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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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people, liberals in the west in the united states, essentially defended the soviet system and stalinism, and many personally took part in stalinism, spied for stalin, supported him in our media, but in 2000, they admired boris yeltsen because he was a drunkard, but in 2000 the power in your country changed and russia became enemy number one for them. as a result, after 80 years of supporting russia, they began to hate russia, what is this? in general, what has changed? well, i think that, firstly, putin, the traditionalist leader, when putin came to authorities, then from the very beginning he began, began to remove our country, russia, from international influence, which began to contradict the global progressivist.
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news, and these people who supported the soviet union, they were progressives, they are still progressives, and these people felt that this time they were dealing with someone who did not support this progressivist agenda, who was trying and not unsuccessfully to restore the traditional values, sovereignty of the country. christianity, traditional family. at first it wasn't much noticeable, but when, when putin began to increasingly push this traditional agenda, as well as the separateness and peculiarity of russian civilization, as some kind of special region of the world, which actually... has very
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little in common with the ideals of progressivism, so i believe that they we just found out and understood who putin is, we understood who putin really is, what kind of leader he is, he is a political leader who defends our traditional values. and just recently, putin signed a decree on the fundamentals of a policy to protect traditional prices.
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just like that, the love for advice has changed , so this is not some kind of coincidence, because it’s not russiaphobia, everything here is somewhat, somewhat deeper, in my opinion, it is obvious that everything is somewhat deeper here, we considered it important that your ideas receive coverage in english language in the united states because we believe in the free exchange of ideas. we are
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liberals after all, so we are grateful for your time. thank you, mr. dugin. thank you. it is profitable to retire with sberbank. free sbercard for pensioners, profitable deposit rate to please yourself more often. cashback, bonuses. in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy what you have long dreamed of, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch and receive special, favorable conditions, catch the avito sale, a gasoline trimmer for 2,669 rubles. under silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, beautiful inside and...
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stormed a tent city of protesters on the territory of a local university. activists demanded to stop supporting israel and achieve. to the ocean, student america is burning with pro-palestinian, or anti-israeli protests, more than a thousand are detained throughout the country, the number of universities where outbreaks have occurred, the manifestation is in the dozens, that this is blm 2.0, a remake of the events of 1968 or something else
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unknown, but probably related with a presidential vote that promises there was a new hot thing in the states... and it seemed that if the tent camp there fell, it would all be over. indeed, at some point the protesters crossed the red lines there, they seized hamilton hall, this has not happened since 1968, the police literally stormed,
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used water cannons, drove up a special car with a ladder, which the police hit through the second floor windows inside hamilton hall. as a result, more than 200 people were detained, but the tent camp remained in place, the university management allowed it not to be cleaned tents, however. of course, all this will affect the graduation events; most likely, the entire program will be changed. those who agree to follow the university charter and sign the appropriate paper will be admitted to the session. those who refuse will be permanently expelled, will not be able to complete the semester, will not receive a college diploma, and will not be able to live in the dormitory. a symbolic moment at columbia university was the return of the american flag to the flagpole. for almost 2 weeks the palestinian flag hung there, there were
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such universities and such campuses, where the confrontation became truly violent, this is footage from atlanta, emory university, where not only students, but also teachers suffered, despite attempts to explain to them that they work here, the police did not pay attention to this and applied. actions until somewhere the police manage to take control of the situation or somewhere
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the university leadership manages to come to an agreement with the students, in other places the situation is becoming more and more aggravated, and of course, as i already he said, here it strongly depends on the state, for example, in liberal california or in the state of new york, they largely turn a blind eye to what is happening, and in some places these tent cities are even being turned into...
