 100% of costs. find out on the spot. most of the measures to support families with low incomes operate at the regional level. these may be cash benefits, tuition reimbursement, travel expenses, tax and other benefits. the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the russian federation
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provide additional measures of social support for various categories of families, these are families with children, disabled people, large families, etc. found themselves in a difficult life situation. let's repeat the most important things. there are support measures that only low-income families can receive. first of all, this is a single benefit for children from 0 to 17 years old and monthly payments from maternity capital. to get out of a difficult financial situation, you can enter into a social contract with the state and receive money for education or your own business. the poor can compensate up to 100% of utility costs... conditions depend on the region, and a number of other social support measures are in effect at the local level. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about benefits and benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will contact the relevant department and tell you everything in one of the next releases of the instructions.
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in order to make the russian soul, we let's take three main ingredients, this is juniper, this is keder and this is java vitiver. this is how, in a small moscow laboratory , perfumer polina kazakova found the formula for the russian soul, which is the name of its fragrance, from the outside. looks like painting a picture, only instead of paints there are perfume solutions, and to complete the work, like an artist, it can take several years, in order to make a perfume formula, sometimes you have to do 10, 20, 30 and even 50 iterations, and when you catch the one the very balance, then you already understand that the formula is ready and then then you work with it from the point of view of technology, its introduction into products, and so on, then the fragrance is bottled and sent. on the store shelf, in the last few years, more and more buyers are choosing domestic perfumes; according to
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roskachestvo, in the twenty-third year, 47% of consumers completely switched or began to buy russian brands more often. one of the largest chains of perfumes and cosmetics, more and more shelf space is occupied by russian brands. last year the range increased by 20%. at the same time, demand increased. in 2023 retail revenue in this category. added 70%. the balance of power in the market as a whole has changed, domestic fragrances have squeezed out exports, their share last year increased to 32%, the ministry of industry and trade said. she used to. did not exceed 20%. the department believes that the trend towards domestic products is only intensifying. we see that russian companies, in principle, are coping well with all the difficulties; they are actively occupying niches that are being vacated by imported brands that have left the russian market. last year we saw a 68% increase in the production of perfumes and perfumes. this just over 62 million bottles. not a bad
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result, provided that, in principle , there is growth throughout. the perfumery and cosmetics industry last year amounted to about 19%, according to our estimates, the perfume exhibition at vdnkh, here both small brands and production giants, all agree on one thing, the industry is now in its prime. international expert in the field of marketing, perfumery and cosmetics anna dycheva tells how difficulties gave the industry only an incentive to develop. the last 2.5 years have been simply tectonic shift, because in the minds of russian consumers.
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100 km from izhevsk, the city of mozhga, there is a glass factory with almost two centuries of history, at the moment it is the only one that produces perfume bottles in russia. three production lines worked around the clock, there were 120,000 bottles in total, with almost 130 design variations. in general , the glass is transparent, but in the first seconds on the assembly line. laws of bright orange color, after molding the glass is red-hot, almost 600°. on the line, the operator adjuster is monitoring production, checking fiery vials that have just been cast from the mold. the jars are sent along the conveyor to be annealed, this is when the internal stress in the material is removed in order to increase durability, then they are sent to the quality department and then for packaging. the new
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lines were launched in august last year. we have already invested in this project. of which 540 million. and today investments continue. together with our chinese partners, together with institutes, we have developed this large project, which allows the production of 45 million bottles per year. this is a very high-quality bottle, a furnace was specially designed for it, the glass refining was specially designed for it, this super ultraflint is absolutely colorless glass, which allows, well , let’s say, to present perfume in the most beautiful form underground. perfume is poured into these bottles all over russia. the largest such enterprises, according to the department of chemical industry of the ministry of industry and trade, are located in the moscow region. another plant in kazan and zhevsk. all of them can produce, including small batches, which is very important for start-up brands. nowadays there are more and
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more perfumers appearing on the market who have not yet entered the industrial scale, but are actively striving to show themselves in the niche sphere. perfumes at various exhibitions. mariana penkova, president of the russian perfume club, organizes such exhibitions, she says, here they not only show beauty , analyze seasonal trends, but help in promotion. we train perfumers, we help them find good raw materials, raw materials base, individual fragrant components for creating your own compositions, albeit small, small volumes, for now for your own creativity, maybe for some small ones. samples that they could present to the general public, and then, of course, the task is to get them into industrial production. mariana calls the present time the silver age of domestic perfumery, saying that already now at least three cities in russia can lay claim to the title of capital of fragrances. well,
