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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. so, orthodox believers today celebrate easter, the main and most revered christian holiday. festive services are held in churches across the country. patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia congratulated russians on the upcoming bright sunday of christ. today the entire
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orthodox world solemnly celebrates the bright resurrection of christ, holy easter. divine services are held in thousands of churches, bells ring festively and the words of easter greetings are heard everywhere. christ risen, truly risen. often people far from the church wonder why easter is the main holiday of the orthodox? and why are they so happy on this day? his victory over death and evil, as well as the conviction that thanks to his resurrection, every believer has the hope of salvation and eternal life. we are called by the creator from non-existence into being, not in order , as it seems to some, to disappear forever after death, but in order to become...
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find ourselves in difficult circumstances. in other words, we are called to a life of faith, active love, as the holy apostle paul writes about it. i follow this covenant. the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of defending the fatherland of traditional christian values, who have lost loved ones, become homeless or were injured. our dioceses, monasteries and parishes, orthodox volunteers continue to make their contribution to this national cause, i thank everyone for their efforts of zeal, for their responsiveness and kindness, now the church prayerfully turns to the risen lord and asks him to grant the victory of light over darkness and truth over lies, to overcome sinful divisions of enmity, to establish a lasting... just peace, may the bright
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easter joy fill our hearts with love and gratitude to the conqueror of death , christ, awakening good feelings and inspiring us for creative work that can change our lives for the better. happy holiday to all of you, my dears, happy easter of the lord. footage from the ministry of defense, which... gives an idea of ​​how intense fighting is now going on in all directions of the special operation in the ssf are trying to prevent the advance of the russian armed forces and are throwing huge forces into battle, including nato-made equipment, for example, the same abrams tanks that were delivered to ukraine quite recently are now becoming the prey of the russian army . in a video from the ministry of defense, another abrams got stuck in kanaviya and was hit by a high-precision artillery shell.
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krasnopol, the tank was hit, the crew fled, and this is not the first abrams destroyed by the russian armed forces in recent days, another bradley infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed, it was overtaken by russia. drone from different regions of ukraine all day long there were reports of arrivals of russian missiles and drones from the very morning. explosions were heard in odessa, kharkov, nikolaev and dnepropetrovsk. eyewitnesses share such footage online. arrivals recorded in the area of ​​industrial facilities. in kharkov , a production plant used by the ukrainian armed forces caught fire. according to some reports, it could have been a tank factory. amazed and a railway junction that was used to supply troops. and this was after night strikes on targets in the kharkov region, where an ammunition warehouse was destroyed. in total , over the past week, russian troops carried out 25 group strikes on the territory of ukraine. this is data from the ministry of defense. objects of energy transport infrastructure,
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military enterprises, arsenals and military locations have become valuable. from april 28 to may 4, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage energy facilities. and industry of russia, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 25 group strikes with high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which objects of the energy transport infrastructure of ukraine, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, storage sites for missiles and ammunition, as well as workshops for the production of unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles were hit. temporary deployment points for nationalist units were also hit. formation of foreign mercenaries, accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the armed forces ukraine, it must be said, the equipment, the supply of which the west was so afraid of to ukraine, turned out to be not so invulnerable, guests of the exhibition of captured equipment
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on poklonnaya hill are convinced of this every day, entire delegations come, as well as journalists, including from those countries , where these tanks and armored vehicles came off the assembly line, why they weren’t justified? the queue for the exhibition of captured equipment stretched hundreds of meters, although everyone was moving quickly, the organization was excellent, at first more than 100,000 visitors saw the opening with their own defeated through the eyes, although the collective west was convinced of invulnerable equipment, tanks, artillery pieces, armored personnel carriers and other types of weapons. the leopard-2 a6, taken in the ovdeevsky direction, ran over a mine, lost its tracks, and our drones. they burned its wiring, the crew fled, the abandoned car was dragged away by the soldiers of the center group of troops, the tank was brought to virtually perfect condition in rimbata. it’s not just the expert lecturer, the hero of russia, ivan zharsky, who tells visitors about the characteristics of the technology and its history. at the northern military district, he is an atgm operator. the most important thing is
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to know where to hit. uh, and what goals are you pursuing? if you want to stop him, then you need to hit the track. here. if you want to destroy him, uh, you hit him. in the middle of the tower, star, star, what did you get it for, this is the same type of weapon, this bradley leopard was destroyed, more than 10 units, so to speak, well, what is this for you, here you go, you have some kind of adrenaline, like some kind of hunt, maybe, yes, there is such a hunt for a leopard, a hunt for a leopard, yes, a hunt for a cat, as we call it, from the crowd an unexpected question comes to the twenty-seven-year-old hero:
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here, of course, at home there are very few people who say: we can’t send him there, are you one of those weapons? on the leopard's turret there are white crosses, like on the mardor infantry fighting vehicle, only there a symbol very similar to the sign of the wehrmacht formations was applied to the personnel compartment on the hatch. by the way, one of the most vulnerable points of an armored vehicle, says the fpv drone operator with the call sign moscow, is when the gateway itself is closed .
