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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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military personnel who particularly distinguished themselves in the combat zone in the zone of special military operations were presented with high state awards. the head of the ministry of defense, sergei shaigu, personally attached gold stars of russian heroes to each of the fighters. sergei shaigu noted that the merit of the fighters is not only in what they have shown...
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success, new awards, new victories, take care of yourself. the heroes themselves tell you about their actions on the frontline. i congratulate you, i wish you further advances, they tell you in military terms, but this does not prevent you from understanding the complexity and danger of the tasks they performed. approached unnoticed
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destroyed more of the enemy's squad and infantry, gained a foothold in the main direction and a battle ensued, the enemy called for reinforcements, reinforcements approached him quite quickly, fortunately our mortars and artillerymen with our drones boldly drove him away, we warn the civilian population who were at the military crossing, accordingly we were sent to a shelter, so the personnel were not injured... we did not suffer any losses . exhibition of military equipment and special military operation zone on poklonnaya grief aroused great interest. excitement from the very opening. thousands of guests from russia and other countries come every day to see destroyed tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. and today, on the weekend , a particularly large number of visitors are expected. how many people are we learning from my colleague yegor grigoriev at these moments? he works on poklonnaya hill. egor, i greet you. tell me, well, are there many people who want to see it? tatyana, hello,
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today is indeed a day off, there are a lot of people, huge lines around each trophy, people are listening attentively the information that military officers read, military officers tell from their personal experience about the equipment that they managed to knock out and bring here to poklonnaya hill, but for example, we are now standing near the american ... international max pro, it replaced the humvee because - because these armored cars were not able to counteract mines, and as we know, our soldiers especially often check the equipment supplied to the armed forces of ukraine for this parameter; this vehicle, which, by the way, costs about half a million dollars, has supplied hundreds of them units, americans one. it’s a big problem,
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it’s very heavy, look at this armored car, it weighs more than 20 tons by the way, we got it in the luhansk direction, our soldiers near severodonetsk, it’s actually in perfect condition, we have archival footage of how these maxpro armored cars are literally seen in the muddy mud in ukraine, this black soil, the cars and crew, the soldiers who... were located in this armored car, were actually drowned in it, very often they abandoned the car and simply fled, and the equipment was and is being taken to us as trophies. today people come from all over russia, many tell stories, including how they themselves help the front. let's listen to the people. we just arrived, we just started watching, so of course we are very impressed.
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yes, they made efforts too, trench candles, trench candles for heating, for lighting, but now they’ve stopped because it’s warmer, but they’ve been doing this all winter, in general here - the military say, as i understand it, the participants, and just tell what events it happened damaged, how it was damaged, of course, this is important for well, for understanding, but of course it’s impressive. it needs to be developed, without technology there will be no fighting, that’s for sure. well , now we are again at the very same, as one of the visitors to the formidable abrams said, an american tank, which was obtained
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by a group of troops center in the avdeevsky direction near the village of berdychi, which, by the way, was recently liberated. we see the tank ran into a mine, its caterpillar track was torn off, and there are virtually no rollers, in general, this vehicle cannot be restored, although our fighters often drive the equipment to rimbat, where they are actually restored to its original form, let us again give the floor to people who talk about their impressions that they receive here at the exhibition, would like, well, yes, of course, would like to see modern western equipment, amazed by ours.
