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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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orthodox christians all over the world celebrate easter or sunday of christ today. vladimir putin congratulated all believers on the great church holiday. the president emphasized: easter celebrations in our country have rich spiritual traditions.
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christ is risen! the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of defending the fatherland of traditional christian values, who have lost loved ones, become homeless or were injured. our dioceses, monasteries and parishes and orthodox volunteers continue to contribute to this national cause. military personnel from the southern group of troops took part in the festive easter service. the liturgy took place in the field church of the archangel michael. believers from the first army corps gathered there, freed from combat duty and performing combat missions. the temple will be our camping temple for the duration of its celebration. actually, well , today’s, maybe the first, which will be so full-fledged, here life will begin, a trip to... the temple until the end of its
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this temple will serve the proto-slavic brigade after prince vladimir, but today we, of course, gathered on easter, for the sake of the easter service, which, according to tradition, is always performed at night for the most part, and even today, if possible and willing, military personnel are present at the service, today is a great holiday orthodox, easter sunday, we are now easter valebin, naturally. moreover , we are now in a unit that bears the name of an orthodox saint, this is the first slavic brigade of prince vladimir, that is, vladimir the baptist, and for the fighters of the orthodox unit this is not just a tick on a list of things to do, it is a vital necessity, because it strengthens a person’s faith, emmanuel macron.
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spoke in favor of continuing negotiations with russia, the french president said this in an interview with tribune. he emphasized: paris is interested in dialogues with moscow for the sake of peace and security. at the same time , macron believes that establishing any restrictions in confrontation with russia is a sign of weakness. allegedly it is the absence such restrictions create the potential to contain moscow. let me remind you that earlier the french president admitted the possibility of sending troops to ukraine. the new us aid package will not change the situation in ukraine. this was recently stated by us presidential assistant for national security jake sullivan. in his opinion, in the foreseeable future the russian army will continue to strengthen its positions at the front. and a new counter-offensive in the isu should not be expected until twenty-fifth year. at the same time , kiev’s prospects will largely depend on the approval of congress and white house subsequent aid packages. salevan noted that now ukraine must use the money and equipment of western partners to contain the onslaught of moscow and prepare the ground for retaliatory actions. in
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several ukrainian regions, an air raid alert was announced at night and in the morning. reports of explosions came from dnepropetrovsk. according to local authorities , infrastructure facilities there were damaged. several fires broke out. ukrainian journalists also reported explosions in kharkov. earlier it was also reported about explosions in sumy and kherson. vladimir putin will go to the kremlin for the ceremony of inauguration of the presidency on the updated aurus. today he showed a restyled car on his telegram channel. journalist at state tv and radio broadcasting company pavel zarubin, he promises to talk in detail about the new car of the head of state in the moscow kremlin putin program, watch it today on the russia tv channel tomorrow on russia-24. in our program we have shown you the presidential aurus many times, now for the first time an aurus after a deep restyling, every detail of vladimir putin’s inaugural car. it's perfect.
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a new look for the car, modern, fashionable and daring, the updated auurus senate, here any person, the average person will tell you, so here is the same aurust, he is already so beautiful, but he is really very beautiful, he is everything. these years impress everyone, it’s much more beautiful, what changed then, that’s the main, so to speak, change, the most important change is the appearance, we changed the front part of the mask of the entire car, that is , the front optics changed, the grille changed, the bumper has changed, the hood has changed, the wings have changed, only we have the opportunity compare the auurus that was used at the inauguration 6 years ago with the updated car. like the first car, the second one was completely designed by our guys, our designers, and the headlights became narrower, yes, but overall it looks like the whole photograph, like a person’s face, just as you can’t talk about the eyes separately, you can’t
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talk about the headlights, but besides, besides just the appearance, this is a more modern car for the upcoming inauguration. there will be surprises, which we can only hint at for now. and the aurus project as a whole has a long way to go many more innovations. the next stage is the twenty -sixth year, when a more in-depth, modified design of the platform itself will appear, but the next stage is the thirtieth year, this is not tied, in fact, to specific ones. on significant dates, we follow the planned schedule that was originally formed. on may 7, the country begins the next page of its history, the president of russia will take
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office, faithfully serving the people. now there are several urgent messages with an information agent feed, russian troops. took full control of the settlement of ocheretina in donetsk people's republic, the russian ministry of defense reported this, another message about the destruction of a western-made missile weapons depot in the odessa region, the ministry of defense also reported this, details will come soon. well, now the program is parliamentary hour.
