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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 4:30pm-4:54pm MSK

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by conviction a libertarian, well, this is an idea of ​​​​universal freedom, where there is no place for the church and no one pays attention to it, but as it turned out, this is a deception, they are paying attention to the church in order to strangle it , kill it, issues a decree that cancels orthodox christmas appoints the catholic one as the main holiday, this is a farce, only not funny, but a terrible bloody one
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, then the light will shine in your heart, and you must return home from victory and convey this experience of courage, sacrifice, self-sacrifice, fidelity, honesty, children, not a single car, not knowing the control, hands down, hands down, hands down. the kiev-pechora lavra is still under siege, the remaining monks are kept in cold and hunger, food and clothing cannot be transferred, and so the sbushnik, dressed in a town coat, takes away and does not allow the food of the monks to be transferred to the cell. on what basis can we not be given food, please tell me, or are you an assistant, please tell us. these are the conversations
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we have with our law enforcement officers, everything is according to the law, the main thing is either you come in or you come in, kindly, you come in or you come in or else come in, be kind, don’t ask, we’ll start or we’ll leave. be kind, or we can see, or we can be, everything, be kind, but the orthodox people do not give up, because you need to have great courage and love for god in order to openly sing a hymn to glorify christ and faith, when only enemies stand around you. faith is eternal, faith is glorious, our faith is orthodox.
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a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. from ocean to ocean. america is ablaze with pro-palestinian, or anti-israel, protests. more than a thousand detained throughout the country, the number of universities where demonstrations broke out is in the dozens. what is this? blm 2.0, a remake of the events of 1968, or something else unknown, but probably related to the presidential vote, which promises the states a new hot election summer. what is happening now on the campuses of american universities can be ironically or directly called the lessons of democracy that are being taught to american students by the police of these cities in
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which the universities are located, the first university where they actually began pro-palestinian protests, there was a columbia university, and it seemed that... if the tent camp there fell, then everything would end. indeed, at some point the protesters there crossed the red lines, they seized hamilton hall, this did not happen. since 1968 and the police literally went on an assault, used water cannons, drove up a special car with a ladder, along which the police got inside hamilton hall through the second floor windows. as a result, more than 200 were detained, but the tent camp remained on the spot, the leadership of uz allowed not to remove the tents, however, of course, all this. affects the completion of graduation events, most likely the entire program will be changed.
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those who agree to follow the university charter and sign the appropriate paper will be admitted to the session. those who refuse will be permanently expelled, will not be able to complete the semester, will not receive a college diploma, and will not be able to live in the dormitory. a symbolic moment at columbia university was the return of the american flag to the flagpole, almost 2 weeks. there was a palestinian flag hanging there, there were universities and campuses where the confrontation became truly violent, this is footage from atlanta, emory university, where not only students but also teachers suffered, despite attempts to explain to them that they work here, the police did not pay attention to this and used force against... including women who work at this university.
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but this is footage taken at the university of austin in texas. the police, in full gear, wearing protective equipment, went to storm of this university, to the assault campus, in order to eliminate the tent city there. however, action gives rise to reaction and for now somewhere.
