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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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the year is now 2124, it sounds plausible, this is a guest from the future, 100 years in the future. ocheretina is completely under the control of the russian armed forces, what kind of parcels are exploding in postal warehouses in odessa for so long? how the ukrainian armed forces
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lost 11 thousand troops in 4 months, why are they now losing thousands a day? three settlements have been cleared of nazis over the past 2 weeks. abrams and so many liberated berdychs are already on poklonnaya hill. how captured nato equipment was assessed by foreign otash. where are we going now? you can clearly see from above how far you've gone front from artyomovsk. unique footage taken by the group of mikhail andronik, who made a combat flight as part of a flight of helicopters. they will never be replaced by artificial intelligence. they live separately, are supplied and prepared. i can’t show you where, because this place is classified. they see the enemy and decide his fate at... a distance of thousands of meters,
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unique technologies, unique people. alexander sladkov about what russian snipers are preparing for the enemy. verbal intervention. did cameron understand what he said he would find out? britain, after possible attacks with english weapons deep into russia, why the house of the head of the rain metal concern burned down, a fire broke out at a factory in berlin that produces iriste complexes for. ukraine. psychologists analyze scholz's nervous laughter. auurus new version. how the car of the head of state will change after he takes office. and now for the first time, aurus after a deep restalling. every detail of vladimir putin's inauguration car. exclusive details and footage from pavel zarumin. bologna process 2:0.
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a single standard of protest, following america , eu universities broke out. the scenario is familiar to how it ended for europe half a century ago. my name is pui. in 1908 i became the emperor of china. why did he serve japan, what sensational data was discovered by the soviet landing force that captured his plane in august 1940.
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the entire orthodox world today celebrates the most important and beloved christian holiday , easter; hundreds of millions of parishioners, and these are 325 dioceses on all continents, gathered in churches on the night of the resurrection to share the joy of the resurrection of jesus christ. this is a major event... vladimir putin
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celebrated the holiday together with believers in the main cathedral. the president congratulated everyone on the bright resurrection of christ and noted that easter celebrations have rich spiritual traditions in our country that unite millions of people and inspire good deeds. the head of state sent a congratulatory telegram to the primate of the russian orthodox church, about how russians celebrated the holiday about traditions and meanings, my colleague dmitry kaistra. great easter the service begins a few minutes before midnight, the procession with the holy fire, which was delivered on a special flight from jerusalem, and the main words of the holiday, they are announced by patriarch kirill. christ is risen, in truth
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he is risen, christ is risen, in truth he is risen, after the religious procession in the church , russian president vladimir begins the morning service. putin and the mayor of moscow. sergei sobyanin. christ will rise again. the head of state has the state in his hands. a lit candle. during the morning the choir sings the easter canon in eight parts. for every song of the canon coding is performed. the clergy walk around the temple several times with a codel in their hands. the president prays with believers on this special bright night. christ is risen, christ is risen, all the candles and lamps are lit in the decorated temple. patriarch kirill addressed all believers. the holiday of holy easter is so important for all of us that it
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instills confidence, hope that the lord is with us, he has risen, he is present in our history, he is with us, and in order not to stray from the path of life. we only have one required: maintain faith in him ; establish contact with him through sincere prayer. orthodoxy is the historical foundation of the unity of our people. during the service , excerpts from the gospel are heard in various languages, including ukrainian. to witness the light with the light of the righteous. a holiday of holidays and a celebration of celebrations. this is what orthodox christians call easter.
