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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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it takes root that, given the name and status of the driver of the mercedes, the investigation of a criminal case may be delayed, all the evidence is clear, and well, in general, the case is very difficult, so i cannot say, i am still inclined that somehow the status of the judge and may influence the case to be delayed. journalists reconstructed the chronology of the event minute by minute, tried to find out what exactly led to the accident, cctv cameras... tried to drive around
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the bus in front in the parking lot, at some point drove into a curb and a pedestrian path, then probably lost control and crashed into another car, the mercedes flew through the intersection at a red light, the road here bends to the right, if the car was moving in a straight line, it would have crashed into a banner and a construction site, but the driver entered the turn at speed and continued driving. instead of the first collision with a ford focus , it was a fairly decent distance to embankment, where the mercedes hit the child.
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several hours after the accident, they rushed to report that the car’s brakes had failed, even before the investigation was completed and even before examination of the car, now one of the versions is that supposedly his brakes failed, i don’t believe in this, because yes, in the video you can see, on the dimensions, if there were brakes, he pressed the brakes, then they would have worked at the back, the brake lights would have been on these signals, yes, they weren’t there, they’re not on the video, local residents said different things right after the accident, some say brakes, some say... confused on the gas, pressed, they say, he was all drunk, the driver, well, you know, the judge there is a judge, but a sober person, excuse me for such a speed, but they say he was flying at a crazy speed. anatoly gorgolin is 72 years old, he worked in the maykop city court for more than 30 years, he retired in 2014, he is now the deputy chairman of the council of veterans of the adegea judicial system, the faye of the court, his portrait is on the honor board, his colleagues spoke about him extremely positively. this is truly hon. a worthy person,
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i can say that this man has never had anything to do with alcohol or cigarettes, but he has a slightly different way of life, slightly different views on life. even after retirement, the judge retains special legal status, in order to bring anatoly gorgolin to criminal responsibility, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia will have to apply to the highest qualification board of judges, but for this the necessary examinations must be carried out by investigators on the spot, prepare the necessary documents, and allegedly several times the papers were sent to moscow, but in they were made... some mistakes were made by so many defenders of this particular person, that he is already over 70 years old, that he is retired, that he is a tresanker and the like, that he is a fine fellow, a social activist, well you never know, he killed a person, the german brakes are to blame, i think that most likely this may come to naught, it is quite possible that behind the doors of court hearings the , let’s say, property issue can somehow be settled, maybe he will pay some compensation for the loss of a child, perhaps? the boy’s parent allegedly
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received numerous calls from representatives of anatoly gorgolin, offering to meet and discuss issues with the likely culprit of the accident. surprisingly, for almost a year the judge himself did not find the courage to personally call parents and at least apologize. they can do whatever you want, if they want, they’ll help you do whatever they want, and you worry. according to some data, the results of the automotive examination were ready several months ago. the person most likely responsible for the accident spent a long time in the hospital. investigator. according to some reports, he said that he did not remember anything about that day. submission of consent to bring charges against a retired judge for committing a crime under part three of article 264 of the criminal code of the russian federation sent to the higher qualification board of judges of the russian federation. if the request is granted, the retired judge will be charged accordingly. at the entrance to the city park where the accident occurred, concrete blocks were installed to avoid such incidents. the parents
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of the deceased artyom are waiting for the probable culprit of the accident to be deprived of the special status of a judge and brought to criminal responsibility. it is important for them that the person involved in the death of their only son bears the consequences. we hope that the head of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin will once again pay attention to it, perhaps in the criminal case about we will continue to follow this story, a fatal accident, and the main defendant will finally appear. several heads of the ministry of internal affairs of kyrgyzstan immediately
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lost their positions due to the incident with a truck hitting children. 12 police officers in ojala, labad region, were disciplined and three were fired. let me remind you that the incident with
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him was supposed to remove an iron plate from his elbow joint, but the young man was unable to leave the building. the heart stopped as soon as he was given anesthesia. we talked to him an hour before the operation, talked for a very long time, discussed everything, i told him how much i
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love him, he said: “mom, don’t worry, everything will be fine.” a criminal case into the death of the patient was opened immediately. questions arose for the doctors who performed the anesthesia, an anaphylactic reaction of the body to the administration of anesthesia. in the investigation's version from the very beginning, then our program talked in detail about this ambiguous story, relatives and friends spoke about obvious violations, they were on their side the results of two independent examinations at once, here is a copy of one of them, as follows from the conclusion , the instructions were grossly violated during anesthesia, the doctor injected the drug instead of a nerve bundle into a blood vessel with an excess dosage, while, as experts established, it was as if she was in a hurry, giving an injection. rapid administration of the drug caused the creation of a zone of increased pressure of the drug in the soft tissues at the injection site and ensured its entry into the vascular bed. the patient was put under anesthesia by an anesthesiologist. lyubov egorova. in this footage, a girl, accompanied by her mother, runs away from our film crew after one of the court
