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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

11:30 pm
the actions of an offended, insulted deputy, well, of course, i fully admit this, but is n’t this the same rightness as the head of the region who asks to remove the phones, who can also be understood, true, and considering that the blogger is a member of the svo, the amount requested per million. rubles more than the payment for the fact that if this blogger, god forbid, had been killed at the front, that is, if the court had granted mr. simigin’s request, the payment for this death would not have been enough to satisfy the moral damages of the deputy, i don't want.
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with the help of a fictitious marriage, he does not speak russian, and even for interrogation he needed a translator. his son, the murderer shahin, was in russia illegally, his registration was expired, a makarov pistol was found in his car, this is illegal possession of a weapon, his car has more than 100 unpaid fines, maybe this is a poor family, there is no money. no such luck, there was money, 70 million in cash was found in their apartment, when they took out this money in bags, the neighbor was shocked, why was this money at home, why not in the bank, not in savings bank, perhaps, because this money was illegal, that is, not only that, this cash money was not burdened with tax, that is , it did not benefit the state in which... these people lived, but the subtlety
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of the situation is different: look, shadow business, violation of laws, tax evasion, organized crime groups, murder, fictitious marriage, illegal presence in the country, it would seem, yes, sit quietly, live quietly, don’t bother anyone, everything is fine with you, everything is fine. but no, why? because there is complete confidence in impunity. where does this confidence come from? from experience, how many trials, investigations, and so on, end in nothing, why? think for yourself, this is a tendency when over 1500 people don’t...
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understand that this is not a special case, and this is not the tragedy of one person who was killed, one blow with a knife will kill... a guy who was going to get married, but if it’s not civilized take measures at the state level, if there is no political
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will, the negative force that will accumulate among the people will result in lynching when they sort out who came here to work? who came here to sell drugs and commit terrorist attacks? i don’t teach, i don’t, i’m not a specialist, i don’t know how, but i’m absolutely sure that there are methods, they cannot but exist, but multiply 15,000 by the number of people who come who do not speak russian, or 70,000, but, in order to formalize a fictitious marriage, it turns out to be more important, just as it is more important... to pass off an earthen rampart as a dam in the hope that it will somehow resolve, something like this, listen, no help, why did my husband die, for why did you cover your ass here, didn’t stand,
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i was blushing, of course, i feel bad, i feel bad, because i can’t get through on the phone, i can’t do anything, no one answers. and you are sitting, everything is fine with you, just have a conscience already, you are in a white shirt, and we have been walking around for 2 weeks without money, without everything, there is no money for a military unit, they paid 20 each, husband, why did he die, husband, for what died for people like you, because you are the one sitting in pure moans, your son is in dubai, no shame, i can understand this woman, well, anyone can understand her, i’m interested in something else, that’s what the person to whom she says everything thinks it screams, what are his thoughts, what are his feelings? vladimir ilyevich lenin formulated this very precisely: the upper classes cannot, but the lower classes do not want, this is the very case when those same lower classes, like this woman, do not want, but he
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cannot, then why should he do this if he cannot, but that's not the only problem, this problem exists. but she is not alone, for example, what is happening inside, very deep, in the depths, as if, look, there is such an organization, the people's labor union of russian solidarists, it was created by the russians emigrants to france in 1930 with the goal of eliminating the ussr. later, nts collaborated with the hitler regime. participated in the creation of the russian liberation army of vlasov, collaborated with traitors, generals andrei vlasov and fyodor trukhin, participated in the implementation of the experiment to create the lokot republic in the bryansk region,
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and so on, this is already enough to understand what kind of organization this is. and after the war, they began to use the services of nts, uh. and not having the right to act independently, they had to recruit citizens of the soviet union, as many as possible, only then had the right to do something. their task was recruitment, and then
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some action. well, it would seem that the ussr collapsed, everything collapsed, the wall was broken, peace, friendship, jeans. the pack is fine, ntssty could have been disbanded, but that was not the case. the west continues to place its hopes on nts, not only that, you... are watching me now, about 86,500 people from russia are watching, now i will show you
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the address on the screen where you can write, write to those of you who are ready to act, they will contact you, they will talk to you, this is political work that is converted into any other, if you have decided for yourself that you have given up for yourself, you will perish anyway, then do it this is with... that is, you think about what mr. fegin is offering, if you have no reason to live, if you are disappointed, if you want to give up your life, come to us, we will help you, and you will fulfill your desire, you will give up your life, and you will do a good deed for us, in a circle you will succeed, or you will try to blow up the railway track. but it turns out that in addition to fegen, who escaped, we now
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have people in russia who admire nts and promote its idea. this is the material we came across, this is alexander sungurov, professor of political science, higher school of economics in st. petersburg. he's a democrat, he's a liberal. participation in the collapse of the ussr, was one of the leaders of the perestroika club along with anatoly chubais and yegor gaidarov. in 1993, he established the commonwealth fund in st. petersburg, subsequently the strategy center, whose activities are aimed at the development of civil society, democratic thought and everything connected with it.
