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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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in the words of a writer whom we quote quite often, roman nosikov, this is what he writes: recently in russia a strange fashion has arisen to replace images of orthodox crosses with balls. here, for example, is a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in vladimir, here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry in rostov the great, the same in the creation.
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space. the removal of christ symbols will no doubt be presented to us as an act of some kind of politeness towards those of our compatriots and guests who profess other religions. they do not know the respect that people who profess different beliefs have for each other, if these beliefs are truly paid for by victims. cross.
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he believes that our symbols offend muslims or jews, which means he believes that jews and muslims are people devoid of the ability to respect, hammams and chavenists, i think roman nosikov’s essay is very accurate, but now i will decipher this phrase for you, where it came from, which we called: our program, i was filming a picture relatives in dnepropetrovsk, arrived after filming, tired, went into the restaurant, the restaurant is empty, one such waiter, gen, he’s so sad, there’s no one, he’s bored, i say, gen, feed me, he says, i’ll feed you, nikita sergeevich, i say, well, give me borscht and 150 g of vodka, he brought it, left it, i said, well, sit down, sit down, you’re bored, he sat down opposite.
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me, i’m eating borscht, and so, without looking at him, i ask, well, gen, are you stealing? he says: i’m stealing, nikita sergeevich. i say, and aren’t you afraid? he says no, nikita sergeevich. i i say, why gen? nikita sergeevich, the most important thing is that the eyes are not larger than the mouth. this is where the name of our show came from. and now, remembering once again the words of vladimirovich lenin, when the top can not. they want it for them, it may end in a revolution, or it may end with these lower classes simply taking matters into their own hands, not giving a damn about officials, as happened in the orenburg or tyumen regions, people will take the problem into their own hands and solve it with their own hands, if the officials could not do this, who, by the way, are for this work and they were threatened with arbitrariness, but i hope
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that this initiative will not only not be punished, but will also be encouraged. well, after these uplifting shots, i think it’s not a sin to fulfill our tradition, and, as always, raise a glass to victory, to our victory. our
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midshipman krivorochka called again, he came and said: we are leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are who, that’s right, geologists, all the best, i really hope that god will give us a new meeting. this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. so, orthodox believers celebrate easter today. the main and most revered christian holiday. festive services are held in churches across the country. patriarch of moscow of all russia
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kirill congratulated the russians on the upcoming bright sunday of christ. today the entire orthodox world solemnly celebrates the bright sunday of christ, holy easter. performs in thousands of churches. divine services, festive bells ring, the words of the easter greeting are heard everywhere: “christ is risen, risen indeed.” often people far from the church wonder: why easter is the main orthodox holiday, and why are they so happy on this day? for twenty centuries, his victory over death and evil has always remained an inexhaustible source of joy for the lord’s followers. as well as the conviction that thanks to his resurrection, every believer has the hope of salvation and eternal life. we are called by the creator from non-existence into being, not in order , as it seems to some, to disappear forever after death, but in order to become
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heirs of christ’s victory, to be immortal and to remain with him forever in his kingdom, kingdom of truth and love. this means that in the eyes of god, the personality of each of us is priceless, but it also means that our actions, words and even thoughts influence how our lives will turn out and what our fate will be, and not only here on earth, but in eternity. that is why it is not enough just to take note of the news of the resurrection of christ or to limit ourselves only to recognizing the historical fact of the existence of jesus of nazareth. the christian faith requires us to respond with our whole life, and the main content of this response is good deeds, the ability to empathize with others, caring and responsiveness, the ability to forgive insults and the willingness to lend a helping hand
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to neighbors who find themselves in difficult circumstances. in other words, we are called to live by faith, which works by love, as the saint writes. apostle paul. i follow this covenant. the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who risk their lives and is at the forefront of protecting the fatherland of traditional christian values. those who lost loved ones, became homeless or were injured. our dioceses, monasteries and parishes, orthodox volunteers continue to contribute to this national cause. thank you everyone. for your hard work, responsiveness and kindness. now the church prayerfully turns to the risen lord and asks him to grant the victory of light over darkness and truth over lies, to overcome sinful divisions of enmity, and to establish
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a lasting, just peace. may the bright easter joy fill our hearts with love and gratitude to the winner. death to christ, awakening good feelings and inspiring our lives for the better. happy holiday to all of you, our creative works can change us , my dears, happy easter of the lord. traditionally , particles of the holy fire were delivered to russia for the festive services, which descended on the eve of easter, great saturday...
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greetings, now a solemn easter service is taking place in the church, just a minute ago the procession around the main cathedral ended. countries , the clergy walked with icons and kharugvyas, this symbolizes the procession of the myrrh-bearing wives to the tomb of the risen savior, christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen, truly risen, at the easter service in... christ the savior, thousands of believers are now present, many of them
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told us that they had long dreamed of celebrating the bright holiday of easter here, in the main cathedral of the country. easter is one of the most important holidays for orthodox christians. on this holiday, people come to the temple and pray for peace. about love.
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holy fire, which was delivered to moscow from jerusalem, all believers light candles, the holy fire entered the church of the holy sepulcher on holy saturday, it was brought to moscow by special plane, and the holy fire was delivered to the capital by a delegation from the st. andrew the first-called foundation. it is a great honor for us that even now in...