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history repeats itself at the exhibition these words sound extremely significant then like the machines of the ukrainian armed forces destroy. bogging down not very well adapted nato equipment. the dryers are trying to pull
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the american maxpro armored car out of the mud captivity, when they can’t cope, they abandon the car, this one costs more than half a million dollars, one of the captured ones is also on poklonnaya hill. nearby is a south african mamba armored car. it was handed over by estonia to the national unit kraken, a terrorist organization banned in russia, but it was obviously given away that it was unsuitable for itself, the armor was weak. yes, cope with the consequences of rain on the battlefield mamba is not easy. the barrels of captured tanks, bmds, infantry fighting vehicles, and artillery guns face west and are lowered down. these vehicles are demilitarized, for them the war is over and no one doubts that this will happen to all the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. egor grigoriev, sergey ukhvaryonok, danilo kuznetsov, valentina velichanskaya. news.
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this is the pride of the german anti-aircraft artillery , it fires upward at 15 km, the control is automated. howitzer, caliber 211 mm, with a whole company of heavy guns. they were aimed at moscow, and they really hit. the germans collected a lot of tanks, here's a tank strangled by czechoslovakia, here is an italian tank, it successfully escaped from the sands of egypt, here is a tank from hungary, where is a horse with a hoof, there is iraq with a claw, here is poor samois, vichy selling it along with france.
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this is one of the pavilions, it contains ammunition, small arms, mortars, you can’t look at everything, at the exhibition there are several tens of thousands of such exhibits, samples of light german weapons. russian military personnel who distinguished themselves in battle during a special operation were presented with state awards. sergei shaigu personally attached a gold star to everyone as a hero of russia. head of the ministry of defense noted that the merit of the fighters is not only in the courage shown in carrying out tasks, but in education and training. junior combat personnel. sergei romanovich. the country, the president, were highly appreciated. your work.
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by awarding you high ranks, the titles of heroes. this, of course, is your great, great merit. personal merit, merit for the education and training of your subordinates, instilling in them a fighting spirit, devotion to our homeland, our fatherland. and most importantly - the desire to win, i congratulate you, i wish you further success, new awards, new win, take care of yourself. the heroes themselves are taciturn, and they spoke with military restraint about their actions on the front line, but this did not prevent them from understanding how complex and dangerous the situation was when carrying out combat missions; they approached unnoticed and destroyed them. more squad of enemy infantry entrenched themselves in the main direction towards us
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, the enemy called for reinforcements, reinforcements approached him quite quickly, fortunately our mortars and artillerymen with our drones boldly drove him away, we warn the civilians the population who were at the crossing were accordingly sent to shelter, so the personnel were not harmed anywhere ; we did not suffer any losses. the kiev regime again accuses the russian army of missile attacks on the peaceful infrastructure of odessa, but they are in such a hurry to demonize it. our troops, that they forget to hide evidence that clearly indicates the involvement of the ukrainian armed forces. we’ll tell you more about this and more right now in the stop fake program on russia 24. so, the russian iskander targeted residential buildings in one of the odessa districts, killing not fewer than five civilians with a cluster warhead and wounded dozens of people. this means that there is a little bit of a terrorist attack.
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this is a version of ukrainian propaganda, which immediately raises doubts. judge for yourself, local hits and indicate so. the so-called harry potter castle, also known as the local student palace, but in the video of the ruins the building does not look badly damaged, it is just on fire. can the consequences of the arrival of one of the most powerful missiles in the world be so modest, especially considering that the real detonation of a cluster projectile on of a limited area it looks much more impressive and, for example, allows you to clear an entire enemy airfield in one fell swoop, as happened a couple of weeks ago near dnepropetrovsk. of course, this building was very much.'