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of course, no one denies that moscow, there is everything ahead of the planet. i really like the work of perfumers from st. petersburg. the second such city is novosibirs, where there is industrial production, where there are several creative laboratories of russian perfumers. why exactly now has the russian soul, as a concept of domestic fragrances, become so attractive? for the answer we go to vasilyevsky island in st. petersburg. here is the largest private collection of perfumes and bottles in russia. the most rare of the first years of the 20th century, lies in the bins, away from light to preserve longer. oh-oh-oh-oh, now i'll feel it, oh, i'll feel it. funger royal, invented in 1882, and this is the beginning of the 20th century, well, naturally, paris, well paris,
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elina arsenyeva shows part of her collection, here are classics, domestic perfumes, familiar to several generations, and completely new brands that are just about to make their way into history. they believe that a national perfume school is being born right now, if earlier the trends were dictated by the west, now... in russia i noticed that they began to actively use marsh plants, siberian plants, some endemic plants that do not grow anywhere else, we have a huge range of conifers alone, this is not a repetition of some already existing style, that is , this is the very new thing that comes to us, this is the level of raw materials , then the level of the perfumers themselves, the professional level, these are people who did not initially
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learn this in childhood, but those who have already become established, that is, adults, they were in other professions, mainly creative, and they already have something to say. polina kazakova. initially, she also took place in a different profession, 7 years ago she worked in fashion retail, was involved in marketing, and while on maternity leave she realized that she wanted to be a perfumer. i found a specialized one-year training program at the grasse institute of perfume, and studied the last module in france. after i learned how to create fragrances, i realized that a perfumer must be not only a perfumer, but also a technologist in order to adapt a perfume fragrance into a wide range of cosmetic products. now polina herself is involved in the development training program for the master's degree at the mendeleev university of chemical technology, together with other manufacturers of perfumes and cosmetics with
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the support of the ministry of industry and trade. recruitment is underway now. traditionally, students will come in september to study as perfume technologists, and this is the first such program in russia. we have been producing engineers and analysts for the industry for 25 years. a new master's program in perfumery. more than ten perfumery and cosmetics enterprises have already entered into an agreement with the university and will accept students for internships. another step of development the perfume industry in russia - access to foreign markets - experts say. our perfume and cosmetic networks are beginning to actively develop in the middle east,
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qatar, the united arab emirates, many russian brands, with the help of the state , take part in various perfume and cosmetic exhibitions around the world, they are in very high demand there, mainly, of course, china, the middle east east, thailand, indonesia, so i think that all will soon conquer the whole world. all over the world they appreciate the courage of the russian perfumer. a game not only with aroma compositions, but also with the philosophy of presentation. at exhibitions you can find brands that dedicate fragrances to achievements or significant events for the country. for example, perfumer alexander gluck dedicated a line of fragrances to the moscow metro. our first metro station to open at all. that is , these are sokolniki, and initially in sokolniki there were plum orchards, herbs, peony fields, that is, such a flower-plum
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composition, and i imagined plums as in the form of plum wine, now people who have moved to other countries, they just want to remember their homeland, their then, so to speak, habits, favorites, and so on, and order this fragrance to enjoy, so to speak, something familiar, to remember how the moscow metro itself smells fragrant, for example, from the filyovskaya line smells of tea, and the escalator gallery on vorobyovy gory smells of white peony. the air-water-climate system of the cars has more than 485 flavors installed, which emit a subtle smell every 9 minutes, all this too... becomes part of russian history in fragrances, ending up in the collection of the most demanding and sensitive collectors. and you and i, contemporaries, are witnesses to this
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process. that is. those perfumers whom you have now observed live at some events, they will be included later in encyclopedias, we will write memories that we knew them, so collect autographs at meetings, these are future wonderful valuable antiques. according to collectors, the next russian seasons await us, but not in ballet, in perfumery, this whole story is happening now, sometimes in small laboratories.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website. vladimir putin called for maintaining a responsible and realistic approach to the formation of budget policy; the president held a meeting on
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economic issues via videoconference, let me remind you. the fact that the results at the beginning of the year turned out to be higher than the forecasts of the government, the bank of russia and even some experts, industry is growing, but inflation, on the contrary, is gradually slowing down, is important now. discover new ones production, including high-tech, create jobs and displace imports, but at the expense of fair market competition.


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