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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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the terrible word obrichnina from this terrible beast ioan iv, ivan vasilyevich the terrible, it did not arise out of nowhere, it arose in the fight against the oligarchy of that time with the boyars, when they lost a real understanding of reality, when the eyes became larger than the mouth, i tell you i'll tell you at the end of the program. where did this phrase come from, where did i hear it,
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then ioan vasilich began to transfer the functions of management to capable, but maybe not so eminent people, this is what the ideologist of the russian boyars, andrei kurpsky, writes in this regard, this is very interesting, listen, the grand duke has great faith in russian clerks, and he chooses them not from the noble family, not from the nobility. but whether it’s from popovichi or from the simple nation, otherwise the one who hates his nobles does it, he does it, it kind of offends, this became the reason for the claims of those oligarchs of that time of the 15th century who initiated the poisoning of the tsar’s beloved wife anastasia ramanovna, tried to poison the tsar himself and his sons , by the way, this is a legend that... gave birth to repin’s painting, ivan
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the terrible kills his son, absolutely not corresponded to reality, because when studying the remains of the son of ivan the terrible , there was no wound or damage to the skull; traces of arsenic were found in the remains, so this was also the work of the oligarchy of the 16th century, but this turned out to be not enough; the caesars were unexpectedly completely killed. dmitry, he died under rather strange circumstances, as it was written, fell on his little leg, which led to the emergence of turmoil, an invasion of the poles, the false dmitry the first appeared, luzhe dmitry the second, only in huge through the efforts of the people, as a result this unrest was suppressed, this is what an assassination attempt can lead to. on the power of the oligarchy, that is
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, the oligarchy of the 15th century, the boyars, this is also interesting, so, if you think about it, the new newspaper mentions these terrible men from the front, who came back from the war in 1945, who became the elite after the military, precisely all those people, who fought, the same men, and what united them. war, they were surrounded by war. leonid ilyevich brezhnev could come to the factory and talk with the carpenter not about how he works, about where he fought, in what the first ukraine, the second, i wasn’t in forty-three, it went, they were surrounded by war, it united the country, victory united the country, gradually they began to leave, and the soil began to soften, liquefy. under our feet,
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i don’t want to say at all that the people who came to power in the nineties were bad, no, it’s just that the flywheel had already been launched, it was launched by deceiving us, it was launched by promises that were not based on any written, real documents, and we fell for this, fell for this deception, or all the laws, all the decrees that... yeltsin and they received gaidar, i was a member of the government, i remember, they bring all this in english, and then they sit there urgently translating, translating, translating at 12 o'clock at one in the morning they gather us, we still have not time to read anything, all these are even hotter pages, and even the translation is so rudely done, it’s unsuccessful, there are these, you know, how not in russian, everything from there.
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jeffrey sachs sits, under yeltsin he sat as the chief economic adviser, it came through him, he gave and...
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the launched mechanism brought with it a lot of new and not always good, for example, you can it would be imaginable that a veteran of the great patriotic war could collect a billion rubles in bribes, and while still in the position of deputy minister
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of defense, especially in wartime, while the war is going on, and this happens when the whole country is collecting rubles a penny for a drone... so that, for example, a person who came back from the great patriotic war would be tasked with building a dam to protect the inhabitants of cities, villages, towns of some region, which was spent almost a billion rubles on
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that it is not a dam, but that it is an earthen rampart, as happened in the orenburg province, this is what the minister of construction irek faizolin says about this. that dam that the vors say is not really a dam. a dam of a billion rubles is not worth 10 km, with enormous speed, a huge mass of water pressed not on the dam, but on an earthen rampart. but the construction took 4 years from 2010 to 2014. and according to the then...
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they understood the value of life, the same minister of construction irek fayzulin responds to this remark about grizunov.
