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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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you will fulfill your desire, you will part with your life, and you will do a good deed for us, you will go to the crucus, or you will try to blow up the railway track, but it turns out that in addition to the escaped fegin, we now have people in russia who admire the nts and promote his ideas. this is the material we came across. this is alexander sungurov, professor of political science at the higher school of economics in st. petersburg. he is a democrat, he is a liberal, he took part in the collapse of the ussr, was one of the leaders of the perestroika club along with anatoly chubais and yegor gaidar. in 1993 he established a commonwealth fund in st. petersburg. subsequently, the center...
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he met on some trip abroad. listen to the conversation between alexander sungurov and the participants of the round table on mediation at the perm state national research university on october 29, 2022. what can you do now? the second topic is what can be done if such a split in the elite begins or some kind of turn for the better. well, the third task. what, what tasks stand in another 10-15 years, how this is not funny, after this, if we manage to return more or less again, as far as possible, to the civilized world, then there is a high probability that in another 10-15 years, this scares me most of all, the people will want putin again and he will appear , because the people will want someone in whom they can believe, and so on and so on and so on, here we are, here we can’t change the people, yes, this is not our method, but what is possible, here i have the idea, as we discussed, of targeted civic education.
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i use modern technologies under the name targeted, well, you know, the campaigning there for brexit, for trump, for trump was successful because people campaigned for specific groups of the population, campaign in such a way that they understood this agitation, what is the point of removing putin if we cannot destructure the economy, that's what's going on, reforms can be liberal, through the roof, i have experience, i'm lucky, i met and became friends in novosibirsk at a youth forum, and then even... further in frankfort with vladimir dmitrovich parinsky, this is the chairman of the ibc of the fifty-sixth, there's an end there sixties, molecular, one of the creators of the mts in the thirtieth year, but who decided that something must still be done for the future free world, paremsky, as you know, will propose a molecular theory of the structure of the nts, so that people who share the ideologists of the nts in the soviet union they did not try to make contact with the center in the franc, they found partners for each other, just as atoms meet atoms to form molecules. and thanks to this, the organization
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survived until perestroika, well, actually, mr. navalny, together with his colleagues, they all these years we have been busy establishing this kind of political and commission structures throughout the country in the regions, because one of our missions is to work with students, because in my opinion it is a sacred idea to sow, where it will grow, it will grow there, there where it won’t germinate, well, what can you do, but it’s just flooding, well, it won’t last that long? you understand, no, it’s not enough, this is the first, second, i spoke a little about poremsky, the experience of people who did not accept either the bolsheviks or the tsarist power, why did they not accept the union of the younger generation, all those older than 1895, into their union, because those who were older brought russia to the revolution, with all their delusions, yes, but they tried, they did, in the end , well, i won’t say that everything worked out perfectly for them, but he is hinting that...
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the nazis were more legitimate than the actions of the bolsheviks, okay? i can say, okay, yours, what is my position on crimea? the situation is very, in my opinion, there is no clear solution to the situation, because that, as far as i understand, at least in
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sevastopol, people definitely went to the square to exercise their right, the majority of crimeans also definitely did this, but nevertheless, according to the norm of international law, this is. by this, not succession, but as i call it this expression, no, perhaps, perhaps, it’s wonderful, but according to the legal norm this is annexation, then the league of nations, the first universal organization, but sovereignty is still above all, therefore , what germany did with its population, sending them to the gas cameras, nothing could be done, sovereignty, they did everything according to the law, unlike the bolsheviks who came to power, these coups. i’m not going to put any labels on anyone, i just want to understand, well, how can it be that one of the best universities in the country is completely calmly discussing how to attract students to this completely anti-russian, sabotage activity in
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russia, how can lustration lists be discussed when the government is changed, putin is removed and those people who come ready... are immediately visible, they are veiled, they are closed, we do not always see their physical action influence, such as the story with the dam, which turned out to be an earthen rampart, but they
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exist, live, advance and wait for their time, it is there in all areas, for example, it is offered in physical education classes in schools as... a sport, golf is normal, or, for example, an extremely healthy sport such as charligin, when girls in miniskirts dance in front of spectators between halves , it's official is offered as a sporting activity, the same thing happens in culture, for example, not so long ago zelfira trigula left the post of director of the teryakov gallery. i don’t want to discredit her in any way, she is a specialist, she knows her business, but knowledge of her business is one thing, but how you apply this knowledge is another, you see this material, these are fragments of
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an investigation by political scientist and publicist sergei kornaukh, listen here , experts note that with the arrival of the trigolova, the permanent exhibition, new tretyakov exhibitions, fourth... with the appointment of trigolov, with the direct support of mikhailovich shvidkov , full-scale reforms began, works by representatives of protest underground soviet art , actionists oleg kulyak, the family of the future, the art group blue noses, lenin spinning in his
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grave, the artist vladislav mamyshev munro, valentin matvienko from st. petersburg series, artists. donated 200 works of art, which, by her decision, were subsequently included in the museum collection of the russian federation. i want to remind you what marat gelman's works look like. look. funds have been allocated from the regional budget for art objects, the artistic value of which causes great dissatisfaction among perm residents. about 5 million rubles. wooden art object. at the ural hotel for the white nights festival, 241,200 rubles, letters
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of power from the legislative assembly, 102,300 rubles for each of the trash men, a person with a trash can, design of a trash can, by and large, if we are talking seriously, 481,800 rubles for walking men, a banner on fence of the northern dam, 948. across the entire square diagonally, here is another letter
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p, which was knocked together from spruce logs at a cost of 8 million rubles. but the most amazing and most interesting thing is that the art objects created at state expense do not belong to the city or the region, but to the same perm museum of contemporary art.
