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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. russian troops occupied the village of ocheretina, a village northwest of donetsk, the ministry of defense reported this as a result.
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as a result of active actions, they completely liberated the settlement of ocheretina of the donetsk people's republic, improved the tactical situation and inflicted defeat with the formation of 24 and 115 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of arkhangelskoye and novgorodskoye of the donetsk people's republic. during the day, eight counterattacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups were repelled. apu lost up to 380 military personnel , including a us-made abrams tank, two infantry fighting vehicles. for us production,
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an armored combat vehicle, three pickups. the kiev formations again had to retreat immediately 10 km to the west. the vostok group occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the teroborona brigade during the harvest season. and this is footage from the donetsk direction, where the road bridge through which the ukrainian armed forces brought equipment to the front line was destroyed. strategic hit. this kherson direction is left. towards our artillery positions. units of the dnepr group of troops struck drones, the already shot down attack drone was flying reconnaissance drones, in particular, they are trying to outline the situation, but russian anti-aircraft crews are always on the alert here: they intercept fire damage with an accumulation of manpower. apu.
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a counterattack of the assault group 118 of the mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled north of the village of rabotina, zaporozhye region. the enemy lost up to 45 troops. with high-precision strikes, our pilots and rocket scientists liquidated a warehouse with foreign missiles near odessa within 24 hours, regularly flies behind enemy lines. this is footage of an attack on a ukrainian armed forces training ground near kharkov.
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military priests delivered holiday cakes to the point. denis alekseev, lead. france sent soldiers of its foreign legion to ukraine. this is stated by former assistant to the us deputy secretary of defense stephen bryan. in an article for asia times. he writes that the first group of military personnel, about 100 people, has been deployed in slavyansk. these are mainly artillery and surveillance specialists. in total, according to brian, 1,500 soldiers should arrive in ukraine french. natalya solovyova will tell the foreign legion how far paris is ready to go on the issue of ukraine. when ukraine runs out of ukrainians, kiev is seriously thinking about who to fill the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and we are not even talking about the return of the ukhilants, as draft dodgers are called into the independent ones. they did not rule out a request to send european troops, which extremist gonchurenko openly stated in an interview with a french tv channel. in ukraine, will you ask the french and europeans to send you. putin will be stopped in poland
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or in the baltic countries, romania, moldova. it’s not only ukraine that scares its closest neighbors with a threat from the east; emmanuel macron has not abandoned his military rhetoric. in an interview with the tribune, he said that any methods are good to resolve the conflict, but added that europe must continue the dialogue with moscow. such bravado of the french president did not find understanding among either the majority of french politicians or the military. these are all words with little action behind them. we see neither movement nor... shells per month, ukraine spends approximately the same amount every day. paris does not have
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to face the full power of the russian military-industrial complex only thanks to the actions of the coalition. but today the fifth republic does not have the means to wage a high-intensity war. in moscow they did not send an invitation. the united states and its allies are infantilely ignoring the russian plan to resolve the ukrainian conflict, completely focusing on the desires of kiev. the idea of ​​this conference is not to discuss the proposals of both sides. this
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is not the goal. the goal is to discuss the so-called zelensky plan, consisting of ten points, which he developed at the beginning of last year, if i’m not mistaken, it proposes the complete surrender of russia. and much more that makes absolutely no sense. so you see that the whole diplomatic work here is completely disorganized and completely ineffective. the non-negotiable ability of the western countries, and even square itself, speaks of complete isolation from the situation on earth, but it has brought kiev closer to a critical point, and not only at the front, but in the rear. according to the wall street journal, foreigners are losing patience creditors, including, for example, the american black rock. they plan to extract payments from ukraine to... the usa, that is, in fact, he admitted a
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money laundering scheme, and who do you think owns all these military enterprises, black rock. tim scott said during the republican debate: "don't worry, it's not a gift." to ukraine azaim, does anyone here believe that it will ever be repaid? of course not. a group of companies that owns a fifth of ukraine's eurobonds worth $20 billion has already hired lawyers. if the deal it will not be possible to conclude, the country may default as early as august. natalya solovyova and evgenia zemtsova, news. the orthodox celebrate easter, the holiday most revered by believers, which symbolizes renewal and the triumph of good over evil. millions of russians met. bright sunday of christ in temples and churches vladimir putin, according to tradition, arrived last night for a service at the cathedral of christ the savior. today, in his easter greetings , the president noted the creative work of the russian orthodox church and other christian denominations, as well as the help that, in the face of serious challenges, they
