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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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drunken, inadequate men decided on the driver, they wanted to take the car away from him, they began to threaten him there, but that ended, it was quite simple, he stopped at a gas station, to put it mildly, he took them out, the police received them, that’s it, that’s all over, dmitry andreev, like everyone else involved in private transportation. i heard about the high-profile murder of businesswoman irina akhmatova, and after this story you didn’t have any fear of taking passengers, maybe you heard from someone or this story was discussed somehow, that people began to be afraid to use such a resource, no, people both traveled and travel, of course, the murder of irina akhmatova was an isolated case, as a rule, traveling with a fellow traveler. ends normally, we
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left point a, arrived at point b, but after rare, tragic stories, a lot of questions arise, first of all, whether there are even the slightest checks on drivers who are going to transport passengers. it turns out that the potential carrier does not pass any tests at all; all you need to do is install a smartphone application. continue to follow the instructions. you need to send your passport number and driver's license, as well as a photo of your car and documents for it to a certain address. that's all. have a good trip. you indicate the intended route, and the program itself will select a travel companion and offer a price. there are no checks from the driver's point of view . and more than that. passengers do not
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understand the criminal history of a given person or mental disorders, which in one way or another may pose a danger to a particular person, from 2023 entered into there is a law in force that prohibits working in a taxi or engaging in automobile transportation, drivers convicted of serious, especially serious charges with a bad or unexpunged criminal record, such drivers have now received a complete ban on working in this area, but i am absolutely sure that such drivers will work. we have repeatedly contacted the moscow representative office of the largest international online service for finding car travel companions for comments, but have not received any clear answer. in fact, they sent us unsubscribes, we quote: thank you very much for your attention to our project, unfortunately, in the near future there will be no available speakers on our side and... due to their heavy workload.
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it is worth noting that recently companies have begun to appear in russia that help you find a travel companion and save on gasoline. and they work completely legally. anatoly fonyakov, director of one of these companies, he is well aware that it is difficult, but possible, to compete with world leaders in this field, especially since fonikov’s company pays special attention to
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safety of both driver and passengers. it does not hide the fact that problems related to crime exist. the biggest. it’s natural that before the trip, at the stage of organizing the trip, the scammers require an advance payment, the advance payment is made, the trip is cancelled, all this is the traveler comes to the place, there is no car, there is no driver, that’s it and the subscriber, not the subscriber is unavailable, this is the most common thing here hide, well, they steal, and well, there were situations and... deaths in small towns of our country, despite the internet smartphones, many prefer to live and act the old fashioned way, raise your hand, and you
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may get lucky, a taxi will flash a green light, or not a taxi. our next story is from the small village of beloberezovsky, what. once a week, elena beletskaya comes to the outskirts of the village to the cemetery where her closest person is buried. more than 10 years have passed since the death of her husband, but the woman still cannot come to her senses. the saying that time heals is clearly not about her. beletsky nikolai, my husband, was killed at a bus stop.
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to live and live, and elena always tries to go around this place, here in the area of ​​​​the village of pleshcheeva in november 200. they pulled us to a stop and then there while the doctors were with me, you saw him, how he
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was lying face down, i saw nikolai beletsky he worked as a tractor driver on a collective farm for many years, here in beloberezovsky everyone knew him since childhood, and six months before the tragedy he got a job at a construction company, cooked for a new place of work, and usually commuted. by minibus, close and inexpensive, about 15 km, everything was always fine, no problems, but one day something went wrong: peletsky was found by residents of the village of beloberezovsk, who were returning home on public transport, they saw him in a ditch, he was still showing signs of life, wheezing, after which they called the police and an ambulance. it was not possible to save the wounded man. beletsky died in the ambulance. doctors
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determined that his death was caused by stab wounds. employees of the local investigative department opened a criminal case. they began to work out acquaintances, friends, with whom he could move. and also started monitor the cctv cameras installed along his route. this is how it is on one of the cameras, which is located closer to the splash. where he got into a passing car, these are the same video frames, the quality is, frankly speaking, unimportant, while you can clearly see how a man gets into a light- colored foreign car, as for the license plate, it is difficult to distinguish the signs, the police began to look for the car, they checked all the files, but it was clear that the case of nikolai’s murder...
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found a car that matched the description, after which the criminal rozuska established who owns this car. the owners of the light gray hyundai found it on the same day, it turned out that its owner had been driving it for quite a long time, he bought it cheaply back in 2011, from whom he doesn’t remember exactly, i had to pull up old documents to look for a purchase and sale agreement. it turned out that the previous owner of the korean car was an unemployed resident.
