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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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and accordingly the man himself, you named the man in last place, yes, because in this case this is the weakest link, the rifle is stable, the sight is usually stable, the ammunition is correctly assembled, it is stable, the man himself is unstable when artificial intelligence replaces the sniper, artificial intelligence, it can’t, it doesn’t have a spirit, it doesn’t have the same sense of feeling that a person has, so in my opinion, in my opinion... at the moment, no. alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, final news, donbass. almost 80% of weapons that they are now used on special operations fronts, created at rostec enterprises. in just one year, the russian military-industrial complex has increased its capacity for the production of ammunition equipment and the latest weapons several times. on the implementation of tasks related to the state defense order mikhail.
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the head of rostec reported to mishustin this week. according to sergei chemizov, in addition to the voluminous tasks of the military-industrial complex, the state corporation does not stop working on civilian research projects. about how industrial and technological gains are achieved under sanctions sovereignty. our columnist alexey golovko. the famous, and now we can confidently say, legendary hail multiple launch rocket system. this battery is one of hundreds. that every day they support the offensive of the russian army and behind every shot flying at the enemy there is a round-the-clock work of the enterprises that are part of the rostec concern. the latest tornado, hurricane and missile systems are now being produced in factories by thousands of workers. the work of their own hands is another weapon masterpiece: the tos-2 heavy flamethrower system, affectionately called tosochka. one full the package burns out when hit.
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sanctions solve the task set by the president, this is the achievement of the technological and industrial sovereignty of the country, and of course, an extremely important area is the implementation of all relevant tasks related to the state defense order. since the beginning of the svo, we have significantly expanded our production capacity; most of our enterprises have switched to a three-shift operating mode, almost 80% of weapons. which is currently used in
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the zone at the enterprises of our corporation. particular emphasis on the production of armored vehicles in workshop of the ural carriage plant, there is literally no free space, as soon as one tank is completed, the next ones begin to be assembled in its place. this is how new t-90 breakthrough vehicles are being supplied to the army. essentially, only the shape remains of the regular t-90. all communication guidance systems have been modernized. for example, now the tank itself notices when they start aiming at it. this machine can do anything in the air, and the new su-35 is already actively used in the skies above the northern military district zone, now they don’t even need to fly close to hit a target, an aerial bomb with a module planning and.
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the weapon, which entered service with the troops, is designed in such a way that it can fire both as a canopy howitzer and as a direct fire cannon. and the maiwa self-propelled gun can fire seven shells per minute, without heavy equipment, modern combat operations are still unthinkable. compared to the 22nd year, the volume of production of overhauls of, say, tanks at our factories increased by 3 times, lightly armored vehicles increased by three times, and the production of rounds for combat vehicle tanks. almost
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nine times, and many rostec factories are enterprises with dual technologies, like the lytkarino optical glass plant, from the pit, where the temperature is 1600°, workers take out a red-hot... crucible. the bright red mass is the future glass, which will be used by both civilian and defense enterprises. and so the workpiece is cooled in this form, about 3 tons of raw glass with predetermined properties. what only specialists know, but then all russian optics are made from such blanks, from theater binoculars to telescopes, from glasses for spaceships to optics for military technology. a specialist can even determine from cast blanks what kind of glass will be used for tank optics. and what about radiation protection? our enterprise is unique in its own way; it has a complete closed production cycle, that is, we obtain raw glass from a mixture of raw materials, process it ourselves, and manufacture aptical parts ourselves. rostec's sphere of competence is extensive, from drones to the production of medical
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products. it is new groundwork and new technologies that should become the prototype for future technological solutions that would were used in all areas, including equipment that is supplied to the civilian sectors of the economy under state defense orders. another achievement of the corporation, the first, that modern russia has its own heavy turbine for power plants. today we created our own large turbine, gtd110m, yes, we are installing it at our impact station, which is being built on the taman peninsula, this is the first production turbine. and now we can say with confidence that we can be independent, a very important milestone, because i know that the corporation has been working on this for a long time to replace all analogues of western ones, including turbines, now we can leave both siemens and general electric, the construction of tes on the taman peninsula will ensure energy stability in the entire
