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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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powerful explosions thundered this night the night before in ukraine, according to information from local publications in pavlograd, this is the dnepropetrovsk region, after the attacks there were interruptions in light, and the sounds of detonation were heard in...
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training your subordinates, instilling in them a fighting spirit, devotion to our homeland , our fatherland, and most importantly, the desire for victory. i congratulate you, i wish you further success, new awards, new victories, take care of yourself. the heroes themselves talk about their actions on the front line in a dry military manner, but this did not prevent us from understanding all the complexity and danger of the tasks performed.
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approached unnoticed, destroyed more of the enemy infantry squad, secured a foothold in the main direction and a battle ensued, the enemy called for reinforcements, reinforcements approached him quite quickly, fortunately our mortars and artillerymen with our drones boldly drove him away, we warn the civilian population who were at the military crossing , accordingly, they were sent to a shelter, so the personnel were not anywhere... we suffered no losses, and the exhibition of captured equipment in the special military operation zone on poklonnaya gora still arouses great interest, there has been excitement since the opening, to look at destroyed tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, thousands of guests from russia and other countries come every day, and today on the weekend a particularly large influx of visitors is expected, indicating that is happening at these moments at the exhibition, we find out from egor grigoriev, he works on poklonnaya hill, egor, i greet you.
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tell me, how is everything going, are there many people interested today? tatyana, hello, there are a lot of people, not hundreds, thousands of queues now they are lining up and carefully walking here to the territory of the exhibition of trophies captured in the fields of the northern military district, here we are, by the way, standing near one of them, this is a mardor infantry fighting vehicle, they took it in the zaporozhye direction, if you see, it is almost in such perfect condition, and there is one very interesting feature that i recently talked about, but i repeat, it was made in germany, a marder machine, and next to it is the сau marder, this is a self-propelled artillery unit, also produced in germany, but in 1943, so so it turns out that our russian fighters captured two germans, and a grandfather, a grandson, and one of the military officers, who talks about the tactical and technical characteristics,
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talked to us today, he has a very interesting call sign, moscow, despite the fact that he himself is from from bashkiri, but lives in moscow, that ’s how the call sign was assigned to him, he talked about the weaknesses of this infantry fighting vehicle, let’s listen to him, when this gateway itself is closed, that is, they will not have time to withdraw, the cumulative jet, when there gets in, all the internal combustion is already happening and the pressure, naturally, we often meet the cracks, they always talk about it somehow evasively, well, it’s more like a guideline. well, we determine from them that this is definitely not our equipment, we don’t apply wehrmach crosses and their likeness, in which direction are you mainly working, the donetsk direction, but we see that it’s not easy, not easy to pass, because there are a lot people, we have now come to an interesting example, this is nato equipment, the american max pro armored car, several. hundreds of a
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such vehicles were delivered to ukraine, each such model costs almost half a million dollars, in the late 1990s these vehicles were produced and they replaced the humvee, they entered service in 2007, if i’m not mistaken, all because they have a stronger mine protection, and we know that our soldiers are very willing to test ukrainian equipment for this very parameter, and let us now give the floor to the guests and visitors of the exhibition who talk about the interest with which they look at what they look at most pay attention? we just arrived, we just started looking, so of course we are very impressed in general by our army, by ours, can you imagine, the guys are faced with these monsters, how did you find them, well, at our work we made candles for the front, so we kind of
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made a little bit of effort too, and we also made some efforts, trench candles, trench candles for heating, for lighting, but now we’ve stopped because it’s warmer. from the fields of the northern military district and delivers it here, who instigates it, this is what people like, they directly they can communicate with them, ask all the questions, a very lively exhibition, very keen interest, tatyana, igor, thank you, egor grigoriev spoke about how the exhibition of nato trophies is taking place on poklonnaya hill in moscow.
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this is the pride of the german anti-aircraft artillery, it shoots upward at 15 km, the control is automated. howitzer, caliber 211 mm, with it a whole company of heavy guns, they were aimed at moscow, and really hit moscow. the germans collected many tanks, here is a tank of strangled czechoslovakia, here is an italian tank, it successfully escaped from the sands of egypt, here hungary's tank, where a horse goes, iraq
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will go there, poor samua, vichy sold it along with france. this is one of the pavilions, it contains ammunition, small arms, mortars, you can’t look at everything, at the exhibition there are several tens of thousands of such exhibits, samples of light german weapons. now advertising, then our broadcast will continue with a conversation between american journalist tucker carlson and philosopher alexander dugin.
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russian philosopher, he lived his entire life in moscow, in his youth he was an anti-soviet dissident, and now he is known throughout the world, at least in the english-speaking part of it, as the quote "putin's brain." but in russia he is not a political figure. once again, he is a philosopher, and some people are deeply disgusted by his ideas. in august. us intelligence claims that the murder was committed by the ukrainian government, we believe our intelligence, but what is curious, and once again, alexander dugin does not hold a military position, he is not an adviser to vladimir putin, he is a writer who writes about global ideas, but the biden administration banned his books in the united states, you won't be able to buy them.