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hearings. i understand that it’s not easy for you to voice your position now. egorova remained silent and covered her mother’s mouth with her hand. the anesthesiologist seemed confident of her innocence. she called all the arguments of her relatives lies, and only in november 2020 did the case come to court. medical errors are one of the most difficult categories of cases. it is difficult in principle to initiate a criminal case. ahh, often this doesn’t happen the first time and when law enforcement agencies begin to work, and during this time something can be cleaned up, something can be added, something can be added there, some kind of medical history, and so on. as another examination found. in the case of the death of ruslan smirny, doctors for some reason forged his signature indicating consent to medical intervention. relatives do not rule out that in this way the hospital tried to present the patient’s death as an accident. although it is a known fact: any form of anesthesia requires a thorough preliminary examination. it should be
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a longer and more thorough survey, that is, collecting an anamnesis, a life history, that is, what the disease was like since birth. the doctor must remember that he bears criminal liability. and at least five articles that can lead to not just, so to speak, suspension of medical practice, but imprisonment, yet cases of death of patients under anesthesia occur with frightening regularity. surgery is always a risk. so in samara, investigators opened a criminal case on medical negligence after the death of a child at a dentist’s appointment. a five-year-old boy was put into a state of medicated sleep, after which he never woke up. the baby's heart stopped. and in yekaterinburg little lisa died. the girl spent more than a year in coma. the reason, as the investigation later established, was individual intolerance to anesthesia drugs. the story of the death of twenty-two-year-old ruslan in an electric steel plant caused a great resonance. a criminal case was opened. started on the fact of causing death by negligence, but later the article was reclassified to
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a more serious one: provision of services that do not comply safety requirement. the mother, who lost her son, decided, at any cost, to achieve the truth and identify those responsible. almost 5 years of investigation and 2 years of trial, a high-profile criminal case of medical error, which led to the death of a patient under anesthesia, was opened and closed several times. the doctors did not admit their guilt, but they were grateful. the verdict was pronounced in the city court of elektrostal. the decision was announced without press. anesthesiologist lyubov egorova received 4 years of suspended imprisonment. also after of this period she will not be able to engage in professional activities for 3 years. the sentence passed by the judge accused egorova. i accept. here, of course, it is... mitigating a little to the extent of the circumstances, but
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nevertheless i think that it is fair. the convicted anesthesiologist never apologized to ruslan’s mother. victoria has not yet decided whether she will file a claim for compensation for moral damages against the hospital doctor, she says her son will not be returned, but at least her soul and heart are now calm that justice has triumphed, even if conditionally. andrey ivlev, yaroslav borisov, ivan usanov. news, duty department. a ceremonial reception for veterans of the great patriotic war on the eve of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory took place at the memorial to soldiers of the internal troops and the national guard. among the invitees are participants in battles and the fight against the nationalist underground in the baltic states in western ukraine, as well as military personnel who fought with saboteurs in the rear. after the solemn presentation of flowers to the memorial, the director of the russian guard, viktor zolotov, congratulated happy new year to the guests of honor. don’t miss
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right after us on the russia 24 tv channel the investigation of eduard petrov’s death aggregator. a simple trip with a stranger can lead to big trouble. i want my wife back alive. drivers and passengers, you saw him, how he, yes, lay face down, how employees
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of the investigative committee of russia unravel the crimes committed by users of death aggregators, we took up this case and conducted our investigation. dangerous counterfeit. a high-profile trial of large-scale fraud has started in yekaterinburg in the helicopter industry. the ural enterprise is suspected of supplying low-quality products to kazan helicopter. factory we are talking about rubber gaskets for the fuel system. in december last year , experts discovered that they had fake passports. counterfeiting could lead to clogging of the filters, which would lead to the engine stopping in flight. fake parts were installed on 37 mi-8 and ansa helicopters. at the moment, 80% of these cars have already had their rubber gaskets replaced, the fuel system flushed and a check carried out. flyby a criminal case has been opened. under the article fraud committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. if horses
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could speak, a criminal case has been opened in the stavropol region regarding the mass death of horses. dozens of representatives of the famous terek breed die from exhaustion at the local horse ranch. according to volunteers and employees of the enterprise, the management deliberately keeps the livestock in appalling conditions, putting the animals on the brink of survival. what does the owner of a stud farm want? and what horses could do to him interfere with the report of alexandra mostova from the stavropol territory. equestrians in the aleksandrovsky district of the stavropol territory have been in the spotlight of public attention for several days now, journalists have been frequent guests here for some time now, we came here to figure out whether the local stud farm could become a death factory for animals? how are things going with the horses, can you say anything, it’s normal, everything is fine, they are dying of hunger, what do they say? no, the employees of
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the stavropolsky stud farm were clearly taken by surprise, but they still agreed to let journalists in territory. here a sad sight awaited us, which is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. there are exhausted horses in the pens; the animals do not speak human language, but their eyes say more than words can express. the once fast horses can barely stand on their feet, many have wounds all over their torsos. the horses don’t react to us in any way, don’t show any aggression, they’re even afraid of us, they run away, they’re greedy now.