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russia the celebration there united believers, military personnel and parishioners in prayer under the arches of the patriarchal cathedral. now the bright holiday of easter is celebrated in the capital, but in connection with the solemn easter services, the operating hours of public transport, metro stations and the mcc have been changed will be open today until 2:00 am, and the operation of buses, electric buses and... trams on more than 150 routes will last until
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half past three in the morning, in addition, muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to use sixteen night routes today. maria, yes, masha, thank you, we, too , on our own behalf, congratulate you all our tv viewers on the bright holiday of easter, maria valieva was in direct communication from the cathedral of christ the savior. where the main easter service is taking place at this moment. 7 days fly by imperceptible, but not for the liver. izhyptral is active from the first week of administration. the liver is tired, it’s time for hyptral. regla in pharmacies. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sber card, a favorable rate on...
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waterfalls and fiery flavors, try your favorite ice deluxe flavors and the new mango pair only in deposit, the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. and we continue our release, now with footage from the ministry of defense, which gives an idea of ​​​​what intense battles are now taking place in all areas of special operations. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to prevent the advance of the russian armed forces and are throwing huge forces into battle, including nato equipment.
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last evening, a message was received about powerful explosions in kherson and kharkov, and telegram channels write that a western anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed in one of the districts of kharkov. a fire started at the site of the impact; over the past 24 hours, explosions were heard in odessa, kharkov, nikolaev and dnepropetrovsk. arrivals were recorded in the area of ​​industrial facilities; in the same kharkov, a little earlier , a manufacturing plant, which was used by the ukrainian armed forces, caught fire, according to some. it could have been a tank factory hit a railway junction that was used to supply troops, and this was after night strikes on targets in the kharkov region, ammunition depots were destroyed. in total, over the past week, russian troops carried out 25 group strikes on the territory of ukraine, as stated by the ministry of defense; energy facilities
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, energy transport infrastructure, military enterprises, and arsenals were declared targets. and military orders. from april 28 to may 4, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian energy and industrial facilities, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 25 group strikes with precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which the energy transport infrastructure of ukraine, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, and missile and ammunition storage sites were hit. as well as workshops for the production of unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. also hit were points of temporary deployment of units of nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries, accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. russian military personnel who distinguished themselves in battle during a special operation were presented with state awards. sergei shaigu
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personally attached a gold star to everyone as a hero of russia. the head of the ministry of defense noted that the merit of the soldiers is not only in the courage shown in carrying out tasks, but in the education and training of junior combat personnel. the country, the president, highly appreciated your military work, awarding you high titles, the titles of heroes, this, of course, is your great, great merit, personal merit, merit of education and training your subordinates, instilling in them a fighting spirit, devotion to our homeland, our fatherland, and most importantly, the desire...
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the card of the ukrainian president appeared today in the department’s database, it states that vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky is wanted under an article of the criminal code, but about a specific not mentioned in the article. also
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in the database was a card of the former president of ukraine petro poroshenko. he was also put on the wanted list without mentioning any article. similar information appeared in the ministry of internal affairs database in regarding the commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces, alexander pavlyuk, and the former acting minister of defense. mikhail koval. the russian delegation honored the memory of soviet soldiers on the territory of the mouthausen concentration camp in austria; in total , about 100 people took part in the ceremony. they laid wreaths of flowers at the monuments. as noted by our country's ambassador in vienna, dmitry lyubinsky, local authorities did not invite russian diplomats to international events on the territory of mauthausen on may 5. and he explained it by loss organizer. historical memory. in moscow, at the luzhniki palace of rhythmic gymnastics, the first stage of the strongest cup ended. the tournament is being held for the third time.
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the winner of the individual all-around was lara kromarenko. she won three out of five disciplines in separate events. the topic will be continued by alexander abramov. the strongest cup is already a traditional tournament in the russian rhythmic gymnastics calendar. the first stage of the tournament took place in moscow. gymnasts from two dozen countries of the world took part in it, but according to new internal russian rules now competitions are not between countries or regions, but between clubs and societies. the leader of russian rhythmic gymnastics, lala kromarenko, for example, represents the amur tigor club. our rules have changed, we need to do a lot of elements, so everyone is adding, doing more, we want, of course, more artistry, so that they are limited a little. today we saw the girls. which is simple, despite any moments of truth that happen to athletes, not only in our sport, but in others, despite injuries, despite
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some setbacks, they continued to perform, they continued to compete and compete at a high level, i think that the world championship was held here today, yesterday the day before yesterday, because these children are without any reservations.. . are not the strongest, they make great programs, they have interesting music. lala kromarenko won the individual all-around on friday, and on saturday she became first in three out of five disciplines in individual events. lala kromarenko lost only in the exercise with clubs in the exercise without subject. exercise without an object is another innovation of the current season. now it has been introduced according to russian rules, an exercise without an object, where we can perform an unlimited number of elements and gain points. with the elements that we know how to do, i made 21 jumps, due to this i managed to win first place.
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eight do you like the exercise without an object? of course, i really like it, but i repeat that i want more artistry, not elements, because we are in a hurry for some complexity and do not have time to create beauty, show body movement and, in principle, what rhythmic gymnastics is based on. this season we will also see exercises without an apparatus at the brix games, which will be held in kazan in june, and competitions within the framework of the strongest cup will continue at the end of may in kemerovo, where the second
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stage will take place. alexander abramov, alexander. this is a type of martial arts focused on fighting the maximum variety of permitted techniques on the ground, that is, in a position in which opponents are on the ground or knees. in about 200 athletes took part in the competition in the first stage.
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this is a party where tempering for victory, tempering fortitude, strength of character, it was constant ideological work, first of all, the founder of the ldpr zhirinovsky, who does not take risks, the german minister of economy, during the ceremony of launching a new ship, robert habeck tried to stop the abortion , a traditional bottle of champagne, but something went wrong, in the comments to the video
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