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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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protests against the so-called law on foreign agents in georgia now take place every day. provocations are being prepared
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, according to the country's ministry of internal affairs, the organizers are buying up police uniforms to distribute them to hired activists. disguised provocateurs must beat protesters and use weapons in front of television cameras, although the protesters already behave like pogromists, throwing stones and smoke bombs at the cordon. the security forces have to use water cannons and tear gas in response. as if i were illustrating.
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georgia faces an uphill battle to in order to avoid war and maintain peace, despite the promises of the bucharest summit in 2008, georgia and ukraine never became nato members. all such decisions are made by the global war party, which has enormous influence on the european union, on nato; it views both georgia and ukraine only as cannon fodder. this party pitted russia and georgia against each other back in 2008, and in 2014 and ’22 they pitted ukraine against each other.
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all his books are not a simple story of his own life: childhood without parents, the front, injury, working youth, life in the siberian outback, russia celebrates 100 years since the birth of the outstanding master of words, world -class writer, viktor ostafiev. his books have been published in dozens of languages ​​of the world, his stories are included in the school curriculum, the vocabulary of the siberian classic is so rich that scientists and philologists have compiled more than one dictionary from his epithets. do not forget your native language - this was one of the last parting words of viktor ostafiev. about how he should be today, including in the writer’s small homeland, in the quiet siberian oatmeal, my colleague ilya kanavino. i was terribly afraid of tanks. he had a reservation. a train compiler, such
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people are needed in the rear, once he, a young railway worker, buried the children of besieged leningrad who died on the train on the way to evacuation, and after that he went to the volunteers. endured, we were deceived, very much a soldier from the schbert regiment, they didn’t change our clothes, so most of us wore tunics with a seam on the belly, that is, instead of a new uniform they gave us one taken from those who had already been killed, the seams were where there were mortal wounds, and this is an insignificant share monstrous injustice, monstrous war, filth, horror, which he will describe only 40 years after the victory, my book will not be merciful, astafi warned. before publishing the jolly soldier. we socialized to tear not only the meat, but also the soul, to strengthen, to restore order, merciless
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control, personal responsibility of each fighter. in truthful literature, prose, stories, stories. something caught on when my father returned from the camps, got married for the second time, my father fathered five children from his young stepmother , the same age, that means galya and volodya, so he was always a very strong strong guy, oh about how he was sent to
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an orphanage due to an overabundance of children, he will write in the book theft, stern, merciless, and his brother volodya, here they are hugging, will make akim the hero of one of his most outstanding works. lord, forgive us all who are here somewhere with me, great-grandfather, grandfather lies, there are many relatives of all kinds, forgive them, they are buried without communion, without everything, buried, and the collets are dead, forgive us all, lord, he was twice baptized, the first time the baby was baptized, the whole village had a party, the family was partying, everyone was partying. the next morning my mother came out and asked my godfather, who, no one could remember, and she had to baptize her a second time, you zal him twice baptized. he loved all these riotous, sinful, bright, suffering, rushing, invincible people; he was part of them and had the right to tell them the truth, which they do not
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trust to strangers. his heroes, salted with grief, trembling over every grain of happiness, sometimes so simple. so i returned, one day,
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i unloaded the van, i was immediately taken away, they led me into the tent, i was sitting on a bench, half an hour later, probably, my vanya was picking it out in an embrace with his sister, give me give this very pen, some kind of bag of pressed walnuts, take it, and the first pen is three-color, he wrote all his books with a fountain pen.
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to let myself pass by, perhaps this is precisely the ground on which everything stands for me. ilya kanamin, rasul fitkulin, olga allenkina, anastasia zorina, pyotr pankratov. news: krasnoyarsk, ovsyanka. big sunday news is on the air, we continue the broadcast. the prc is giving the old world a chance to escape from the stifling tutelage of the united states. this is how the chinese press writes about the european conflict that began today. tourney. 5 hours ago, the president of the people's republic of china was greeted with honors in paris. his
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trip program also includes visits to belgrade and budapest. china's largest english-language newspaper, the global times, notes that the chinese president's tours demonstrate to europe beijing's readiness to cooperate. jiminjibao writes about what prospects the transition to a multi-vector policy opens up for europe. beijing helped serbia revive the metal industry and supported hungary in creating a regional transport hub. increased trade turnover with france 800 times over the past decades. the manufacturing superpower has long learned to compete with developed countries in their domestic markets. in 2019, when sidinping last visited the european union, the economies of china and the eu were comparable. over these 5 years, according to bloomberg, the chinese market grew by 15%. by 2030 , this gap will at least double. reducing it with the help of protectionism... artificial restrictions will no longer work, but
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you can lose chinese investments and slow down your own growth, about what proposals european leaders have prepared for beijing, why sidinping’s tour is so concerns washington, in a report by our european correspondent anastasia popova. the chinese leader's plane arrived at orly airport exactly on schedule at 16:00 am, and was met by prime minister gabriel ottal. its welcome. sidinpin listened to the words, smiling slightly. the first visit in 5 years, and therefore so important for europeans , is officially timed to coincide with the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with france. along the route of the motorcade, chinese dragons and chinese students with flags of both countries appear. the program is intense, a solemn welcoming ceremony for the disabled, a banquet at the elysee palace, a meeting with fondelein and scholz, then an attempt to escape officialdom. macron and his wife will take the chinese couple to perenaia for lunch. where he spent his holidays with his grandmother as a child, in 2017, at the height of the first election
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campaign, he sang with the owners of the establishment. establishing a close relationship of trust to talk about ukraine is macron's task; the chinese leader, who will among other things attend the franco-chinese economic forum, will try to soften trade disputes with the european union, which remains the world's second largest market for electrical products. europe is not open to competition in order to go to the bottom. several such investigations against chinese goods have been ongoing since october in different areas.
