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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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12:31 am
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persevered. at bikfest, four nuggets for 39 rubles. and other offers at very favorable prices price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period. polovos people's democratic republic, a state in southeast asia, borders on thailand in the west, myanmar in the northwest, the deep mikong river flows right along it. china, and the southern one is
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cambodia. laos is a small country, its area is 237 km. 7,2000 people live here. the official language is lao. despite its small size, laos enjoys.
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the association of southeast asian nations is a large regional organization. territory osian countries are 45 million square. between russia and asean were established in 1991, since then cooperation between asean and russia has systematically developed; in 2018 , russia became a strategic partner of asean. cooperation between asian and russia covers many areas within the framework of the three
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main areas of asian cooperation, the three pillars of asean: politics, security, economics and socio-cultural direction. in august 1967 , the creation of a regional organization for the countries of the south was announced in bangkok. eastern asia. osian. the goal of the association was cooperation in the economic, social, cultural fields, as well as strengthening peace and stability in southeast asia. it was created mainly by countries that had recently gained independence and had no experience making decisions on...
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osian was indonesia, in september 2023 in jakarta at the forty-third osian summit, indonesian president joe kododa handed over the gavel of the rotating chairman of osian to the forty -fourth prime minister.
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yes, all of asia, asia-pacific regions will be able to rise to another economic level. today, ocean includes 10 countries in the southeast asian region: indonesia, malaysia, singapore, thailand, the philippines, brunei darussalam, vietnam, laos, myanmar, cambodia. papua, new guinea and east timor have observer status. emblem. represents a circle of ten connected ears of rice, which represents a stable, peaceful, united and dynamically developing organization. the first meeting of ocean foreign ministers of 2024
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was held in luang probang, the oldest city ​​of laos. ocean is becoming an increasingly attractive area for foreign investment. economy. russia is one of asean's main trading partners. osian ranks tenth in foreign trade turnover. at the same time, the volume of trade along the russia-asian route is steadily growing. at the same time, asean and russia retain great potential in the field of economic cooperation. especially in the area of ​​integration of the asian economy with the eurasian economic cooperation organization, as well as the shanghai cooperation organization, which would bring real benefits and benefits to our two regions.
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ministerial meetings are held annually between russia and the oceanic member countries. at the july 2023 meeting in jakarta. participants at the russia-asian meeting paid special attention to such areas as high technology, digitalization, smart cities, and education.
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he was very loved in the soviet union, where he visited more than once, he was very respected there, he met with soviet leaders, i will tell you more that, while still a very young man, i once had the honor of even meet comrade foimehan and even shake his hand, he was a great statesman, like a father, like... what lessons did he teach you, what lessons from his did you remember that you consider important today,
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what lessons help you in your life today? i am the eldest son of president kason phomvihane. when i was young, i lived with my family and went to study in vietnam and the soviet union. i still remember how my father taught me simple principles of life. taught me to make and implement plans, cultivated a love of work and patience, he also taught me to be together with his people, to sincerely love and appreciate them; his whole life is an excellent example for the leadership of the country. almost every day i actively put into practice the precious knowledge and experience passed on by my father for the benefit of my homeland. people. our
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interlocutor's father, cason fonvehan, joined the fight against the japanese occupiers and french colonialists in 1942. that same year he joined the indochina communist party. in 1947 he led the resistance in the northeastern regions of loos, where he organized the people's armed forces strength. they later formed the core of the lao people's liberation army. from 1950 , cason famwehan served as minister of defense in the resistance government. the forces of the pathet lao and the national front of laos won a victory in december 1975 and took power in the country into their own hands. the government was headed by the secretary general of the lao people's revolutionary party, kayson phamvehang. in the spring of 1976 , cason pham wehan visited the soviet union.