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that night the service was held in the kazan cathedral of st. petersburg in the churches of another very important place for russia - the capital of crimea, simferopol. main service at the peninsula was headed by metropolitan tikhan of simferopol and crimea. easter services took place in lugansk, people came to churches to light easter cakes, to pray for peace, for soldiers at the front for great russia. and
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this is how the festive night took place in the spassky cathedral of pyatigorsk, where the cossack villagers came to the service. they
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tested all the inhabitants of the country in the militia of the defenders was the kazan icon of the mother of god, and today on easter, patriarch kirill donated the moscow copy of this revered image the cathedral of christ the savior, which is also dedicated to the defenders of the country from the european invaders of napoleon and it is not by chance that this temple stands in the very heart of moscow. special operations on the front line, the holiday of the victory of good over evil and truth over lies is celebrated
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with special feelings, and not only the priests, but also the commanders did everything to ensure that it took place for the soldiers in conditions as close to peaceful as possible. mobile bakeries baked easter cakes, the military carried them to their positions and congratulated each other. in combat environment, our military correspondent leonid muravyov celebrated easter. our father ivan, archbishop of constantinople. he is a little worried, for father ilorion, this is the first easter service in the special operation zone and the novels of the inkerman monastery, that near sevastopol he himself volunteered to go to the kherson region, there is no fear, in the past he was a military man, and even a sapper, they were looking for a singer among the charismatic guys for a long time, they didn’t find anyone willing to do so, as a result , maria went to the banks of the dnieper, this is support for the soldiers, and they need this support and that’s why more for christians, easter is...
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the service takes place almost at the very front line, from here to the bank of the dnieper less than 7 km. those military personnel who came to the divine liturgy are reliably protected by a triple roll of logs with radar warfare equipment so that enemy drones cannot harm them. after the divine liturgy, the sacraments of confession and communion. as a farewell, father hilarion gave the artillerymen of the dnepr group icons, small, measuring only 5 by 7 cm, so that they could be worn. with you such miniature ones or as they are also called road horses to nizhny novgorod craftswomen wrote for the holiday,
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the technology is the same as for large icons, natural paints, applied in layers, only the work is even more painstaking, our samples are most often large, you need to somehow choose what to emphasize, so that the icon does not run away so that the attention of the worshiper is on the face. for 2 years now , the pokrov training center for church specialists has been sending icons to a special operation zone for our military. the most popular images: st. george the victorious, st. nicholas the wonderworker and, of course, the one saved by hands. for many centuries, it is with this face on the banners that russian troops go on the attack. we can kind of help like this, that is, we can, well, increase grace, increase light so that maybe somehow. victory was closer.
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all the military bakers were busy preparing the holiday for the frontline soldiers. here, inside the field bread factories , the army ovens did not go out throughout holy week. to diversify our diet, we bake rich pastries. for the holiday of easter , we bake easter cakes for our personnel so that every serviceman has one like this. baker with call sign rostov is preparing another batch of easter cakes. flour, eggs. milk and a dozen other ingredients, raisins are added for taste, the recipe is simple, but time-tested, i have had this since childhood, since my grandmother was a baker herself, we got up early in the morning. they started preparing dough with it, i became interested in it, and after all this i decided to become a polymakar. after eight hours of first kneading the dough from a diesel army stove, the ruddy cakes finally come out, they are covered with glaze, decorated and sent to the front line, they will be illuminated already in dugout churches. christ will rise, even
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after the end of the service, the artillerymen do not immediately leave the church dugout, some stay to pray a little more, others write “ notes for the health of those colleagues who are nearby and for the repose of those who died fulfilling their military duty, since here we are everything is close, let’s say, to death, so, of course, this is faith - this is probably one of the most important components, the temple is the place where you can go and priest, now we have a regular patezh, that’s what it’s like would... really helps us all. easter services were held today in all temples and churches in the kherson region, with the only exception being those located in the dangerous fifteen-kilometer zone along the banks of the dnieper. perhaps it was these precautions that helped us celebrate easter without incident. leonid muravyov and
