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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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i’m not a fighter, i came as a brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go. i'll come back for you, you hear, in a few minutes a new release of the author's program.
3:01 pm
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our results from the previous program, on russia 24, on russia 1, in rutube, on telegram channel. life, health, it is from this category of our citizens, especially young citizens, and there they are mostly young, and today i met with students who interrupted their studies, many of them went to the combat zone,
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it is from these people that we must in the future to form the country's elite, this may seem like a figure of speech, but it is not so, in my opinion... for those who came from the front and received more than 200,000 for their hard work, it will be quite difficult to find themselves on a salary of 50-60,000, therefore, this, of course, should entail certain changes in the quality of life
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in general in the country. it’s enough to remember the creation of the time of heroes project, that is, a program for svo participants. for many, very many, for the majority, but they pose a danger for a certain part of our elite, which is accustomed to living the way it lived, and prefers to continue to live that way,
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although, as we perfectly understand, it will no longer be the way it was, therefore a tendency arose, at first very... sort of neat, cautious, but very persistent. i won’t tell you where we got this information from, but its meaning is this: to instill in people’s minds a sense of danger from those who will return from the front, that is, in a sense , to minimize the meaning of the words spoken by the president. here's the thesis. which are being promoted, for example, people are not interested in this, look at the poll numbers, or the participants of the svo are marginal, or after the svo, years of rehabilitation and treatment are needed, certain forces, as we perfectly
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understand, received an order on this topic, about the media, foreign agents began to write about this, listen, the new elite. will be dangerous for citizens, she is loyal to putin, obviously cruel, class, new elite, she will be dangerous, to whom? for whom will it be dangerous? for the people, for the people? no, it will be dangerous precisely for those who write it. here, for example, is a new newspaper that writes: a whole army of men from the front line is coming to defend stability. some of the veterans are now taken to schools and universities to pass on their experience. the other day, in a story about patriotism lessons, a local resident recognized her father’s killer, someone they're asking to be a political instructor, so here's an offer. turn the paid people into the elite, pronounced at the highest level, a precise move, past
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the squeamish officials and the indifferent public , the authorities themselves extend their hand to the veteran and count on gratitude, this is aprichnino, class, what horror is there in this, what terrible people with the front line, who shed their blood for you, the bastard? when you were lying on the sofa, of course you were scared, you, the one who spent 8 years passing by the bombing of donbass, is now carefully and quietly trying sit back, sit back, so that it all somehow resolves, it will not resolve, this needs to be understood, and this must be accepted, yes, it is absolutely clear that the svo is not an indulgence to justify some... vile acts and crimes, and maybe or, for example, a person who
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was convicted of leading a blue whale group that incited teenagers to commit suicide, alexander glazev, having been released after participating in the mtr, will go to school with children, explain to them to teach them patriotism, probably not, and of course such things need to be monitored very much be attentive to this, but here’s a new newspaper...
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anastasia romanovna tried to poison the tsar himself and his sons, by the way, this
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legend, which was given rise to by repin’s painting, ivan the terrible kills his son, was absolutely not true, because when studying the remains of his son ioan the terrible did not have any wounds or damage to the skull; traces of arsenic were found in the remains, so this was also the work of his own hands.