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south of the krasnodar territory, and similar turbines will then be produced for power plants across the country. alexey golovkov, stanislav ponomarenko, alexander feaktistov and egor bushuev, news! in the coming hours, israel plans to launch a military operation in rafah, the last city in the gaza strip, which remains under hamas control. the israeli ministry of defense issued an emergency statement a few hours ago. negotiations with the palestinians, according to tel aviv, have reached a dead end. now the idf is transferring motorized rifle units to the suburbs of rafah. artillery preparation has already begun. plumes of smoke rise from the portals of rafah, several shells exploded in a refugee camp, the city is cut off from supplies of food and medicine. another sign of unprecedentedly increased tension in the region was the unanimous the decision of the israeli cabinet of ministers to ban
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the broadcasting of al-jazeera in the country. they claim that the qatari tv channel is connected with palestinian radicals. al jazeera damaged israel's security and incited action. against the soldiers of sahallah, it is time to remove the mouthpiece of hamas from our country. al-jazeera's office in jerusalem has already been closed, searches have been carried out there, and equipment has been confiscated. tens of thousands of students from leading western universities are now demanding to stop the supply of weapons to israel and to stop the fighting in the gaza strip. pro-palestinian actions on campuses on a geographical scale comparable to the youth riots of the sixties, which led to a series of high-profile events. resignations on both sides of the atlantic, and tough decisions regarding protesters are now often made by those who witnessed the french red may american march on the pentagon. about how events are developing this time in the reports of our correspondents in the usa and europe,
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dmitry melnikov and asya emelyanova. commencement celebrations at the university of michigan, as organizers feared, would be disrupted by a palestinian group. flags, similar actions at ceremonies at other universities across america. at portland state university , the police are catching up to drizzly stormtroopers in bicycle helmets with shields from garbage cans; the protesters are trying to break out of the encirclement, but it turns out that not everyone is successful. at the university of virginia, demonstrators are dispersed with tear gas, and those arrested are carried away under the sound of bells ringing. if not all, then many veterans of the american establishment can boast of a turbulent student youth. this is now for the ex biden presents vice president with the highest award - the medal of freedom, and while studying in college
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, al gore protested against the vietnam war. another recipient, former secretary of state john key, also took part in anti-war rallies in the late sixties. many of them do not like to remember the mistakes of their youth, but another holder of the order of freedom, congressman james clyburn, is not afraid of historical analogies. "i was part of the events that happened during the vietnam war. everything that made us a great society during the president johnson, everything went downhill from vietnam, and it could happen now. we need to be careful not to push these protests into a corner. a wave of anti-israeli or pro-palestinian protests has already hit more than 50 campuses across the country, and after two weeks it shows no sign of abating. tent cities, keffiyeh shawls, they are also called arafat. and unshakable confidence in their rightness,
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america has not seen such anti-war demonstrations in universities for the last half century, and the participants themselves admit that the spirit of these protests comes from the sixties. this very similar, the same applies to the fact that the united states is financing this war, although it is not waging it in full, no matter what happens there, the american government gives the go-ahead for it. invasion. the united states entered vietnam in 1965. the next 10 years of continuous carnage became the first war that ordinary americans saw in all its horror on their television screens. the reports from the distant asian country were stunning. tomorrow military reports will say that one american was wounded in action with enemy forces. enemy losses unknown, but you saw how it all really happened. heroism, danger, fear, everything mixed together.
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against the war, the slogans of thousands of anti-war demonstrations of those years. the march to the pentagon in october 67 was the first anti-war march in the united states of this scale, about 100 thousand participants, the culmination of protests in august 68 in chicago, during the democratic party convention. it is the war in vietnam and the anti-war protests in...
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the war in gas as the fuel for the current demonstrations dictates its own rules, and although in palestine, unlike in vietnam, the american there are no military personnel, songs about peace and love are not heard at rallies on campuses, and the protesters themselves are no longer the same as they were in the sixties. one of the most striking illustrations of the current protest is the friday prayer directly. among the tent camp at george washington university in the us capital. muslim students were free to pray
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on campus before, but now it is not just a religious ritual, it is part of the protest itself. more than 80% of young americans are already dissatisfied with the position of the white house in the war between israel and hamas, but there is no recipe for a solution biden has no problems either in the middle east or at home. the storming of hamilton hall at columbia university is the most brutal episode of the current crackdown so far.