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andrey potapov, conduct the kherson region. ukrainian believers also met today. despite warnings from military administrations, thousands of people came to churches. there were long queues at the churches in kiev and odessa. however, even this holiday supporters of the regime tried to add their own flavor. some illuminated baskets of marijuana in praise of the law on the legalization of cannabis, which zelensky signed in february, while others looked for men of military age near churches. this is the kind of christ risen in the morning. with tck. the authorities also prepared for easter in their own way. even with the beginning of holy week, the persecution of canonical orthodoxy intensified. now in kiev a trial is being prepared to select a preventive measure for the zaporozhye metropolitan of the uoc, luke. the prosecutor's office is asking for an arrest. on may 1, the sbu handed the priest suspicion of inciting religious hatred. during the search, the metropolitan
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was asked questions about his reluctance to go over to the schismatics. you heard, you hear, you always hear what i’m talking about, for the fact that i spoke the truth, not political, not geopolitical, not sloganeering, our church truth, metropolitan arseny of the svyatogorsk lavra was previously taken into custody, without the right to post bail . the priest allegedly announced the location of ukrainian armed forces checkpoints near kramatorsk right during the liturgy. checkpoints that checked the documents of pilgrims. according to ukrainian union of orthodox journalists, the sbu intends to discredit and eliminate the participants of the synod so that those remaining agree to transfer to the ocu controlled by the kiev regime. russian troops in
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the donetsk direction have completely liberated the village of ocheretin. the ministry of defense announced this today. news of the promotion is now coming from four directions at once. after breaking through to the west of avdievka, russian units launch flank attacks, leveling the line of combat contact. novo-bakhmutovka, semyonovka and berdych. parts of the southern group of troops delved into enemy defenses at kleshchievka and chasov yar. one of the largest fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction has been taken under control. brick factory in krasnogorovka.
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arkhangelskoye, today otcheretino has been completely liberated, in the avdeevsky direction our army has advanced towards novopokrovsky, sokol and novoalleksandrovka, the eastern ones are clearing the area around novokalinov and ceramics, from berdycheya and semyonovka, the russian armed forces are aimed to the west to help ours in umansky and nitaylovo, where fierce fighting continues. merit, merit in the education and training of your subordinates, instilling in them a fighting spirit, devotion to our homeland, our fatherland. and most importantly, the desire to win, i congratulate you, i wish you further success, new awards, new victories, take care of yourself.
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sergei shaigu presents the stars of heroes of russia, the highest state award, to those who distinguished themselves the most. in the ranks are members of the assault units, such as senior sergeant buyan kular, who personally participated in the liberation of populated areas. they approached unnoticed destroyed a larger section. the enemy infantry gained a foothold in the main direction and even the engineering troops, a pontoon crossing across one of the rivers in the zone of a special military operation, organized by lieutenant colonel anatoly sisoev, made it possible not only to replace our troops in time on an important section of the front, but to save local residents. in a fairly short period of time , it allowed us to evacuate civilians and quickly transfer troops of the association from one to... control to another, this week the minister of defense was shown new means to combat enemy drones, he examined anti-aircraft machine guns, look, if we
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put them here somewhere in this place, because this is very tough, and aircraft that hunt enemy drones with literally nets, here it means that a mesh is made on the basis of a nylon thread, well, a mesh for... storm shadow rockets. new mail has long been used to deliver weapons to the ukrainian armed forces. there are brand new armored vehicles in her trucks. it is important to be in the middle of the country.
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it is important that the places where stormshadow and other types of weapons are stored are not leaked within the country. and russian missiles didn’t exactly fly there and destroy our replenishment of high-precision long-range weapons. exactly the same thing happens with any ukrainian ammunition depot. here's a hit in disguise. field, at first a small explosion, and then detonation the flame bursts to the skies. the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 25 group strikes with precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles devices, as a result of which objects of the energy transport infrastructure of ukraine and an enterprise of the military-industrial complex were affected. in the deep rear near the village of ostroverkhovka, a russian missile destroyed the western pvist complex. control vehicles and launchers are also on fire . and the charges detonate. on the march near kharkov, two american hymers were shot down, so they were traveling to the border with russia, apparently to open fire on the cities of the belgorod
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region, but they were noticed in time and hit. the first with a ballistic iskander, the second, it is clear that the explosion is much smaller from our tornado s system. near avdievka, russian soldiers drove into a trap with drones, and then destroyed another abrams with artillery. to yuzhnodonetsk. our troops have gained a foothold on the outskirts of urozhainy and staromaisky and continue their offensive along the mokrye yely river, the bridge connecting vremevka bolshaya novosyolka has been destroyed, and this allows us to say that the supply of the ugledar group of the armed forces of ukraine is now actually cut off, its defeat is only a matter of...
