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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the christian holiday is the bright sunday of christ, which symbolizes the victory of life over death, light over darkness, and truth over lies. the primate of the russian orthodox church congratulated the believers on the holiday and called on everyone to help those who especially need it. the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of protecting the fatherland of traditional christian values. who lost loved ones,
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became homeless or were injured, our dioceses, monasteries, parishes, orthodox volunteers continue to contribute to this national cause. the easter service in the main cathedral of the country was attended by thousands of people; many attended such a solemn service for the first time; they say they always dreamed of celebrating the bright holiday here. we were lucky to get here today, it’s not easy for me.
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savior, because this is a kind of unity of people, the unity of christianity. solemn easter service in the main temple of the russian armed forces, under the arches of the patriarchal cathedral, sunday morning christ church united hundreds of believers, military personnel and parishioners. the service was led by metropolitan kashira, vicar of the most holy patriarch of moscow all russia, theognostus. in the tauropegial st. nicholas naval cathedral of kranstatt, the solemn service was conducted by the rector, deputy chairman of the synodal department for interaction with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, archimandrite alexy. the bright holiday of easter is celebrated by millions of orthodox christians throughout the country, from chukotka to crimea.
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your resurrection, yours, yours, we glorify. in in vladivostok, for the first time, the easter service was held in the new church of the transfiguration cathedral, which was built on the central square of the city. orthodox christians have been preparing for this bright holiday for several days, now there is an excellent reason to visit their loved ones, set tables with illuminated bags and colored eggs. symbols of the resurrection of christ and the triumph of life. maria valieva, denis tsitseronov, maxim sidorenkov, nadezhda nefedova, svetlana solovyova and dmitry evdokimov, vesti. and to other topics of the explosion that night the night before late in the evening residents of several regions of ukraine heard. such messages came, in particular, from dnepropetrovsk, and at least two series of strikes were noticed in the city. sounds of detonation were also heard in kharkov and its environs. in addition, it became known about attacks in the north. ukraine in sumy. a powerful
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explosion occurred in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. the air raid alert was announced several times in the evening and at night; in total, sirens were heard in five regions of ukraine, as well as in those territories of zaporozhye and kherson regions and the donetsk people's republic, where militants are now in control. and emmanuel macron spoke in favor of continuing negotiations with our country. the french president said this in an interview from.
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may 2023. the samara region is becoming a real center of the anti-fascist movement. the guitars in tuning thundered throughout the world. and now a year later, our region once again unites like-minded people from different countries of europe, asia, north and south america. events take place throughout the region. jimi mcrae, uk, dingyao, china. here the dressing rooms of the regional cultural center of the village of krasny yar are located. russian and foreign artists came to the palace of culture to speak. the samara region essentially became the cultural front of the northern military district. jimmy mcrae is back in action for the second time. last year, for participating in an anti-fascist festival and supporting russia, he was criticized, literally persecuted, by the western media. there were even attempts to cancel his concerts. nevertheless, jimmy again came
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to the banks of the volga. last year we performed katyusha. shall we remember? katyusha? ay, yes. you today and thus demonstrates support for the chosen course by our country's president, vladimir vladimirovich putin. this is not the first time we are opposing nazism, the criminal fascist, nazi ideology. well, we won then 80 years ago, and
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we carry the memory of this feat of the people in our hearts. and this time the enemy will be defeated, and victory will be ours. sounds in chinese performed by singer wang hao in a rock arrangement. i love russia very much, i love samal very much. during the performance of each song , the audience sang along, the atmosphere of unity incredible. a festival like this is incredibly important and necessary. at the moment we are all very united. we are very proud that such artists came to us. svetlana’s husband is a member of the svo. she came to the concert with her three daughters. the girls were so impressed by what they saw that they continued to sing after the end of
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the event.
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we know that people around the world have good will, the majority, but this does not make your civic feat any less, thank you and welcome to samara land, our next victory does not light up, it will necessarily, and we are sure of this, because the guitar is in the ranks, our call sign from now on is samara, the central event of the international anti-fascist forum was a round table meeting, it was attended by domestic...
