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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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this is what he writes: recently in russia a strange fashion has arisen to replace the image of orthodox crosses with balloons. here, for example, is a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in vladimir. and here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry in rostov the great. the same thing happens in suzdal, near uglyachi. many of us tried to explain this with something like safety for the visually impaired.
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so as not to get scratched, but who could get scratched, and the sign of st. petersburg university under this logo was before, this is how it was made now. in general, not because of the blind, that's all, it's because of the sighted, and these sighted people for some reason decided that crosses have no place in public space. removing the cross from symbols will no doubt be presented to us as an act. some kind of politeness towards those of our compatriots and guests who profess other religions. they do not know the respect that people who profess different beliefs have for each other if these beliefs are truly paid for by victims. the cross bothers them, and not some fictitious infidels. for them.
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tradition is something that fetters maneuver and makes people too intractable and capricious material for the introduction of new ideas and social forms. if someone removes crosses from an image because he considers them offensive, if he believes that our symbols offend muslims or jews, then he believes that jews and muslims are people lacking the ability to respect, boors and chavenists. i think roman nosikov's essay is very accurate. well, now i’ll decipher this phrase for you, where it came from, which we called our program. i was filming a picture relatives in dnepropetrovsk, arrived after filming, came in tired. restaurant, the restaurant
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is empty, there’s one waiter, gen, he’s so sad, there’s no one there, he’s bored, i say, gen, you’ll feed him, he says, i’ll feed you, nikita sergeevich, i say, well, give me some borscht and 150 g of vodka, he brought it and put it on , i say, well , sit down, sit down, you’re bored, he sat down opposite me, i’m eating borscht, and without looking at him, i ask, well, gen, are you stealing, he...
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that these lower classes will simply take matters into their own hands, not giving a damn about officials, as happened in the orenburg or tyumen regions, people they will take the problem into their own hands and solve it with their own hands, if this was not done by the officials, who, by the way, threatened them for this work and arbitrariness, but i hope that this initiative, it will not only not be punished, but will also be encouraged. well, after these uplifting shots, i think. and it’s a sin to fulfill our tradition, and, as
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always, to raise a glass to the victory for our victory, but i was late, again our swordsman, krivorochka, came and said: we’re leaving one by one, if anything, we, who, correctly, are geologists, all the best, very i hope for ours god will give a new meeting, sergei shaigu today
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awarded the military who showed courage and heroism during a special military... operation in ukraine. the minister presented them with gold stars of heroes of russia. the ceremony took place at the national defense management center. and a report by alexey baranov. the first of a series of solemn ceremonies on the eve of the great holiday of victory day. today, in the building of the ministry of defense , the head of the military department, army general sergei shaigu, presented the gold star medal, showing courage and heroism in carrying out tasks of a special military operation. awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. buyan kular , as part of one of the assault units , ensured the advance of the main forces in one of the sectors of the front. of course, we do not disclose the direction where the fighters acted. here is a military-style, restrained story from a hero.
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they approached unnoticed, destroyed more of the enemy's squad and infantry, and gained a foothold in the main direction, testing them. honor and pride for our country, great russia, and i also thank my colleagues for their service. in in the zone of a special military operation, of course, not only shock units operate; under enemy fire, water obstacles cannot be overcome without pontoon crossings; for the hard work that ensured the transfer of forces across one of the rivers, the title of hero of russia was awarded to lieutenant colonel anatoly sysoev. not only our unit, but also the transport units that participated in this. in a fairly short period of time, it allowed us to evacuate civilians and quickly transfer the association's troops from one direction to another. the personnel are nowhere
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we suffered no losses. and thanks to the professionalism of every serviceman, pontoon-ferrying units, engineering and sapper units, he made it possible to carry out this task.
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points at once several enemy machine-gun points, which were discovered by aerial reconnaissance with the help of drones. alexey baranov, artyom sirov, lead. in ukraine , universities will introduce an intermediate exam, which will allow us to weed out unscrupulous male graduate students under the age of 25. such students will be expelled, but not for the sake of raising the level of national education, but for the sake of replenishing the ranks. the kiev regime is ready to send to slaughter yesterday’s schoolchildren with cancer, absolutely all men from 18 to 60 years old. ekaterina shamaeva will talk about how people try to avoid death and what people in the west think about this.
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a real riot broke out at the military registration and enlistment offices in the transcarpathian region, strong mobilization under the cover of darkness, members of the gypsy community began to storm tsk. force. where users can report the location of military commissars in order to avoid them, posts are written using meteorological code. trade center employees were nicknamed clouds or rain. a typical conversation goes like this: what is the weather like at the metro station, defenders of ukraine? answer: three clouds covered the young guy. despite the tough mobilization, the strength of ukrainian units in the areas of the russian offensive is about 40%. these figures are cited by the former prosecutor general of ukraine lutsenko.
