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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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schoolchildren, a new peacekeeping initiative of kazakhstan, an energy union for three with the participation of kazakhstan, uzbekistan and azerbaijan, as well as other results of the investment forum in tashkent and many more. interesting things from the world of asia. central asia as the key to a new geopolitical and economic reality. at the international investment forum in tashkent, president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev called on the world community, first of all, business to more actively use the advantages of the region for mutually beneficial partnership. on the forum in there was a lot of talk in tashkent about how recent events around the world have shown the vulnerability of the existing one. systems, disruptions in supply chains, decline in international trade, reduction in investment, but the way out of this difficult situation has also become obvious. of course, we are well aware that today there is an unprecedented struggle for investors in the world, but one inconsequential fact is becoming increasingly
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clear: no one country can solve such acute problems alone. the spirit of mutual trust and respect, and the principle of mutual support will remain a strong pillar long-term cooperation. uzbekistan is opening. doors for partners. the country has developed a new version of the investment law. the land lease period for foreign investors will be doubled from 25 to 49 years. in addition, foreign investors are exempt from taxes on dividends for a period of 3 years. we certainly see enormous dynamics, which the president of uzbekistan also spoke about today. over the past 7 years , the legislation has changed significantly and indeed it has. russia remains one of the largest investors in uzbekistan, capital investments are approaching $13 billion; in addition, russian companies have invested about 1 trillion rubles in joint
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projects in the republic. russia occupies a leading position among companies with foreign capital in uzbekistan. these are more than 3.00 enterprises in the agricultural industry, industrial production and it. a favorable business environment contributes, and what is very important is that uzbekistan does not just offer to invest in its economy, it is more than just business. by creating conditions for investment, uzbekistan seems to be offering its services as a platform for mutually beneficial dialogue. and in continuation of the topic of dialogue, the president of kazakhstan kasym zhamar takayev made a statement regarding possible negotiations between azerbaijan and armenia in almaat. i welcome agreement. armenia, at the proposal of the kazakh side, hold negotiations between the ministers of foreign affairs on the preparation of a peace treaty between the states. it is symbolic that this important event will take place in almaty, where
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the historic almaty declaration was signed in december 1991. the declaration approved the principles determination of interstate borders on the territory of the former soviet union. almaty. the declaration was signed on december 21, 1991, the document, on the one hand , confirmed the exercise of the soviet union, on the other, it proclaimed the goals of the principles of the commonwealth of independent states, according to... russia officially became the successor of the ussr in the united nations and other international structures. in addition, 11 former soviet republics renounced any territorial claims to each other and guaranteed mutual respect territorial integrity and recognized the existing borders of the cis members as inviolable at that time. at the same time, a number of countries ratified the agreement on the creation of the commonwealth later. for example, armenia did this in february 1992, and azerbaijan in september 1992. in the upcoming negotiations, kazakhstan will apparently not act as a mediator, but rather as
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a party providing a platform for dialogue. kazakhstan already has such experience. since 2017, astana has been hosting inter-syrian negotiations. 21 meetings have already been held representatives of the syrian government, the armed opposition and guarantor countries represented by iran, turkey and russia. you can also recall the negotiation process on iran's nuclear program between tehran and... germany, china, russia, the usa and france. the first and second rounds of these negotiations took place in 2013 in almaat. by the way, in the end the negotiations ended successfully. after 2 years , a joint action plan was signed. then, however, everything did not go according to plan, but that, as they say, is a completely different story. a terrible incident in kyrgyzstan. moved into a crowd of schoolchildren, more than thirty people were injured. the incident occurred during a cultural
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event of mass performance of the epic of manas. and at the time of the accident there was no driver inside the truck. he left the car above the place where the children were rehearsing their performance. during the events , ice cream was to be handed out to children from the truck. as a result, the car rolled down and drove into the crowd. the driver ran after her, but did not have time. 35 people were injured. these are schoolchildren. one teacher, five in serious condition. and to other events of the past weeks. on may 1, kazakhstanis celebrated unity day. this holiday is dedicated to the harmony of culture and languages ​​of more than 130 ethnic groups inhabiting the republic. on the occasion of the solemn date , round table exhibitions were held under the auspices of the assembly of the people of kazakhstan. and president takaev made a statement about equality and common identity, which, by the way, can be felt not only in the hearts, but also in the stomachs of thousands. people visited the gastronomic festival in almaat, where kazakh, russian, uzbek, uyghur and many others were presented
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national dishes. in dushanbe , a cleanup day was held on the walk of fame on the eve of victory day. russian diplomats, military personnel, 201 russian military bases, volunteers, members of the public, schoolchildren and students, put in order the burial memorials of red army soldiers. it is important to remember to preserve traditions, it is important to remember exploits and honor our heroes. and the weapon turned out to be a toy. turkmenistan continues to celebrate
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the national holiday horse. this time dozens of horses competed in races on 100 and 1800 m. and the best was akhaltiki resident bezirgen from the presidential equestrian complex. his rider was awarded an honorary cup and a cash prize of 100.00 monats. ministry of foreign affairs of kyrgyzstan. recommended that citizens temporarily refrain from traveling to russia. the ministry recommends that citizens who do not have compelling reasons to enter russia temporarily refrain from traveling until the previously introduced additional security measures and the enhanced border control regime are lifted. if necessary, entry in advance check for entry restrictions. it should also be noted that security measures have been strengthened in major cities of central asia. for example, in bishkka, for reasons of... precaution , public events such as the procession of the immortal regiment and the festive ait have been cancelled.