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the likelihood that what is now well, we can’t talk now about what ’s happening with russia, that it will end quickly, yes, but there is a chance of it, that means i have my own number in my head, twenty seventh year, this figure is based not... on the analysis of the situation, but on what i had, i donated in the nineteenth year, i donated 200 works to the tretikovka, we had an agreement that after the restoration of this new building, there would be a marat gelman hall there, in the twenty-seventh year , lord, dear tretyakov brothers, how good it is that you did not live to see the opening of the hall named after marat. to be honest, it seems like
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something is happening, yes, for example, she resigned from the post of director, marina loshak resigned from the post of director of the gmi, but what has changed, what yes nothing, from may 17 to 19 in my beloved nizhny novgorod the second contour graphics fair will be held, the exhibition is organized by the director of the garage museum. anton belov and the collector, dmitry volodin, that’s right, the same volodin who said, you have svo, but i don’t, remember, you are an artist, yes, yes, tell me, what do you think about a special military operation, i don’t i know what you are talking about, but you don’t know, now we have a special one, it works for you, it doesn’t work for me, and they work very competently, there is no such characteristic of an artist impracticality. such supra-worldliness, no, everything is clear, everything is written out, everything is thought out with
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a perspective, for example, a gathering of representatives of cultural institutions from different regions of our country, organized, by the way, by the garage museum in august 2022, the director of the museum from krasnoyarsk, also my favorite, peace square... listen, when all this happened i was riding when the may holidays were approaching, naturally, the may holidays, a situation happens with a chicken that cut off its head, the ministry starts running, it says that what, dear institution, dear conference institution, you need to place some group in your area,
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you have a wonderful huge banner, it’s not that there, please, let’s think about how to do this, do everything. and a person calls me, a person, a normal person with whom we worked, a technical director, who, as they say, we didn’t ask, yes, but he doesn’t need it, i don’t need it, just give me the size, give me the size of that your banner, but that’s all, i say, wait a second, i’m a director, i don’t know the size of my banner, wait a second, and by the way, this gives you a pause to think and breathe, not to get emotionally involved in the situation.
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this is another drop in this river of russophobia, this is another reason to pinch your country, but this must be done from under the teshkavs, because it’s scary, scary, that’s why, for example, zelfera tribulova is running away from the questions of a so participant on april 5, 2024 at a presentation with...
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a huge number, i want to answer them with the words of a writer whom we are quite we often quote roman nosikov, here’s what he writes: recently a strange fashion has arisen in russia to replace images of orthodox crosses with balloons. here, for example, is a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed
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virgin mary in vladimir. and here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry. decided that crosses have no place in public space. removing the cross from symbols will no doubt be presented to us as an act of some kind of politeness towards those of our compatriots and guests who profess other religions. they don't know the respect that
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people who profess different beliefs have for each other, if these beliefs. are truly paid for by sacrifices, the cross hinders them, and not some fictitious infidel. for them, tradition is something that fetters maneuver, making the people too intractable and capricious material for the introduction of new ideas and social forms. if someone removes crosses from the image. that he considers them offensive, if he believes that our symbols offend muslims or jews, then he believes... respect, hammams and chavenists. i think
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roman nosikov's essay is very accurate. well, now i’ll decipher this phrase for you, where it came from, which we called our program. i was filming a picture during the day in dnepropetrovsk, i arrived after filming, tired, went into the restaurant, the restaurant was empty. i say, and aren’t you afraid? he says no, nikita sergeevich, i say, why the gene? nikita sergeevich, the most important thing is that the eyes
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are not larger than the mouth. that's where the name of our show came from. and now, remembering once again the words of vladimirovich lenin, when the top they can’t, and the lower classes don’t want to, it may end in a revolution, or it may end with these lower classes. they will simply take matters into their own hands without giving a damn about the officials, as happened in the orenburg or tyumen regions, people will take the problem into their own hands and solve it with their own hands, if the officials could not do this, who, by the way, threatened them for this work and arbitrariness, but i hope that this initiative will not only not be punished, but will also be encouraged.
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well, after these uplifting shots, i think. it is not a sin to fulfill our tradition and how always raise a glass to victory, to our victory, but... our swordman krivorochka was late again, he came and said, we’re leaving one by
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one, if anything happens, we are who, that’s right, geologists, all the best, i really hope that god will give us a new meeting. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, me, and why adam, and not adam, is chechen? artist white rose can you? can you sing sometime? is bruce alive, we don’t need names, she’s not a bother, or what, don’t touch yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, homer to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin , no, this is my
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brother’s call sign, are you still a passenger? yes sir. orthodox christians all over the world celebrate easter or sunday of christ today, this is the main church holiday that symbolizes the victory in life over death, millions of believers
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in russia. before the start , a particle of the holy fire was delivered there from jerusalem. according to tradition , vladimir putin was also present at the festive service. maria valieva will continue the topic. the procession around the cathedral of christ the savior takes place to the sound of bells. the clergy are coming.
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resurrection, which symbolizes the victory of life over death, light over darkness and truth over lies. the primate of the russian orthodox church congratulated the believers on the holiday and called on everyone to help those who especially need it. russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of protecting the fatherland of traditional christian values, who have lost loved ones.
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