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in relation to european brandy. the dependence is mutual. china needs a european sales market, europeans need resources. however, paris loves to show off. with great fanfare, in the presence of the minister, last year they opened their own production of components for car batteries. it's gigantic the enterprise was built by the efforts of european companies in just 17 months. every day they planned to produce 56,000 parts for electric car batteries, in the future up to 200-300,000 cars per year. on the opening day there was a lot of talk about the importance of the plant in the context of european technological
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sovereignty and the future ban on thermal engines. there is only one, but the production of the necessary resources is located far beyond europe. china, for example, controls 60% of lithium production, and it’s not just white oil. when i hear that it was a couple of months ago that china is making its sovereign decision to limit access to graphite, and i want to remind you that china... earns 93% of the world's graphite, 93%, and if you want to produce it, you need graphite, if china decides to restrict access, we will have a problem, a possible quarrel between paris and beijing could. automotive industry, but for open, they have another front door, the chinese european market will remain hungary. we are proud that hungary is now a top destination for chinese business investment in central europe. we thank president xi for this. in the twenty-first year, hungary ranked third in the world in the market for the production of electric
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batteries. and according to the prime minister, sijart intends to beat the americans, not the latter. in the country. 36 factories will appear, the volume of chinese investment last year exceeded 10 billion euros, and orban’s policy in his opposition to brussels appeals to the chinese leader. budapest is another stop on his european tour. orbán not only turned his country into a chinese intelligence outpost, but made hungary the first european country to sign a cooperation agreement under the belt and road initiative. china is financing the construction of the budapest-belgrade high-speed railway, the initiative's most important project in europe. the government recently announced a new project to build an oil pipeline between hungary and serbia. serbia is also on sidinpin’s agenda, a working visit with historical overtones. exactly a quarter of a century ago, when american planes bombed yugoslavia, shells fell on the chinese embassy in belgrade. three chinese journalists were killed and 20 people were injured. in response, nato simply
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announced that the strike on the diplomatic mission was carried out by mistake, allegedly the whole point was outdated. maps, which for some reason they decided to use when striking the capital of yugoslavia, now the alliance is doing everything to quickly forget about this incident, but beijing and belgrade have already made it very clear that this will not be possible. chairman of the people's republic of china will take part in the funeral ceremony. in fact, there was an attack on china, because the embassy is the sovereign territory of china; it was bombed in 1999 at the height of nato aggression against serbia. and when you add it all up, you see that we are in joy in sorrow. we have something in common, this is what is the basis of our relationship. china doesn't see us as a small country, it sees us as an important country, not only for the western balkans region, but for the whole of europe. chinese activity in europe irritates the united states, which is being provoked by brussels to continue the trade war. adding fuel to the fire was macron's statement during his april visit to beijing that france would not follow the united states on the issue
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of independence for taiwan. however, this time the french leader, judging by leaks in the media, intends to follow... an agreed path and will try to persuade the chinese leader to abandon cooperation with russia. ursula vondern will come to help him in paris, and the german chancellor is also invited to join. scholz would like to make amends the impression of a crushing fiasco from my own trip to beijing. in china, chancellor olaf scholz needed to discuss complex issues: the war in ukraine, the burning middle east, dumping of products from china. beijing did not make the promises that people had hoped for. germany can celebrate small victories only in matters of...
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it remembers very well how japan’s attempt to force the ussr to refuse assistance to china and expand the occupation of manchuria ended 85 years ago. on may 11, 1939, japanese cavalry crossed the border of soviet mongolia, not far from the khalkingol river, from the side of the puppet state of mainjovgo, created in northeast china. after 4 months of fierce fighting, the kwantung army was defeated. it was there that the commander first revealed himself.