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zelensky has made many military decisions
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based on theatrics rather than sound strategy, he is afraid free media critics, and also terrorizes and denigrates anyone who criticizes him. the french president also receives a lot of criticism after yet another statement about the possible dispatch of western troops to ukraine. the hungarian foreign minister called these words threatening. peter szijjarta emphasized: nato countries must do everything to avoid direct confrontation with russia. the minister of defense of italy also supported him, he ruled out the country’s direct intervention in the ukrainian conflict, it seems that they have a plan on how to stop hostilities donald trump, and very detailed, if you believe sources in his circle, but the politician is not going to share it, because he believes that in this case leverage will be lost; instead , trump limits himself to general statements that he wants to end the conflict, thus marking it comrades, he plans to attract those to his side... sber
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equipment, there are bmp tanks, knocked out and captured during a special military operation, including american ones. and on my colleague egor grigoriev is now working on poklon mountain, he is in direct contact with us. egor, i welcome you, but tell me, are there many visitors, is it possible to approach the equipment at all? tatyana, good afternoon, there are a lot of visitors, so i’ll now ask the operator to show how many people, how many samples of captured equipment are here, these are the people who are now taking photographs, taking selfies, photos of themselves with... it was delivered, by the way, from avdeevsky direction, was taken from the village of berdache, which was recently liberated, now it’s literally in perfect condition, look, although just recently the tracks were damaged, there was no belt or rollers, and after the tank hit a mine, our fpv drones then worked on it and burned the wiring, but overall the vehicle remained in good condition
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good condition, this allowed the group of troops to pull the center away.
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well, i’ll ask the cameraman to show this very interesting moment. ivan
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zharsky is watching our live broadcast, a very modest guy, a real russian. fighter, vanya, you’re live now, i’m shaking hands, like all the guests, all the spectators of this exhibition, i want to say that people come here not only from the regions of russia, but also from different cities, in particular roland ilzy came here from germany, a pensioner, a blogger, already in retirement he became interested in recording interviews, and here he asked ivan for the number of this car, he promised to make a video... and give it directly to olaf scholz, the chancellor of germany, he , as he told us, had already interviewed him, and he definitely wants to show him this video, let's let's give our word.
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in arms, lowered down, facing west, the equipment has been demilitarized, the equipment has been defeated, and of course, this is the fulfillment of the goals of the air defense forces, this
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is what our soldiers are fighting for today, and no one has any doubts that this awaits all the equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. tatyana, egor, thank you and your guests, egor grigoriev spoke about how the exhibition of captured nato equipment is taking place on poklonnaya hill in moscow. this is the pride of the german anti-aircraft artillery, it shoots up to 15 km, the control is automated, a howitzer, 211 mm caliber, with it a whole company of heavy guns, they were aimed at moscow and really hit in...
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the germans collected a lot of tanks, here is a tank from strangled czechoslovakia, here is an italian tank, it successfully escaped from the sands of egypt, here is a tank from hungary, where is a horse with a hoof, there is iraq with a claw, here is a poor one. samois, vichy sold it together with france, this is one of the pavilions, it contains ammunition, small arms, mortars, today. there are several tens of thousands of such exhibits at the exhibition, examples of light german weapons.
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the russian delegation paid tribute to the memory of soviet soldiers on the territory of the mouthausen concentration camp in austria. in total in the ceremony about 100 people took part. laid flowers and wreaths at the monuments, as noted by the ambassador of our country in vienna, dmitry lyubinsky, local authorities did not invite russian diplomats to international events on the territory of mauthausen tomorrow, may 5, and he explained this by the loss of historical memory by the organizers. on the eve of victory day, employees of the investigative committee of russia visited a hospital for war veterans in moscow. first they laid wine and flowers. to the memorial to doctors who died for their homeland, it was opened in 2005 on the territory of this medical center then the guests awarded medical workers and veterans, and then
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talked with patients and doctors in an informal setting. we convey words of gratitude and congratulations from the leadership of the investigative committee to our veterans and our medical friends, who are again on duty today. thank you very much, i sincerely congratulate everyone on the monthly norm, in some areas of the city there is wet snow, this is half of about thirty power outages recorded, under the weight of the stuck snow trees are falling, branches are breaking, motorists are driving on the pern-yekaterinburg federal highway on saturday night.
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six long-distance research trains are delayed on the sverdlovsk railway due to bad weather. in the southwestern part of the region , power outages occurred due to snow sticking to wires, falling trees and icy lep. 79.00 people remain without electricity. more than 350 people from 119 pieces of equipment were involved in emergency restoration work. according to forecasters, the snowfall will subside only by the night of may 5 on the rise. cars can't get up maybe it’s just an asterisk, my legs are just numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angia norm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angianm. keep your blood vessels normal. what not. enough for
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