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you can’t open the door, can you imagine that it’s all coming in, they burned horses, burned them, yes, you can feel this unpleasant smell, yesterday it was stronger, the employees of the stud farm call the news in the media fake, they say the journalists exaggerate the problem, there are nine dead in total, and not 50, as they say, and the photo is from 2016, and the dead horses were from two 2000s, 2001 to 2006, the director himself engaged in plant growing. and we have enough grain, we were given a demonstration tour, the employees are diligently trying to convince us that the horses are in perfect order, we carefully inspect the territory and, it seems to us, we cannot share the optimism of the workers, words about the good condition of the horses, in our opinion, is at odds with the picture. another horse, very thin, covered in wounds, she was eating now, she saw
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us and got scared, note that her ribs are also visible, so... and the horses, they came out of the winter hard, they, the food was given according to the fact, how much it happened, animal rights activists showed us another animal, they say that the poor horse was specially hidden in a separate pen, this is the same horse that we managed to get to through the bushes, we see that his pelvic bones are sticking out, according to rumors there are generally are not cared for, the equestrian federation from moscow also offered them... to send a team of doctors, veterinarians who can rehabilitate and treat here, but unfortunately, they refuse, they say that we have our own large team of doctors, who , in fact, in principle, no, the owner of the stud farm, syrian businessman adel mazhit hamot, he owns several agricultural enterprises in the stavropol territory, his assets can amount to more than 2.5 billion rubles, according to
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local residents, he needs the land on which the farm is located, on the farm, his not have you seen the owner lately? no, i don’t know, adel majidovich, in my opinion, adel majidovich, adel majidovich, well, we haven’t seen him, we don’t know. adel majid hamoud seems to be hiding from journalists, but a lawyer who represents the interests of the stavropolsky stud farm gives a detailed interview. he arrived at the place after he was informed about our visit. the man, armed with a mobile phone, immediately began filming journalists; in all likelihood, he was simultaneously learning a new profession.
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look, i tell you, that is, this is not fake, here this is not fake, i can explain to you, i can explain to you, we have a video of how this horse is being operated on, it had oncology in its eye, it is noteworthy that after the public outcry they began to import grain en masse into the territory of kanizavod, but such urgent fattening only aggravated the situation, one of the horses was inflated like a balloon, this happens when an exhausted body simply no longer accepts food, it is inflated and... i can’t do it, all this, this is the finale. an inspection by rosselkhoznadzor confirmed that the horses were emaciated. were violations were established, which were expressed in unsatisfactory
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animal abuse. currently, the necessary procedural actions are being carried out and all the circumstances are being established. the investigative committee became interested in the terrible story. the head of the department, alexander bastrykin,
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will personally familiarize himself with the investigation materials. the chairman of the investigative committee instructed the head of the investigation department for the stavropol territory, ivanov, to submit a report on the circumstances established during the verification activities, and also according to the arguments voiced in the appeal. so far, the scandal around kanezavod is only. is gaining momentum, employees are trying to save the reputation of the enterprise, they are trying to hide the real state of affairs behind screens of friendliness, inviting journalists on demonstration excursions, while the animals are literally making ends meet, ash defenders are trying to save horses of a rare breed, it is possible that after the initiation of a criminal case, inspections at the horse ranch will continue. alexander mostovay, mikhail verdiev, ruslan abubekerov, anastasia ivanova and maria bukata, news. and at the end of the program we will show footage from paraguay, they clearly demonstrate how dangerous the profession of a football referee is in this country.
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fans and football players of one of the paraguayan fourth division matches came under police fire. this was the only way the security forces were able to protect the referee, who, as it seemed to the fans, blew the final whistle ahead of time. heated athletes and spectators tried to tear the referee to pieces, but were met with a hail of rubber bullets. meanwhile, bedalaga managed hide in the locker room and wait out the danger. immediately after us, don’t miss eduard petrov’s investigation into death aggregators. in 2018, the whole country was shocked by the brutal murder of fast food restaurant director irina akhmatova. in her own car, she was strangled by a fellow traveler whom she found through a popular aggregator. so a hundred. is it possible to give rides to strangers? and i remind you, do not forget to subscribe to our telegram channels run by the duty department and an honest detective, all the relevant
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information is there. that's all, i was in the studio tatyana petrova, see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel. deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. magnet - the price is right, dymdymoch sausage 99.99. looks like an allergy, primilodine. renewal, we trust renival, we choose renival. what is missing for construction can be easily found on the avito sale. hurry up to buy construction supplies with discounts of up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avito, take it! on sale and build, what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find
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