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i was just curious to chat with you, and what you said was so interesting that we set up a couple of cameras and decided to record everything. my question to you is, what do you think is happening in english-speaking countries, such as the united states, canada, great britain, new zealand, australia, it seems that all these countries have decided to destroy themselves, some kind of great turmoil, their behavior seems to be very self-destructive, what do you think is causing this? well, i can express this, express how i
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see it, which will take some time, that's all began with individualism, individualism is a misunderstanding of human nature, human nature, when you tie individualism, tie it to man, to human nature, then you... cut it off from its relationship with everything else, you have a very specific philosophical idea of ​​such a subject as an individual, it all began with
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the shrinking of the national state as a manifestation of collectivism in favor of a purely secular society. after that, in the twentieth century there was this great war between liberalism, communism and fascism, and liberalism won another victory. yes, after the fall of the soviet union, only liberalism remained. and francis fukuyama correctly noted
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that besides liberalism there are no more ideologies left. and liberalism. was the liberation of all these individuals from any kind of collective belonging, there were only two collective identifiers left to be freed from, gender identification, since it is a collective identification, you belong to the collective of either men or women, yes, because you are not on their own. so, the liberation from gender, which led to transgender people, to lgbt people and... new forms of sexual individualism, gender became, it became optional, and this was not a deviation from liberalism, it was a necessary step in the further promotion of this liberal ideology, the final step, which still remains unfinished,
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is liberation from identifying oneself as a person, a person will become an option. while we are choosing, you in the west, choose gender as you wish, and the last step of liberalism, the manifestation of liberalism, will be that man will become an option, so that you can choose to express your individuality, to be human or not to be human, it has a name: transhumanism, posthumanism, singularity, artificial intelligence, klaus schwab, kurtsweil and harari openly declare that this is all inevitably awaiting humanity in the future, so we, in fact, have arrived at the last stop of this historical train, we boarded it five centuries ago, and
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now we are approaching the final resort, this is how i see it all, and elements... the various phases of all this are cutting off your connection with the past, you are no longer a protestant, you are now a secular atheist and materialist, you are no longer the nation state, which, by the way, helped the liberals get rid of empires, and now the nation state itself has become an obstacle, you need to free yourself from the nation state, in the end the concept of family is destroyed for the sake of it.
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this is the political ideological agenda of tomorrow. this is exactly how i see the anglo-saxon world that you are talking about asked. i believe that you are at the forefront of this whole process, which began with anglo-saxon emperism, nominalism, protestantism, and now you... are at the forefront of the process, since you , more than any other european country, are committed to liberalism, which is what you say, obviously it's happening, and it's terrible. but this is not how i imagine liberalism when i call myself what in the united states is called a classical liberal. liberalism is the right to choose and freedom
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from slavery. yes, when i was growing up, we understood liberalism, the individual’s right to have freedom of conscience, to say what he thinks, to protect himself from the state, which is the opposite of ethicism and totalitarianism.
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the majority, and now it is the rule of the minorities over the majority, because the majority can choose hitler or putin, so we have
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to be very careful with the majority, so we need to take control of the majority, and the minorities must rule the majority, and this is no longer democracy, this is totalitarianism , so now we are no longer about individual freedoms. to be progressive or not is it is no longer your right, to be progressive, to follow this agenda is your responsibility, you are free to be left-liberal, but you are no longer free to be right-liberal, you must be left-liberal, and this is now your responsibility, your attitude, throughout its history, liberalism has fought against any kind of installations, and now it has become
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totalitarian, obligatory, and not free, as it was, as it was before, you think that this was all inevitable, that this was how it should have happened, i believe, i see some kind of logic, i think that... everything is not is a kind of deviation from the basics, you start with one thing, you want to free the individual, but when you reach the moment of realization of your desire, then you begin to move even further, and you begin to free yourself from the old definition of the individual in favor of more progressive ones. concept, you, it seems to me, cannot stop there, so if you say: “well, i prefer the old liberalism,” then they, the progressives, will say:
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that was not the old liberalism, it was fascism, you are defending traditionalism , conservatism, fascism, so look, either you become a progressive liberal, or that's it, we 'll cancel you, that's what i'm seeing, but that's exactly how it is now. there is, when you see how those who call themselves liberals ban your books, which are not manuals on making bombs or repeating themselves in ukraine, these are just books on philosophy, it is obvious that such bans are not particularly liberal, but i wonder when the level is reached when an individual can no longer free himself from anything else, when he is no longer even a person, then what should... be the next step, but this has already been shown many times in films, in many american films, i think that almost all the science... of the century became reality in
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1920, so there is nothing more realistic than science fiction, and if you look at the matrix or the terminator, you will see many coincidences and visions of the future, the future after man, or where man becomes an option along with artificial intelligence. hollywood has made a lot of films like this, i think they are quite correct depicted our near future. for example, if we consider a person, a human being, as a kind of rational animal, then at the current level of technology, you will already be able to produce them, you will be able to create rationally. animals, you will be able
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to design and combine them, artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence, neural networks, plus huge databases, he will become the ruler of the world, who will be able not only to manipulate reality, but to create it, since reality is everything only pictures, feelings, sensations, so i...
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some kind of terminator, so the options already lie beyond the limits of man, in my opinion, this is no longer some kind of fantasy, this is some kind of political orientation and it’s already easy for us to imagine , since we already... i
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haven’t asked you any questions about russia and russian politics, and i don’t intend to, since i’m so interested in knowing your vision of countries in which you don’t live, we learn a lot about those who watch from the outside, my final question is: how you explain this phenomenon, for more than 70 years a group of people, liberals in the west in the united states, essentially defended the soviet system and stalinism, and many personally took part in stalinism, spied for stalin, supported him in our media, but in 2000, they adored boris yeltsen because he was a drunkard, but in 2000 the power in your country changed and russia became enemy number one for them. as a result,
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after 80 years. support for russia they began to hate russia, what was it all about, what changed? well, i think that, first of all, putin is a traditionalist leader, when putin came to power, from the very beginning he began, began to remove our country, russia, from international influence, than...


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