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based on the results of the high- level meetings that took place at that time, a joint laus-soviet declaration was signed, which became a starting point for interaction in the fields of culture, science and trade. we are the lausian people, we will always remember and highly appreciate the enormous assistance in human development. capacity and training provided by the soviet union previously, as well as by the russian federation at present. this invaluable assistance has made a tremendous contribution to the development and construction of our country, the lao people's democratic republic, most of the party government leadership of laos is made up of laotians who were educated in the soviet union, as well as in the russian
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federation, because indeed, at one time , thousands of laotian children received an education in moscow. in other cities of the soviet union, you yourself studied at moscow state university, i know that you defended your ph.d. thesis there, you are a candidate of social sciences, what did this part of your life that you spent in the soviet union give you, how often do you return in your thoughts to moscow, where is your almamada? okay, this question is very, very interesting, very good question, thank you.
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when i studied at moscow state university, one of the most difficult subjects for me was the russian language, russian was very difficult for me, very difficult, you speak perfectly, if i knew that you spoke so well, i had to speak the whole interview in russian, i already have very good friends when i studied at moscow university, they help me a lot when i'm... tired, oh, i'm tired, the russian language is so difficult, russian friends are very kind, good, and honestly help me, i'm very, i then studied a lot, and russian culture, russian methods, to live, how to live, how to teach, how lenin said,
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study, study to study, then i remember so, and we then... people, how many people in laos, oddly enough, speak russian well, well , in my opinion, this happened historically, but to be honest, i would i highly recommended a trip to alaos to our tourists, there is a lot to see there, in terms of attractions, in terms of culture, in terms of very beautiful natural places. olaus is
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a very beautiful country, the valley of the jars alone is worth it, or your cultural capital, it’s all incredibly interesting. and you, as a person who, perhaps like no one else, knows laos, loves that they would recommend watching laosi, first of all. since the country's reopening on may 5, 2022, laus has implemented policies to encourage and promote green tourism. the government has prepared and approved a list of attractions that are free for tourists to visit, we pay special attention to improving the basic infrastructure, creating various amenities for... from may to october and winter dry from november to april, there are no very large cities in laus,
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except for the capital of ventiany, for example , in the city of savanakt is an old name.
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dissemination of information for tourists through social networks. the city of luang probank is a real treasure of southeast asia. this is the ancient royal capital of laos, its religious and cultural center. the historical center of luang probang is one of the world heritage sites protected by unesco. in a small city with a population of only 50,000 people.
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here you can also go trekking and walk through picturesque rice fields, look into karst caves, rise into the sky in a hot air balloon and view all these joys of life from a bird's eye view. here which for me personally in laos seemed very similar, maybe a small, but for me personally a pleasant detail, that in laos, like nowhere else in southeast asia. they know how to bake bread, yes, classic, delicious baguettes, and they make wonderful sandwiches from them right on the streets. and
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one more important detail: in a country where buddhism is the main religion, this is a ritual of feeding monks, the oldest buddhist tradition, because according to the rules of buddhism, monks can only eat from alms. we must not be lazy here. get up at dawn, come to the central street of luang probang with boiled rice and fruits and treat the monk passing by, it is believed that this way you can atone for one of your sins. an amazing place - the pak-u cave. it contains more than a thousand buddha statues of different times and sizes. the nature here is incredible, and the cascading waterfall alone is worth it.
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they speak russian perfectly, so we can say that all the necessary conditions have been created for russian tourists. vientiane is the largest city in laos, its economic center and official capital. here in the fall the final forty-fifth general assembly of the ipa osian will be held. at the same time, vyantiyan is the smallest capital in southeast asia. there is no noisy traffic here, quiet streets are surrounded by greenery. the main artery of vyantian and its most popular place is the embankment of the
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mykon river, and the main ones are nearby. symbols of laos. triumphal arch of potusai. this war memorial is dedicated to the heroes who fought for the independence of laos from france. in architecture, the patusai arch is somewhat reminiscent of the triumphal arch in paris, but it is much taller, and its design is typical laotian. the golden great stupa of phat-hat luang is the main buddhist shrine of the country. this foot is depicted not only on... in november , the most vibrant buddhist holiday takes place near the stupa, it is such a colorful cultural festival, people dance, sing, this holiday generally lasts 3 days, and it is also very important to release the birds on these days. thus
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, people who do this receive some merit for their karma.
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i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny. bright, exhibition
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russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.


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