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everything is more frightening, the people will want putin again 2 and he will appear, because the people will want someone in whom they can believe, and so on and so on and so on, here it is, we can’t change the people here, yes, this is not our method, but what is possible? here i have an idea, as we discussed, targeted civic education, you can use modern technologies under the name targeted, you know, campaigning there for brexit, for trump, for trump was successful because people agitated specific groups of the population, agitated so that they...
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decided that they still had to do something for the future of freedom. paremsky, as you know, proposed a molecular theory of the structure of the nts, so that people dividing ideologists in the soviet union would not try to make contact with the center of afrakka. they found partners for each other, just as atoms meet atoms to form molecules, thanks to this the organization survived until perestroika, well actually, mr. navalny, together with his colleagues, all these years they have been engaged in establishing this kind of political ahomissas, well, all over the country for people, because one of our missions is to work with students, because in my opinion it is
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a sacred idea to sow, where it will germinate, it will germinate, where it won’t germinate, well, what can you do, right? hints that the higher school of economics that everything worked out perfectly for them, there is even a roof for such figures as those gathered here, look, i understand you, because you really, maybe this is the specifics of the tower, maybe it’s what we organized, but we spent 3 days leading up to this
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conference on nastaki, politics touched on the law, well, we didn’t say anything there.
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also the league of nations, the first universal organization, but sovereignty is still above all, so what germany did with its population, they sent cameras, nothing could be done, they did everything according to the law, unlike the bolsheviks who came to power, these coups, i'm not going to pin any on anyone labels, i just want to understand, well, how can it be that in one of the best universities in the country it is completely calmly discussed how it is possible...
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those on whom the security of our country and its future depends should know this, is n’t it, argue take out that there are things that are not immediately visible, moreover, they, they are consciously not immediately visible, they are veiled, they are closed, we do not always see their physical action, influence, like... for example, the story with the dam, which turned out to be an earthen rampart, but they exist, live, advance and wait for their time, this is in all areas, for example, it is offered in physical education classes in schools as a sport, golf is normal, or, for example, an extremely healthy
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sport like charlidin, when girls in mini- in skirts between... halves they dance in front of spectators, this is officially offered as a sporting activity, this is the same thing that happens in culture. let’s say, not so long ago zelfira trigula left the post of director of the teryakov gallery, i in no way i don’t want to discredit her, she is a specialist, she knows her business, but knowledge of her business is one thing, but how... you apply this knowledge, this is another, you see, such material, these are fragments of an investigation by political scientist and publicist sergei kornaukh , listen, experts note...