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well, we are now next to another interesting trophy, an interesting exhibit at this exhibition, which is talked about little, but it is not deserved, this is the south african mamba armored car, and estonia gave it to ukraine in the amount of about 70 units. which, by the way, was very surprising yesterday to one of the military men, otashe, who visited this exhibition and who said that he would definitely figure it out, the armored car is relatively new, it was produced in 2000, everything would be fine, but
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the mine protection is not very strong, so including the british, which... this car was given away together with the estonians, most likely these cars were sent to ukraine, they did not find any demand there, we also have archival footage, photos and videos of how these cars were hit in the fields of the northern military district and stuck in the mud, i i think now we will definitely have them let's show, i also ask you to pay attention that every exhibit, every trophy here at the exhibition has these special signs that say where the car was captured during the liberation of tripoli, donetsk people's republic 2022. we continue to work at the exhibition, tatyana, and we will definitely tell you to show you what is happening here and give interviews to people. egor, thanks for
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the information. egor grigoriev told how the exhibition of nato trophies is taking place on poklonnaya hill in moscow. svo participants from donetsk after serious wounds were able to return. to the front to continue serving, what motivates them, what the liberated territories of donbass look like, who they have to fight, stories of courage in natalya pantalyonova’s report after the advertisement. magnet, mayonnaise sloboda provencal 1399. magnet - the price is what you need. dom click: find a property that is right for you, this is dom click from sberbank. move to a new apartment in a new building, a secondary building, or build your own house from scratch, a click house, where
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a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2%, more profitable with sber prime. when we started moving, my friend’s drone flew in, it completely started to burn, i was thrown to the right side, from a group of five people, i wasn’t the only one left alive, the guys came to us and said: we want to serve, but those who is in tula, well, god forbid that this doesn’t come to you, so you didn’t have to see the suffering, the pain, and you got a pen. that’s it, i made this fool, now it’s already here, they told me to sign it, from
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kuznets from donetsk, to such and such, this flag is from avdeevka from the avdeevsky direction, they’ve removed me from the old ukrainian positions, my guys, the whore has arrived. something heavy, i was thrown back, i felt that my hand was covered in blood, my whole leg was covered in blood, i stood up in shock, received two bullets in my right leg, broke a bone, i fell and realized that’s it, i’m heavy 300, in this park about 220 forged figures. the creation of blacksmiths from all over the country. for me, all the compositions symbolize the resilience of donetsk,
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the desire to live, no matter what. after the attacks of the ukrainian armed forces, the city was wounded, but not broken. donbass craftsmen give a second life to iron, enemy spent cartridges are turned into flowers. blacksmiths forge beautiful roses from shells and torn mines. so are the heroes of our report. from the first days of the war, we went to defend our land and were seriously wounded. we didn't give up. overcoming every day. difficulties, they do everything seemingly impossible in order to be in service, operations, long rehabilitation, their main goal is to return to their comrades in arms and continue to protect. native land, here they are again on the front line, nikolai tikhonov wrote about such people: “if only we could make nails out of these people, it wouldn’t be stronger in world of nails." when they took avdeevka , they basically began to fly here less often, and
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in general there were often shellings, so everything is changing, everything is being built. i think it’s flooded, well , it’s good that everything will change, how they entered russia, roads are being made, everything is being done, a serviceman with the call sign vinnie at the beginning of hostilities served in the cossacks, then in the vostok battalion, he is originally from slavyansk, in 2014 , volunteers from there, people of peaceful professions , practically without weapons, confronted the well -trained forces of the national guard and the armed forces of ukraine now. at fault, deputy company commander of a motorized rifle brigade. it all started when, in 1414, they first stood on the defensive, with wheels, with sticks, well, they didn’t believe, few people believed that there would be a war at all, and then they first went to the right sector, i get it from a friend of my father - straight they cut out
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the entire checkpoint there, they cut out the post, well, they were still standing there with sticks.
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there are a few slavic comrades, many died, now the cars are left, soon avdiivka will be on the bridge, it was under the ukrainian aggressors for 10 years, what is it like there now situation? in avdeevka, it’s mostly artillery, they’re shooting, i even talked about who stayed there, they lived. under the ukrainian military, they haven’t had electricity for 2 years - since the beginning of the northern military district, the light will now be installed, electricians are already working there in avdeevka, communications have been established there, here is avdeevka, these are the houses, the avdeevka coke plant,
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how many people worked here , a? one of the healthiest in europe. since childhood in winn , he has been involved in boxing and fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports. before the start of hostilities worked in the construction industry. he never liked, as he says, bringing shells, he always wanted to see the enemy in the eye. he took part in the battles for debaltsev and shirokin, defended slavyansk, and liberated the lugansk region. his unit visited peske, pervomaiskoye. in the avdeevsky direction i received serious injuries. wounded, lost his arm, was in intensive care for several days. on january 19, we occupied the enemy’s firing line, at about 7 am, the platoon commander came out to me and said on the radio, commander, i’m wounded in the leg, a shrapnel flew into him,
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at about 4 pm the enemy made a counter-offensive, the enemy did not jump into their trenches and took us prisoner. with five, i began to gather people for, well, reinforcements, to go recapture this point to pick up my platoon leader from captivity, when we started moving, my comrade’s drone flew in, it completely started to burn, my comrade threw me to the right side, that’s it it turned out from a group of five people whom i gathered to counter with...
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to connect with relatives and again take my five-year-old son misha in my arms, this was the main thing motivation for a fighter to survive. how many wounds did you have? well, i have three official ones, this is the twenty-second, twenty-third year, after serious wounds you still returned to the front. this is my land, as it were, well, i like it, firstly, my service, i stayed in a good unit, with good commanders, he is there too.