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provide to those who need support and attention. patriarch kiril also spoke about this in his address on the occasion of the holiday. the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help. to those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of defending the fatherland of traditional christian values, who have lost loved ones, become homeless or were injured. our dioceses, monasteries and parishes, orthodox volunteers continue to contribute to this a national matter. a cedar alley was planted in moscow in memory of the fallen war correspondents. it is located in maryano, in the park named after artyom borovik. next to the complex of the holy martyrs anatolius and protoleon. the union of journalists took the initiative and was supported by the capital’s authorities. 33 siberian cedars were planted as part of the memory garden campaign. in addition, a memorial stone was installed and illuminated on the alley. an information stand with a qr code was installed next to it, which will lead to a page where
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the names with portraits of the dead journalists are listed. we we are with you on the square named after artyom borovik. and today we planted an alley. vladimir putin
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will drive an updated aurus to the presidential inauguration ceremony on may 7 in the kremlin , pavel zarubin showed what the car looks like after restyling in his telegram channel, he will tell the details in the moscow kremlin putin program, watch it today on the russia channel tomorrow on our russia-24. in our program we have shown you the presidential aurus many times, now for the first time, the aurus after a deep restyling, each detail, inaugural this is a completely new look of the car, modern, fashionable and daring, the updated auurus senate, here is any person, the average person will tell you, so here is the same aurus, it is already so beautiful, but it is really very beautiful, it has been impressing everyone all these years, where it’s more beautiful that it changed then, that’s the main thing, so to speak, the change, the most important change is the appearance, we changed it. the front part of the mask is completely car, that is , the front optics have changed,
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the grille has changed, the bumper has changed, the hood has changed, the wings have changed. only we have the opportunity to compare the auurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car. like the first car, the second one, the entire design was developed by our guys, our designers, and the headlights became narrower, yes, but... in general it looks like the whole photograph, like a person’s face, just as you can’t talk about the eyes separately, you can’t talk about headlights, but besides, besides just the appearance, this is a more modern car, there will be surprises at the upcoming inauguration, which we can only talk about for now hint, but the project... aurus as a whole still has many innovations ahead. the next stage is the twenty-sixth year, when a more
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in-depth, modified design of the platform itself will appear, but the next stage is the thirtieth year, this is not actually tied to specific significant dates. we are following the planned schedule that was initially formed. the country is beginning the next page of its history, the president of russia will take office, faithfully serve the people, at bigfest four nuggets for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and also more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank to taste. what is missing for construction can be easily found
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august 2022, his only daughter was killed in moscow.
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i can see that it will take some time, it all started with individualism. individualism is a misunderstanding of human nature, human nature. when you tie individualism, tie it to man, to human nature, then you
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cut it off from its relationship with everything else. you get very a specific philosophical idea of ​​such a subject as an individual. it all started with the protestant reform in the anglo-saxon world, preceded by nominalism. nominalists believed that there are no ideas, there are only separate individual things, so the individual was and still is the key idea that was placed at the center of liberal ideology. a... liberalism is, in my opinion, a historical, cultural, political and philosophical process to free the individual from any species. collective identification, from collective, from the collective standing above the individual, and this began with the rejection of
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the catholic church, as a manifestation of collectivism, the rejection of the empire, from the western empire, as a manifestation of collectivism, after which there was the rejection of the national state, as a manifestation of collectivism, in favor of a purely... secular society, after that in the 20th century there was this great war between liberalism, communism and fascism, and liberalism won another victory, after the fall of the soviet union only liberalism remained, and francis fukuyama correctly noted, that besides liberalism there were no more ideologies left, and liberalism was the liberation of all these individuals from any species.