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some people ask me: “ilyukha, will you return to per? guys, this is my saturday morning. fuck me. and by the way, as journalists found out, ilya demkin’s comfortable and such a happy life is paid for from the accounts of a large russian developer “oo” trading house pz. jv, where he is the founder, is normal? but
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the parents of this young man don’t think about why he doesn’t want to return to his homeland. maybe it’s because he knows how his parents are organizing this homeland, because he understands what has been done? everything is wrong here conscience, and so on everywhere, the flooding simply revealed it. something that should have been hidden for decades, but if there had not been this flooding, this terrible flood, then this dam, which is actually an earthen rampart, would have lived, and they would have thought that this billion had gone to the right place , until the water destroys this dam along with the rodents, and how do the people who are responsible for this behave, that ’s when residents, citizens, compatriots come to the leader,
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talk, ask what happened, look how management communicates with people, with citizens, with their compatriots who were flooded, who came to ask for help or at least get an answer, why this happened, look, quieter, quieter, quieter, right, so the phones were all removed, are there rules, were the phones all removed? and then how can we prove that it’s so bad for us, you have a lot of press, and the press will cut it out, let’s come, do you mind that i came, no, they’ve all put away the phones, they’ll tell me, what ’s wrong, well, he said, put away the phones, well, really, phones got everyone, bloggers got everyone, and videos got everyone, i i understand, i can understand humanly, for example, what the governor experiences when he sees in front of... dozens of phones that will now record what he says, and why, he doesn’t want to tell
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the truth, he has no explanation what happened, or is it also some kind of neglect, which, by the way, is quite sharply interrupted by the president, look how he reacted to the words of the governor of the tyumen region,
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the force, where it was stated that the akhmat battalion had to kick the armed soldiers forces of the russian federation on the battlefield. a normal statement, yes for a deputy, this text hung on the site until the morning of monday, october 2, over this weekend there was a huge noise, a huge wave of indignation of the just indignation of citizens who read it, on october 2 mr. semedin finally responded,
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the site was hacked, attackers posted fake messages with... well, who are you treating, and the devil is in the details, because the text itself was removed, but the announcement was left, and it is quite natural that the largest media, bloggers, and even one military blogger, yevgeny raskazov, by the way, he is a member of the northern military district, he wrote quite
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rudely, called the deputy names, and said that things are spinning like a frying pan here. satisfied semegin's claim, obliging blogger raskazova to pay 500,000 rubles out of the amount requested by mr. semegin of 6,351 thousand rubles. i don’t want to give a moral assessment to this whole, so to speak, conflict,
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this is a matter for the court, the prosecutor’s office, anyone, but... the lawful actions of an offended, insulted deputy, well, of course, i fully admit this, but isn’t this the same rightness, like the head of the region who asks to put away the phone, which can also be understood, true, but considering that the blogger is a member of the svo, the amount requested... is a million rubles more than the payment for what if this blogger had not god forbid, he would have been killed at the front, that is, if the court had granted mr. semegin’s request, the blogger had died, then
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the payment due for this death would not have been enough to satisfy... i don’t want to take anyone’s side, this is not my task , i'm just trying to analyze the ratio action with punishment, the right of a boss to talk with ordinary people, this is the relationship, how legitimate it is, and now about something else, i want to return to the topic of migration. the recent murder of the russian guy kiril kovalev by illegal immigrants from azerbaijan, twenty-four-year-old kiril reprimanded the camry driver named shahin for parking on the sidewalk. in response, shahin stabbed him, from which he later died. they had a heated argument, one hit the other and it
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ended in death. terrible, of course, but what did it reveal? that's what interesting: the killer’s father, a migrant from azerbaijan, obtained citizenship through a fictitious marriage. he does not speak russian, and even for interrogation he needed a translator. his son, the murderer shahin, was in russia illegally. his registration was expired, and a makarov pistol was found in his car. it is illegal to carry a weapon. there are more than 100 unpaid fines on his car, maybe this is a poor family, there is no money, no such luck, there is money, 70 million was found in their apartment for...
