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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. so, orthodox believers. today we celebrate easter, the main and most revered christian holiday: festive services are held in churches throughout the country. patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia congratulated the russians on the upcoming bright sunday of christ. today the entire orthodox world solemnly celebrates the bright sunday of christ, holy easter. divine services are held in thousands of churches, festive bells ring everywhere words “why is easter the main holiday
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of the orthodox and why do they rejoice so much on this day? for twenty centuries , an inexhaustible source of joy for the followers of the lord has always been his victory over death and evil, as well as the conviction that thanks to his resurrection, every person. , has the hope of salvation and eternal life. we are called by the creator from non-existence into being, not in order, as it seems to some, to disappear forever after death, but in order to become heirs of christ’s victory. immortal and to remain with him forever in his kingdom, the kingdom of truth and love. this means that in the eyes of god, the personality of each of us is priceless. but that too. means that our
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actions, words and even thoughts influence how our life will turn out and what our fate will be, not only here on earth, but in eternity. that is why it is not enough just to take note of the news of the resurrection of christ, or to limit ourselves only to recognizing the historical fact of the existence of jesus of nazareth. the christian faith requires us answer with your whole life. and the main content of this answer is good deeds, the ability to empathize with others , caring and responsiveness, the ability to forgive insults and the willingness to lend a helping hand to neighbors who find themselves in difficult circumstances. in other words, we are called to a life of faith that works through love, as the holy apostle paul writes. i follow this covenant. russian orthodox church today.
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the church prayerfully turns to the risen lord asking him to grant the victory of light over darkness and truth over lies, to overcome sinful divisions of enmity, about the reign of lasting, just peace. may the bright easter joy fill our hearts with love and gratitude to christ, the conqueror of death, awakening good feelings and inspiring us. creative works that can change
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our lives for the better. happy holiday to all of you, my dears, the lord's savior. footage from the ministry of defense, which gives an idea of ​​the intense fighting currently taking place in all areas of the special operation. the mtr is trying to prevent the advance of the russian armed forces and is abandoning huge forces are being brought into battle, including nato-made equipment. for example, the same tanks. which were delivered to ukraine quite recently are now becoming the prey of the russian army. in a video from the ministry of defense , another abrans got stuck in kanavia and was hit by a high-precision artillery shell from krasnopol. the tank was hit, the crew fled, and this is not the first tank destroyed by the russian armed forces in recent days. another bradley infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed; it was overtaken by a russian drone. from different areas. ukraine have been arriving all day
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since the very morning, reports of the arrival of russian missiles and drones have been heard in odessa, kharkov, nikolaev and dnepropetrovsk. eyewitnesses share such footage online. arrivals. recorded in the area of ​​industrial facilities, a production plant in kharkov, which was used by the ukrainian armed forces, caught fire. according to some reports, it could have been a tank factory. the railway junction, which was used to supply troops, was also hit, and this was after night attacks on targets in the kharkov region, where an ammunition warehouse was destroyed. in total over the past week, russian troops carried out 25 group strikes on the territory of ukraine, this is according to the ministry of defense. the targets were...
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an enterprise of the military-industrial complex, storage sites for missiles and ammunition, as well as workshops for the production of unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. also affected were the temporary deployment points of units of nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries, as well as the accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. nadovskaya equipment, supplies of which to ukraine was so frightened by the west, it turned out not to be so invulnerable. guests of the exhibition of captured equipment on poklonnaya hill are convinced of this every day; entire delegations come, as well as journalists, including from those countries where these tanks and armored vehicles rolled off the assembly line. about why hopes were not justified, egor grigoriev. the queue for the exhibition of captured
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equipment stretched hundreds of meters, although everyone was moving quickly, the organization was excellent, at the beginning of the opening more than 100 thousand visitors saw the defeated with their own eyes. although the collective west convinced invulnerable equipment: tanks, artillery pieces, armored personnel carriers and other types of weapons. the leopard-2 a6, taken in the ovdeevsky direction, ran over a mine, lost its tracks, our drones burned its wiring, the crew fled, the abandoned vehicle was pulled away by the soldiers of the center group of forces, the tank was brought to virtually perfect condition in rimbat. it’s not just the expert lecturer, the hero of russia, ivan zharsky, who tells visitors about the characteristics of the technology and its history. at the northern military district he is an atgm operator. the most important thing is to know where to hit. and what goals are you pursuing? if you want to stop him, then you need to hit the track. here. if you want to destroy him, you hit him in the middle of the tower. star. star. what did you get it for? this is the same type
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of weapon. well, what was destroyed were leopards and bradleys, more than ten units, so to speak. well, here it is for you, here.
