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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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this is an isolated case, as a rule, trips with a companion end normally, they left point a and arrived at point b, but after rare tragic stories a lot of questions arise, first of all, are there even the slightest checks on drivers who are going to transport passengers? it turns out that the potential carrier does not pass any tests at all. you just need to install the smartphone application and then follow the instructions. you need to send your passport and driver's license number to a certain address, and also a photo of your car and documents for it. that's all. have a good trip. you indicate the intended route, and the program itself will select a travel companion and offer a price.
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no verification is made from the driver’s point of view, and moreover, passengers do not understand the criminal history of a given person or mental disorders, which in one way or another may pose a danger to a particular person. since 2023, a law has come into force that prohibits working in a taxi or engaging in road transport for drivers convicted of serious or especially serious offenses with with a bad or unexpunged criminal record, such drivers have now received a complete ban on working in this area, but... i am absolutely sure that such drivers will work. we have repeatedly contacted the moscow representative office of the largest international online service for finding car companions for comments, but have not received any clear answer. in fact, they sent us unsubscribes. we quote: thank you very much for your attention to our project. unfortunately, in the near future. there will be no available
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speakers on our side due to their heavy workload. house cry. find a property that's right for you. isn't this kali catsbear's house? move to a new apartment in a new building, a resale building, or build your own home from scratch. house click, where everyone will find housing for themselves. there are classics that i like more and more. classic grand burgers and new ones. grand piquant with spicy tomato sauce. delicious, period. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. it's your turn. alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country.
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treasure of professionalism, we will teach you to think with your own hands, leading employers are waiting for our graduates who know how to think and do professionally, you are in good company, how do you like it, cool, but save up your savings account for a subscription, regularly replenish your savings 16% faster, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone then he will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone from...
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our internet has run out and minutes too, and dad will now activate the megafamily service , share his minutes and gigabytes, unite. three numbers get bonus gigabytes for free every month. well who's here number one? megaphone? we are celebrating the benefits here and you should mark yourself, we are benefiting here! benefit generator in mviv eldorado, super discounts , interest-free installments! we approve everyone! come! emvideo eldorado! the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1st. russians
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can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer. use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things look like new three times longer, new is not there, i wash it with affection! deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online.
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it is worth noting that recently companies have begun to appear in russia that help find.
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the biggest thing is that it is natural before the trip at the stage of organizing the trip that the scammers require an advance payment, the advance payment is made, the trip is cancelled, all this is a fellow traveler arrives at the place, there is no car, there is no driver, everything and the subscriber, not the subscriber is unavailable, this is the most common, what is there to hide, well, i steal. in the small towns of our country, despite the internet, smartphones, many prefer to live and act in the old fashioned way, raise your hand, and you may
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get lucky, a taxi will blink with a green light, or not a taxi. our next story is from a small one. a bit at a bus stop in the village of beloberezovsky was stabbed to death, a harmless man, i don’t know, he’ll never hurt a fly in his life, for what it was possible to understand, i can’t, you miss him, remember, of course, that there was a man at all good, at least he never
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offended me, neither me nor the children, there was never such a thing as raising a hand against anyone, it’s a pity, of course, the man was generally a young guy , he left, 32 at that time...
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worked for many years a collective farm tractor driver, here in beloberezovsky everyone knew him since childhood, and six months before the tragedy he got a job in a construction company, in a new place of work. to oryol, i usually got there by minibus, close and inexpensive, about 15 km, everything was always fine, no problems, but one day something went wrong. peletsky was found by residents of the village of beloberezovsk who were returning home by public transport. they saw him in the ditch, he was still showing signs of life, wheezing, after which they called the police and... an ambulance. it was not possible to save the wounded man. beletsky died in the ambulance
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. doctors determined that his death was caused by stab wounds. employees of the local investigative department opened a criminal case. they began to work out acquaintances, friends, with whom he could move. they also began to work on cameras, video surveillance, which are installed along the route. like this. as for the license plate, it is difficult to distinguish the signs; the police began to look for the car, checked all the card files, but it was even. the case of the murder of nikolai beletsky gradually died out, and was later completely suspended
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due to the lack of specific suspects. it was only 10 years later that the killer was traced, thanks to some luck in the investigation. the car was discovered purely by chance, the head of the investigation department went to court and found a car that fit description, after which the criminal investigation officer established who owns this car. the owner of the light gray hyundai was found on the same day, it turned out that its owner had been driving it for quite a long time, bought it cheaply back in 2011, i don’t remember exactly from whom, i had to pull up old documents to look for a purchase and sale agreement. it turned out that the previous owners...
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of the village wasted all their money, on the way they saw
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a man voting, they decided to pick him up and make some money, we jumped in, this is a man of light, it turned out to be nikolaev and he asked, he says take you to... the village of berezovsky, berezovsky or berezovka, we're going in short, they had a conflict, egor and nikolai, in short, egor turned around, nikolay and i were talking about something, they were talking, in short, some kind of conflict occurred , and he said to me, stop, let's go, let's go, they stopped the car, belkevich and the stranger went out into the street, a fight immediately broke out, and began to strike him.
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he did not have permanent registration, so orientations were sent out throughout the country, and soon a response came from the astrakhan region. it turns out that already some.