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shadow business, violation of laws, non-payment taxes, organized crime, murder, fictitious marriage, illegal presence in the country, it would seem, sit quietly, live quietly, don’t bother anyone, everything is fine with you, everything is fine, but no, why, because there is... perfect confidence in impunity, where does this confidence come from? from experience, how many
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trials, investigations, and so on, end in nothing, why? think for yourself, this is a trend when for 15 thousand a person who does not speak russian can get a paper stating that he speaks russian, but for 70,000 you can get a fictitious marriage and... turn out to be a citizen of the russian federation, but this cannot go on indefinitely, or rather, it can go on indefinitely, and this will be the end for our country, for russia, isn’t that so, and besides, no repression, humiliation is required, no , just to bring order to this issue, real order, you remember the crowd in the center of sakharovo, which we show how many of these thousands...
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this is not the tragedy of one person who was killed. one stab with a knife becomes an event and a tragedy for a very large number people, mother, father, brothers, sisters, comrades, relatives and so on. do you understand what kind of energy of denial, disgust, vindictiveness accumulates in a huge number of people when... just like that, just like that, for nothing, a twenty-four-year-old young sports guy who was going to get married was killed, because if
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measures are not taken in a civilized manner at the state level, if there is no political will, the negative force that will accumulate among the people will result in... in order to formalize a fictitious marriage, it turns out to be more important, just as it is more important to pass it off as a dam earthen rampart, in the hope that it will somehow
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resolve, something like this, listen, no help, why did my husband die, because you covered your ass here, didn’t stand, blushed, well done, of course, i feel bad , because you can’t get through by phone, you can’t do anything, no one answers, and you sit, everything is fine with you, just have a conscience already, you’re in a white shirt, and we’ve been walking for 2 weeks without money, without everything, without water, no money paid 20 each, what did the husband die for, what did the husband die for? for the fact that it is you who are sitting in clean pants, your son is wearing his boots, no shame. i can understand this woman, well, anyone can understand her, i’m interested in something else, this is what the person to whom she is shouting all this thinks, what are his thoughts? what are his
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feelings? vladimirich lenin formulated this very precisely: the upper classes cannot, but the lower classes do not want, this is the very case when the very lower classes, like this woman, do not want, but he cannot, then why should he do this if he cannot, but it’s not just that, this problem exists, but it’s not the only one, for example, what’s happening inside, completely deeply, here...
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citizens of the soviet union, as many as possible, only then had the right to do something, their task was recruitment, and then some kind of action. well, it would seem that the ussr collapsed, everything collapsed, the wall was broken, peace, friendship, jeans, chewing gum, everything is fine, the ntssts could have been disbanded, but that was not the case. the west continues to pin its hopes on nts. moreover, the closest connection between the nts and ukraine is revealed. here , compare the symbolism of the nts with the modern coat of arms of ukraine. symbols of vlasov's army with emblem of the legion of freedom of russia. and besides, we learn that a member of the nts is a former russian lawyer, mark fagan. we
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talked about it in the last issue, i suggest you, dear friends, if someone is watching me now, about 86,500 people from russia are watching us now, now i will show you the address on the screen where you can write, those are the ones, write from you who are ready to act, they will contact you, they will talk to you, this is political work that is converted into any other, if you are for yourself... decided that you are for yourself put up the cross, you will perish anyway, then do it with benefit, that is , think about what mr. fegen is offering, if you have no reason to live, if you are disappointed, if you want to give up your life, come to us, we will help you, and you will fulfill your desires, you will part with your life, and you will do a good deed for us, the circle will go round. or
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try to blow up the railway track, but it turns out that in addition to the escaped fegin, we now have people in russia who admire nts and promote it ideas. this is the material we came across, this is alexander sungurov, a professor of political science at a higher school. economics in st. petersburg. he is a democrat, he is a liberal, he took part in the collapse of the ussr, was one of the leaders of the perestroika club along with anatoly chubais and yegor gaidar. in 1993, he established the commonwealth fund in st. petersburg, subsequently the center...


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