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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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100 units of devices per year, today we have already increased to 1,200 units per year, and according to market needs, we have planned an increase to 2,500 devices per year for rehabilitation. a state subsidy of about 4 million rubles was received to expand production. and together with the russian export center they are discussing how to sell. medical equipment not only in russia and in the cis countries, and maybe now the foreign countries are interested, yes, maybe asian countries are not so direct yet, but this direction is being pursued. asia promising client, trade turnover with china is setting records for promotion in the middle kingdom, they have already held a festival fair made in russia and high interest guaranteed the continuation of such events. the festival made in russia is
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a combination of various sectors of the export potential of the agro-industrial complex, as well as services, which can be education, medicine, and it, so we have big plans, most importantly, we saw a huge demand for such events and we saw a very positive perception. from the chinese consumers, and the leadership of chinese provinces to continue such cooperation, that is, russian companies have something to offer foreign partners in their market, including medical products. the graph shows that there is an increase in production volumes everywhere in medicines, vaccines, antibiotics, dressings. last year , 686 drugs were registered and 70. 7%
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were russian ones . we described the increase in equipment production above, so that manufacturers do not see a crisis, but new opportunities. these are the stories we managed to tell, and of course, there will be more. firstly, many companies say that they are ready to introduce new products to the market, and secondly.
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cooperation with friendly countries is developing, and by solving rather complex issues of equipment personnel, serious prospects are opening up; there is certainly demand. now let's talk about osian, the association of southeast asian nations. it includes 10 states, and this year laos chairs it. and the speaker of the country’s parliament, sayn, became the interlocutor of the power formula program. about the history of the creation of oceana, the principles of its work, as well as about laos itself and its cooperation with our country. about this right now.
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lovoz people's democratic republic, a state in southeast asia, borders on thailand in the west, myanmar in the northwest, the deep mekonk river flows along this border, and the border between laos and vietnam is separated by the chiong son mountain range. laos' northern neighbor is china, and its southern neighbor is cambodia. laos is a small country, its area is 237 km, 7,2000 people live here, the official language is lao, the capital is vyantiyan, despite its small size, loos is trusted and respected in the southeast asian region. the government program continues to present you with the largest.
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the most authoritative international organizations in the world, today we will tell you about the association of southeast asian nations, asian since september last year. the osian presidency came to the lausian republic. the association of southeast asian nations is a large regional organization. the territory of the osian countries is 4.5 million. more than 600 million people. the combined gdp is $4 trillion.
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russia has become a strategic partner of asean. cooperation between asean and russia covers many areas within the three main areas of asean cooperation. three pillars of asean. politics-security, economics and socio-cultural direction. in august 1967 , the creation of a regional organization of southeast asian countries was announced in bangkok. osian. purpose. the association was named cooperation in the economic, social cultural fields, as well as strengthening peace and stability in southeast asia, it was created mainly by countries that had recently gained independence and had no experience in making decisions in the international
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arena, but the member states managed to withstand the test of time and implement a unique mechanism of international cooperation. the highest bodies of the association: meetings of the heads of state and government of member countries, which are held twice a year, the coordinating body of the association, the annual meeting of foreign ministers, day-to-day leadership is carried out by a standing committee consisting of the minister of foreign affairs of the presiding country and the ambassadors of the remaining member countries. the chairmanship of the association rotates once per year.
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asia-pacific regions, then i am sure that if these issues are resolved in asia , indonesia will be able to achieve high economic growth, and the entire asia-pacific regions will be able to rise to a different economic level.
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the first meeting of ocean foreign ministers in 2024 took place in luang probang, the oldest city in laos. osian is becoming an increasingly attractive area for foreign investment. economy. russia is one of the main trading partners.
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especially in the area of ​​integration of the asian economy with the eurasian economic cooperation organization, as well as the shanghai cooperation organization. which would bring real benefits and benefits to our two regions. ministerial meetings are held annually between
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first the soviet union, and now the russian federation. laos and russia have a long-standing
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relationship of friendship and cooperation. russia has always been a close and reliable friend of the laotian people. we still remember and appreciate the help the soviet people provided to our country during the struggle for independence from the imperialist invaders. comprehensive large-scale support for the soviet. he was very respected there, he met with soviet leaders, i’ll tell you more that , while still a very young man, i
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once had the honor of even meeting comrade faymehan and even shaking his hand, he was a great statesman, like his father, what lessons did he taught you what do you remember his lessons, do you consider them important today, what lessons help you in your life today? “i am the eldest son of president cason fonvihan. in my youth, i lived with my family, went to study in vietnam and the soviet union. i still remember how my father taught me simple principles of life, taught me to make and implement plans, and fostered a love of work and patience. he also taught me to be with my people." i sincerely love and appreciate him; his whole life is an excellent example for
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the leadership of the country. i almost every day i actively apply in practice the precious knowledge and experience passed on by my father for the benefit of the people’s homeland. the father of our interlocutor joined the fight against the japanese occupiers and... the same year he joined the communist party of the french colonialists in 1942. in that indochina. in 1947, he led the resistance in the northeastern regions of loos, where he organized the people's armed forces. they later formed the core of the lao people's liberation army. since 1950 , cason famvehan has been minister of defense in the government since...