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there is a tee there, knifam, that's it, yes, yes, there, there, that's it, take it, let's go, i'll show it on the map, where to go, what tasks you perform, tell us, we have a motorized rifle brigade, so we mainly assault, move forward, well, these are counterattacks with the enemy, face to face, we are always ahead, they call us:
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well, and even more so, in any case, i am a commander , i set an example for the personnel of my comrades, so i always need to be in front, no matter how difficult it is , in any case , someone needs to carry out this task, well , motorized rifle units, they are all, in principle, rifle battalions, motorized rifle battalions - that’s all, always ahead.
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i’ve been here since i was fourteen, in fact, well , eight wounds, probably, if you don’t count microcontusions, then a lot, like that everything is normal, who will fight except us, in gerzhanskie too, just as someone needs to bake bread, someone needs to fight, someone needs to get this veil, like everyone in their own way, their own war, everyone went on some kind of offensive it’s somehow normal, we’ve gone through a lot this month.
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in principle, it’s not far, but if you look at it like this, then 85-90 km to my city, to my house, there’s already a little left, with every step, it ’s getting closer and closer, the uav operator with the call sign gor was born and raised in donetsk, in 2019 went to defend his native land, was interested in technology since childhood, loved something tinkering, these skills came in handy.
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e, it was destroyed, it was destroyed, the war came precisely to my house, to my village, then the first shelling began, it was scary, because it was not clear what to do, then we got used to it, constant shelling, the battalion itself, where it was located , he was next to his parents, with his father, that’s why, well, friends had already appeared, and then he found out that there was an acquaintance, an acquaintance. well, i went with the guys, i talked, why not, i was at the training ground, it was twenty-three years old, my wife came under fire, they were hitting my area hail, just hail, they hit her, they hit a friend’s apartment, she was at that moment near the house, and i was at the training ground, i couldn’t do anything, i couldn’t come, but thank god everything is fine with her, we are trained people, we hear a whistle, we fall, so she managed to fall from
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the group. maviki with resets, and so you understand, there are people walking with strollers, there are mothers, mothers with children walking freely, children on playgrounds, they just stand and walk, and you look, all this, well, really iron people, just iron, uav platoon lock call sign suuron, originally from krasnoyarsk, came to the special operation zone as a volunteer, in civilian life he worked as an electrician at a diesel power plant, he decided to go to war.
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when the news came that his fellow countryman was captured near kiev, he finally realized his place was here, after several months of preparation, service in the assault detachment, repeatedly, risking his life, pulled out wounded comrades from gunfire, the task was to evacuate the wounded from under fire , it turns out they were pinned down, the enemy shot them, did not let them get out, and so on, we lined up as a group. and i make a decision, just adrenaline bullets, well , they were shooting at us from behind, i just sort of grabbed him on the shoulder, well , i dragged him onto my shoulders, i was sweating very much, i was so tired, but due to adrenaline, i mean in the world of life, maybe i couldn’t do that, but there it was under degenlin that i picked him up and was able to carry him to the evacuation site and the most difficult moment there on marenka was to cross the road, and there were a lot of snipers there, it was the sniper who was shooting there, so
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i had to quickly cross this road , and i already tired, still carrying a load, we’re about to run and someone slaps us there, i’m mustering up the will to fist, that’s it, let’s go, we ran, well , they ran past us, the sniper just took a breath when we were already running, the sniper has this problem, here he’s watching, there’s a slight shift, well , that is, he needs to be lifted, he’s already on target , well, his target is off, that is, he needs to sit and control, and we went around on the other side, that is, they gave a hook, of course, i’m even more tired, but the sniper realized only at the end, when we were already entering the shelter. in the 2014 war became a tragedy for many families, dividing them for many years. at one point, family and friends stopped hearing each other and went to fight on opposite sides of the front. brother, here’s the story, he’s on the side of ukraine, and i’m here, so i even once suggested to him, i say, let’s determine a meeting place, i say, we’ll shoot with you,
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but he only knows how to shout these theirs. so to speak, chants that brought ukraine to such exhaustion that, well, i kind of even feel sorry for the population of ukraine itself, well, they themselves they drove themselves into this corner, i was present at the maidan in 1414, i watched from the side that this was happening, because well, i traveled for work and i had to go there, so i left donetsk and went there. to the main office, i stopped by the maidan, well , i’ll tell you honestly, it’s scary to see this when people themselves, it’s like a drug addict who is driving himself into a hole, you can’t even imagine how it stank there, well, that is, what was going on , some homeless people lived in tents, well, they were going to europe there, a civilized nation thinks of itself as, well , how can a civilized nation behave like this, if you are civilized, you
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show it from beginning to end. relatives, unfortunately, for some reason, for ideological reasons, they went to ukraine, fleeing the war, and that’s because... political chump, the psychological burden on the population of ukraine is very high, well, let’s put it this way.


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