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seriously take up arms, of course, no one, but here’s an interesting point, they are asked, but explain in general what antifada is, they cannot answer, so you are calling for an intifada, but do you know what intifada means, what it is, what an intifada is? these parallels with blm become even stronger when it becomes obvious throw the entire infrastructure of this protest, 4 years ago, when after the murder... in minneapolis of george floyd, america went up in flames, we also saw something similar, tents were set up, everyone
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remembers the autonomous zone in oregon, in portland, food was delivered, now something similar is also happening on campuses , after all , all this is not free, students or those who mixed with students need to be fed, they need to provide for their daily lives, they need to provide communications and so on, all this. warned about external players who are trying to intercept the agenda, they in no way
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are associated neither with the colombian university nor with other educational institutions, their only task is to aggravate the situation and sow chaos. as a matter of fact, the mayor of new york commented on the situation at columbia university, but a similar situation is developing everywhere. my colleagues who worked, for example, at the university of austin in texas also said that they saw not only young people. there were middle-aged people there, people who were clearly prepared; in america there is a serious, as i already said, infrastructure for creating a protest, there is a special organization. where you can simply take protesters for money, but there are clearly political sponsors, conservative american publications that track how it began and how it develops, pay attention to the activity, for example, of the same notorious financier george soros, who was associated with with blm protests
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4 years ago. the project, called the us campaign for palestinian rights, provides between $3 and $8,000. activists in exchange for spending 8 hours a week on organizing campaigns led by palestinian organizations. the radical group has received at least $300,000 from soros' open society foundations since 2017, as well as about $350,000 from the rockefeller brothers foundation since 2019. why soros needs this is not very clear, because soros, in principle, supports the liberal american agenda, he is rather pro-democratic, but... there may be a more complex game here, for example, a bet on chaos as such, in coordinates, the worse the better , if so, then it’s clear, overheat political situation, create general instability, and all this happens in the summer, and in a few months the elections, in this muddy water of protest, it is possible
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to try to catch some success for those candidates or those positions.
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condemn what they call these little gases that have formed on campuses, but the president of the united states continues to remain silent. americans have the right to peaceful protest, but we are categorically against any calls for violence or threats of intimidation. anti-semitism is dangerous and disgusting and should not be there must be places on college campuses or elsewhere. at the same time, the congress itself is going further and has already voted on a law to combat anti-semitism. on the campuses of american universities, it was discussed for several weeks, the reason for the adoption of this law, in general for this discussion were anti-semitic attacks, including against students at columbia university, after which a recommendation was given to jewish students not to attend classes at all. i am
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a student of this university, i have pass, but they won’t let me in, and it’s not the security, these three, look at this.
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well, in particular, the state of michigan, one of the traditional swing states, the so-called key states for the presidential race, has many immigrants from arab countries living there. in recent months, these voters began to turn away from biden, in many ways they brought him victory there 4 years ago, he
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was ahead of trump, because muslims, the arab communities there voted for biden, and now they are turning away from him, that’s more than 300 thousand people for a second , if biden loses these votes, and they are already very harsh... towards him, then he will lose michigan, and the loss of every swing state is a likely hole in the very structure of a potential election victory, and this will simply block his path for re-election to a second term. we can’t continue to kill people with our money and think that we are so stupid that we will elect biden a second time, supposedly we will forget about it, this is an insult to me as a voter. how to get out of this situation the white house doesn't know yet, they sound. completely different ideas, in addition to appeasing israel, the option of taking some of the palestinians from the gaza strip, bringing them to
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the united states, legalizing them is already being seriously discussed, this, of course , will also be grist for trump’s mill, who does not hide his, so to speak, anti-immigrant sentiments, this feeds his electorate, well, historical parallels, they cannot be avoided here either, everyone already comes to mind. the events of the sixty-eighth year under the banners of those protests, then they gathered completely different forces, these were anti-war protests against the vietnam war and protests for racial equality and much more. the scale of those events is not yet comparable to what is happening now, but the protest potential is naturally great, because there are campuses in all major american cities, and the student body is traditionally active. part of the population, but also the summer holidays, now many are busy studying, not everyone is ready to sit in tents, not everyone is ready to run around with palestinian flags, in the summer
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there will be more free time, there will be more those who just want to join these protests in order to have a good time, which, by the way, was the case with bell, part of the quintessence of the protest events of 1968 became an action of the ippy movement, this is so leftist. in chicago, there is, of course, an amazing irony here, because this year the democratic convention will also be in chicago, this year also at this congress they will approve a candidate, a party candidacy for participation in the presidential election, well, it is clear that for now it will be joe biden , there are no other options, but here i am the surroundings of this.
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12:59 pm
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1:00 pm
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