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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:27pm MSK

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you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready for moscow, your brother is listed as missing, this won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him, markin hopes, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s there. went on reconnaissance, who they were, and then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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russian troops occupied the village of ocheretina, a village northwest of donetsk, the ministry of defense reported. as a result, the units of the center group of troops managed to improve the tactical position and inflict fire damage on several formations of the ukrainian armed forces. denis alekseev has details. only in a week. the fourth settlement that was liberated from ukrainian formations by our fighters grouping center, together with novo-bakhmutovka, semyonovka, berdychi, acheretina was an important line of the second line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces in this direction. as a result of active actions, a unit of the group of forces center completely liberated the village of ocheretina, donetsk people's republic, improved the tactical situation and inflicted defeat with the formation of 24 and 115 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. in the areas
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of settlements arkhangelskoye and novgorodskoye of the donetsk people's republic. during the day, eight assault counterattacks were repelled armed forces of ukraine groups. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 380 servicemen , a us-made abrams tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, including a us-made bradley, and three armored fighting vehicles. the kiev formations again had to retreat immediately 10 km to the west. group east. occupied more advantageous positions, defeated a terrestrial defense brigade near the harvest, and this is footage from the donetsk direction, a road bridge was destroyed there, along which the ukrainian armed forces transported equipment to the front line, a strategic hit, this is the kherson direction, the left bank of the dnieper, the group of troops of the same name is methodically working on the fire crews of the militants on the right bank, from there the military pilots launch reconnaissance drones, in particular, they are trying to outline the situation, but the russian anti-aircraft... the score is always on the line here,
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intercepting the drones. the already shot down attack drone was flying towards our artillery positions. units of the dnepr group of troops inflicted fire damage, an accumulation of manpower and equipment, on the forty-fourth artillery brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the thirty-fifth marine brigade and the 121st teroboron brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. a counterattack by the assault group of the 118th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled and north of the village of rabotina , zaporozhye region. foreign missiles near odessa, regularly flies behind enemy lines, this is footage of an attack on a ukrainian armed forces training ground in the kharkov region, a rear unit of russian troops. military cooks keep units alive. on the holiday of easter they did not leave without bags, of course, only for the military personnel of one group, the southern one, as many as two were prepared.
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a thousand pieces, the day before in the field temple a festive liturgy took place, military priests delivered festive cakes to residents of the liberated settlement in the local church in kiev. denis alekseev, lead. the orthodox celebrate easter, the holiday most revered by believers, which symbolizes renewal and triumph of good over evil. millions of russians celebrated easter sunday in temples and churches. vladimir putin, according to tradition, arrived last night for a service at the cathedral of christ the savior. today, in his easter greetings , the president noted the creative work russian orthodox church and other christian denominations, as well as the help that, in the face of serious challenges, they provide to those who need support and attention. patriarch kirill also spoke about this in his address on the occasion of the holiday. the russian
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orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of defending the fatherland and... traditional christian values, who have lost loved ones, become homeless or were injured, our dioceses, monasteries and parishes, orthodox volunteers continue to contribute to this national cause. today, the primate donated to the cathedral of christ the savior the famous moscow copy of the kazan icon of the mother of god, the image was in the militia of minin and pozharsky on the day of the liberation of moscow at the beginning of the 16th century. time was considered lost. last november, patriarch kirill announced its discovery. the icon was initially transferred to the kazan cathedral on red square and now to the cathedral of christ the savior. the patriarch also said that the image will be carried throughout the dioceses countries within the framework of the all-russian one. fredpin
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arrived in paris, where he will hold meetings with french president emmanuel macron and the head of the european commission, ursula vonderleen. as is known from macron’s interview, he intends to discuss it with the leader of china.
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paris's hopes will not come true ; sidin makes his first visit to france in 5 years against the backdrop of trade disagreements between the european union and france, in particular around the chinese export of electric vehicles, media write that an investigation, in particular regarding the import of drinks from europe china initiated as a response to numerous investigations that have already begun in the european union. on thursday.
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trip to beijing, it is expected that during the discussion emmanuel macron will also discuss the geopolitical rather than the economic, since emergencies are geopolitical in nature, so i think they will discuss the war in ukraine. china positions itself as a neutral country, but is a privileged interlocutor of moscow, we all know this. the middle east will also be discussed because from a diplomatic perspective, china represents those who question the current world order, so it's always interesting to know.