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into this building, on the other hand, let’s be objective, a little later infopomoiki still posted footage from a surveillance camera, where it’s really not difficult to notice something quite similar to cassette explosions, it would seem that now the guilt of the russians has been completely proven, but here it turns out attention to an important nuance noted telegram channel typical odessa, its authors managed to screenshot posts of several public pages loyal to the zhevtoblakit authorities, who all , as one, first wrote about the downing of the rocket, even posted it. corresponding photos with obvious traces of air defense work in the sky above the city and only then changed the manual, based on the needs of the information war, or, more simply put, they decided to belatedly collect those samples of shrapnel that were demonstrated by the ukrainian press services, they are just very similar to the elements of this beech tree, that is, it will line up
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the next thing, that is, the missile on the final part of the trajectory was shot down with the help of a star. beech standard warhead was thus shifted to the side, well, from the trajectory, that is, it went somewhere, not along the planned trajectory and then worked normally in the form of individual combat elements from the cassette, the cassette field worked in a different place than planned, and in order for the puzzle to come together completely, it won’t hurt to take a closer look at the map, thanks to it it’s not difficult to restore the trajectory of a rocket that looked like it was exploding in the sky approximately above this square. between the embankment, novoberegovaya street, which explains the scattering of the cassette filling to the east towards the harry potter castle and zapadnaya towards private households. it is quite likely that the search for kander was shot at by an air defense system deployed in one of the nearby vacant lots, or maybe youth hidden in the park, because there are also plenty of open spaces there, but the real and most importantly legitimate target of russian weapons, by all indications
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, was located much further away, behind outside the city limits, exactly in a straight line from the location of the unsuccessful one. the odessa airport is intercepted, its satellite images constantly show planes of zelensky's air force, cluster munitions against the building are an absolutely stupid, meaningless thing, that is, they are extremely soft targets vulnerable to fragments of anti-aircraft missile systems, aircraft, that is, those that cannot have heavy armor, against aviation against well, light structures made of aluminum. these combat units are extremely effective, that is, the plane filled with shrapnel no longer flies, or burns out there, well depending on the situation. true, in those cases when iskanders reach the desired addresses, those in the know cannot do without lies. a striking example, the same odessa, a few days earlier. allegedly, the russians hit a harmless storage facility of old cars with a missile, which, as stated, had no military significance, but
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the professional liars were confused by an eyewitness who published eloquent content on social networks. this is an object that was used to establish military logistics, there was a significant fire there, that is, there was no the gas cylinder exploded or whatever the box was stored in there. there was black smoke pouring out and there were subsequent detonations, it was those who were on the spot who filmed it, so they posted it online, so we managed
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to analyze it all and understand it, thank you very much, send as much of your materials as possible from the territory of odessa, and also an interesting detail to add to the collection of involuntary self-exposures, the ukrainian model only fans, in pursuit of donations, tried to pity western subscribers. in civil infrastructure facilities, for example, always and all information operations, they are destroyed by the little things, yes, that is, if you pay great attention
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to detail, if you pay great attention to working out all the little things, then your information operation can be successful, so a viewer who will carefully watch this video, of course he will understand that this is not a simple school, this school is used to supply military equipment to supply the armed forces of ukraine. in the meantime, products of the russian defense industry. systematically destroys the rear facilities of the ukrainian nazis, western prodigies turn into useless scrap metal, an example of this is the widely advertised small-sized earth-to-surface bombs by the united states, and below glsdb, which, as confirmed by the pentagon, did not live up to expectations, are now, in fact, equated to incompetently discarded garbage, despite the fact that very recently a very serious bet was made on them , in particular, everything was presented as if such ammunition would knock out russian military warehouses in a matter of days. line of contact, and their accuracy is truly amazing, coupled with a certain elusiveness for anti-aircraft weapons defense, in general, is a miracle of technology.
