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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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table bath, observation, and why do you need a tripod? the network opens up, it’s like observations, what do you have now, well, your scanner is passive, well, if it’s in the field somewhere up to a kilometer. it will ring, no, no, it doesn’t light up, it doesn’t light up, it’s just for now, so that it doesn’t light up at night, we’ll run 220 here so it doesn’t run out of charge, well, here you have to move quickly, if god forbid, that, yes, so exactly, in terms of combat personnel.
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and who works for you here? there is a commander of the third squad, call sign polyan. and clearings 60 meters tall, each one made for himself. i see the drainage system is designed so that nothing floods. well, on top of the mesh , everything is completely done. this is how
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all-round defense works out, well, god forbid, it was useful to me, well, all the conditions have been created for the personnel, reinforced concrete modules, plus blocked roads, communication passages, everything is provided, of course.
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there were no questions at all, but they came under you, that is , they said, i know, there is a commander there, transfer me to him, there are, yes, a lot of people are asking, still from the old duty stations where i served, they call and ask what kind of tanks they gave, tanks 72, b3, the tank crew has an eternal dispute. which tank is better, it’s just the armor, which one is better, they say that the best body armor is that one, well, the t80 of course has the advantage of speed, in the silence of the engine, you can hear it when it’s already in position, operation, and a sniper gun , and the seventy-second, so that he could do it himself, tighten it up somehow, well, for now... new ones,
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we don’t climb in them, as if they just came to us from the factory in 2023, so the crews are all trained, ready, like a single family, a team, and a tank is always a crew, the tanker himself, yes, what did the omsk one graduate from, and what about the eternal competition with the kazan ones, yes, well, they are commanders, we are engineers, you like to shoot, you love to clean, well , yes, yeah ? yes, the crew is engaged in according to the daily routine of servicing weapons, well , in general, it is also serviced during seasonal maintenance, well, after firing, if the gun fires often, it’s acceptable.
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with diesel fuel, a dry rag, wipe it with a soft banik, and then at the end the weapon is lubricated, this is how to clean it, it’s new, yes, well, the new one needs to be cleaned, it doesn’t matter, of course, what the mileage is, it has a low mileage, it has 20 miles, yes, i took it from the factory myself, no, it didn’t come from the factory, i already accepted it at the test site, well, this is your first, yes, well , there are three tanks in my plant, i graduated from a tank institute, and i was there in the russian guard in a repair
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company, who found out that tanks were appearing in the russian guard and said give me yes, so what did they bring him to? well, they put an anti-drone network in the back, yeah, in front also from multivo, so they hung it, yeah, so what else is there it’s completely prepared, filled with plates, waste, well, it hasn’t caught anything yet, and not yet, we hope they won’t catch it, but will only carry out the tasks. did you put on some kind of rap or will you still put on and will put on more tank commander i have this one, he’s already a participant, that is, you’re already a participant and in what direction were you in zaporozhye on and what kind of car was t72b3
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, well, that is, everything is familiar and practically the same the very thing that is why and the numbers so with linza yes yes that is why. stood here, watched, so that it’s normal, how long is it in summer? 24, 24, how many tanks did you replace? well, this is the third, and those two are gone, well, alive, restored, yes, yes, the guys assembled it myself, yes, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, that is, you are confident in them, of course, you turn out to be a driver mechanic, exactly, well you understand that everything depends on you, of course, yes, that’s why i chose him, and personally everything, the gunner, the mechanic, the driver is more important than the wife, i know, i myself was once a mechanic, well, yes, why exactly in
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i went to the russian guard, well, recruiting and tanks, i think it’s all the same there are no specialists here, i’ll go here to help, that is, there will be room for growth, and clean up your boys, wisely, well done, i was a driver, i was there to become a tank commander and here i immediately came to become a tank commander, to be an officer, i have no education, well, i got it, but in absentia, you can still become a junior lieutenant, hello guys, this is so beautiful, that is, you can get tanks.