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attacking the state of israel is anti-semitism, but criticism of countries, including israel, is not prohibited. where should the protesting students be located now? america doesn't understand. this is a wake-up call for our country. what is happening now is not just a social infection. this is extremely dangerous. and this alliance of the far left and islamists is not what we... have seen before, return student votes, biden is struggling with writing off student loan debt and proposing the final legalization of marijuana in the united states, one of the demands of the anti-war rallies of the end... chicago attracted steven spielberg, biden himself appears in the white house to star wars fans, recording a video with mark hamill, actor who played luke skywalker in the famous film saga. may the force be with you, always. at the same time,
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hollywood's heavy artillery is working on the enemy. the voter is reminded what the stars think of trump. first magnitude, he is a truly sick man, i'm tired of calling him names, he just shouldn't go near the presidency, guys like these look like clowns, act like clowns, and somehow people identify with him, but this will result in chaos , which we cannot imagine, the republican party convention will be held in mid-july in wisconsin, and he rushes there during a break between court hearings in new york. donald trump. our party's interest will take place in melok in just a few months. we are really looking forward to it. you do not remember the last time biden even showed up at his convention? i don't think so. some say he wandered around the parking lot, asking where he was? you're in wisconsin. where is it? trump is trying to avoid protests at universities, although he states that he is ready
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to cancel the visas of foreign students participating in the riots and even use them to disperse them. national guard, with summer holidays ahead , state authorities fear that rallies for palestinian rights could spill out of university campuses and into the streets. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. university protests in the states were immediately picked up by europe. and the rector of leading universities can forget about the calm end of the academic year. threats. getting diplomas didn’t work, tents, police on campuses, slogans, we are all children of gas, this will last a long time. the elite university of political studies, seance, was once again at the center of this week's protests. students called the discussion with management disappointing and occupied several
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buildings. after spending the night inside, palestinian committee activists told the press that they begin a hunger strike and a peaceful one.
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the state supports it politically, suppresses and intimidates voices opposing this genocide. today, students decided to take to the streets, inspired by the movement in the united states, and we call on all students, high school students and workers. now is the time for demonstrations, now is the time to blockade our schools. now is the time for mass outings . according to the same scenario, everything is developing in berlin. students refuse to remain silent, protest and occupy campuses. also the german police respond harshly to this. this is footage in front of humbalt university, as local media report, other universities and even high schools of some schools are already participating in the protests. in italy, lasenza was the first to rise, two weeks ago. students attempted to march through the campus streets with posters and anti-israel slogans. the clashes with the police were like a real street
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war. it is impossible not to see the parallels. in 1968 the scenario was the same: first there was unrest at columbia university, then red may in paris. protests began on the nanterre campus following the arrest of vietnam defense committee activists. in a couple of weeks, all of paris is on the barricades. there are hundreds of thousands of people on the streets, the students were joined by trade unions, workers, may '68 changed not only france. protests spread to italy, germany, spain, and the uk. bring a tent with you - students of the university of bologna who are preparing a protest write on social networks. next week bolonia will be supported by turin and rome. from american universities to arab ones, passing through. european students around the world are raising an unequivocal cry of struggle: stop the agreement with israel, stop the genocide, the oppression and genocide of the palestinian people made possible thanks to the complicity of
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government academic institutions of the west, its companies and its capital. on may 5th, we will weave the threads of a transnational network that will connect italian and palestinian students to the revolting american campuses. europe, busy with elections to the european parliament, will have to change a lot in the coming weeks. student voices. 2024 could change europe very much. hosiya melyanova, anton chagaev, news: south european bureau. grant and grand
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solemn. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. if you are a creative, ambitious young professional who... if you are ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmas. is yours. to the pinnacle of mastery, so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will fly, such a film, rich, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call
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it... very cool, i’m proud, it was something, right, the whole film was in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now.
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at protests against the so-called law on foreign agents in georgia, they now take place every day, and provocations are being prepared. according to the country's ministry of internal affairs, the organizers are buying up
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police uniforms to distribute them to those hired. activists in disguise


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