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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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over the past years, all sorts of ceremonies have taken place and all sorts of situations have arisen. aurus has been tested by rain and snowdrifts, driven through big cities, wide highways and rural streets. he goes straight. greenhouse where tomatoes are grown, 6 years after the first presentation, the research automotive and automation institute nami presents to surprise the whole country, and once again we, the ministry of industry and all our creators are preparing for may 7 in order to show the restyled aura, in our opinion i think it will be very modern and interesting a new product that will surprise both outside and inside. vladimir
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putin's inaugural car. this is a completely new look for the car, modern, fashionable and daring. updated auurus senate. any person, the average person will tell you, this is the same aurust, he’s already so handsome, but he’s really very handsome, he’s been impressing everyone all these years. it’s much more beautiful, what changed then, that’s the main thing, so to speak, the change? the most important change is the appearance, we changed the front part, the mask of the entire car, that is the front optics have changed, the grille has changed, the bumper has changed, the hood has changed, the wings have changed, only we have the opportunity to compare the aurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car. like the first car,
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the second one was completely designed by our guys, our designers, and the headlights became narrower, yes, but overall it looks like the whole photograph, like a person’s face, just as you can’t talk about the eyes separately, you can’t talk about the headlights, but besides, besides just the appearance, this is a car more modern, i see the wheels are also completely different, yes steel, we also think the wheels are... this is a very good solution, it also gives the car a modern look and beauty, we have 90% of the electronics designed, manufactured in -house, namely electronics, which is very vazhtroniki, which is very important, yes, we believe that a restyled car is much more import-protected, and not so long ago, even at...
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the stage is the thirtieth year, this is not really tied to specific significant dates, we are following the planned schedule, which was originally formed, you need to buckle up, otherwise you’ll have to pay a fine later, putin tested the new taurida highway in the crimea while driving an aurus, the impression is beautiful, modern. it also drove along the new moscow -st. petersburg road. over the past 6 years, the car has become so famous that residents of different regions visited by the president recognized and understood from afar that putin was coming. it will be, it will be. vladimir vladimirovich, please come out, well, please. yes yes yes. just like that. more recently, our program has become an eyewitness to something so remarkable. look,
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now the president’s card has even been reversed. alive, they say, alive, i told you that he would approach people and wave his hand, then we noticed in the passenger seat of aurus the director of the local museum, with whom putin discussed in detail the reconstruction of the object, and if you carefully examine many of the frames, it will become clear aurus is a whole headquarters on wheels, when putin is on the road, he can listen to the governor’s report on the go or talk with assistants, and sometimes in cars, judging by whole meetings are taking place around everything, the door opened, our program saw putin is always clear on the right side, but there are also
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such situations, the president of russia and the united arab emirates, i will go with you , translator. parties, the united arab emirates greeted the russian president with cars with the inscription dps, on the aurus, look carefully at what numbers appeared, it’s a very good car, i like it, and not only me, some of our arab friends also like it, they are already expressing a desire to buy. putin all these years i myself quite regularly arranged real test drives for my colleagues. the president of egypt was even invited to the formula 1 circuit in sochi. we have several more on the project in the same line. short wheelbase senate sedan. the aurus presidential motorcade speeds along
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the formula 1 tracks. as far as we know, this car accelerates to 100 km/h in 6 seconds. in a speeding car. many paid attention to the face. there have been some wishes from the presidential drivers over the years, of course, that is, we have very busy work and ghosn is involved in the design stage as the main customer of this project. gon once again we will repeat the garage for special purposes. garage drivers, and with direct drivers, all these cars were accepted by the drivers who transport our first person, so the updated aurus, apparently, is already well known to the presidential drivers, parking sensors, i see everything here, it was, it was left ,
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the presidential driver needs protronics, well, the presidential driver probably doesn’t need them, but we produce a car not only for president, of course, yes, that's why. this is a solution that is modern and should be provided for any car. thousands of cameras and smartphones are looking not only at the president, but at his car. this was a very important technical aspect, both in the vatican and here in the palace of the italian prime minister, you see that very wide aurus car, which the russian president sat in. the gates in the palace, they are not so wide, it is, of course, very important how well president putin’s driver now works, because the distance between the car and the gate is literally a few centimeters, we are watching how
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the motorcade will come out now, but we see that everything is working out, the car is carefully driving out of...
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i allow, when everyone thought that that teleconference was completed, our program witnessed such a moment.