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some western politicians expected that this dark force would controlled, that it will be directed exclusively against soviet russia, how they miscalculated then, how they will miscalculate this time. jimmy mcrae spoke about a terrible discovery in the scottish city of lockerbie. monuments to ukrainian the nazis, who during the second world war participated on the side of hitler’s germany in the battles against the red army and committed a crime against humanity that has no statute of limitations. jimmy mcrae emphasized. great disrespect for the millions of soviet soldiers who fought against fascism during the second world war. my grandfathers and great-grandfathers,
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they all fought against fascism, and it’s a pity that this phenomenon has manifested itself again, but in a different place, we must fight it now, in the 21st century. to the live broadcast, hundreds of thousands of viewers around the world joined the discussion. i am very grateful to your governor because he was personally involved. in our events, he was, that is, in every event he was a participant in our conversations, supports us, supports our dialogue and conversations, that is, of course, this is very very very pleasant and this is very important. the festival is now gaining momentum, there are concerts, round tables, conferences, discussions, and at the end there will be a big holaconcert. a high-profile trial in omsk, where a repeat offender who killed his own is being tried teacher. what and what conclusions are contained in the report of the interstate aviation committee on the superjet crash at sheremetyevo,
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he valued the life of teachers at 100 rubles. in the omsk regional court, the trial began against. a sixty-two-year-old recidivist who brutally dealt with his neighbor, an honored teacher of the rsfsr. the deceased in the distant past taught a criminal to read and write. periodically, a former student came to her to borrow money. this is what happened on the day of the murder. according to investigators, the defendant asked his probable victim for 100 rubles. and when he received the bill, he allegedly decided to rob an eighty-eight-year-old pensioner. he struck her several times on the head with a metal rod and then strangled her. after that, he tried to find money, because he believed that the pensioner must have money savings, but he did not find the money and fled the scene of the crime, well, she told me i was like my own mother, i came to her, well, i needed it all the time, i came to her, she gave it to me without asking. the accused has a rich criminal past, he has been convicted several times
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, and has spent more than 30 years in prison, with such a track record, in the event of a probable murder... killer anesthesia. the boy is in full swing. it's hard for me to realize. in the moscow region, a young allergic patient died during a planned operation. the case was considered for 7 years. what sentence did the anesthesiologist ultimately receive? for those who like to hide in the shadows, mp.
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i can’t get out of retirement, almost a year ago, former adege judge anatoly gorgolin crushed a nine-year-old boy to death, even like i was the sun, like now without him, why the child’s parents still can’t get justice. the interstate aviation committee announced the completion of the report on the superjet crash at sheremetyevo airport in may. 2019. it is noteworthy that experts made their conclusions precisely on the anniversary of the accident. airplane incident happened on may 5th. a message published on the organization’s website states that the draft report was ready already in 2023. however, taking into account the position of aeroflot, which owned the plane, the document was finalized. now the floor is up to foreign experts. at the moment,
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specialists from the interstate aviation committee are completing the translation. reports in english to be sent to the states that took part in the investigation (france, germany and the usa) for their comments. this procedure is mandatory, the conclusions of the investigation specialists are brought to the federal air transport agency, as well as to the developers and operators of aircraft with which an emergency occurred. this allows you to take into account all possible risks and hazards. let me remind you that on may 5, 2019, the superjet 100 performed a scheduled flight on the moscow route. 27 minutes after takeoff, the plane returned to the airport due to technical problems, but was damaged during a rough landing; as a result, a fire broke out and the plane was partially destroyed. of the 78 people on the plane, 41 died. one of the most discussed bills of this week,
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state duma deputies proposed relaxing the requirements for tinting front side windows, and possibly abolishing fines altogether, this is the case if the film on the window transmits at least 50% of the indicator established by technical regulations. the initiators claim that paying for incorrect tinting causes dissatisfaction among drivers. then, as in many cases, protection from direct sunlight in the car is simply necessary. maxim shevchenko understood the intricacies of the submitted documents. in a car studio in the center in moscow, they put a protective film on a brand new foreign car; it, like a cover, protects the coating from chips. at the same time , the rear windows are tinted. these are the wishes of customers. today the law does not allow masking the front sides, but for the filming of our program the masters won’t last long. make an exception in order to demonstrate why the ban exists, no protective properties from the sun, it transmits 100% of the sun's energy, it has nothing,
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it only masks, it only removes the external, at night the same thing, it it only worsens visibility from the inside. traffic police officers have to deal with such violations regularly; for example, in 2021, inspectors throughout russia had to remove more than 20,000 films. this is what it looks like practically. came to our country from the usa, where it was still fashionable to cover windows with reflective film in the seventies, the effect of opaque windows
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was achieved with the help of paint, later american auto mechanics looked at the experience of architects who built numerous skyscrapers in the country; offices were protected from sunlight using a special film, which creatures eventually migrated to cars, of course, it went to extremes when they darkened everything... everything right down to the windshield or even changed the design of the car, there were such cases, even when the car had a double window, it turns out the person lowered , he has a tinted car, yes, then he raises another window, but it’s no longer a tinted car, as if we also identify such things, as if we open the trim and also look, the restrictions prohibiting taping up the part of the car where the driver sits have already been in effect for several years, and now deputies intend to allow significant relaxations. they assure that fines cause dissatisfaction among drivers, and tinting is another reason to check the car on the road. speaking about safety, about various arguments that
