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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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can become a tool for self-diagnosis, that is, offer this test so that people can test their risk and independently decide what to do next, that is, whether to contact a psychiatrist, a specialist, or limit themselves to consultation with psychologists, for example, psychotherapists who would teach here are self-regulation techniques. this study is also based on statistics: metropolitan scientists are developing a biological age calculator; similar methods already exist in the world, but this formula will be the first designed exclusively for russians. we understand, firstly, what risks this person has, for example, cardiovascular diseases or kidney diseases or the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, that is, the age of associated diseases, what we can influence now in order to prevent them and... extend
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the period namely a healthy life, not just to increase life expectancy, but what we strive for is to increase the duration of a healthy life. thanks to a grant from the moscow government, more than 700 people have already participated in the study, with a total of difficulties, it is planned to attract 3,500 volunteers, they will donate blood and microbiota samples, and also fill out a questionnaire with questions about lifestyle, habits and hobbies. as a result of mathematical processing, a formula is derived, it will be able to...
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let's try to make some kind of the simplest tool that can be implemented even in a primary care doctor's appointment, for example, maybe a formula built into, for example, an electronic system, according to which with these blood test indicators, you can quickly calculate your biological age recommend some preventive measures to the patient. these are just some examples of innovative achievements in the capital. doctors, right now there are more than a hundred more projects in progress that were supported by the city. each of the methods is not just a scientific breakthrough; innovations are aimed at use in practical healthcare. patients will be able to see the full effect of this grant program very soon. the ongoing research is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
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let's take on this matter, it will be honest detective. federal center named after shumakov, any organs are transplanted here. adults and children are often the most successful in the world. over the past year , more than 800 transplants were performed, including a record 250 heart transplants. heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide . in russia alone, millions of people suffer from various ailments. and a fairly common
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operation is coronary artery bypass grafting. it is now being carried out by surgeons. this is also a transplantation, although doctors do not transplant an organ, but a small area. vessels are working with an open heart, to heal it means to save a life. the cause of coronary heart disease is narrowing of blood vessels. this is how they look in a healthy person: blood circulates freely, but this is what happens if atrosclerotic, or , more simply put, cholesterol plaques form in the walls. the nutrition of the heart is disrupted, which can lead to death. repairs such a damaged area for...
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the possibility of using small-diameter vascular prostheses, the task is very relevant, it makes it possible to reduce, for example, injury leg vessels when taking veins for aortic coronary bypass grafting, for example, if this can replace human material, then this will be very good. imagine a future in which a person, in case of a serious illness, simply grows a new vessel, a fragment of skin, or even an entire organ to replace the damaged one. it sounds incredible, of course, but this is no longer the realm of science fiction. there are developments in russia that will very soon
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significantly expand the capabilities of doctors. this flask is even. something that will allow not only to make a breakthrough in transplantology, but will completely change our understanding of the future of medicine. rosatom scientists have printed a blood vessel for the first time. a unique technology made it possible to create it from the patient’s own cells. so, with the help of a bioprinter using magnetic and acoustic fields, the so -called tubular tissue, only 2 cm long, was created, but this is just the beginning. let's set it up. task of 10 cm, this is what allows us, starting next year, this year to begin planning relevant experiments together with doctors and move to preclinical tests, but if we talk about the future, we believe that work
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on blood vessels is the first stage in the development of organs, namely volumetric ones, but for now we are still talking about the fact that at the first stage these will be... organs , which are functional, it’s definitely not possible to print a brain, but who knows, in order to grow even such a tiny vessel, technology had to be raised to the highest, literally cosmic level. just 6 years ago , russian scientists were the first in the world to send a magnetic bioprinter to the iss. a series of experiments with him conducted by cosmonaut oleg. cells floated in a special liquid, which, under the influence of a magnet, were collected into a blank. in conditions of weightlessness, the organ was not created layer by layer, but simultaneously from all sides, like a snowball . why exactly was it sent on board the iss? there are microgravity conditions there, and
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the main point in this approach is that we are fighting gravity. we all know that yes, on earth everything falls down when we work with cellular material, so that all this does not spread, we need to create microgravity conditions. astronaut reports analyzed already on the ground. colleagues from the university of science and technology mrs. work together with the scientists of the state corporation. they are from the past. years, they were the first in the world to begin training designers of 3d bioprinters, in fact, those specialists without whom printing tissue organs would simply be impossible. at the institute, we not only carry out research work, we also conduct educational activities. at the moment, we have three open master's programs: biomaterials science, neuroengineering and theronostics, and this is within the framework of an advanced engineering school, this is biofabrication, bioengineering, and within the framework of the latter is a partner.
