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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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we especially like wearing glasses while running around the bases. more than 100,000 people are involved in sports in moscow. almost 6.00 is part of the russian national team. this is 17% of the total number of collections. despite being suspended from international competitions in many sports. muscovites continue to train until they sweat. don't rush, don't rush, hurry. jumping on a trampoline is attractive. not only children in play centers, but also professional athletes, it is an olympic sport, very popular in moscow. i believe that trampolining is one of the most spectacular sports, due to the fact that we work a lot in the air, perform various elements, and i think that this is very beautiful and spectacular for the entire world of sports. now danya med feels like a fish in water, but a few years ago he sank like a stone until he enrolled in the moscow academy.
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getting a cup in moscow is of course progress, first we warm up, do all sorts of exercises, and then we put on fins, swim on our feet, there’s coordination, then the relay starts, my favorite style is king. the academy has almost 3.00 athletes, training takes place in different parts of moscow, this fifty-meter pool is located in the casino area, director, olympic silver medalist evgeny korotyshkin. i competed at the olympics
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in athens in 2004, in beijing in 2008, in london in 2012, and of course i traveled around the world, performed at many foreign and russian competitions, told how the training stage for athletes is organized and i can say that we are now ...let's go to that one level, to the international level, where athletes are given every opportunity to achieve the highest results. on the other side of moscow, the west sports school has been nurturing talent for water flooring for two decades; this, by the way, is the only olympic team sport with a sword on water. this is a very applied sport, it is a sport that teaches you not to drown and save yourself.
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this is the development of the entire muscle corset from the shoulder girdle to the lower extremities, this is a beautiful figure, this is a strong figure, this a person who is intellectually developed, his brains are very good at playing, coach anna petrova complains that parents more often bring their children to swim, water polo is not so popular in the country, although the situation is changing. at first i went swimming, but then it seemed boring to me, i saw that there were guys playing with swords. i signed up, found out that it was water polo, i liked it and stayed. synchronized swimming training is taking place in the neighborhood; there is no end to those interested, and this despite the fact that the sport requires maximum dedication and hard work. the children are coming yes, they go to tryouts, but the sport is hard, very hard, which includes a large number of different sports, acrobatics, everything in combination, yes, starting with learning to swim, finishing. acrobatics,
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choreography, ballet, plus, well, that’s all, great coordination, so many children can’t stand it and go back to swimming, and those who remain under the leadership of the honored coach of russia elena rosko have a good chance of getting into the national team, textured children are needed, selection is underway, but from our sports school has students who made it to the national team and there are still children there with whom i started. and then, of course, they move to specialized schools, where they train from morning to night, but in any case they would have started here, and if we had not found them, then they would not have been on the national team. these guys with bats and patches have already realized their dream; training for the russian baseball and youth national teams is in full swing. this sport came to our country in the late eighties. history of russian baseball since eighty-six years, back in the soviet union. due to the fact
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that this sport began to be represented at the olympic games in barcelona, ​​so it was as if the soviet state also relied on... baseball, now baseball is no longer an olympic sport, but in moscow it is actively developing at the level of children and youth and youth sports. the greatest development, accordingly, remains in moscow, where there is the u team, where i am the coach, the vostok team, there is the moskvisch team, there is the moscow youth team, that is, the development of baseball is happening in moscow, stronger than in everything, according to our large state. baseball is an intellectual game, it is often compared to chess; after the pitcher throws, you need to keep up to thirty game situations in your head. well, firstly, it develops all muscle groups, there are never monotonous games, they are all unique in their own way, that is, there is always
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some kind of episode in the game that you will always remember, there are a lot of stories about them. the russian youth team was assembled from moscow teams, which was about to hold a tournament in the middle kingdom. politicians are building barriers in the way of our athletes, in moscow create all the conditions for professional and amateur sports, whatever it may be. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed and... what we bring from traveling with avito cashback bonuses next avito trip trip everything will go as planned with cashback
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what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is it, our product, hello, this is the church...