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supposedly this allows our law enforcement agencies to identify criminals, not to give the opportunity to transfer cargo to those who need it, everything will be transported with tinting without tinting, so tinting is, first of all, the comfort and safety of drivers when driving. however, not all experts have the same opinion, for example, a specialist. analyzing the benefits implementation of smart technologies in road traffic, they believe that possible risks need to be taken into account. if today large amounts of funds are allocated and actively implemented in road safety systems that have already really proven their effectiveness, then initiatives, in particular tinting, which can negatively affect both road safety and operational investigative activities, should be treated very carefully . by the way, the name. for safety, including traffic police officers stopping a car on the road, in their time was one of the reasons to recognize the tinting of front windows as illegal, but current supporters of easing restrictions
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counter that there should be no extremes. people don't want to be looked at by those standing next to them in traffic jams. people want privacy, at least in the car to take a break from communicating with other people, but for tinting the windshield, they can immediately lose their driver’s license. deputies, of course, does not imply allowing extreme tuning for obvious reasons, in a tinted car with a front tinted hemisphere, you you are guaranteed not to see anything in the mirrors in the evening and above all you do not see. when pedestrians are reversing, they even use curtains; i would like to suggest that they put a cactus on the windowsill so that it would at least be organic. head of the detailing studio
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sergei vedenin explains that the amendments to... will make it possible not even to darken the glass at all, but to protect the interior from the sun, as has long been done in hot countries, including the united arab emirates or azerbaijan, for example, thermal films that are available in the markets, they are 100% energy the sun is stopped, that is, if, translating into russian, the interior does not heat up, the interior does not heat up, the surfaces do not heat up, there is no stuffiness in the cabin, the problem is that now even such a film cannot be installed, the traffic police officer’s device will consider that light transmittance... low, despite a very good view, the result of installing the athermal film is practically invisible, the glass actually remains completely transparent, that is, there is as if there is no tinting, but at the same time the driver sees everything that is happening on the road, regardless of time day, be it night or day, and the very few percent by which legislators may lower the permissible light transmittance threshold will remove restrictions on
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installations of this type. coating, it will be a more comfortable ride, drivers will be less tired, and accordingly, the roads will simply become safer, moreover, this will lead to a reduction in fuel costs, because accordingly, it will be possible to use the air conditioner less, now an article in the code of administrative offenses implies a fine of 500 rubles for too much dense tinting, and the order is to remove the film, often inspectors rip it off right where the car stops, by the way, this is not nilov’s first attempt to achieve amendments to the existing ones... if this time it is possible to keep what is happening in the cabin from prying eyes. car services are already recognizing that they are expecting a sharp influx of clients who want to legally hide maxim shevchenko, sergey eliseev, news, duty department. and about another initiative of deputies, unclaimed and confiscated weapons from the warehouses of the ministry of internal affairs and the russian national guard can be sent to the northern military district zone. with a proposal a group of
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senators and deputies spoke out to simplify the procedure for transferring firearms to a unit of the ministry of defense. the bill has already been submitted to the state duma, according to current standards, now the confiscated property must be destroyed, and this practice, according to one of the authors of the project, alexander khenshtein, must be urgently gotten rid of. 250,000 firearms are in the warehouses of the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard, 70,000 of them are already subject to destruction. our bill, which was submitted to the state duma today, solves several problems at once; it determines the possibility further use of confiscated or... not confiscated, not taken away by the owners of weapons, at the same time makes it possible to directly send these weapons to participate in a special military operation. according to the authors of the bill, weapons will be directly supplied to a unit of the ministry of defense and the national guard, and then sent to the northern military district zone, or added to the collections of weapons in law enforcement agencies, which experts use to solve crimes. it is expected that in may the state duma will consider the document in the first reading.
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you can’t get out of retirement, for almost a year now our program has been closely following the progress of the investigation into a fatal accident committed by a retired judge of the maykop city court, anatoly gorgolin. let me remind you that his suv flew into a pedestrian zone at full speed and hit a nine-year-old boy riding a scooter. at first, the case gained great resonance, but pretty soon the hype died down, because the servants of themis, although no longer working, were brought to justice. his special status does not allow it. moreover, the parents of the deceased no one even apologized to the child. so is there a chance to achieve justice? olga zhuryunkova sorted it out. a resident of maykop, nadezhda penkovskaya, carefully looks through photographs of her nine-year-old son and cannot contain her emotions. in the boy’s room everything is the same as it was 10 months ago, when he went for a walk in the city park
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with his father. artyom died in a terrible accident in front of his father; an out-of-control mercedes flew into the park at high speed, literally demolishing the child. as it later became known, a car with a beautiful number three units, may belong to retired judge anatoly gorgolin. that day he was driving with his wife, daughter and grandchildren on vacation; there were eight people in the car, three adults and five children. the parents of a nine-year-old boy have recovered from the shock and are very worried that, given the name and status of the mercedes driver, the investigation of the criminal case may be delayed. all the evidence is clear, and well, in general, the case is very difficult, so i cannot say, i am still inclined that somehow the status of the judge may influence to delay the matter. journalists reconstructed the chronology of the event minute by minute and tried
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to find out what exactly led to the accident. cctv cameras recorded how the owner of a foreign car tried to drive around the bus ahead in the parking lot.


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