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equipment next to the marder infantry fighting vehicle, you can say its grandfather, sau mardor, produced in 1943. history repeats itself, and at the exhibition these words sound extremely significant. then, visitors watch on the big screen as ukrainian armed forces vehicles are destroyed and evacuated from the battlefield. we
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of course, i’m very impressed by our army in general, by our army, imagine, the guys are faced with this, these monsters, just like you did at work with us. candles for the front, so we kind of put in a little effort too, trench candles, trench candles for heating, the most pleasing thing is not that they are lined up. technology that we can examine, study and maybe learn something from, already archival footage on muddy black soil, almost inevitable bogging down of not very suitable nato technology, the dry-landers are trying to pull the american maxpro armored car out of the mud captivity, when they can’t cope, they abandon the car, this one costs more than half a million dollars, one of the captured ones is also bowed down. woe, there is a south african mamba armored car nearby. it was handed over by estonia to the national unit kraken,
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a terrorist organization banned in russia; it was obviously given away that it was unusable, the armor was weak, and it was not easy for mamba to cope with the consequences of rain on the battlefield. barrels of captured tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery the guns are facing west and are lowered down. these vehicles are demilitarized, for them the war is over and no one doubts that... this awaits all the equipment in the ssu. egor grigoriev, sergey ukhvaryonok, danila kuznetsov, valentina velichanskaya, news. this is the pride of german anti-aircraft artillery, it shoots upward at 15 km, the control is automated. howitzer, caliber 200. 11 mm, with it a whole company of heavy guns, they were aimed at
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moscow, and really hit us, the germans collected a lot of tanks, here is a tank of strangled czechoslovakia, here... an italian a tank, it successfully escaped from the sands of egypt, here is a tank from hungary, where is a horse with a hoof, there is iraq with a bald patch, here is poor samois, vichy sold it along with france. this is one of the pavilions, it contains ammunition,
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small arms, mortars, you can’t look at everything, at the exhibition there are several tens of thousands of such exhibits, samples of light german weapons.
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if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what
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about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product?
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loy, we are working with a martirka, on a reduced scale, on a real martirka, by the way, we have never seen anything like this before. normal, restore the tip, beauty, pride, pride of our web, this is our shebekin direction is the protection
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of the state border, and in cooperation with the ministry of defense we carry out this task. the leadership of our brigade command district generally pays a lot of attention to equipment and equipment, have you already had to fight here in this sector? in this area, yes, in 1920 , sabotage and reconnaissance groups tried to penetrate the state border, but they did not
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succeed, because the defense here is stable, the border guards work normally, the ministry of defense. well, in general, the russian guard, myself i had to shoot with a machine gun, well , not with a machine gun, i’m still managing the battle, but i think if the commander already shoots with a machine gun, it means i built the defense incorrectly, that is, with myself for confidence or against drones, but more against drones, now at long range we beat the enemy on the approaches, there is a result every day. ok, well, plus we shoot down about 15 drones every day for sure, there are no problems with that, the nature is so amazing, yes, right, if it weren’t for the war, the resort, yes, well, the military personnel like it, in general the food is amazing, the conditions, the baths for yourself
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built, everything, all the conditions are there, as it were, there are no problems, you are ready... the task, this is the first brigade that received heavy equipment, artillery, yes, this is the first brigade, the brigade is called special purpose, there are no analogues of such a brigade, how easy is it we were able to work with new equipment, all the crew, all the crews were trained, the leadership of the russian guard made a decision to come to us. it was the russian guard that the guys left the instructors in tactical operations in medicine, in fire training, in all areas very much pulled the guy up. is there enough bc? the bookmaker is there, everything is there, there are no problems, the calculations are ready, they show
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excellent results, with minimal adjustments, maybe just one. the crew is well hidden at the line, the crew is ready, now the chief of artillery is conducting additional reconnaissance of the target, we mainly work on areas where there are hangars. equipment, then along the convoy we worked for the vampire, we were hunting when they were shelling in the belgorod region, i caught it, well, i hit,
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i didn’t hit, i can’t say for sure, because the video is blurry, but they chased him normally, he was there, that is, he was accompanied , so, as soon as he got up, they immediately started working on him, the sight is 1.154, 1154. what is the protractor 45-44 and wow 45-44 to load one shell.