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but did not go ahead. japan will soon strike pearl harbor. well, the soviet union will continue to increase military assistance to china. the total cost of soviet supplies in those years exceeded $50 million, a huge amount at that time. the ussr reduced it only with the beginning of the great patriotic war. but even then more people fought in the ranks of the chinese resistance. 2.0 soviet volunteers. in the summer of 1945, the red army carried out the manjuri operation, which ended in the defeat of the japanese. along with the capitulation , manjougo ceased to exist. the testimony of its head, the last emperor of china, at the takii tribunal was the most important evidence against japanese war criminals. the appearance in the courtroom became
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a sensation, the same as the speech at the nernberg trial of paulus, captured in stalingrad. detailed story about the atrocities of the japanese occupiers in manjuria amazed the listeners. at the end of the eighties , there was interest in the fate of the last emperor from the manchu qing dynasty, which ruled. film script: mainjo's documentary archive, but the truth of life was much worse , having fallen into the hands of soviet paratroopers who arrested the fifth vice, my colleague alexey denisov studied. unique footage was included in his film the emperor without an empire, a throne on bayonets. and here is a fragment of this story. in august 1946, he appeared as a witness before the international military tribunal. the last chinese emperor pu-yi.
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he was brought to tokyo from khabarovsk, accompanied by soviet guards. i was born in beijing. my name is pui, my real manjurian surname is aisingiero, that is, aisingiero, pui. in 1908 i became the emperor of china. his residence was in the city of changchun, which under the japanese was renamed sen-tsin, the new capital. on august 11, 1945, at 9:00 pm, emperor puyi, along with his two wives , left the palace in chinchuni forever to flee to japan. before that, he burned more than 100 personal notebooks books, these were diaries that puyi kept for 13 years. on august 19 , 1945, the airfield where the emperor was awaiting
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flights to japan was suddenly attacked and captured by soviet paratroopers. then he did not yet know that after the collapse of manjo, hugo would spend 5 years in soviet captivity and 9 years in re-education in a chinese prison. after this, wu will be pardoned by the chinese authorities and will become an employee of the beijing botanical garden. there are still many people in japan who do not recognize the decision of the international military tribunal. in 1960, near this ominous memorial appeared in the city of nagoya. it was erected quietly in honor of seven war criminals executed by court order. here they are called warriors who died for their country. that japan started a war in asia and committed heinous crimes. there is not a word against humanity on the monument. here are the remains of the secret laboratories of the japanese detachment 731. in
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this room there were refrigeration machines, from here, through pipes, ammonia gas flowed into the next room, where experimental subjects were frozen prisoners. people were turned into mummies alive in hot rooms, their arms and legs were cut off without anesthesia, and the blood of monkey horses was poured into the victims’ bodies. they scalded the prisoners with boiling water, subjected them to powerful x-rays , and tortured them with electric current. in total, the staff of detachment 731 tested dozens of types of deadly bacteria and viruses on people, their work was supervised by a graduate of the kyoto imperial university, doctor of medicine shiro and shii. in 1945, he managed to escape to japan, where he was detained by the americans. to obtain experimental data, important information about bacteriological developments, the united states hid the facts of the crimes of unit 731 during the war, so sero ishii
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and other members of the unit he led escaped punishment. the main owner of japanese military secrets was the us army bacteriological center fort detrick in maryland, in order to give visibility to its seizure.
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territory of china. this footage shows a japanese soldier who died during an annual spring ritual held on the 30th. may. on this day, puyi had to personally bow to the enslavers of his homeland. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. on the posters that the japanese occupiers hung throughout the city that day, they declared that they had brought a new order here. for the chinese people. meant only death, enslavement and terror. in the russian state film fund we were able to find footage of the march of japanese troops along qian men street. the japanese presented these images as a great triumph of their military machine. the next target of the aggressors was the capital republic of china, nanjing city. the walls and towers of nanjing were built in the 14th century during the ming dynasty. in december 1937. they
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witnessed one of the most terrible crimes of the 20th century. it will go down in history as the nanking massacre. today , one of the last witnesses to the monstrous massacre, xiashu ting, lives in nanjing. she was born in the southern capital on may 5, 1929. she has three children, two daughters and a son. in 1937. before xiashu tsen's eyes, japanese soldiers brutally killed almost all of her loved ones. in 1937 i was 8 years old. 13 december , the japanese unexpectedly burst into our house, then there were nine people in our family, only me and my four-year-old sister survived, my whole body was covered in blood, my clothes and shoes were also covered in blood. we hid among
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the corpses. more than 10 days, according to official data, a total of 300,000 people were killed during the nanjing massacre. the soviet union was one of the first to provide assistance to china in repelling japanese aggression. arms deliveries began already in october 1937. these were planes, tanks, guns, machine guns, ammunition and various equipment. in addition, the soviet union sent more than... in the early forties, the main military adviser to the chinese army was the future legendary soviet marshal, defender of stalingrad, vasily chuikov; the son of mao zedong, mao an, and the famous chinese fought as part of the red army against the germans pilot tando. the puppet state of manjo hugo will disappear along with the kwantung army defeated by soviet troops. in
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august 1945, the entire film by alexei denisov, the emperor without an empire, the throne on bayonets watch on our channel on may 10 at 12:00 don’t miss it.
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evolution occurs in any structure, you were in the recent past a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. “you killed me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you.”


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