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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 4:00am-4:15am MSK

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during the day, units of the russian troops in the center, south and east again improved the position along the front line, occupied more advantageous positions on the fronts of the donetsk people's republic, and also reflected in the general word.
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pits, then to the position on foot, with extreme caution, just be careful under your feet, the powdery roads near donetsk are such that the car literally sinks, and then emerges from the surface, look, petals are scattered here, this is confirmation of the words of our accompanying person, from time to time we are bombarded with mines like this, petals, everything is dotted here, he now in a combat position, yes, he is ready, that is, if you touch him, he...
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we came to these guys, but then they stood in different positions. roll, that is, change . the shells go strictly to the west. we already have these very positions, a sure sign that the front is not standing still. we destroy the enemy.
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at the firing line is the crew of the legendary commander of the rocket battery of the ivanovo airborne forces, a hero of russia with the call sign tourist. we read the enemy’s equipment, which is inactive, there is armor, which supplies ammunition to the enemy, well, mostly infantry and evil functions. the zigzag payouts of the armed forces of ukraine are in smoke, the landing force is on the assault. two, two, you launch to the edge, as i told you, you launch to the edge until they started to step over the thorn, yeah, we immediately hurried, immediately entered the battle, the mechanics who introduced the delivered gun helped, covered us, the operators of reconnaissance drones coordinate the actions of our winged infantry , detonation, detonation of this blue explosion, they tore away all the cover for him, let them throw him in there too. an accurate crushing volley
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against the enemy, our artillerymen help advance by the assault force. fragmentation fugue shells. the projectiles land right on target. ivanovo paratroopers have already occupied the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces. hand grenades fly at the enemy, the militants are unable to resist. that's it, they give up, they give up, they give up in the center. the forest area on the western outskirts of chastny yar was defended by soldiers
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of the 67th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy is now located in a number of areas from us at a distance of no more than 100 m. naturally, this is for the enemy, this causes. a certain anxiety, this is naturally fear, then, that further assault operations can begin at any moment, marriage and heroism shown during the special operation are awarded to the paratroopers of the ivanovo airborne forces right on the front line. alexander catsu and alexander malyshev, host. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came. spring. warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. if you are
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a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove your actions, that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmaster. your path to the pinnacle of excellence. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. easy to do.
4:08 am
it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of benzokolo; there is a prospect for taking russian digital solutions to new heights. even more brutal, yes, ours is more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the figure helps, you are not comparing on your original questions, but what in general with production, raw materials and export, what is our product, hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova, and i am vladimir nesterov, today we will dedicate our issue to the upcoming holiday of the great victory, which unites us and makes us stronger. it does not allow you to forget about what is important and loved, it evokes pride every year and only strengthens the desire to preserve the memory. on may 9, russia will celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. every year this date
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reminds different generations not only of an important part of history for the whole world. every spring, on this day, we also remember that at any time and under any circumstances , it is important, first of all, to remain human. today, together with you, we will live the stories of our heroes, those who brought victory closer at the front in the rear, those who returned from battle and those who died performing a real feat, but continue to live in the hearts of their children and grandchildren. the senate program in its format traditionally joins the international immortal regiment campaign. senators on our air share the stories of their heroes. the region was a front-line region, it all turned into one large evacuation hospital, through which millions and millions of wounded passed, whom our doctors put back on their feet
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and returned to the regular troops. of course, every family in our vologda region throughout the country was directly affected by the war... grandfather and tsykin ivan ivanovich and kuvshinnikov nikolai nikolaevich went through the entire war from the first days until its end until the great victory in 1945. both were wounded, but... ended the war with orders, medals, and were greeted as heroes in their homeland. this photograph shows my paternal grandfather kuvshinnikov nikolai nikolaevich, this is the father of my father, kuvshinnikov alexander nikolaevich, he was born in the village of turundaev, he was not drafted into the regular troops, in the forty-first year, when the germans were already squeezing the ring... it was
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a decision was made to form defense committees cherepovets vologda and attract more than 60,000 volagzhan residents of the entire vologda province to the construction of defense structures , and mine was among these fighters grandfather nikolai nikolaevich and the construction of these defenses. construction began in mid -october forty-one, and it was very hard work, autumn, slush, winter, there was practically no supply of ammunition, supplies, food was delivered irregularly, because all this was aimed primarily at the front, which was already exhausted by the end of october my grandfather nikolai nikolaevich wrote a letter to his wife glafer aleksanna. kuvshinnikova, about his plight and that he was seriously ill. glafe gave up everything and took
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food, took a piglet that was in the household and went to the construction of defense structures, where his grandfather was practically dying of hunger, from cold, she took him out, she cured him at the beginning of forty-two, and he, having already recovered, went to the front in the regular troops, he is in an artillery battalion. who went through the whole war, who went through the war and grew up to become the sergeant major of the katyusha battery, the famous katyusha, and there were several episodes where he showed heroic deeds, started up in the area of ​​​​the schengen village heavy battle, two fighters discovered our katyuzh platoon, which was equipped with modern weapons and began to shoot at it, the wiring was cut, it was impossible... to launch rockets to support our fighters
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, the command was received to immediately restore the combat capability of the batteries, which the grandfather did , at the appointed time, the katyusha battery reached the specified line and completed the combat mission, for this the children were nominated for the order of the red star, and of course this order in 1945. passes, equipment, deception of the troops of the southern front, and also heroic events
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accompanied his entire service, first of all , the liberation of donbass, the liberation of sevastopol, novorossiysk, crimea, he crossed the sievash 30 times in icy water and liberated crimea, for this he was nominated to military order, red banner, he went through the entire war, ended this war in the baltic states. awarded medals for the liberation of kenksberg, for the liberation of the baltic states, these are the memories that he brought, having gone through the entire war, returning to his native collective farm, was chairman of the collective farm after the end of the war, and i, already as a boy, came to the village every summer, in the spring on victory day, it was our family tradition, to come and congratulate my father in the village of maseevo, i remember the episode when fellow soldiers gathered at the table,
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a cut glass of vodka , a piece of black bread, they cried and drank, the war, this is a memory, it, of course, forever remained in my soul, my heart. my grandfathers are heroes, heroes who forged a great victory. this will remain in my memory for the rest of my life: this one is grandma's.


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