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security measures were discussed during a telephone conversation between russian foreign minister sergei lavrov and his tajik counterpart serajin mukhreddin. the heads of foreign affairs agencies exchanged views on current issues of bilateral interactions. the tajik side was given additional, detailed explanations about the measures taken by russian services to prevent terrorism in accordance with russian legislation. and continuing the topic of security, secretary of the security council of kyrgyzstan marat imankulov named the main threats and challenges for central asia, noting that the underlying reasons lie in a unipolar world.
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be inescapable, because everything starts from there, uh, he killed the language, killed, poetically divided everything, the people are already everything, they may not capable of anything, you can calmly take it with your bare hands, so many are concerned about this, forces are interested, i can’t name it specifically, but there are global forces that are interested, this is primarily to weaken and destabilize the country. they need to organize interethnic conflicts, as we already had in our practice, our life in kyrgyzstan, this is the ninetieth year, in 1990 there was an interethnic conflict in the south and in 2010 the same interethnic conflict, this leads to quite quite possibly
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large-scale civil war, we must not allow this to happen. and to other events: in the cities of central asia on the eve of may 9 , lessons in courage and patriotic lines continue in schools. at the almaty military-technical school, ninety-nine-year-old great patriotic war veteran vladimir belozerov gave a master class on how to give commands for future defenders of the fatherland. on the spot! in the picturesque kopidak foothills of turkmenistan, a meeting was held with the ex-president of the republic, speaker of the upper house of parliament gurbanguly berdumukhamedov with the head of tatarstan rustam menikhanov. the parties reportedly discussed the prospects for trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation within the framework of the strategic russian-turkmen partnership.
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a military officer from the molinsk garrison in kazakhstan sentenced seven to prison terms. detained citizens of the country and one foreigner who promoted extremist ideology and supported terrorism. three of these convicts had previously served sentences under similar articles, but did not draw any conclusions. in bishkek park intmak solemnly opened the first and only monument in the world in the letter s. it was made in yekaterinburg under the direction of the famous kyrgyz sculptor adyl seytaliev, well, the idea itself belonged to the russian editorial office. newspaper, which was supported by the mayor's office of the capital of kyrgyzstan. and back to the investment forum in tashkent, president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev spoke about plans for the development of alternative energy. according to him, by 2030 the country plans to create 20 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity, their share of the total
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the country's energy balance should be 40%. and this is interesting news. in the context of the negotiations in tashkent , a trilateral agreement was announced. kazakhstan, uzbekistan and azerbaijan will unite their energy systems at the bottom of the caspian sea, and signed a corresponding memorandum. the implementation of this document will allow the three parties to coordinate efforts in the production of green energy, as well as its transportation through azerbaijan to europe. according to the press service of the ministry of energy of kazakhstan, according to the signed document. participants will study the possibilities of connecting energy systems by laying a high-voltage cable along the bottom of the caspian sea. the draft technical specification itself was formed earlier. let's discuss this initiative in more detail with evgenia voiko, associate professor at the financial university under the government of russia. please tell us in more detail about how this project can be implemented, what roles the participants will have,
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for example, in uzbekistan, which does not seem to have direct access to the sea. the significance of this project for... ubakistan is determined primarily by the opportunities exports, and which, if implemented , this project can provide for the republic, we are talking primarily about the export of wind energy and solar energy, the uzbek leadership has repeatedly emphasized that there is significant potential for these types of energy in the north of the republic, we are talking primarily about in the republic of karakalpakstan, which borders directly on kazakhstan, it is assumed that a significant part of the power will come from there. including some from the kharezm region and some from novoei region, how this will be implemented, how the actual energy systems of uzbekistan will be connected to kazakhstan, but for now they are announcing. yes, there is an energy ring between these republics, but the electricity ring that connects the south of kazakhstan, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan, respectively, yes, but in this