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we are trying to lead the elders, the holy fathers who came before us real monastic
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life, our mission is to pray now for russia, for our state, for our people, support, strengthen morally, and we are trying to do this now. i admit, i consider myself optinskaya, i first learned about this monastery from the novel by the brothers karamazov and fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, yes, then i can say that it was a miracle that i got there. to optina pustyn, thanks to the deceased governor , archimandrite benedict, who ruled the monastery for 27 years, in principle, he probably revived it from the ruins. i know that the days of dostoevsky have already become a tradition in optina pustyn; it is known that the great writer visited the monastery and this significantly influenced his work. today you are holding lectures and concerts on this topic. lord, why dostoevsky? after all, other famous people also visited optina pustyn. yes, leona, it’s very nice that you love our insult, the desert region. fyodor mikhailovich
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dostoevsky visited obtina pustyn in 1878, in order to meet with our great elder, reverend mamrosius, fyodor mikhailovich came with sorrow, his four-year-old son alyosha died, he came for consolation to the elder, for prayer, for support, and he received this consolation; he visited elder omroese three times during these days of his stay at the monastery. all this was reflected just in this novel that you mentioned , the karamazov brothers, yes, this is dorozhkovsky, this is the atmosphere, communication with the elder, the prototype of the elder zashima, there was father amrosi, scientists believe, in general dostoevsky, of course, he was a christian writer, why are we now and events we spend time with him because his works contain deep meanings, christian, moral, ethical, and his works all have a shade of christian morality. contains deep meanings, such as the novel crime punishment, in
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in this novel, the key point is not what we were taught at school, but simply a crime, punishment, it is the reading of the gospel, sonya marmeladova, there with raskolnikov they read, and the whole spirit permeates the work of dostoevsky, the spirit of christianity, is very important for us, so spending the days of dostoevsky optina hermitage with the blessing of his holiness the patriarch, this year already... the third year will be the holding of dostoevsky days of this event in our monastery. last year a monument to the famous russian to the writer near optina pustyn. large cultural events were held, this year we also invite everyone to take part in the days of dostoevsky optina and hermitages, they will be held this year from july 12 to 14, for the first time this year we have such a student module, five students will not live at the monastery in tents from various universities in russia and abroad, here they will be culturally enriched and receive moral
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values, probably this year the path of repentance will be opened, which is why... dostoevsky wrote about our relations with europe, next thing, europe always doesn’t like us, can’t even tolerate us, we’ve never been in europe... master, that’s where our strength lies? yes, fyodor mikhailovich lived for many years in europe, in european countries, he felt this spirit about which you said, indeed, as you said,
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europeans always did not like us, these roots stretch far and deep, 15th, 16th centuries, xix century it can. one of the peaks of dislike for russia, we have always been considered barbarians, and as for what our strength is, of course, i want to answer the question, our strength lies in our faith, first of all, in our spirit, keeping the orthodox faith, because our state was founded with christianity, with orthodoxy, the entire russian civilization was created only thanks to orthodoxy, the russian people were formed, our ancestors felt. the special mission of the russian people, the russian state in protecting, in preserving orthodoxy, in protecting moral values, this is precisely where our strength lies, now we see our mission again, and russia is now defending its traditional values, unfortunately, now i am shedding my blood , and this is the mission
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of our state, and it is gratifying that the government accepts this, laws are being adopted, in particular law 809, presidential decree of november 9, 2022, on the protection of our traditional and moral values, and thank god, thanks to this we have hope for the revival of the russian people of the russian state, once in kiev on the 1035th anniversary of the baptism of russia, when patriarch kirill came to us, he said our strength is in our unity, but, if you allow me... so a small remark from myself , to me it seems that the strength of the russian people lies in this united spirit of ours, i know that one of your rapists is reviving the extinct village of gubino, which is located not far from optina pustyn, the temple destroyed by the bolsheviks has been restored, a school, a kindergarten, an orphanage have been created, if there was one there before there were eight courtyards, now there are more than 100, people from
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moscow and other regions of our country are moving, building houses there, tell us, what is the secret? success, how did you manage to solve several russian problems at once in a single village? yes, lona really is like that a unique project, near the obtina hermitage, there is this village of gubino, which was dying, now it is a revived village, which is popularly called an orthodox settlement, people are moving from all over russia with the blessing of their spiritual fathers, who are tired of the hectic life of the townspeople of megacities, have realized that the meaning of life is not material.