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of course, no one, but here’s an interesting point, they are asked, but explain in general what
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an intifada is, they cannot answer, so you are calling for an intifada, but do you know what an intifada means, what it is, what an intifada is? these parallels with blm become even stronger when the entire infrastructure of this protest begins to be seen. 4 years ago, when after the murder in minneapolis. america was on fire with george floyd, they also saw something similar, tents were set up, everyone remembers the autonomous zone in oregon, in portland, food was delivered, now something similar is also happening on campuses, because all this is not free, students or those who mixed with students need to be fed , you need to provide for everyday life, you need to provide communications, and so on, all this is money, all these are resources. there are more and more questions about who might be behind this, especially since
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professionals, even authorities who are trying to restore order, but for example, the authorities in new york are already directly talking about this, that clearly not only students are taking part in the protests. the city administration supports your right to peaceful protest, but we have repeatedly warned about outsiders. their only task is to aggravate the situation and sow chaos. as a matter of fact, the mayor. new york commented on the situation at columbia university, but it seems the situation is developing everywhere. my colleagues who worked, for example, at the university of austin in texas, also said that they saw not only young people, there were also middle-aged people, clearly prepared people. in america, there is
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a serious, as i already said, infrastructure for creating a protest, there are special organizations where you can do it in just a day. take the protesters, but there are clearly political sponsors, conservative american publications that track how it began and how it is developing, pay attention to the activity, for example, of the same notorious financier george soros, who was associated with the blm protests for 4 years back. a project called us palestinian rights gives between $3,000 and $8,000 to activists in exchange for spending 8 hours a week organizing campaigns run by palestinian organizations. the radical group has received at least $300,000 from soros' open society foundations since 2017, as well as about $350,000 from the rockefeller brothers foundation since 2019. why soros needs this is not very clear, because soros, in principle, supports
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the liberal american agenda; he would rather about democratic, but there may be more here... strictly speaking, soros puts it. the joe biden administration, of course, finds itself in a difficult position here; liberals, including left-leaning liberals, are part of a broad coalition of the democratic party; he cannot ignore their opinion in reacting to his own protests, but at the same time he cannot distance himself from support for israel,
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which the white house administration continues to provide in many ways, we see... the un security council votes, we see netanyahu’s attempts to resolve the issue through biden initiations against him personally and against some of the leaders of the case in the international criminal court in the hague, that is, biden here finds himself between two fires, and congress and the republicans in congress are demanding that he finally comment on what is happening, give an assessment, condemn how.. they name these little gases that have formed on campuses, but the president of the united states continues to remain silent. americans have the right to peaceful protest, but we are categorically against any calls for violence or threats of intimidation. anti-semitism is dangerous and disgusting. it should have no place on college campuses or anywhere else. at the same time, congress itself is going
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further and has already voted on a law to combat anti-semitism on american campuses. universities, it was discussed for several weeks, the reason for the adoption of this law, in general for this discussion were anti-semitic attacks, including against students at columbia university, after which a recommendation was given to jewish students not to attend classes at all. i student of this university, i have a pass, but they don’t let me in, and not the security, these three, look at this, i paid for my studies, i have the right.
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i couldn’t help but say that the candidate for president of the united states, republican donald trump, for his electorate, this is all, of course, an important moment of mobilization, so for now, perhaps, we can probably say that these protests are clearly not in favor biden, not in favor of the democrats, but rather in favor. i remember what protests used to look like that were not funded by soros, but real protests, people drew posters themselves in their basements and garages. now they all have the same printed banners that were simply handed to them, this is all a complete deception, and biden must speak out about this , he must say at least something,
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because no one knows where he is at all. there is an important electoral dimension here, well, in particular, the state of michigan, one of the traditional swing states, the so-called key states for the presidential race, many immigrants from arab countries live there, in the last... months, these voters began to turn away from biden, in many ways they brought him victory there, 4 years ago, he was ahead of trump, because muslims, the arab communities there voted for biden, and now they are turning away from him, that’s more than 3,000 people for a second, if biden will lose these votes, and they are already very harsh towards him, then he will lose. the loss of every swing state is a likely hole in the very structure of a potential election victory, and this will simply block
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he is on track for re-election to a second term. we can't keep killing people with our money and think we're stupid enough to elect biden a second time. supposedly we will forget about this, this is an insult to me as a voter. the white house doesn’t yet know how to get out of this situation, they sound completely different and... ideas besides appeasing israel, the option of taking some of the palestinians from the gaza strip, bringing them to the united states, legalizing them, is already being seriously discussed, this, of course, will also all be water on trump's mill, which is not hides his, so to speak, anti-immigrant sentiments, this feeds his electorate, and historical parallels, they cannot be avoided here either, the events of the year sixty-eight already come to everyone’s mind. under the banners of those protests, completely different forces gathered at that time, these were anti-war protests against the war in vietnam and protests for racial
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equality and much more, the scale of those events is not yet comparable to what is happening now, but the protest potential is naturally great, because that there are campuses in in all major american cities, students are a traditionally active part of the population, but also summer... holidays, now many are busy studying, not everyone is ready to sit in tents, not everyone is ready to run with palestinian flags, in the summer there will be more free time, there will be more people willing just join these protests to have a good time, which is exactly what bell did, by the way. part of the quintessence of the protest events of 1968 were the actions of the ippy movement, this is the left militant wing of the hip movement. so it is possible, probably to name them, during the democratic convention in chicago. there is an amazing irony here, of course, because this year.


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