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living cells directly on the patient, it has even been tested in the operating room; in the future it will help treat burns, ulcers and other soft tissue injuries. by 2030, the university plans to create three more types. bioprinters for combined hybrid printing of bones, skin directly on the patient and a magnetic-acoustic printer for organs using the very new levitation technology. while universities are preparing engineers with the consciousness of medicine, doctors master already available engineering approaches. hospital number. sechinov university, one of the three largest university clinics in europe, successfully uses modern
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technologies. it’s one thing when we plan, so to speak, all this in a digital version, and another thing when we are already printing a real prototype of a skull with a defect, such printing helps surgeons with their hands, as they say, to feel the patient even before he ends up in the operating room table. essentially, this is a pre-surgery that reduces as much as possible time for actual intervention. oncologists simulate tumor removal, tissue replacement with a prosthesis, and subsequent recovery. and this is the general plan of the operation, how we will remove the face mask, go around the eyes, turn everything away to gain access to the middle zone of the skull. the operation is performed personally by academician igor reshetov, director of the oncology clinic and reconstructive specialist. surgery of sechinov university. the patient will actually have her face removed, the tumor
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that has deeply affected the bones will be removed, the supporting structures of the facial skull will be restored, and the mask will be returned. reconnecting blood vessels and nerves. doctors prepared very carefully for this complex operation. our face has a complex structure and requires a complete three-dimensional understanding. that's exactly what it's for. we need the same models printed on a 3d printer. cranioplasty, the restoration of bone defects of the skull, is also not fantastic. doctors together with engineers are using laser sintering to create titanium plates for the head and hope that technology will soon go even further. in the future, it could be grown human bone. you you know, yes, looking ahead, answering clearly.
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two lines are parallel: the line of saved life and the line of quality of life, so if we are talking about the second curve, this is not only a saved life, but a full life, so these technologies make it possible to achieve just this. the most important feature of the new, one might say, breakthrough technology that scientists are working on will solve another serious problem for doctors: the rejection of new tissues by the body,
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and hormonal influences, in simple terms, it learns to work and acquires all the biological properties necessary for transplantation, a logical question arises here: how quickly?
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another 15 years, but the fact that the goals are absolutely achievable is assured by everyone who is working together to bring this far from fantastic future closer: to combine physics, medicine, biology, quantum computing, that is, this is such a synergy of all directions,
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this cannot be solved alone , we are fighting for virtually every resident. the hope that sooner or later a person will take control of his own health, any disease can be cured, and what is called a worn-out part can be repaired, when technology keeps up with the times, and sometimes ahead of it, it is science that becomes synonymous with the word miracle.
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do you dream of realizing yourself in... a creative profession, but what if you are just one step away from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage specialists and digital art artists, declare yourself, get funding and pay for your project, become in demand, the creative industries are waiting for you i want you too, leave a request for website of the national open championship of creative competencies artsterc, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you can’t compare with your originals questions about what is happening with production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like?
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting was created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among
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his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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rosseh state corporation is hundreds of scientific and industrial enterprises and associations, they cover many areas, transport, energy, space, medicine. but the most important direction is the implementation of state defense orders. sergegievich, please tell us about the results of the year, and what are you working on now? almost 80% of the weapons that are used today in the zone were created at the enterprises of our corporation. in the twenty- third year, new production aircraft su-57, su-35s, su-34, su-30 cm2, il-76 md990a were delivered. yak-130 helicopters k-52-m, mi-28 nm, t-90 breakthrough tanks. and artillery reconnaissance complexes penicillin. in 2023
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the production volume of self-propelled artillery increased 10 times. mortars - 20 times, rszz - twice. ammunition production is growing. in the twenty-third year, rostec enterprises supplied 25 times more of them than the year before. the rostec team has increased by 70,000 specialists. the revenue of state corporation companies in the 23rd year was almost 3 trillion rubles, which is a third more than a year earlier, output per employee increased by 22%, to 4.3 million rubles. by the way, with a significant increase in state defense orders, the volume civil revenue in the twenty-third year did not decrease, even increased in absolute numbers and today reaches almost a trillion, and rostec has accumulated more about the civil sector.
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registration of a medicine against hepatitis b. another area is energy. in the state corporation rostec, they created a 110m gas turbine engine, now it is being installed at the udarnaya station, which is being built on the taman peninsula. this is the first production turbine, and now we
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can say with confidence that we can achieve a very important, very important milestone, because i i know that the corporation has been working on this for a long time to replace all analogues of western ones, including turbines from siemens, we can leave, from general electric, we have built three. stations, this is the third, two stations were built in crimea, and one on the taman peninsula, last year the united engine corporation continued to supply gas transfer units for large gas pipelines, such as the power of siberia, sakhalin, khabarovsk, vladivostok. in the future, rostec is ready to ensure 100% import substitution in this area. your brother there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s
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a belly, no one knows anything. alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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where are you from 11 b? no harm, but i'm from 11 b. it's 2124, this is not science fiction, this is love. lisya and i, as if i didn’t understand, you do not mind? 100 years ago. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. so, orthodox believers celebrate easter today. the main and most revered christian holiday. festive
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services are held in churches across the country.


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