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so, liberation from gender, which led to transgender people, to lgbt people and new forms of sexual individualism. became, it became optional, and this was not a deviation from liberalism, it was a necessary step in the further promotion of this liberal ideology, and the last step, which still remains incomplete, is the liberation from identifying oneself as a person, a person will become an option until we choose, you are in the west, choose your gender. at will, the last step of liberalism, the manifestation of liberalism will be that man
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will become an option, so that you can choose to express your individuality, to be human or not to be human, it has a name: transhumanism, posthumanism, singularity, artificial intelligence, swyly and harari openly declare that all this inevitably awaits humanity in the future, so we, in fact, arrived at the last stop of this historical train, we boarded into it five centuries ago, and now we are approaching the last station, this is how i see it all, and the elements, the various phases of all this are cutting off our own. connections with the past, you are no longer a protestant, you are now a secular atheist and materialist, you are no longer a nation state, which, by the way,
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helped liberals get rid of empires, and now the nation state itself has become an obstacle, you need to free yourself from the nation state, in the end the concept of family is destroyed for the sake of individualism, and the latter is a regiment, through which has already... almost been crossed, sex is optional in the politics of gender, there is only one step left to complete this process of liberalization, this is the rejection of human identification as something imposed, to be free from being human, to be able to choose, to be or not to be a person, this is a political ideological... that is how i see it, i believe that you are in the vanguard of the whole
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anglo-saxon world that you asked about, this process that began with anglo-saxon emperism, nominalism, protestantism, and now you anglo-saxons are at the forefront of the process, since you are greater than anyone else. conscience, to say what you think, to defend yourself from the state, which is the opposite of ethicism, totalitarianism, the state incarnate, which you yourself fought against when
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opposing the soviet union. new phase, new liberalism, now it is not the power of the majority, the power of the minorities, it is no longer about individual freedoms, but about vokeism, so you have to become so individual that you have to criticize not
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only the state. but also the individual, but also the old understanding of the individual, and in order to move further in this direction, you are now being asked to free yourself from individuality. i once spoke to francis fokuyama on television and he said that democracy used to mean the rule of the majority, but now it is the rule of minorities over... the majority, because the majority can choose hitler or putin, so we need to be very careful with the majority, so that the majority must be brought under control, and the minorities must rule the majority, and this is no longer democracy, this is totalitarianism, so now we are no longer about individual freedoms, but about instructions to be a wolf, to be
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modern, to be progressive, to be progressive or not, it is no longer your right, to be progressive, to follow this agenda, your duty, you are free to be left-liberal, but you are no longer free to be right-liberal, you must be left-liberal, and this is now your duty, this is your attitude, liberalism has fought throughout its history. against any kind of installations, and now, now he has become totalitarian, obligatory, and not free, as it was, as it was before, you think that this was all inevitable, that this was how it should have happened, i believe, i see some logic in this, i believe that all this is not is a kind of deviation from the basics, you
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start with one thing, you want to free the individual, but when you reach the moment of realization of your desire, then you begin to move even further, and you begin to free yourself from the old definition of the individual in favor of more progressive concepts, you, it seems to me that it’s not you can stop. on this, so if you say, "well, i prefer the old liberalism, then they progressives will say, that wasn't the old liberalism, it was fascism, you defend traditionalism, conservatism, fascism, so watch it, or you become progressive liberal, or that's it, we 'll cancel you, that's what i'm seeing, but that 's exactly how it is now, when you see self-proclaimed liberals banning your
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books?" "


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