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i agree, in civilian life, what were you doing? i was an entrepreneur, a deputy, i was just a current deputy, i came from the district, city, village council, village council, well, the villagers all immediately said respect, well, before that there was respect, well
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, of course, well, yes, good respect, well done, that is, he didn’t come for money, well, about money then it’s second-rate, not for money , that is, everything was, everything was. everything was rebuilt, everything was built, i sat and thought, my grandfather went through the war, he fought until he was forty years old, he still, why? let's go so that the young people are not touched, well, there is education, there is, then what about a private, was a private, as if the privates were not at the institute, yes, no, there was no military, well, now it will last a little bit, then we can see how it will show itself, it will be clear, so what? in the car, what a great car, what is the position inside the car, what does the driver do, yes, the family, the family
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has a daughter, everything, the wife was worried, well , kind of worried, waiting, proud, how old is the daughter , 21 sons, 17, the boy says the father, i ’ll go with you, well, yes, i’ll let it work out, and i ’ll get an education. . well, we seem to have strong support coming from the republic, for the sake of khabirovich, well done, support, yes, yes, our own artillery, our own tanks, yes, well, analogues there are two more such regiments, but also in rosgardi, yes, that is, the regiment is capable of solving a variety of tasks, yes, independently, that is, up to a breakthrough. both offensive and defensive, that is , there are also assaults, well, there are no assaults, but
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there are operational companies that are capable of not attacking, there are snipers, there is a sniper unit, they have undergone good training, the instructors directly dealt with them, just like in theory and in practice, both day and night shooting, well prepared there, i question why, to the fact that right now, well, here guys, the task of protecting them is solved by a stronghold, and many artillerymen now have a theme that they have a separate department that deals exclusively with fighting drones, protecting batteries, shooting down drones, i’m confident in my guys, they are straight... some are even already such specialists , that they specifically
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turn off the fish in order to launch them from the field and that is, i’m luring myself out, but the most important thing for me, as a commander, not a single military man has ever been afraid of a single drone, that is , the reb system works, the system that we created to combat drones with work and... and a machine gunner, and shotguns, they are completely true to themselves, like this, if you ride a bull on it, yes, it carries from 400 kg, yeah, you can do it on it, well supply of ammunition, evacuation, also evacuation of the wounded, well, wherever you take it,
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a rocket. rocket, you’re wounded, lie down, you probably need to go to bed, or an experienced rocket will say, if i’m wounded, then i’m entitled to leave,
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well, how was it? great, that’s it, we’re working, servicing the equipment, well, you’ve been tanking for a long time, yes , just like from military service, you’re already on urgent duty 72 the second was, eighty, oh, it’s so insulting to you, that is, they didn’t give you your beloved one. what we have is what we are fighting with, it’s also a good car, i’ve already sailed in this war, and i was there from the very start, but i wasn’t much of a tanker, when i transferred from... he was, how many cars did he change, these, this is already the third one, we’re probably restoring it for you, in what condition it’s in, and we’re restoring everything, but i caught it, yes, it’s just small things.
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how long has it been since you joined the russian guard? this is my first year in the russian guard, but in general i’m a pensioner, am i sitting? yes, tell everyone, well, that is, that is, everyone came here build, share experience, yes, the crew was recruited, that’s right, nothing, everything, everything is fine,
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we worked together, young, i have a young one, that is, young. listens, well, of course, well, it doesn’t work out to the maximum speed, roughly speaking 60, which is what is planned, it turns out to be six people landing, three people, as far as she lives in the current conditions of war, i think she will live, adapted. we are all members of the russian guard, we must live up to this, i have been serving for 24 years, namely in the internal troops, now in the russian guard, for me, this is something big, high, pure, during its time, now the russian guard has shown what it is actually capable of , in defense, offensive, cleansing.