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we learned to shoot down even the widely advertised american atak missiles ms, which have just entered service with the armed forces of ukraine. this video shows the work of our unmanned units. in a disguised warehouse located at the armed forces of ukraine in an abandoned private house, the weapons arsenal is methodically destroyed, everything that comes into view. location station
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in the kharkov region, warehouses and workshops for the production of rocket fuel and weapons for drones were hit. the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 1,100 military personnel, another abrams tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, including bradley, and 25 field artillery guns. from donetsk front, military correspondents' reports of news. mikhail andronik made a combat flight together with a flight of helicopters from the uchasovoyar army aviation, and pavel prokapenko went on duty with the anti-aircraft gunners. approaching the target, launching missiles, evasive maneuver, and only then the forward air controller will report that a launch from the stinger man-portable anti-aircraft missile system was detected at the army aviation link of the group of forces south. the missile missed, but it is precisely in such a case that combat helicopters always accompany the mi-8 search and rescue group. if anything happens, i contact our crew commander and sit down
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if, for example, one of our... the task of the search group specialists is to constantly observe combat helicopters. the mi-8 crew is busy piloting a heavy vehicle. rescuers are closely monitoring the environment. we fly along the line of contact. k-52 and mi-28 are now operational. here you can clearly see from here, from above, how far the front has gone from artyomovsk. the city itself is still unsafe. artillery is at work here. and the kamikaze drones are enemy. the enemy's attention is mainly focused on lines of combat contact. for an unfamiliar person, flying over the western outskirts of artyomovsk in a helicopter is breathtaking and nerve-wracking, everything around is on fire, shells are falling every now and then, the situation is tense. now there are tough assaults taking place there . i was just part of the 98th airborne division of the guards, they are really great guys, they work there, they press on them, they press on, they press on
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and... before you just have time to come to your senses, all our actions are working clearly, the clock is pressing on the paratroopers from three sides, supporting them a lot of other units of the group of forces south of those militants who did not have time to surrender, only documents remain. passports of liquidated militants in usa under the hours of 98-200 year of birth, women, youth, the west has achieved amazing success in exterminating the ukrainian population. shot. advance at the minimum distance from the line of combat contact. some part of the lives of the children of everyone else, all the old people, women, men, all social workers who come under their
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fire. gun, shot! there are no guns here they fall silent for days, all target guns and rocket artillery and howitzer crews have enough targets. the last time we had a defeat of a self-propelled artillery unit, we also had defeats of mortar crews . well, in general, we try. volunteers of the torch detachment try to move along the front on atvs, so they have a better chance of dodging the kamikat drone as an enemy. attention, air! ubiquitous air surveillance posts, flying squads to combat enemy drones, mobile assets electronic warfare is a reality that very quickly came to the battlefield of a special military operation. this little bird, as we call it here, causes damage to us, but we have already learned to fight with them, even in the old grandfather’s way, this is a double-barreled shotgun, the old proven
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double-barreled shotgun, draw. we already have many cases where we were directly shot down with these double-barreled guns, no matter what kiev does, no matter what nato weapons appear on the battlefield, our defenders will find a way to outwit the enemy. michael andronik, vladislav mirzayans, magomed bashir aliyev, andrey ostashev, conduct the donetsk people's republic. bright flashes in the night sky, a division of the first army corps of the southern group. finds and destroys targets even in pitch darkness, the beard is 400 meters away, 400, look, it’s coming, i’ll take the time to watch and work.


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