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case it is important to emphasize that we are talking specifically about the possibilities of supplying alternative types of energy and how the energy systems of kazakhstan will be connected first of all and uzbekistan precisely in this direction, especially since these the regions are practically not connected to each other, precisely in the context of electrical power capacities. yes, then there is a really big question here, and there is some assumption that at this stage, when, so to speak, the memorandum was just signed, the substantive implementation of this particular project in terms of connecting uzbekistan and kazakhstan, in general, is also not fully worked out, at the same time, uzbekistan has repeatedly expressed interest in the possibilities of access to the caspian sea, up to the construction of a canal, a water canal, a water artery connecting the caspian and the aral sea, one of the projects, and the so -called uzbekota is a water canal project. which involves the transfer of the caspian sea to the aral sea, well , its implementation is associated with very great difficulties, so in this case, so to speak, yes, here is uzbekistan’s application to
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join this possible trans-caspian and this cable, and this energy system, it is also at this stage rather, it is connected with a certain desire of uzbekistan to still get into the caspian sea, and to have access to water, to the surface of the water, taking into account the fact that there is no access to the sea, but uzbekistan, this is really so to speak, one of the pressing problems today, how it will be implemented, this is a rather complex question, especially since at this stage the parties are only talking about developing a business plan, a business project , there is no understanding of who will finance it, accordingly, in what volume, what capacities, volumes of this, so to speak, volumes of this energy will be supplied to europe, will there be a great demand for this, yes, so to speak, or will it be quite limited who is the main beneficiary for this project?
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from the countries of central asia, from the caspian region, in order to meet their own needs, yes, since these discussions have been going on for years about where to get alternative types of energy, the european potential itself may not be enough for this, but here , yes, in general there is -these are countries that can boast of large volumes and winds of the sun, respectively, but the bet is largely placed on kazakhstan and uzbekistan, which do not have direct access to the caspian sea, however... the implementation of this project, again, will be economically and energetically tied to this green energy project, and accordingly it will also largely focus its potential and
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a significant part of its economic activity, so to speak, precisely on the western track and on a possible exit to europe. in this case, for russia this is rather not a very, well, let’s say, optimistic project, but here we must not forget that russia’s energy ties are with central asia. much deeper than directly the implementation of this project in the field of green energy, there is nuclear cooperation, there is cooperation in the supply of natural gas from russia to central asia, there is cooperation on the electricity track, that is, there is diversity here, it is obvious. also in tashkent, another energy project for three was presented, but with the participation of kazakhstan, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan. we are talking about the construction of the kambarata hydroelectric station-1 of the century. the project really promises. become a breakthrough and change the energy and water balance of the region. the total capacity of the tgs is estimated at 1,860 mw with the production of up to 5.6 billion
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kilowatt-hours of electricity per year. the launch of the bratinsk gs1 will make it possible to strengthen the energy security of the region and mutually beneficial use of water resources of transboundary rivers. and about energy. youth, football players of the youth team of uzbekistan for the first time in the history of the country achieved the right to compete at the olympic games. all winners of the asian youth cup received direct tickets to the games in paris. after winning the semi-finals of the tournament over the indonesian team, the uzbekistan team guaranteed itself participation in the olympics. we completed our first task and received a ticket to the olympic games. the team has been striving for this for many years, and they accomplished it. the second task is to reach the finals of the asian cup ahead of the third - to return home as champions. and also about cultural breakthroughs this time. song zhure by kazakh artist adam. real name is farukh
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takhtemuratov. gained more than 5 billion plays on social networks, farukh himself is an uzbek, but was born and raised in kazakhstan in the village of merke, zhambyl region, sang in a restaurant, worked as a welder, installed doors, the very first song, zhurek, translated from kazakh heart, became a worldwide hit, a song, of course, about love. you are my air. that's all for us, see you as usual next week in the center of asia, take care of yourself!
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investment rating, economics. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary policeman and psychologist, but i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what else, it will hurt, they say that you are people you know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, we look in
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the application or on the website.
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powerful explosions occurred last night in ukraine last night. messages came from several regions of the country at once. according to local publications in pavlograd and
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the dnepropetrovsk region after the attacks. there were power outages.


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