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post-war, precisely all those people who fought, those same men, moreover, they were united by the war, they were enveloped in war, leonid ilyevich brezhnev could come to the plant. and talk to the stockman not about how he works, but about where he fought, in what first ukraine, the second, no, forty-third i was, it went, they were surrounded by war, it united the country, victory united the country, gradually they began to leave, and the soil under our feet began to soften, liquefy, i
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don’t want to say at all that the people who came to power... in the nineties were bad, no, it’s just that the flywheel had already been launched, it was launched by deceiving us, it was launched by promises that had no basis no real written documents, and we fell for this, fell for this deception, all the laws, all the decrees that yeltsin and gaidar adopted, i was a member of the government, i remember, they bring it all in english, and then they sit there and urgently translate it , they are translating, they are translating at 12 o’clock at 1:00 am they gather us, we still have not time to read anything, all these pages are even hotter, and even the translation is so rudely done, it’s unsuccessful there, these ones you know are not in russian, it’s all from there sits
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uh jeffrey sachs, sat under yeltsen. main economic adviser, it came through him, he gave and translated into russian and gave, that’s what they did, and what did they do for the russians, for the citizens or something, they worked for the benefit of the citizens, no, they worked for the benefit of the west, in benefit oneself, and it is also naive to think that new people will come and with one click everything will change, no, it seems to me, very much... economist mikhail khazin made a subtle remark. i have a lot of respect for this man and i want you to listen to his point of view. i can only say one thing: if we are talking about a change in the elite, and if we are talking about the fact that we need economic growth, then this is inevitably the disappearance, not even of specific figures, but
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of a certain type of figure. you see, okay, clean it up now. is under the control of the imf, and of course, of course, this launched mechanism brought with it a lot of new and not always good things, for example, one could imagine that a veteran of the great patriotic war could collect a billion rubles in bribes, and while still in the position of deputy minister
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of defense, especially in wartime. then time, as the war is going on, and this happens when the whole country is collecting rubles and pennies for drones, for equipment, and so on and so forth. well, in general, this is not really what we’re talking about now, because bribes were always taken in the ussr, they were taken in russia, it was always a different conversation, that with the collapse of the country, it stopped being shameful, it stopped being awkward, that. .. even seemed to become, to some extent , valor, but it could be that, for example, a man who came back from the great patriotic war would be tasked with building a lady so that to protect the residents of cities, villages, towns of some region, so that almost
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a billion rubles are spent on what is not a dam, on what is... an earthen rampart, as happened in the orenburg province, this is what the minister of construction says about this irek faizolin. that dam that the vors say is not really a dam. a dam of a billion rubles is not worth 10 km. with enormous speed, a huge mass of water pressed not on the dam, but on the earthen rampart, but after all, building or... 4 years from 2010 to 2014, according to the then head of orsk, viktor franz, this the dam should have. to protect the city on both sides forever to solve the problem of flooding during a flood, in general, you can imagine
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in those days that a responsible employee, for example, such as the director of special construction sergei komarov, without hesitation, reported that the dam was gnawed by rodents, and its pancake burst , flooding thousands of houses , fine? it’s a mystery to me too, because in this place only, these are only some factors, i assume two factors, or it’s a human factor, someone drilled with a horizontal drilling machine and laid some kind of communication for the discharge of wastewater, say, to the urals, but after looking at which place in the filming, in which place there was a hole, this factor disappeared from me , only the factor of rodents was left. who could have pierced this dam and this two-three-centimeter hole in the hole of the hole would have been enough for the water to flow
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, vasilyevich, of course, forgive me, please, in general this could have happened, and the point is not even in the punishment, but the point is that those people passed terrible, great war, they understood the value of life, here’s a remark according to...
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alexei demkin, who , by the way, had to resign after these words, they ask me: “ilyukha, will you go back to the first place, guys, this is my saturday morning, why the hell should i, by the way, as the journalists found out that a comfortable and such a happy life for ilya demkin."
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everything here was not done in good faith, and so it is everywhere, the flooding simply revealed what should have been hidden for decades, but if there had not been this flooding, this terrible flood, then this dam, which is actually an earthen rampart, would have lived , and so it would be they thought that this billion had gone where it needed to go until the water destroyed this dam, the month of the rodent. but how do the people who are responsible for this behave? that’s when residents, citizens, compatriots come to the leader
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to talk, ask what happened, look how the leadership communicates with people, with citizens, with their compatriots who were flooded, who came to ask for help or at least get an answer why this happened , look, we got everyone, i understand, i can understand humanly, let’s say, what he’s experiencing the governor, when he sees in front of him dozens of phones that will now record
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what he says, but why? he doesn’t want to tell the truth, he has no explanation for what happened, or is this some kind of neglect, which, by the way, the president interrupts quite sharply, look how he reacted to the words of the governor of the tyumen region, you said that we are taking people out the most remained.
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lawsuit for protection of honor and dignity on april 15 , the court partially satisfied semegin’s claim, obliging blogger raskazova to pay 5,000 rubles of the amount requested by mr. semigin is 6,351 rubles. i don't want to give a moral assessment
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to all this. so to speak, the conflict is a matter for the court, the prosecutor’s office, anyone, but the lawful actions of an offended, insulted deputy, well, of course, i fully admit this, but isn’t this the same rightness as the head of the region who asks to remove the phone, which i also understand is it possible, right? and considering that the blogger is a member of the svo, the amount requested is a million rubles more than the payment for the fact that if this blogger, god forbid, were killed at the front, that is, if the court had granted mr. semedin’s request,
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the blogger would have died. then laid down


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