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ordinary people in ukraine do not understand what kind of smart bomb this is, what it is used for, they play on this, when in fact this weapon reaches the front, it is used, then it turns out that this weapon is simply powerless against russian reb, but it is ineffective, it is outdated. it can no longer be used in a modern war, of course, these clever names and tricky names from abbreviations do not say anything to an ordinary citizen of ukraine, but here is the creation of an information background, the creation of this information noise, but pretends that it seems that western weapons are being supplied to ukraine, but the disappointment is even stronger, although it could have been avoided if the predators had not been too lazy to study the basic performance characteristics of the american handout before it brought. it is important to emphasize that such bombs were not initially intended. given the status of some kind of miracle weapon, they were born from stocks of obsolete unguided projectiles for mrls missile systems, which were unreasonably expensive to dispose of, accordingly, the americans decided to replace their
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warheads from conventional cluster ones with gliding gbu 39. it turned out that such a hybrid is launched from the installation of the same mrls or rsso haimers, then the bomb opens its wings and flies at a distance of up to 150 km. in general, the option is from the category of cheap and cheerful, but. the effectiveness of jlrsdb in the nwo zone was very quickly negated by the fact that they are guided solely by the gps signal, and it is easily jammed by modern russian electronic warfare systems, and ukrainian pilots were convinced of this, using jdm aerial bombs with similar gps navigation. these weapons, these ammunition were created to wage conflicts with very technically backward people. forces there by states or organizations, yes, well , which simply do not have, that is , a consistently developed culture of production, development and application of rap,
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which has been characteristic of russia since the deep, let’s say, soviet times, well, that’s why we got such results, and sometimes our fighters cope well without advanced electronics, living proof of soldiers from transbaikalia with the call sign tungus masterfully landed an enemy drone with the help of... a bag thing, and also deftly dodged an explosion, the guy’s resourcefulness and savvy are definitely at the highest level, but i wonder where the articles about him are in the popular foreign media, which willingly circulated uniform nonsense about ukrainian women shooting down drones with either cans of tomatoes or pickles, and were not at all worried due to the lack of any clear evidence, but the story of a russian hero, filmed from the most advantageous angle, so not there is still room for doubt, they prefer not to... notice. ukraine lives in a myth, a real myth, that a grandmother can throw a jar of cucumber, and this jar will shoot down a russian
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drone. and then she will take out the rolls with tomatoes and shoot down caliber and iskander, in this myth they absolutely exist, but what is real life, real war - this is like this, and this is real life, this is the real russian army, these are all these banks with cucumbers, well, this is nonsense, this is for such people, aspirants, who are pumped into brains are all that they want to pump, and real life is like this, it is undesirable to reset further... the new newspaper europe, which suddenly imagined that the russian foreign ministry had planned strict restrictive measures for compatriots abroad, and more specifically, would begin to refuse re-issuance of passports and other services to anyone who will not return to their homeland in the foreseeable future. the consular department and the ministry of foreign affairs reacted with lightning speed, i quote: the information is untrue and has a provocative nature, and here, of course, put an end to it, but the question remains, who needed to disperse such a thesis now, this is
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the usual mirroring. the negative information agenda that now exists in europe and was created thanks to the ukrainian authorities, who want to once again send their men to graveside. in fact, the ukrainian authorities have stopped issuing documents to their citizens abroad. this is a near-european publication, it operates in unison, it acts together with its western partners, who are developing an information agenda for the purposes of ukraine. this this is a classic anti-crisis technology that is trying to drown out. fill in the information background to show that we actually have no problems. in total, they simply mirror a purely ukrainian problem onto russia, although ipso prefers to consider the latter gang from the banking sector to be almost russian. what is the statement of deputy prime minister in the cabinet of ministers shmygal olga stefanishyna worth? she insists that there will be no forced return of the boys to square from abroad. but what is this if it is not a cynical lie, which is refuted by many videos from ukrainian consulates in the
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european union states. we’re drinking whiskey and cola here, well , we’ve finished drinking whiskey and cola, now all consular services have been turned off, they’ll take us back to ukraine, they’re terrified, because they have several options, either turn into such wandering homeless people, or go to war, or somehow knock out this citizenship, which no one will give them either, because they are not needed here, by the way, a loophole for those who disagree, verkhovna rada people's deb maryana bezuglaya seemed to have outlined, and offered to foreign draft dodgers
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hand over passports. i guess i didn’t expect that there would be a whole line of people wanting to do just that in the comments. however, this is a complete deception, since you are allowed to write an application for renunciation of citizenship only upon returning to ukraine, and in the meantime the partners are adding fuel to the fire; perhaps, the behavior of warsaw is especially indicative. at the level of the ministry of internal affairs, she promises to refrain from deporting the hijackers, but at the level of the ministry of defense she has already hinted at the opposite and it seems that it is not easy to set a trend for the whole of europe. according to the official article. today, about 4,2000 ukrainian refugees live in the eu, 46% of them are women, 33 are children, and 21%, that is, almost 900,000 people, are adult males. the total conscription age is not disclosed, but it is easy to find ready-made estimates for individual countries. of the 1,300,000 ukrainians in germany, 209 can be drafted into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. and this is without illegal immigrants, whose number is estimated at plus or minus
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100,000. in second place. refugees from poland, there, almost a million and a fifth of them are liable for military service, well, about 385 thousand ukrainian citizens fled to the czech republic, including 134,000 men of age suitable for service . initially , the results of the mobilization were developed in such a way that every six months, the so-called conversion, and from these attempts to catch was reduced by half, and in addition , the problem arises of the expenditure of resources on border protection, recently the ukrainian border service was increased by the adoption of a special law by 15 thousand people, because that despite the various videos, yes they will be detained there, they will be detained there when trying to cross, but in reality a huge number of people fleeing from ukraine, well , of course, they just don’t end up in this video, hence the conclusion that the junta is really faced with an acute shortage of personnel and will probably be...


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