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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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uav group, yes, how was it formed, why did you decide to control drones? it turns out that we both carried out reconnaissance and we stormed together with the stormtroopers, but we received an order to capture the point, to help the stormtroopers take it, because they couldn’t take it for a whole month. moved out at night, surrounded the enemy, they didn’t have time to realize that they were already surrounded and that we would now storm them, they opened fire on them, navigated them, captured them, took prisoners, i understood that reinforcements were moving forward, that i had already then i got a serious wound, something heavy flew in, but it wasn’t a shell, nothing, just something rocket-propelled, i was thrown back, i felt that my hand was covered in blood, my whole leg was covered in blood. i got up in shock, received
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two bullets in my right leg, broke a bone, i fell, i realized that’s it, i’m heavy 300, immediately the highest evacuation group, they pulled me out, i ended up in the hospital, i lay there for about six months, then i was discharged, a couple of i don’t have enough fingers, and now i’m already so motionless, but since i used to fly on the ground, well, that is, i carried out reconnaissance for myself.
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it was an assault, our fighters captured the position, strengthening the area with battle, two of them were wounded, reinforcements could not reach them, because they were heavily covered, plus the enemy’s birds were controlling it, it was unknown whether our attack aircraft were alive or not, i flew up on my bird and observed where, what happened, where, where the enemy was lying, looked, it seemed like... the enemy’s trace i’m not watching,
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i sank as low as possible into every hole, i looked into every brush, it looked like ours, we thought, let’s throw the water, with a note, we threw it there... he received the water, read it, waved his hand, we realized that this is ours, well, our uniform, he’s his face showed him everything, let’s throw food, water, batteries on the radio, the radio was reset, take it out, he got in touch, said that he was his, told him his call sign, that everything was fine, that he was alive, it was good that it all ended like this, yes, well , we just, too, well, before doing all this, we think it all through, that is, you never know what kind of situation will happen, but during the day it was not possible to get to it. opportunity to evacuate it, because enemy birds are also flying in it and they won’t let you get there, that is, komikazes, this again drops, again artillery, that is , they would not allow 70 m to the enemy, that is, all the enemy’s positions already begin, that is , if only the group moves forward, and there are dshk, machine guns, enemy lines, they
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simply would not allow the infantry to reach, therefore they waited for the night, when it would get damp, when the birds would not be able to fly, they supervised the group that arrived, and took everything away from him.
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one will destroy three or four fortified positions, no, well, someone will say, this is money, this is where it costs 300,000, well , imagine these three positions, if they are not destroy, people will go there, how many people will die there, and how much more equipment will be damaged, well, that is , a huge amount of resources will be involved, 32, which is what i’m bringing closer to the outside. there’s another one from below, he’s on the right, he’s on top, have you encountered foreign mercenaries, yes, who are they mostly, well, the bulk are poles,
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then they’re georgians, they’re also an interesting people to me , well, how should i say, here they said that they were fighting badly there, but they weren’t fighting well. and then they come, let’s say, these are the former colonial countries of britain and the usa, canadians sometimes you meet people like this, well, this is new zealand, australia, you meet cubans, you get such mercenaries from south america, well, that is, there are a lot of them. judging by this video, foreign mercenaries of all bridges feel like masters on ukrainian soil. with smiles, songs and slogans they go to fight our soldiers. the militants attached a video camera to themselves and filmed their outrages, but for most
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of them this was the last day. the crew destroyed the group and took the action camera equipment to show the video to those who still doubts who we are fighting with.
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and there are petals, mines, unexploded cassettes, that is, it’s all full, well , with mine, well, that is, i walk slowly because of my wounds, that’s it. and for me this is quite difficult, we are now checking a captured mavik, we got it in the drone war, they took it on a ram, it fell, and then they went and picked it up, hovered over our positions, watched us, tried to fly to us with a drop , that’s when he was wounded, how the enemy is behaving now, this is what tactics the enemy is using now it is observed that every day they are completely hidden, there are no signs in life... that they move, walk there, of course, this does not happen everywhere, but more often than not, where the birds are directly concentrated, there they
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do not walk, there they don’t stick out, that is, their branding breaks, everything is destroyed, they will sit and hide until the last moment, they feel some kind of shell hunger, well, in general, shell hunger, yes, they save ammunition, namely artillery shells, but again this nehono sumu, that is, bye there is no movement, an assault is taking place, they save money, as soon as they begin to be assaulted, then they open fire from all barrels. you feel that something has changed for you, your values ​​and worldviews have changed, but in the current situation during the northern military district, well, nothing much has changed, the only opinion about many conflicts has changed, well, that is, there was only one idea, relations, for example, to combat people there who fought, took part in hostilities, changed, that is, a little
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attitude, because it turns out everything is wrong just, as i thought to myself, oh, down, the donetsk front is moving, our soldiers are liberating villages and towns, thanks to this the city has become calmer, the streets are lively, mothers with children are relaxing in the parks, 10 years of endless shelling, finally, at least a little silence, anyone... ask who is present here, there are people sitting on the bench, thank god, they have already driven away that people can sit like this peacefully, everyone thought, but now it’s a month, two months, well, half a year, and even now a little just about everything, now the fighting spirit would have more or less risen, since we are the enemy we realized that we can turn the corner, they achieved nothing with their counter-offensives, what motivated you after being seriously wounded to return to... the front, well, the first thing is the defense of the homeland, and the defense of the interests of the homeland, the result of