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we will always remember and highly appreciate the enormous assistance in the development of human potential and training provided by the soviet union earlier, as well as by the russian federation at the present time. this invaluable assistance has made
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a tremendous contribution to the development and construction of our country. what did you spend in the soviet union, how often do you return in your thoughts to moscow, where your almamatar is located? okay, this is a very, very interesting question, a very good question. thank you. as a graduate of moscow state university named after lomanosova, i will never forget my
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student years in the soviet union. it’s very difficult, well, you speak beautifully, if i knew that you speak so well, i should have spoken the whole interview in russian, i already have very good friends when i studied at moscow university, they help me a lot when i’m tired , oh, i'm tired, the russian language is so difficult, and russian friends are very kind,
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good and honestly help, i'm very... i then studied a lot of russian culture, russian methods - living, how to live, how to teach, as lenin said, study, learn to learn, then i remember that way, and we and so i when after i graduated from moscow university, i too , study, study, study endlessly. so that a worthy person, in order to be a worthy person, of course, laos for russians is an unfamiliar country, still unexplored, although if you find yourself in laos, you will be surprised how friendly, how sincerely - laos treats our people, how many people there are in laos, no matter how it’s strange, they speak russian well, well, in my opinion, this
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happened historically, but to be honest , i would highly recommend the trip. with for our tourists, there is a lot to see there, in terms of attractions, in terms of culture, in terms of very beautiful natural places. loos is a very beautiful country, the kuvshinovchego valley alone is worth it, or your cultural capital, it’s all incredibly interesting. and you, as a person who, perhaps like no one else, knows laos, loves laos, would you recommend watching laos first of all. after opening. we pay special attention to improving the basic infrastructure, creating various amenities for visiting tourist attractions, for example, the construction of new ports and access roads
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to tourism sites. laos is predominantly mountainous. read the history of laos. if you start exploring laos from the north, then the best way to get to its cultural capital, the ancient city of luang probank, is by
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slow boat rafting on the mikong river. this trip will take 2 days. a slowboat is a wooden boat with a canopy roof and a motor. almost all navigation along the main waterway of laos is carried out on such boats. in addition, the ministry of information, culture and tourism, together with lao foreign media, they participate in advertising and promotion of tourist attractions in various provinces. adding them to the google map, distributing information for tourists through social networks. the city of luang probank is a real treasure of southeast asia. this is the ancient royal capital of laos, its religious cultural center. the historical center of luang probang is one of the world heritage sites protected by
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unesco. in a small city with a population of only 5,000 people there are as many as 32 active buddhist monastery. the laotian village of vang viang is located right in the middle between luang probang and
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and one more important detail: in a country where buddhism is the main religion, this is the ritual of feeding monks, the oldest buddhist tradition, because according to the rules of buddhism, monks can only eat from alms, here you must not be too lazy to get up at dawn, come to the main street of luang probang, cook rice and fruits, treat those passing by the monk, it is believed that this way you can... atone for one of your sins. an amazing place - the pak-u cave. it contains more than a thousand buddha statues of different
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times and sizes. the nature here is incredible, which is worth the cascading kuang si waterfall alone in the jungle near luang probang. the water in it is not the usual, bright turquoise color. a mysterious and enigmatic place. and hinamno national park in khamouan province will also receive this status. and then there's sipopadon. this place is also called the 4,000
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islands. here the majestic mikong river reaches its maximum width, more than a kilometer. and forms thousands of rapids, waterfalls of the islands. and in the southern part of laos in the mikong river you can see a unique population. freshwater dolphins, yes, yes, and this happens in the world, i want to take advantage of our meeting with you to invite russian tourists to laos through itortas. many laotians speak excellent russian, so we can say that all the necessary conditions have been created for russian tourists. vientiane is the largest city in laos, its economic center and official capital; the final forty-fifth general
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assembly will be held here in the fall.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, she ’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging for you valera in the most dangerous place for you, she’s already a predator, even when , it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, let’s see. in
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the application or on the website. orthodox christians all over the world celebrate easter or sunday of christ today. this is the main church holiday, which, which symbolizes victory in life over death. millions of russian believers spent last night in churches, where festive services and religious processions were held. i came to the easter service at the cathedral of christ the savior.


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