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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. after the continuation of
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the documentary about the persecution of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church. modern technologies. confidence in sustainable work. reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry. new quality for your success. transneft, oil pumps. kyiv drowning, five metro stations destroyed, groundwater and lakes flooded.
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between evil and good, in the summer and autumn of twenty -three, a battle unfolded for the shrine of our orthodoxy, the kiev-pechersk lavra. zelensky’s anti-christian regime decided to take away the holy lavra from believers, destroy it, evict the monks, turn the monastery into a museum and place a rehabilitation center there for wounded soldiers in the ksu. a former minister took up this matter.
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of the kiev-pechersk saints are considered as exhibits that can be rented out, can be confiscated, can be sent to an exhibition somewhere, or western ones can be preserved in a museum, if the minister of culture of ukraine states that in the kiev pechersk lavra it would be most expedient to create a kind of center of ukrainian culture, where everyone could live as a monk there. -that's the time. yes, where
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some different centers of folk crafts functioned and so on, a rehabilitation center for wounded military personnel , well, excuse me , clearly in the monastery. somehow a certain purpose, monastic life, yes, monks who leave from the world in search of salvation on this special ascetic path, in fact the monastery is not intended for anything else, everything else is secondary, meanwhile near the monastery there are confrontations almost every day. glory to the nation, ukraine, mercedes, because moscow. i'm plowing on a bucket, i'm plowing on a bucket, ged to moscow, ged to moscow, ged to moscow.
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i’ll say it in russian, because you are standing here for russia, you are here for russia.
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many of you asked me what i am like, i feel sorry for him, because he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but despite the fact that hundreds of security forces with weapons they stormed the monk’s hostel, broke doors, windows, did not let people out even to get water, the spirit is always stronger than the flesh, it is not for nothing that the gospel says: my strength is made perfect in weakness. of course, the forces were unequal and the globalists managed to expel the believers from the main refectory church of the lavra and organize some performances there that had nothing to do with faith.
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however, ordinary people, christians, even when asked by propagandists intent on discrediting the canonical church, tell them the truth to their faces. but tell me, are they singing hymns and flags of ukraine in the church? they pray, they pray before they pray, why do they need confessions?
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that these people are unbelievers, unfortunately, that they don’t know what they are doing, and well, i would like
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to wish them, god give them health, god give them wisdom, because if they have wisdom and health, spiritual, mental, physical, then they will understand and distinguish between truth and falsehood, understand where the church of christ is. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people, and above all, by destroying what... united the common church, the canonical one, so, of course, it is so the so-called orthodox church, ukraine will not be able to become, well, even some kind of surrogate, i would say the orthodox church, but it is too weak for this, not authoritative and marginal, so it will certainly be absorbed by the ukrainian greek catholic church, which...
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before all these events, people like george soros planned the orange revolutions,
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spurred anti-russian rhetoric and hatred of russia. at the political level , this was achieved in 2014, at which time the promotion of the idea of ​​a church schism began. and when john mccain was on the intelligence committee, he went to ukraine and met with these fake churchmen. and the former director of the cia awarded them some medals. it is obvious that it was they who created this church with their own hands. i think this is a very obvious fact, and can easily be confirmed in the documents that the state department has published since 1948. they tell how the ecumenical patriarchate of constantinople completely submitted to the state department.
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with his flock, he is surrounded by only a small group of associates, he has very few turkish parishioners, he is desperately trying to maintain importance.
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church, and despite the accusation of the russian now i rejoice at the autocephaly of the ukrainian orthodox church in that i took money for granting autocephaly, i say that in fact i did not take the money, i took a lot of such candies and chocolates from poroshenko’s factory. istanbul, district, here is the residence of the ecumenical patriarch. to enter here, you must go through security. the area is well guarded. it is divided into two parts: the service room, where bartholomew's office is located, in fact, a temple with a small church
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shop. we arrived at the residence on an ordinary day, in the middle of the week.
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to show that they have a large community, they bring people on buses from greece in an organized manner, and as you can see, they have practically no community and no pilgrims, but nevertheless, they want to show their power and strength, and of course, with the support of the west and the usa. as for the ukrainian church, it is obvious that constantinople carried out tasks from america, which has hostile
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views on russia, because this is their american project, which led to the death of many people. “when the ottoman empire captured constantinople in 1453, this patriarchate became simply an ordinary church, whose duty was to take care of the greeks living here. in 1589 , the patriarchate was established in moscow, an independent church became in serbia and bulgaria. they no longer belonged to constantinople. so the so-called patriarchate of constantinople is a us project that they want to make it universal." but he doesn't have any legal rights, let him other christian countries are not worried, what they are doing is illegal, this church is a normal turkish institution.
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the enemy of the human race does not want us to get into the right door, for us to get to god, he does not want it, this is a sacred reason and most importantly, an earthly reason, those inhabitants of the earth whose
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goals coincide with the goals of the enemy of the human race do not want one-sixth of the planet was the territory of historical russia. in which one could be saved, as in the ark of salvation, one could be saved, a territory in which one could to go to a genuine church and be saved there, for this the lord created russia. to do this, at the baptism of vladimir in 988, he created a special civilization, a special people who are called to keep the correct faith, to be that very door. they want
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to destroy historical russia, so we have come to what is needed for a church schism on the land of ukraine. vladyka gideon, who served in the very heart of orthodox kiev, suffered much from the persecutors of the church.
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but for condemning this for the idea of ​​rapprochement with the russian orthodox church, under pressure some american hierarchs, intelligence services and the patriarchate of constantinople, he was forced to renounce his rank. i openly admit that i am a conservative. i believe in family values, the values ​​of the church and the holy scriptures. for me, this is not politics, a desire to find out what the true teaching of the church is. i believe in this, because when there are strong families consisting of a father and a mother who were married in the orthodox church, and devoted to jesus christ, his teachings and
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some nonsense, then it is difficult to perceive that freemasonry is serious existing threat, but nevertheless, it is seriously an existing threat, in the united states, again, only one president was not a freemason, and he was assassinated, who do you mean, john fitzgerald kennedy, catholic johnferald kennedy, because catholic, before the second vatican catholic, could not be
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a mason. because it automatically erupts from the bosom of the church, this is the law, they tried to abolish this at the second vatican council, but then gradually it all returned anyway, today, ironically , in front of the entrance to the kiev pechersk lavra there are two buildings, one gray, soviet, here is the center of the european party of poroshenko, the same poroshenko who had a hand in the destruction of the ukrainian...
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the kiev regime staged a spiritual shingle on hostin, which means an onslaught to the east. they changed the church calendar, made it like in western europe, now they celebrate christmas there according to the catholic tradition. this time, both catholics and orthodox christians celebrate christmas on the same day, december 25th. in the spring of the past year, the orthodox church of ukraine decided to switch to new julian calendar. president vladimir zelensky noted that ukrainians celebrate the holiday together with europe and the world. today all ukrainians are together, we all celebrate christmas together, on one date, as one big family, as one nation, as one united country. and today, more than ever, our common prayer will be strong, it will sound today without a time difference of 2 weeks and will sound together with europe and the world. but who celebrates it, the officials.
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there is no place and no one pays attention to her, but as it turns out, this is a hoax, but they just pay attention to the church in order to strangle it and kill it, issues a decree that cancels the orthodox christmas and appoints the catholic one as the main holiday, this is a farce, only not funny, but a terrible bloody one.


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