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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the app or. vladimir putin, the president, called on him to maintain a responsible and realistic approach to the formation of budget policy via videoconference.
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discussed the forecast for the socio-economic development of the country, this is the basis for drawing up government programs and projects for their financing and practical implementation. i propose today to continue the discussion of budget plans, not only for the next three years, but also as agreed, for the long term until 2030. at the same time, let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely... realistic approaches in the field
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of budget policy, including planning the country’s main financial document based on budget rules. and on friday, vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the head of tajikistan, mmmali rakhmon, and discussed cooperation in the fight against terrorism and the situation in the field of migration, including attempts by some forces to artificially escalate the situation around the arrival of labor migrants in russia. you also agreed to stop such actions. celebration of victory day and invited emali rakhmon to the celebrations on may 9. in new regions, since the beginning of the year, the russian military has taken control of more than half a thousand square kilometers. the head of the department, sergei shaigu, announced this at a conference call with the leadership of the ministry of defense. over 4 months , more than 110 thousand were destroyed. kyiv regime.
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the minister of defense also spoke about the influence of the west on the course of hostilities. according to sergei shaigu, the united states and allies demand that ukraine contain the offensive at any cost russian troops, so the ukrainian armed forces are now losing a thousand people a day. denis alekseev will tell you more about the progress of the special operation. what is the defense line of the ukrainian armed forces like now? this system of broken ukrainian strongholds, which the militants did not hold for long, is surrendering.
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ukrainian curators after their appearance in the center , one can imagine the degree of moscow’s dissatisfaction with the exhibition of captured equipment, which caused an incredible stir, but the picture has already spread all over the world, for nato pr people in their armored vehicles, it’s a shame, and after all, the treasury of destroyed western equipment is only being replenished by our marines of the pacific... fleet hit a convoy in the southern donetsk direction, among the combat units was the american maxpro, they usually work out with lancets, first by launching reconnaissance drones deep into the defense, a lot of interesting things are revealed from the heights and a lot of things are subsequently liquidated. units of the vostok group of troops occupied more
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advantageous positions and defeated the formation of the fifty-eighth motorized infantry brigade, the 128th territorial defense brigade the ukrainian armed forces, in the areas of staromarskoye and prichistovo, repelled three.
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a driver in cherkassy is literally smoked out of his car, the military commissar flattens the tires, and the police film everything on video, he doesn’t respond to questions about comments, the order must be followed, he let him go, he ruins the transport connection when he gets to the car, while it’s impossible to film the riots of the tsk employees, otherwise than practice shows that the military commissar will destroy the apartment. look how it all happened, you took the computer, access to all the files, so i gave them socks, i said take the socks, you will have a gift, well, there’s a graze on his face , he was beaten, all his rights were violated, but his will was not broken, as the author of the video claims, he did not sign a contract with the armed forces of ukraine and
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deliberately distributed the video, in these footage military commissars from zaporozhye admit that they are ready to do anything for money that’s it, maybe they’ll tell you to beat your head against the wall, will you do the same? they will pay, here you go, but what should i live for, what should i live for, what should i feed people for, what should i feed my children for, what for? well, then commit a crime against, against the ukrainian people, in ukrainian territorial centers recruiting a crowd of men, from conscripts 20 years old to the elderly, future prisoners stand in queues from 4 in the morning, they are brought to the center forcibly, the police brought me yesterday, on the street you have no home, i am standing at the door. a bottleneck for any police officers to bring you to the military committee, yes, it turns out that i was in the police department, because without taking a summons from the janitor, the decision-makers quickly handed out summonses, and at the same time, in the tightened law on mobilization, they increased the amount of fines for
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violating the new law for individuals 25,500 hryvnia for legal entities up to 60 thousand; in the new edition , almost every ukrainian becomes a violator. roman, over the past 10 years you have changed your place of actual residence, your state of health has changed, you were given a foreign passport, and you can go on and on, while the radio is cheating and coming up with new ways to mock the ukrainian people, mobilized to the front line, recording videos...
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the tougher law on mobilization in ukraine will come into force on may 18, he is obliged. all persons liable for military service within 60 days from the date entry into force, update your data at the military registration and enlistment office. margarita semenyuk, maya alenova. news. firefighting at the diehl plant in berlin has been suspended. the reason is the threat of water contaminated with chemicals entering the drains. the fire was never brought under control. the building of the metallurgical enterprise burned down to the roof and partially collapsed. the capital is shrouded in black smoke. there is a danger of the formation of extremely toxic hydrocyanic acid. residents of the city received emergency messages
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about the danger. authorities recommend avoiding area, close windows and doors, and turn off ventilation and air conditioning. i will add that the burned plant belongs to a subsidiary of the defense company deal defense, which produces aircraft missiles and iriste anti-aircraft missile systems. their production, according to employees, was not affected by the fire. the united states panicked over the presence of russian troops in nigeria for fear that this would lead to the expulsion of the american contingent from the country, the political publication writes about this, citing official sources. friday agency reported, citing niger's security forces, that the us military had declared increased alert due to its proximity to the russians. anastasia efimova found out what exactly bothered the americans so much. this is already a separate genre of american television journalism: going up and down the ramp.