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this special operation will lead to the fact that the fate of russia will be decided, europe and america, that is, if we win, then it will be difficult for them, if we are defeated, then that’s it, there will be nowhere to return, because there is too much involved here, by the way, when i returned more or less on the joysticks, what about the fingers .. . we are for fingers, remember, we said, for the gloves, let’s probably make you a set somehow, look, there’s an interesting topic to make on a 3d printer, i understand, like a cap, yes, plastic, i understand, so, no, no, no, you have to feel it there, it’s like that it won’t work, tactility, there are ideas, and there is an idea for fp drones, but i won’t say it so that the enemy doesn’t... use it, we are doing some kind of development, that is, we are trying to bring it
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to life in pencil. actually, you saw how - firsthand, how the technological process in general jumped in everyone, we have guys who are fans of radio electronics, there are old grandfathers, yes, who used to solder there, so they create things that help the boys fly 14-15-20 km, those antennas that are now on the market, they cost... three times more than what our guys make here, and this is quite a sum, well, good, and by the way, good news, the khakhlyak babayaga is coming to donetsk, i will put new ballast for the engine on it, that's it we'll send her back to work, we just need to practice right away, so we’ll throw off the topics, so to speak, she flew off to them like a boomerang. what do roses
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forged from shells symbolize for you? what can a person do to a person, that person who makes such beautiful things from metal, that treat metal like paper, a donetsk man, he is a strong person, park figures, each product symbolizes the soul of a person’s desire to curb such a complex... . the material is like metal, that is, well, you cannot break a person, one who makes products from iron, like from paper, it's an easy game, just look, there's anything here. what they did is a work of art, my father does the same thing himself, well, he’s a blacksmith, he also started making things from metal when he was fifteen, these things, and from shells, he calls it the donetsk rose, it’s here, and donetsk is the city of million ros, every person he knows who helped our battalion there in any way, the republic, yes,
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if there is such an opportunity, he happily runs his little forge, so he starts making it, it’s really small, 2 m , this is the same workshop, the holy of holies, the forge in which the father of a serviceman with the call sign grot works, a forge, a table for assembling structures and a huge amount of all kinds of tools, here deadly pieces of iron are turned into roses, very similar to those that bloom in the spring in donetsk, forged the leg, so that it would be a little thinner,
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when i worked at the mine in the forge, the only thing is, i went to see one blacksmith, he worked for bokum, and i worked there, and before him i went to find out how to chisel calitsa correctly, that’s the only thing , all the rest everything else came to my mind, i could spend hours looking at some product, how it is, what it is, everything began to turn out, turn out, a few sheets would already turn out to be a rose. all that remains is to paint the used bullets that are being fired at us, here they are, these are the bullets, from these bullets i’m already coming up with different compositions, making, well, basically i’m trying to add roses, or
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there’s a shield in front, that even though war is war, it ’s still we have protection, our soldiers and... i just wanted to ask you what symbolizes for you, let’s say, a bullet, yes, and you you make such figures out of them, and this is what i think, so that later, when my product gets to someone, so that they know that it was a war, there is this shield in front, a rose curls around it, that’s it, wars, the end, it doesn’t matter to her the end will come, we will destroy the fascists anyway, i will be more vigilant, there is no way to say. his family and i’m really, really looking forward to my grandson, i’m really looking forward
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to my grandson, well, the kid practically has no time. he works all day long, works, works, like this, i also see him very, very rarely because of this damned war, you worry, of course i’m worried, my mother is really upset, what can i do, the time is like this, someone needs to protect us, that’s it, if it weren’t for my eyes, i would have gone too, in his free time the blacksmith trains to shoot with an air rifle, i put it at a distance, in i shoot it, i hit it, it spins, i already know, that’s it, everything stinks, so that it was natural, this turns out to be your forge, you are working here, yes, like a small workshop, but under
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the pigeon coop, what are you working on now, what you’re doing it, well, now i’m doing it... i’ve already started making the rose, the head, i’ve painted it, here welded two sheets, weld these sheets to design so that it turns out like this, wow, what a beauty, how difficult it is to forge from iron, well, i draw each sheet, draw it, then forge it on a specially made one, i have a matrix, on this matrix, every tenth, then i do it like in ros, there are these, like spikes. i make these cuts, everything so that it looks more or less like a natural rose, here is a ready-made rose, already completely painted. here it is already ready, this is my
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dacha, there were 98 bushes growing, now there are only seven, four flights to the dacha, and when you came under fire, you were riding a moped, started hitting from the moped, lyokha, it’s still useless, that’s all, well, on a moped, nevertheless , i drove to the hospital myself, we got there ourselves, without an eye, without fingers, they say, this can’t happen, i say, well, these were my pigeons at the dacha, when the second shell hit, they burned completely, horror, this is what i brought here, this is also a bush of these roses. from metal, and this is a correspondent, i took this rose, and for this i photographed him, so
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i want to give it to you, as it is believed in donetsk, that roses are everything, so i want to give you a ready-made rose, thank you, it’s very beautiful, for the second time in my life i’m holding in my hands just such a forged metal rose, yes, yes. i am amazed, of course, by its beauty, undefeated and unbroken, as if they were made of a special alloy, so one can say about our heroes, they liberated the settlements of donbass, maryenka, avdeevka, and other cities and villages. their main motivation is to return to duty even after severe injuries. defense of our land, we went to the front, telling our loved ones who, if not us, are alone become uav operators, rescue comrades, develop new approaches to
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using drones, others continue to serve in the infantry, faith, love for loved ones help them in this, the goal is to liberate their native land, four cylinders in line with a turbocharger, 215 horsepower per. hike 1.0 km, increased cross-country ability, climbable 60°, accommodates a company of up to nine people, and everyone is here, join your friends. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. it's your turn: alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs throughout the country.
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