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well done guys, cover, take cover, come on, come on, come on quickly, report back as you go,
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and artillery, who was who, infantry, strategic missile, well, it’s still urgent, yes, i’m urgently in artillery, and that is why you how i got home, well, almost yes, i can’t forget, i can’t forget, even though it was 20 years ago. how did you get here? rosgvardiya, i went under contract when six months ago, before that
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i worked in moscow, at a large factory, why did you decide to go to serve? i came home for the weekend, vacation, received an offer, and didn’t refuse. i considered it necessary to have 47 in september, do you think the national guard has the best crew? we can’t give ourselves such an assessment, can we? i don’t know, in my opinion you always know within yourself, well, we know each other, we are confident in everyone, we know what to expect from everyone, your task, the situation, mine to assemble charges, chargers, monitor quality. what, where, what behind the quantity, yes, that is, you outweigh, you look, that is , in fact, everything is preparatory on you, yes, well, in terms of charges, yes, well, the quality is normal,
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now it’s going well, we get it normally, while we’re working safely, i studied for a long time to become a teacher, a month, rapid training took place, during time to form a team, so well, in principle , a month is enough to understand how it works, but you have to... a mathematical mindset, well, of course, at least four, well, in mathematics, nine classes at least to understand how add 2 +2, and so on in principle, there is nothing complicated, where the ore itself is from, siberia, krasnoyarsk, krasnoyarsk, before the army, there was something, i worked in a car service, well , by education, also by profession, and you, i am a shell man, i am responsible for the shells, i bring them. that is, you work in pairs, that is, you need to, that is, you carry the heaviest things, well, it turns out like this.
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a detachment of special operations forces operates here, they have a detachment called ilou, the so-called foreign legion for the liberation of ukraine, plus the russian volunteer corps, about 4200 people there are numbers in the regiment’s defense sector, when there were elections, they would have actively tried to break through the activity, but it was not successful. that our artillery and the artillery of the ministry of defense plus the senior commander’s aviation are all attempts that have given birth to a knife cutter and which one do you work with where is it a reconnaissance yes there is another tool, well, what is your favorite? the energy
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is under your left hand on your side, under your right hand on your side, that is, it’s really big, well, you have it right under you, i look at when to cut the sausage, no, this is when to go on a visit someone, talk, quietly, calmly, and what you do with him, good deeds. big for me, i’m probably closer to ener, this is more for you, thank you very much, so i’ll have to, now i’ll have to come up with something, not just a coin, i’ll need something, with spiders, what do you call it? but this one doesn’t,
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it’s so tame, it’s taken over, yes, and there was such a thing, last year in kherson, when we were working, went on a visit, took a walk, well, in the trench we encountered a side that was not very friendly to us, well, we didn’t agree, it’s just they worked quickly, accurately, well, the shot fired or it came to hand-to-hand combat, it came to hand-to-hand combat, you just had to work quietly. i didn’t let you down, everything worked perfectly. you have nr, here it is, so can you bring nr here? yes, well, is there something wrong here or? well, the pole was a mercenary. yeah, so the polish knife, yes, whoops, includes five residential buildings, a dining room, a bathhouse, a post-post,
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post-observations. it’s ringing, no, no, it doesn’t light up, it’s dark, it doesn’t light up, it’s just for now so that it doesn’t light up at night, we’ll run 220 here so it doesn’t run out of charge, but here we have to quickly move, if god forbid, that, yes, that’s right, in terms of personnel.


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