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if you managed not to fall, consider it not in vain that you flew. and although, looking at these shots, it may seem that the head of the pentagon is carefully looking at his feet, in fact, he turned his attention to distant african niger. the news is that the russian military was stationed there at one of the military bases along with the americans; lloyd austin was found on a business trip to hawaii, but watching the situation from ganalu. in the neighborhood with the russians, he, quote, does not see a serious problem. i think you know that afb 101, where our troops are located, is also an air force base, which is located next to the capital's international airport. the russians are in a separate compound and do not have access to us forces or access to our equipment. and that's what, you know, i'm always focused on, safety and security. our troops. we'll continue to look at some things, but right now i don't see a major problem here from a defensive standpoint.
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was reached in 2012 by the republic of niger through a mere note verbale, is not only deeply unfair in its essence, but also does not meet the aspirations and interests of the nigerian people for the following objective reasons: firstly, it forces niger to pay the bills associated with taxes on the us military planes, which the latter usually have to pay for and which cost billions of francs to nigerians to taxpayers. in addition, the competent authorities of niger do not have any information about the military activities that are carried out with the united states. nigeria, translating from the diplomatic one, it turns out that 12 years ago washington, without asking permission,
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simply informing niger, built its own military base on the territory of the country, and partially assigned its maintenance to the african state itself. only now a new government has come to power and it is changing the rules of the game. the french have already been kicked out, the americans are next on the list. local authorities looking for a reliable partner. they realized that the americans are extremely.
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rather than save their lives, our troops in nigeria begged for help, sending intelligence reports and letters in which they reported that they only received clean water occasionally and did not receive diplomatic permission to access the united states, because, unlike washington, moscow
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was interested in african interests i’m not used to neglecting partners. we are developing our relationship. authorities, including the defense authorities, with various african states, they are interested in this, and we are also interested and we will continue to develop our relations with african states. and in this context, it is not surprising that the meeting of the russian military with their american colleagues, at least according to the same cnn, was tense, given the very different attitude on the part of the african state, towards dear guests and uninvited guests. however, lloyd austin is known to be a problem. he doesn’t see this, after all, after the footage of the flight of the stars and stripes army from afghanistan, niger needs to think that washington won’t be surprised by anything. anastasia efimova, anna pogonina and evgenia zemtsova. news. the yemeni houthis intend to attack ships sailing to israel via the mediterranean sea if the idf launches a ground operation in rafah. this
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was stated by a representative of the movement. he announced the beginning of a new, fourth phase of the operation. against the jewish state, so far the houthis have not attempted to attack ships in the mediterranean sea, since it is located far from the rebel military bases. previously , ships in the gulf of adon and the red sea were attacked. that's it, the first days of may take place in the sverdlovsk region. in several regions of the urals federal district, a storm warning was announced the day before due to snowstorms. there are also reports of snowfalls coming from other places. regions of russia are being swept away by tyumen, tatarstan, bashkiria, udmurtia; due to the cold snap, the kazan mayor’s office promised to return the heat supply to schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and in some places it was necessary to bring in special equipment to clean up the consequences of the bad weather. these days, the whole world is waiting for news from china, from the dark side of the moon. the day before
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, it launched from the cosmodrome on hainan island a launch vehicle that will deliver a research satellite to the earth’s natural satellite. setting off on a great campaign, no less, as the name of the jan jen launch vehicle is translated, the chinese lunar probe flies for the first time to dig the south pole of the far side of the moon, and the goal of the sixth chang-e mission, it is named after the chinese goddess of the moon and immortality, delivery of lunar soil from the eidkin crater, the largest and oldest on the moon, to earth, and this is fundamentally new
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knowledge. this mission has enormous implications for humanity's comprehensive understanding of the moon. u... deepening research into the origin and evolution of the moon, the evolution of the planets, as well as the origin of the entire solar system. equipped with a drilling rig and a robotic bucket, the device will collect 2 kg of soil, the age of which is about 4 billion years old, those that were brought before are a whole billion younger, the probe will have 48 hours for this, but taking into account the flight there and back, plus time for orbit, the mission will take 53 days, while the chinese space agency has already scheduled the following: around the twenty-sixth year , the chan e7 mission may be launched, the goal which will find water and ice at the south pole of the moon, in the twenty-eighth chan e8, within which a basic model of a lunar research station will be built and tested, as well as verified the use of lunar resources in situ.