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the position did not irritate the rest of the people. with the appointment of trigolov, with the direct support of mikhailovich shvidkov, full-scale reforms began. works by representatives of the protest underground soviet movement appeared actionist art. oleg kulyak, family of the future, art group blue noses, lenin spinning in his grave, artist vladislav mamyshev. monroe, valentina matvienko from the pitersky series, artist-photographer boris mikhailov from the series if i were a german and
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others, in 2020 trigolova after the exhibition of foreign agent marat gelman, accepted from him a gift of 200 works of art, which, by her decision, were later included in the museum collection of the russian federation. i want to remind you what marat gelman’s work looks like, look, from the measles budget funds have been allocated for art objects, the artistic value of which causes great dissatisfaction among perm residents, about 5 million rubles for a wooden art object sphere near the ural hotel for the white nights festival, 241,200 rubles letters of power from the legislative assembly for 102. 1,300 rubles. for each trashman, a person with a trash can, the design of a trash can is basically the same, but seriously speaking, 481,800
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rubles. on walking men, a banner on the fence of the northern dam, 948,300 rubles for an apple near the gorky library, 112 million rubles allocated the city of permina to the white nights festival, for comparison, to increase salaries for municipal public sector employees. but the most amazing and most interesting thing is that the art objects created at state expense do not belong to the city or the region,
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but to the same perm museum of contemporary art. moreover, after 11 months from the moment the objects were put on public display, they are subject to the contracts, please note, according to the contracts. dismantling, the scheme of the art of spending money covering tracks, as we see, is simple to disgrace, and in order not to be unfounded, i will give you the words of marat gelman himself, who says that he plans to return to russia in 2027, since he has an agreement with a third party on the opening of a hall named after him, we cannot now talk about what is probable.
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it’s so good that you didn’t live to see the moment when the hall named after marat gelman opened, honestly, it seems like something is happening, yes, for example, i resigned from the post of director, director of mmi, but what has changed, that nothing , from may 17 to 19 at my beloved nizhny novgorod will host the second
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graphics fair. competently, there is no such impracticality, such supra-worldliness characteristic of the artist, no, everything is clear, everything is painted, everything is thought out from the perspective, for example, at the gathering of representatives of cultural institutions from different regions of our country, organized, by the way, by the garage museum in august 2022.
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the director of the museum from krasnoyarsk, also my favorite, peace square, maria bukova, gives recommendations on how to deal with patriotic banners in support of russia, this is this recommendation, listen, when it happened to die in catamassi, when the may holidays were approaching, naturally the may holidays, a situation with a chicken happens, which... the ministry starts to run around, says that a respected institution, a respected conference institution, you need to place some book in your suburb, you have a wonderful huge banik, it ’s not that there, please, let’s think about how to do this, do everything, and a person calls me, a person, a normal person, with whom we worked with, the technical director, and who - we, as they say, didn’t ask, yes, but he doesn’t need it, i don’t need it...
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not to fall into a situation of emotional and overlap, then i connect him with my pr manager, who turns out it’s possible was yes he says you know our banner. 136,000 rub. plus you need to pay the installers, plus you need to organize access to all the forces, those who will go to do this on the roof, so please, here ’s the whole situation for you, that’s it, it’s possible, this is another drop in this river of russophobia, this another reason to pinch. your country, but
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you have to do it from under control, because it’s scary, scary, that’s why, for example, zelfera trigunova runs away from the questions of a svo participant on april 5, 2024 at the presentation of her own book in a moscow store, look how funny it is, that what's going on here in general, are you running away from me, what are you doing?
12:00 am
i think i liked sitting there in the trenches, well , you see, they are afraid of the truth, one truthful question, and even then they don’t want to be asked, but there are a huge number of people who want to accuse us of some kind of intolerance, i want to answer them with words writer, whom we quite often quote, roman nosikov, this is what he writes: recently, a strange fashion has arisen in russia to replace images of orthodox crosses with balls. here, for example, is a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in vladimir. and here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry, in rostov the great. the same thing happens in suzdal and uglich. many of us tried to explain this as something like safety for the visually impaired, so as not
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to get scratched. well, who could get scratched? affiliation of st. petersburg university? like this the logo was there before, this is how they made it now. in general, not because of the blind. that's all, it's because of the sighted people, and these sighted people for some reason decided that crosses have no place in public...


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