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i show the level, from here to zero it turns out to be about 3,800, the state is already beginning, a dangerous direction, so if something happens, god forbid, then the tetras, if necessary , move back, the unit is assigned. and this turns out to be anti-tank, but it is serious in size, yes, yes, a tank cannot overcome it, no, such a reliable fortification, yes, and there are also ours further down there, yes, yes, there is the first echelon there standing, and here the peasants are working, plowing, collecting, great people, by the way, they, too, have already
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begun to set up agriculture against... the fish system, that’s right, but what are you doing? there is this mine barrier, if necessary, this barrier is pulled out onto the road, that is, in addition to totraders, there are also mines, yes, yes, and somewhere the guys must also have machine-gun positions, this is all there to prevent them from wasting their hands , well, in general, on such roads we set up a kind of anti-tank reserve with turamifat, carnet. what did your homeland reward you with? whom? well, i have a state award, a medal of the order, services to the fatherland with swords, and departmental awards, that is, awards will still need to be collected, the main thing, the most important
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goal is for child death to return to belgorod, this is the most important goal. because communicating with the local population in this way, all these shellings at night, of course, even affects the psyche of children, then our main goal is to push the enemy away so that children’s laughter returns, this is the most important goal.
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investment rating, economics. through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia,
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is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you want have you achieved it, do you think that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? you were a famous psychiatrist and scientist in the recent past, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you kill him, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, it’s going to hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head , we look in the application or on the website,
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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author's program besagon tv, called. it will be when the eyes are larger than the rod, i think you will understand why we named our program that way, but first, as usual, i want to share with you our results of the previous program, on russia 24, on russia 1, in rutube, on the telegram channel, on our website. in total, this program was watched by about 12 million people, this number is quite stable, we repeat it, and for us this is a very
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great joy. before we start our program, i want you to listen to a short excerpt from our president's speech, listen. the guys go to war, risking their lives and health. it is from this... category of our citizens, especially young citizens, and there they are mostly young, and today i met with students who interrupted their studies, many of them went to the war zone, it is from these people that we must form the country’s elite in the future, this may seem like a figure of speech, but it is not so, in my opinion, and i hope , that... our president seriously believes that the change of elite, which must happen one way or another,
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will largely depend on those who will return, god willing with victory, from a special military operation, of course, this will bring new conditions to the people who came from the front and... from march 1, 24, veterans of a special military operation, as well as soldier officers who are now fighting in active
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units, will be able to apply for... and prefers to continue to live this way, although, as we perfectly understand, it will no longer be the way it was, therefore, such a tendency arose, at first it was very kind of neat, cautious, but very persistent. i won’t tell you where we got this information from, but its meaning is this: to introduce a feeling into people’s consciousness.
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rehabilitation and treatment, certain forces, as we understand perfectly well, we received an order on this topic, the media and foreign agents began writing about it, listen, the new elite will be dangerous for citizens, they are loyal to putin , obviously cruel, class, the new elite, they will be dangerous, to whom, for whom will they be dangerous, for the people, for the people, no, it will be
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dangerous precisely for those who write it, for example, a new newspaper that writes: a whole army of men from the front line is coming to defend stability, some of the veterans are now being taken to schools and universities, transfer experience, recently in in a story about the lessons of patriotism, a local resident recognized her father’s murderer, someone is being asked to become a political instructor, so the proposal to turn the paid people into the elite, uttered ... at the highest level, is an accurate move, quick-witted officials and an indifferent public, the authorities themselves extend their hand to the veteran and count on to gratitude, this is oprichnina, class, what horror there is in this, these are such terrible people from the front line who shed their blood for you, the bastard, while you were lying on the sofa, of course
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it’s scary for you... the one who 8 years passed past the bombing of donbass, now it is carefully and quietly trying to settle down, to lie down, so that it will somehow all resolve, it will not resolve, this must be understood, and this must be accepted. yes, it is absolutely clear that the svo is not an indulgence to justify some vile actions and crimes, and can it? for example, a person who was convicted of leading the blue whale group, which incited teenagers to commit suicide, alexander glazev, having been released after participating in the svo, will go to school with children, explain to them, teach them patriotism, probably no, and of course such things need to be monitored very carefully , but a new newspaper mentioned aprichnina, but how did she come about? oprichnina. this is
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the terrible word of oprichnin, from this terrible beast john ii, ioan vasilyevich the terrible. it did not arise out of nowhere, it arose in the fight against the oligarchy of that time, with the boyars, when they lost a real understanding of reality when their eyes.


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