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after this, the hamsters, as they say, swam and said that on november 11, 2011, together with his friend yegor belkevich, he celebrated his birthday, then they went to orel, were on have fun, spent all the money. on the way
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we saw a man voting, we decided to pick him up and make some money, jump in, this man told nikolai, and he asked, he says , take me to the village of berezovsky, berezovsky be and we, in short, are going, they had a conflict, egor and nikolai, in short , egor turned around, with nikolai, they were talking and talking, in short, some kind of conflict had occurred. together with the stranger they went out into the street, a fight immediately broke out, he began to strike him with his hands in the area of ​​​​his face and body, causing beletsky to fall to the ground, a minute later, yegor believich returned to
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the car, he briefly entered the car, in short , his hands covered him... so the investigators had a specific suspect in the murder, now it was just a matter of finding yegor bilkevich, he did not have permanent registration, so orientations were sent out to the whole country, soon a response came from the astrakhan region, it turns out that belkevich has been in prison for several years and...
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investigators dubbed the story of the murder of nikolai beletsky a case of dangerous fellow travelers, it turned out to be quite fleeting. the accused yegor belkevich fully admitted his guilt, received 12 years of strict regime and went back to jail. our film crew went to the small town of livny, in the oryol region, where
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repeat offender yegor belkevich is serving his next sentence in a maximum security colony. we caught the convict doing a strange thing, he is learning to read at the age of 58 , belkevich agreed to talk to us almost immediately, he talked about the murder of a random fellow traveler quite calmly, i don’t know, but he was drunk, well, i was drunk, i would have known, what he such. behaves like this, well, why would we need him, and did you have some kind of intent? no, it wasn’t, and i’m telling you how it is, that is , everything was spontaneously based on emotions, everything turned out at all thoughtlessly, suddenly everything worked out, i didn’t want anything, in general, word for word we
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grabbed him, went out into the street, that’s it started to fight. he swore at me with such a word that i don’t even remember myself, i went into my pocket, i had a warehouseman there, well, he hit me twice, i didn’t even know that i killed him, i didn’t even understand, well, that’s how it all happened , after the murder decided. to hide, but where to run, he had no money at all, besides, he was illiterate, at first he was in the oryol region, he worked as a cow with a shepherd, then he hunted, so, well, his relatives there, his sister, his nephews,
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they kept him there, and then the man finally succumbed to running, i lived in shadrinsk, kurgan region, i lived there in samara, well, i constantly moved by car, no one did anything, everything was fine, as it seemed to us, the illiterate belkevich was not at all worried about what he had done, because he has a criminal record a lot, he’s used to life behind bars, the criminal buried his wife, but he doesn’t have his own home, so there seems to be no hurry, but in front of the camera lens, the cold-blooded killer says the right words: well, i repent greatly, but what, well, what will i do , what will i think, as they say, go crazy,
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i will try to get out, if, of course, god allows me to get out, i’m not a child, that’s right, i’m already old, repent of yours, repent, sit down, you’re lying. or is it not for us to judge the real repentance of repeat offender yegor belkevich, but in the death of the murdered nikolai beletsky this doesn't make it any easier for elena. a woman works on the same collective farm where her late husband worked, raises children, and remembers how she once met a murderer. i was at the first trial, he admitted to me that yes, i’m sorry, i didn’t know that i killed him, how would i have believed it then. indeed, he was once behind bars in a separate one, he told me, just forgive me, please, i didn’t think that i killed him, but you said something to him when
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you saw him, oh, there was a desire, but no, nothing didn’t say, elena is ready to talk about her beloved husband endlessly, looking at her, realizing that it is impossible to kill love, well, he loved, he loved his family, he... mostly rarely went out, so there with friends, not with friends, mostly yes, with family, he loved he was with the children, he took me, my girl was still five years old, so he loved her like his own, never singled them out, mine, not mine, so they are always together. criminal events involving dangerous travel companions occur, unfortunately, with enviable frequency. here is a story from the tambov
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region. today tambov regional court sentenced a taxi driver who killed a ninety-one-year-old passenger this winter. single in january 2022. on the way, she told me that she lives alone, has no relatives, but has saved up a decent amount in her life, a million rubles. when we arrived, the taxi driver invited the grandmother to carry the bags to the apartment. having risen, the scoundrel strangled the pensioner, searched the apartment, and took it away.
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and this is a story from the krasnoyarsk territory: a private taxi driver, repeatedly convicted nikolai lebedev, promised to take an eighteen-year-old student, angelina litvinenko from abakan to village of krasnoturansk. the girl was going to her parents for the holidays. suddenly he began to show signs to the young lady. forcibly took her to his home, where the repeat offender raped the girl and cut off her hands, and then took
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the bleeding angelina to the highway and left her to die. nikolai lebedev was found and sent to a colony for 19 years. before you go on the road with a stranger, it is advisable to carefully study all the information that is posted on the site for finding travel companions, and also pay attention to seemingly simple things that must be present. photo of the driver, his first and last name, model, color and number of the car, and if at least
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one parameter upon meeting. falls, it is better to refuse a joint trip, there is no such thing as too much safety. this is how we saw the stories of fellow travelers who,
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by fateful coincidence. circumstances became victims of ruthless killers, this was our investigation from the moscow, oryol, tambov regions and krasnoyarsk territory. it’s up to you to draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel.
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your brother is there in donbass.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
8:00 am
orthodox christians all over the world celebrate easter or sunday of christ today; this is the main church holiday that symbolizes victory.
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the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of defending the fatherland and...


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