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the parliamentary hour is on the air, hello, we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now, overtime work is cheaper than regular work, i was told that this is just not part-time work. let’s answer the question in the story: working according to one’s vocation, working with a class is not only work inside the school, but outside the walls of schools, because you need to be in contact with them 24x7, teachers need to pay students extra, give them another chance to pass the unified state exam. special emphasis of the message on promotion. the role of fundamental disciplines, how the education system is changing, housing should be more affordable, let's make sure that a person does not fall into bondage when he has to work for a mortgage all his life, an attractive family mortgage has been extended, according to the state program
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the rate is almost 7.5% contribution, new financial instrument, housing a savings deposit, a bank that forms such... what other measures is the state duma preparing? and also about the laws that came into force in may, the work of deputies in the regions, changes in education, the protection of labor rights, about this and more, see our program. already this year, overtime work will begin to be paid fairly. a law on new rules for her remuneration will come into force in september. now hours over the norm are paid based on. from only one component of the employee’s salary, that is, the tariff rate or salary. there are no charges for them compensation.
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alexander shavirin learned how the situation will change after the law comes into force, what overtime work generally means and how russian legislation protects the rights of employees who are willing to work more. sofia worked shifts at a flower shop. the 2x2 schedule and fixed salary were stipulated in the employment contract, as is usual. it happens, sometimes i had to take other people’s shifts and replace colleagues, but for some reason the pay for additional working days turned out to be even less than for the main ones, the rate was 200 rubles per shift, but... the thing is that, according to current
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standards, payments for overtime work can be calculated based on the official salary, only the state duma eliminated this injustice. we have adopted amendments to the labor code, and these are additional fair amendments that protect the rights of our citizens, our workers. for their overtime work, they must receive fair remuneration, fair pay. the parliamentarians changed it. the formula for calculating overtime pay. besides compensation and incentive payments must be taken into account in relation to the official salary. the reason for adjusting the legislation was the decision of the constitutional court. today, the main reason for this state of affairs is precisely the fact that base or official salaries are low, absolutely low. almost everywhere the situation is exactly the same, which is what is being said. it is precisely this that provokes the fact that the constitutional court was forced to take into account this double or one and a half, let’s say, increase.
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overtime fair pay act the work signed by the president comes into force in early autumn. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharazkin, maxim koul, duma tv. parliamentary hour. a law has come into force that will make the targeted training procedure more transparent. now all applications for it will become public. vladimir putin touched upon the topic of education when addressing the federal assembly. graduates should have another chance when passing the unified state exam. teachers need it. my colleague maria will tell you what changes have already taken place in the system and what are coming
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burkova. this young girl is most often approached by anastasia nikolaevna, she is a teacher and class teacher of high school students. she loves her work very much, but at the same time feels great responsibility for her students. working with the class is not only work inside the school, but outside the school walls, because you need to be in touch with them 24x7, there are all kinds of problems about... i won’t come to school today because i was sick before , please let me go after the sixth lesson, and this is constant work, this is constant contact with students and their parents. anastasia works in a rural school in the oryol region, where teachers’ salaries are small, so the additional payment for class management is a good help for a young teacher. the monetary increase in the region is in the amount of 5,000, but for
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large schools this may be some kind of, well , a trifle, like, well, not insignificant. a monetary increase in sei schools, sei districts, districts is a fairly normal amount for life in general, as if for a teacher. surcharge for classroom management in small towns doubled, from five to 10,000 rubles. the same increase is for group curators in colleges and technical schools. vladimir putin announced this decision in his message to the federal assembly. the president focused on the development of education, support for teachers and students. thank you so much for your selfless work, the role of mentors is great in making the guys feel like a united team and find support in life. from september 1, 2024, i propose to introduce a federal payment of 5.00 rubles per month for all advisers and educational directors
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in schools and colleges, and what was not before... the special emphasis of the message is on increasing the role of fundamental disciplines. educational standards and programs should form general civic values ​​and a professional way of thinking that would allow graduates not only to be in demand in the current labor market, but also to adapt to our hyper-dynamic world. and there are changes in higher education. on may 1 , the law that makes the procedure came into force.