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it is still clear what the lunar base will look like; chinese experts are ready to show such modules with a conditional one. called the moon pot, they will be printed on a 3d printer, taking into account the characteristics of just new soil samples from the scrater, and then sent there for testing, while the moon, where the chinese they intend to land by 2030, for the celestial empire it is only a transit stop. the moon serves as a starting point, and the international lunar research station will provide a platform for long-term scientific research, work and residence, paving the way for more future human exploration. together with its resources, china offers earthlings together primarily to the brix countries. even the western press, which is usually not inclined to admire chinese successes, has already written: since the first chane mission in 2007
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, china has significantly has reduced the technological gap between the united states and russia, and in general, the current lunar mission of the prc is unprecedented, if only because raising an umbrella from the far side of the moon will have to be returned without direct visibility of the earth and so on... to preserve the memory of the feat of our grandfathers and bring a new victory closer. the international patriotic event fire of memory started near the walls of the kremlin. on the eve of may 9, this is already a tradition. the goal is to transfer a piece of the eternal flame to war memorials throughout russia and abroad to veterans, as well as to the front line soldiers who fight against nazism in fronts of the northern military district. about how the country is preparing for the great holiday. in the material by anna voronina, this fire, which has been burning for 57 years in the very heart of the capital, in memory of the fallen
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defenders of the fatherland, is today solemnly transferred into special lamps to be sent, including to those who are fighting against nazism today. today's action, today's laying on of it, is such a sign of great continuity between what our grandfathers did. during the great patriotic war, in whose honor the eternal flame was lit here in the alexander garden in the most sacred place for all residents of our country by our guys, who today in the trenches are bringing our today’s victory closer. members of the popular front carefully carry lamps with particles of eternal flame into their cars to deliver it to svo participants and veterans not only in russia, but abroad. the sacred fire will go to the countries of europe and asia.
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celebrate the holiday, victory day. from the flame taken from the kremlin wall, flames of memory will be lit on memorials where there was no eternal flame before. the lamp will be delivered to donetsk, berdyansk and melitopol. the fire of memory that burns in the alexander garden should burn in the heart of each of us, in the heart of every citizen of the russian federation, especially in the hearts of our youth. and our task is to make every effort to ensure that such actions and dozens of other similar actions take place. and the work of every large company, state corporation, was aimed at lighting the flames of memory, as i already said, in the heart of each of us. but representatives
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of russian youth themselves understand the importance of preserving the memory of the defenders of the fatherland. on on poklonnaya hill, activists of the youth league and the young guard unfurled a 300-meter-long st. george ribbon that traveled throughout russia. the motor rally from vladivostok to kaliningrad took place, the tape unfolded in the largest ones. in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, they are preparing to hold an immortal regiment in the sky; more than 800 portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war will be placed on the legendary yaga large
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an-2 biplane. we usually glue portraits of our relatives around this space between the cabins, so that during the flight they were with us. and in the krasnoyarsk territory , the parade has already been held under the windows of ninety- seven-year-old veteran alexei khrulev. somehow you look and feel proud, and you want such people to live longer, well, it’s very emotional that you didn’t shed a tear, you don’t feel sorry for time or effort, there’s a lot of strength here and you don’t need strength, here we do it, and it’s very pleasant, in any case, this is a good deed, a tribute of respect, young people also pay to those who were unable to return from the battlefield. on the eve of victory day, young activists as part of the give back the hero’s name campaign more than 13,000 monuments, memorials, obelisks and military graves were put in order throughout the country. anna voronina, anna nikulaesh.
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lead, the solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time.
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su-57, su-35s, su-34, su-30 cm2, il-76 md990a, yak 130, k-52m, mi-28 nm helicopters, t-90 breakthrough tanks. and complex artillery reconnaissance penicillin. in 2020 , the production volume of self-propelled artillery increased 10 times, mortars 20 times. zo twice, the production of ammunition is growing; in the twenty -third year, rostec enterprises supplied 25 times more of them than the year before. the rostec team increased by 70,000 specialists to 660,000. the state corporation's revenue in the twenty-third was almost 3 trillion rubles. this is a third more than a year earlier; output per employee increased by 22%, to 4.3 million rubles. by the way, with
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a significant the volume of government procurement revenues in the twenty-third year did not decrease, even increased in absolute numbers and today reaches almost a trillion. and more about the civil direction. rostec has accumulated significant competencies in the field of medicine. currently, our company produces more than 150 types of already registered types of products for various areas of healthcare. the product line is constantly expanding in accordance with the requirements and... wishes of our medical community, for example, last year the development of the latest mobiev ooxsi ventilator was successfully completed, for patients with chronic pulmonary diseases, the registration stage is underway. eat serious developments in the field of combating oncology, newborn health, and ophthalmology. previously, devices were bought abroad, but now russian analogues have appeared. the nacimbeu holding as part of the corporation
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continued supplying vaccines to the state. more than 104 million doses were sent to the regions, and the microgen company received a certificate from the ministry of health to register a medicine against hepatitis b. another area is energy. the state corporation rostec created the gtd-110m turbine. now it is being installed at the udarnaya station, which is being built at taman peninsula. this is the first production turbine. and now we can say with confidence that we can be independent. because i know that the corporation has been working on this for a long time to replace all analogues of western ones, including turbines, now we can leave siemens, from general electric, we built three stations, this is the third, two stations were built in crimea, uh and one on the taman peninsula; last year , the united engine corporation continued supplying gas pumping units for large trunk lines
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gas pipelines such as power of siberia, sakhalin, khabarovsk, vladivostok. in the future , rostec is ready to ensure 100% import substitution in this area.


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