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he confessed his crime. investigators dubbed the story of the murder of nikolai beletsky the case of dangerous fellow travelers; it turned out to be quite fleeting. the accused yegor belkevich fully admitted his guilt, received 12 years of strict regime and went back to jail. our film crew went to the small
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town of livny, in the oryol region, where he is serving his next sentence in a maximum security colony. repeat offender yegor belkevich. we caught the convict doing a strange thing. at 58 years old, he is learning to read. talk to us belkevich agreed almost immediately. he talked about the murder of a random fellow traveler quite calmly. i don’t know, but he was drunk, well, i was drunk, we him. i would know that he is like this, he behaves like this, but why would we need him, and did you have some kind of intent? no, it wasn’t, and i’m telling you how it is, that is , everything was spontaneous based on emotions, everything worked out in general, completely thoughtlessly, suddenly everything turned out, i didn’t want anything, in general, word
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for word we grabbed him and went out into the street. so they started fighting, he swore at me like that in a word, that i don’t even remember to myself, i went into my pocket, there was a warehouseman there, well , i hit him twice, i didn’t even know that i killed him, i didn’t even understand, well, that’s how it all happened. after the murder, belkevich decided to hide, well , where to run, he had no money at all, besides, he was illiterate, at first he was in the oryol region, he worked with a shepherd, tended cows, then he cheated, so, well, his relatives are there, his sister, his nephews are there
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they kept me, and then the man still... succumbed to running, i lived in shadrinsk, kurgan region, i lived there in samara, well he constantly moved by car, no one was doing anything, everything was fine, as it seemed to us, the illiterate belkevich was not at all worried about what he had done, because he had a lot of criminal records. and he doesn’t have his own home, so it seems like there’s nowhere to rush, but in front of the camera lens the cold-blooded killer says the right words: well, i repent greatly, but what, well, what will i do, what to think,
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as they say, i’ll go crazy, i’ll try to get out , if of course. god will let me go out, i’m not a child, that’s right, i’m already old, repent, your, repent, sit down, it is not for us to judge the false or real repentance of the repeat offender yegor belkevich, but this does not make it any easier for elena in the widow of the murdered nikolai beletsky, the woman works on the same collective farm where her late husband worked. as if then i already believed that he really was behind bars, like in a separate one, he told me, just forgive me, please, i didn’t think that i killed him, but you
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said something to him when they killed him, oh, there was a desire, but no, he didn’t say anything, elena is ready to talk endlessly about her beloved husband, looking at her, realizing that it is impossible to kill love, by the way, of course. well, he loved, he loved his family, he mostly rarely went out, so there with friends, not with friends, mostly yes, all the time with his family he loved to be with the children, he took me, i also have a girl she was 5 years old, so he loved her like his own, never singled them out, mine, not mine, so they were always together. criminal events involving dangerous fellow travelers occur, unfortunately, with enviable
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frequency. here is a story from the tambov region. today tambov regional court sentenced a taxi driver who killed a ninety-one-year-old passenger this winter. in 2022, lonely pensioner antonina stepanova left the store with heavy bags and asked the taxi driver to give her a ride home. on the way, she told me that she lives alone, has no relatives, but has saved up a decent amount in her life - a million rubles. when we arrived, the taxi driver invited the grandmother to carry the bags to the apartment. having risen, the scoundrel strangled the pensioner, and... found an apartment, took jewelry and a million, and then disappeared. unknown
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found, he turned out to be thirty-eight-year-old pavel alekhin. in december 2022, the tambov regional court sentenced the man to 26 years in a maximum security colony. and this is a story from the krasnoyarsk territory. a private taxi driver, nikolai lebedev, who was repeatedly convicted, promised to take an eighteen-year-old student, angelina litvinenko, from abakan to the village of krasnoturansk. the girl was going to her parents for the holidays. on the road, lebedev unexpectedly began. refused the young lady attentions, forcibly took her to his home, where the repeat offender raped the girl and cut off her hands, and then took
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the bleeding angelina to the highway and left her to die. nikolai lebedev was found and sent to a colony for 19 years. before you go on the road with a stranger, it is advisable to carefully study all the information that is posted on the site for finding travel companions, and also pay attention to seemingly simple things. which must be present, a photo of the driver, his name and surname, model, color and number of the car, and if at least one
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parameter does not match upon meeting, from the joint trip it’s better to refuse, there’s no such thing as too much security.
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this is how we saw the stories. who, by a fateful coincidence, became victims of ruthless killers, this was our investigation from the moscow, oryol, tampa regions and the krasnoyarsk territory, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came, weight.
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sleep is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, study was accommodated, yes, in the same class, i don’t remember something, in the same class, in the same school, only i saw him for the first time today, it happens like that, i don’t understand, how is that? 100 years ago, your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, kulya, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand what i have against you no
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solder, no weapons. no, get ready to go to moscow, we’ll register your brother as missing, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i must find him, hope markin, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, who they were, then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin. so, is there still hope? there is always hope. passenger's call sign. a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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orthodox christians all over the world celebrate easter or sunday of christ today, everyone vladimir putin congratulated the believers on the great church holiday. the president emphasized: there are easter celebrations in our country. rich spiritual traditions that unite millions of people and are passed on from generation to generation. the head of state also noted the fruitful work of the russian orthodox church and other christian denominations: millions of russian believers spent easter night in churches where festive services were held. vladimir putin came to the liturgy at the cathedral of christ the savior, the patriarch of moscow of all russia performed the festive service kirill. according to tradition, he addressed the believers and wished them blessings.


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