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the task is for centers of science and education to develop throughout the country, noted president, there are plans to build 40 student campuses by 2030; this project is not only about the construction of modern infrastructure for students and teachers, deputies note. this is a project about new educational programs.
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problems with housing, we also hope that this will attract more foreign students to our universities. about 400 billion rubles from the federal budget will be allocated for the project. the campuses will have all the conditions so that students, graduate students, teachers and young families can study, work and raise children. what is typical and very important is that the money will be allocated as follows. about 45% is the federal budget, about 45% is the budget - this means money from private investors, about 10% is the regional budget, that is, the whole country is making a powerful push to create such educational platforms. the topic of the unified state exam still causes wide public discussion and controversy, the president noted. the exam needs to be improved. at the end of this year there is an opportunity to retake one of the subjects.
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a new schedule for passing the unified state exam has been released, which is already this year provides an opportunity for graduates. schools to retake one of the unified state exam subjects of their choice in accordance with the president’s proposal. repeated attempts for schoolchildren will take place until the end of the admission process to universities, so that they have time to submit all documents for admission, taking into account the results of the retake. the students support the decision. eleventh grader vadim borisov is actively preparing for the upcoming exams. in addition to the required subjects, you will have to take physics and specialized mathematics. the graduate calls himself a hereditary electrician. interest in technical skills in his family are passed down through. to pass, they are very worried, but realizing that they can come to retake a second time, well, with less anxiety, they can
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pass with a better result. according to the old rules, retaking in the year of the exam was allowed only in two compulsory subjects, russian language and mathematics. now you can retake additional ones, for example, literature, social studies or physics. it is reported that the reserve days for retaking this year will be july 4 and 5. deputies bissultan khamzaev, adalbish khagoshev and deputy speaker of the state duma shalban karaol worked for several days in new territories in
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the special operation zone. parliamentarians inspected the branch of the medical hospital under construction and handed over humanitarian aid, including quadcopters, to the military personnel. in addition, the deputies held a working meeting with the command of the fifty- fifth brigade and awarded the heroes. besultan khamzaev also met with participants of the northern military district in chuvashia and visited the regional branch of the fatherland defenders foundation. there in the region the deputy held reception of citizens, presented letters of gratitude to the most distinguished social activists, collected proposals for the implementation of anti-alcohol measures. politicians. the head of the region supported the initiative of the parliamentarian to sell alcoholic beverages only to persons over 21 years of age and to ban the placement of alcohol markets in apartment buildings. at
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the horizontal level, the head of the region understands where the complex motives are. our task, as a federal project history, is to help in this regard. yes, it’s not easy to watch from the sidelines, criticize or do anything else. we want the benefits to be, as they say, specifically practical on the ground. in bashkiria , state duma deputy from the ldpr faction ivan sukharev met with his voters. most of the appeals from residents of the republic are related to the violation of public order and peace. of course, this is a violation of the law, we will look into it, write requests to the relevant authorities, and we will ensure that the situation, of course, changes. because protecting the rights of legitimate interests of citizens is a priority for deputies from the ldpr. deputy alexey volotskov
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held a visiting meeting in krasnoslobodsky, volgograd region. an important issue for the city is the reconstruction of the embankment. today, this favorite vacation spot for city residents requires renovation. together with the head of the region , voters and entrepreneurs discussed the improvement project that should. will meet all the needs of the residents, the task is so that everyone who is nearby understands this, and thus each of them attracts their clients, their people according to their target, so to speak, entrepreneurial profile, in at the same time, there was such a general line where people could come and they felt comfortable here. the deputy noted that he would fully support the promotion of this important project, including... for participation in the federal competition of the ministry of construction, one of the mechanisms for attracting additional funds for the improvement of public spaces.