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sergei dumenko, and the schismatic told her, go to the priest, ocu and take him into it blessing, and may another saint, not associated with the russian orthodox church, but whose name is also ksenia, take care of you, this tragic farce continues in ukraine, in addition, the main schismatic stated that now the synod ... of the american church of the ocu of ukraine has made a decision to exclude from the calendar of saints our holy blessed prince alexander nevsky, as they say, even the lord cannot be mocked, and most probably, the most important thing, the lord is marvelous in his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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invasion of armed men into monasteries and churches of the canonical ukrainian orthodox
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church, we called our film apostates, we tried to understand the reasons for what is happening with religion in ukraine today. in ukraine there are muslims, and christians, and orthodox christians, i don’t say glory, let there be allah and glory to christ, i say, glory to ukraine, but now listen to me, all the different speeches. i don’t represent the thirsty faith, i show glory to ukraine, the heavenly consoler,
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in order to understand where the origins come from. 30 years in 1018, the polish army, led by the king, occupied the mother russian cities, kyiv. it was then that the polishing of the russian land began. it was then that the poles
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gave the name to the russian land that we hear and see today. ukraine, which means the outskirts. after many centuries of polish occupation, the russian empire managed to return this ancient russian land with the mother of russian cities, kiev, under its sovereign hand. the second golden period for orthodoxy has arrived. the first hierarchs of russian orthodoxy, many of whom were little russians, led and brought great knowledge to our church. it was. chetvertinsky, arseny motsevich and many, many others, among them, of course, saint dmitry of rostov. the evil forces that put the nation ahead of christ fell silent for a while, but then the tragic
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year 1917 came. the russian empire, as an orthodox monarchy, collapsed. and then... just a few months later , self-sustainers appeared, who not only built the state of ukraine on the remains of little russia, but wanted to have their own church and church hierarchy. the current split in ukraine has a long history, and here it is necessary remember that it all started after the october revolution of 1917, when the movement for the autocephaly of the ukrainian church actually arose, when... petliura, the petliura directory tried to proclaim in legislation the autocephaly of the ukrainian church. autocephaly is the status of a local church, implying its administrative independence from other local churches. asking for autocephaly means asking for independence. the autocephalous church itself prepares for itself the holy
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of the world, canonizes its saints, composes rites and chants. but nevertheless, oddly enough, only under the bolsheviks in 1921 was the so-called ukrainian autocephalous orthodox church formed, well, in fact, the bolsheviks were also interested in its appearance, primarily in the types of struggle against the canonical church, with the so -called tikhonov or patriarchal church , they used the renovationist schism in russia for this; in ukraine there was also a renovationist schism there. a split in the eastern regions, in kharkov, first of all. soviet ukrainization affected the church, and this, despite the fact that it was separated from the state. back in the early twenties of the last century, the secretary of the ukrainian central executive committee, the bolshevik skrypnik, proposed creating the so -called ukrainian autocephalous
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orthodox church. the head of this organization was archpriest vasily, who was banned from serving. lepkovsky on october 1 , 1921 , the all-ukrainian cathedral of the orthodox church opened in st. sophia cathedral. he proclaimed the creation of a ukrainian autocephalous church, which the people immediately nicknamed the self-sanctified. not a single bishop the canonical church did not take part in this meeting of impostors. and the patriarchal exarch of ukraine, metropolitan mikhail, accompanied his refusal with a sharp statement: “i am not ordained.” this lepnitsky begins to lay hands on him, and announces that they ordained him as a bishop, that’s why they themselves, they illuminated themselves, and after that someone
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has some kind of audacity to talk about what they have some kind of succession, here's the succession of those, excuse me, warmed up with moonshine, let's say, gentlemen who put their hands on this man, married, in general, a bishop should be a monk, well... the samos-saints appeared in the twenties of the last century, they tried to create an autocephalous church in ukraine, but they did not have a bishop, so they used the relics of one bishop, his hand to ordain other bishops, but this is not the case. work, which is why they received the name “samosvyaty”. most of this group emigrated to america to canada. ultimately they were recognized by
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the ecumenical patriarchate. and then the communists came and cut everyone up, both the independentists and orthodox, everyone got it. temples and monasteries were turned into prisons and vegetable storage facilities. stables, flower beds, when the soviet union collapsed, the idea of ​​schism again arose from oblivion, in 1900. in the nineties, one of the candidates for the patriarchal throne of the russian orthodox church, hierarch phillaret , lost in the elections to the future patriarch alexy ii. resentment and unsatisfied ambitions
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prompted this bishop to go into schism and declare himself patriarch of kiev and all russia of ukraine. filoret's actions were recognized by the moscow patriarchate as non-canonical, apostasy. in 1992.
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in the second year he was already excommunicated, he was tonsured a monk, to the point of monasticism, so that he would have a path to repentance, and his beatitude thought that he would come to his senses anyway, that is, those schismatics who were driven to them by the authorities were driven there along with ulsot, they captured the vladimir cathedral, that is, they seized the residence, they seized the entire church treasury, that is, there was pure robbery, but the whole point is that... behind him , the revelations already began at the same time, hot ones there, well, perestroika, glasnost , right there, in my opinion, greb yakunin, a human rights activist who served time in prison,
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published about the cooperation of the hierarchs of the russian orthodox church from the kgb, and filorit was listed as comrade antonov, and the most outstanding there, a security officer, a seksot, a holder of the order of the red banner. by the way, he does not deny anything, who visited the governments of 60 countries on party assignments, moreover, details of his private life surfaced there, it turned out that he has a wife and children, evgenia petrovna, the lady of kiev, three children, and the same for him suggested that i don’t disgrace to leave, and he asked to leave for the chernikov pulpit, and swore an oath before the cross and the gospel that he would leave. i said that i would do it, so i will do it, i will submit a petition to the bishops’ council. of the ukrainian orthodox
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church that i am asking, as it were, to take from me these powers, the rights of the primate of the ukrainian orthodox church and to elect a new primate to this place, but he did not do this, this means such a transformation, then everyone’s shit just opened up.
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