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the problem of our country, how do you think, how to solve it, not in a single region, but on the scale of our entire state, demographic problem, question now of course.
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this is the most natural, natural, i would say, state for any person, society has been introduced for so many years, these western values, the cult of consumption, for the last
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more than 30 years we see all this in our eyes, a generation has been formed raised on these values, and we we communicate with these adults in confession, we see that people become unhappy when there is no family happiness, no hearth, many children have not been born, so now we need to change the attitude, young people must be formed, that... for any russian person , a large family is the norm, there is no other way, this is happiness. of course, the special operation in ukraine became a serious test for all of us. i know that the rapists of optina pustyn regularly travel to the northern military district zone, feed our military personnel, what can we do for them? yes, our brothers are engaged in humanitarian aid, a mission for new regions of russia, we send. material assistance, food assistance, and our brothers visit our soldiers with a mission, one of our priests is there, he is a doctor
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medical education, is constantly located, one might say, next to the blue front, our brothers almost every 2 months go there on a mission to spiritually feed the soldiers, this is very important, it is in great demand, maybe for the first time like this our... brothers warriors like -they were wary, but when they talked with our monks, the kind, humble obtina monks, they felt this warmth, kindness from them, they began to seek spiritual help, support, moral, they are waiting for us there, we are there they call and we don’t leave, we have such a trait of sacrifice, they are ready to go, despite the fact that it is hard work, both physical and spiritual, they leave such a monastic life, a joyful monastery, where it is quiet, calm, in we are in the forest, we don’t go where there is some kind of rudeness, of course, there is such a man’s life, well, nothing scares us, our brothers communicate and
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give spiritual consolation and support. you once said that one of russia’s problems is foul language, that this is precisely an indicator of the degradation of our society, and learned philologists also agree with you, but there is an opinion that soon swearing will cease to be a taboo vocabulary, yes... because it is occurring more and more often, what do you think is the danger? it’s sad to look at this phenomenon, it’s sad to look at our society, at our children, at young people, when it is affected by the vice of foul language, to some it may seem frivolous, that it’s nothing to worry about, but all this affects morality, the moral component of a person, when you hear that your parents don't they can send a child to kindergarten because he learns bad words there, since 1917... it was precisely this promotion that began, when people wanted to show that they did not belong to an intelligent culture, they did not just swear, and talking in it, the red army, it
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’s gone, invoking evil spirits, through foul language, communication with spirits, fallen, evil spirits, and any person can confirm this, that this is the invocation of negative energy, self-destruction of the individual, these are very serious things, even if a person does not a believer, he will feel that from this negative destruction, the very destruction of the personality occurs precisely... the profanity of swearing is a very bad phenomenon that must be fought against. vladyka, in one of our programs my guest said: “don’t forget that it was sunday after calvary.” probably, the events that russia is experiencing today can be compared to golgotha. how do you see sunday in russia, what will it be like? yes, golgotha ​​is a symbol of suffering, like every person, and maybe we can say about the state that it is necessary to come to sunday
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pass the. calvary through suffering, and we see that now our fatherland is in such a fateful situation, when the fate of our homeland is being decided now and not only there on the front line where our guys are fighting, but in the souls of all of us now there must be a change, from each of the fate of russia will now depend on us, there is a prophecy of the elders, like the optina elders, who spoke and predicted the fate of russia about the death of the empire, about the collapse.
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christ's resurrection, thank you, lord, christ is risen, truly resurrected.
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this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing, but today.


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