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deputies from the new people organized an all-russian zoo cleanup; more than 3,000 people in 46 regions of the country took part in the action. faction leader alexey nechaev helped a shelter for homeless cats and dogs in moscow berilevo. here we cleaned the territory, repaired and painted enclosures, bought food and friend: we have already made this such a good tradition, we will continue, together with our activists, with our youth, to come to help the shelter, now in recent years,
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unfortunately we have seen. it’s better to help absolutely wonderful dogs, deputy chairman of the state duma committee on and other times this allows you to become a little bit more environmentally friendly georgy arapov together with volunteers held an event in safari. park in gelendzhik, where lions, tigers and elephants are kept. we are here, to look at the experience of animal rehabilitation, animals always come who either have already worked in circuses, or who were from non-parental owners, or from illegal zoos, here they undergo rehabilitation, this year the rehabilitation center turns 20 years old, they brought a lot of toys, useful things for local inhabitants, deputies from the new people faction proposed making october 4 a day
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for the protection of animals, the corresponding... bill has been sent for recall to the government of the russian federation. yana dobrovolskaya, anna melikyan, sergey vergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. in the second part of our program, see: mortgages that are ready to take, how russian families solve the housing problem. labor rights of russians, we’ll tell you how to protect them. 40 days from the day of the terrorist attack, deputies laid flowers at the ukrok memorial in city hall. "the festival of anti-fascist guitar songs is being hosted by the samara region, not only musicians are participating, but political scientists, journalists, cultural figures from different countries, for example, canada, great britain, chile, china, they boldly support the position of russia, olga fedorov about a large-scale anti-fascist forum. may 2023, samara region."becomes
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a real center of the anti-fascist movement, guitars in ranks thundered throughout the world, now a year later our region again unites like-minded people from different countries of europe, asia, north and south america, events are held throughout the region. jimmy mcrae , great britain, dingyao, china, here are the dressing rooms of the regional cultural center of the village of krasny yar, russian and foreign artists came to the cultural center to say no to nazism, the samara region has essentially become. cultural front. svo jimmy mcrae in action for the second time. last year, for his participation in an anti-fascist festival and his support of russia, he was criticized and literally persecuted by the western media; attempts were even made to cancel his concerts. however, jimmy again came to the banks of the volga. last year we performed katyusha. shall we remember? katyusha? oh yes. i'm very glad to be here today.
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russian people. the holding of a large-scale anti-fascist festival in samara last year caused great international resonance, attracted the attention of other countries, including unfriendly ones. this is not the first time we are opposing nazism, the criminal fascist, nazi ideology. well, we won then 80 years ago, we carry the memory of this feat of the people in our hearts. and this time the enemy will be defeated, and victory will be ours. the red army is the strongest of all, this is how this song sounds in chinese, performed by the singer van-hau in a rock arrangement. i love rust very much, i love samal very much. during the performance of each song, the audience sang along, an atmosphere of unity incredible. a festival like this is incredibly important and necessary. at the moment we...
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have all united very much, we are very proud that such artists came to us. the forum participants came to our soldiers who are now undergoing treatment in hospitals and sanatoriums; they really wanted to speak in front of real heroes. the head of the region also congratulated the soldiers and officers on the upcoming victory day. well done, they came and supported us, as if the most important thing is moral support. thank you very much, we will never be broken. we will go to the end, we will go to the end and win. this. delegations from canada, ireland, great britain, finland, chile, lithuania, montenegro, italy, china, colombia, serbia, and slovenia came to the forum, who boldly advocate and support a fair world order.


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