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the flag of uzbekistan on the aurus, next to the flag of turkmenistan on the aurus, here is tajikistan, almost all the leaders of the cis countries came to the summit on the aurus and this is the first time, now we will explain why they are producing it. apparently they have already produced enough that even on such multilateral events to provide all leaders with our domestic cars, there were so many cars at that summit that the question arose: whose car, the president of turkmenistan now has his own, and russvet has a sparkling white one, with the new products of the aurus line, putin continues to introduce his colleagues, here is a new suv with the president of uzbekistan. soon the leader of kazakhstan arrived. that i’m showing off our new car, great, i want to invite you to paint the car from
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your motorcade, what color? which one do you want? this is not my personal property, but government, so we need to approach this responsibly, but i’ll think about what can be done to attract you to serious work? this is not a planned stop, vladimir putin shows kimchinin, a russian car aurus, we now see that kimchinin... a car, vladimir putin took a seat next to him, apparently, they will now also go by car, let me remind you, tim chinin came here to the cosmodrome in his own car, but now he will also appreciate the russian car aurus, the car is called aurus, aurus, what we are, what we started producing in russia, and this... inside they spoke one on one, even the translator did not immediately get into the car. it is possible that
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there is already a conversation going on here about key political issues. kimchin obviously liked the car, because now aurrus is the official car of the leader of the dprk. the updated aurus will also, of course, arouse enormous global interest. our program. in st. petersburg, bus passengers were quite surprised, quite a rare moment, the aurus travels
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without the main passenger, because putin i just boarded the tu-160m ​​and soon took off. fast, maneuverable, having experienced both severe siberian frosts and the southern sun. today, under the walls of an ancient fortress. presidential motorcade, vladimir putin in dagestan in the narrow streets of derbent, here, of course, all cars have to carefully maneuver to get to their destination. at the door of auras, our program several years ago recorded an interview with the president about the future of russia. we must always look only forward, then we will be successful. on may 7, the country begins the next
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page of my history, the president of russia will take office, serve the people faithfully, i will do everything in my power for this. this is always the case. a very colorful ceremony. hello comrades.
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our society is developing and parliamentary structures are strengthening, the federal assembly is ready to take greater responsibility for forming the government, this is the expected applause, but i think now you will have the opportunity to applaud again, listen to what i want to say, i propose changing this order. and trust state duma not just approval, but approval of the candidacy for the chairman of the government of the russian federation, and then , on his proposal, on the proposal of the chairman of the government, all deputy prime ministers and federal ministers, while the president will be obliged to appoint them to the position, that is, he will not have the right to reject
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nominations of relevant officials approved by parliament, the president. gives up some of his very significant powers if today, today the president himself approves the chairman government with the consent of the state duma, and then, but he himself approves it definitively, and then, without any consent of the country’s parliament, appoints ministers, in fact, the situation is changing radically, now the final decision on the chairman of the government is made by the parliament itself, as well as on ministers, but the president does not have ..
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constitutional updates, there were opinions that consultations regarding the candidacies of the ministers of the power bloc for foreign affairs do not mean anything special, i do not agree with you that this is an empty ringing, and this will limit the president, here is a person who came and mumbled something unintelligible at these consultations, the president will not appoint such a person, i assure you, this makes sense, i’ll tell you straight, a lot will depend on the constructive working interaction of the legislative executive branch in the future. the modern world is complex, we see how rapidly, sometimes unpredictably, it changes. and therefore it is all the more important that despite significant changes in the political system, the main thing remains
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unchanged. a strong presidential vertical is absolutely necessary for our country, for russia. crazy thoughtless sanctions. for 10 years now, russia has been living under unprecedented sanctions pressure from the west, during which time it has become one of the five largest economies in the world, ahead of european countries. it's time to draw conclusions. yes, after all , the first large-scale anti-russian sanctions were introduced in the spring of 1914, that is , exactly 10 years now, and exactly 10 years ago we heard the famous phrase
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of the american president, which went down in history: the russian economy is in tatters. the current american president blames putin's inflation and rising prices in his country. these are the breakdowns based on the results of these years. what did our enemy count on, that we would collapse? meeting on the economy to continue discussing budget plans, not only for the next three years, but for the long term until 2030. it is fundamentally important
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to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches to budget policy. this, of course, is a very peculiar anniversary, but it’s hardly a word it’s appropriate, but these days it’s exactly 10 years since the first large-scale economic sanctions were introduced against russia. are we ready to live under sanctions for decades? well, in fact, the history of russia shows that we, as a rule, lived under sanctions, starting from the moment when russia began to stand on its feet and feel strong. in 1414, the world was extremely surprised that russia did not accept and swallow another humiliation. this time there is a coup in ukraine with a demonstrative anti-russian bias, warmly supported by the west. a the consequences of these sanctions should first of all be considered by those who are going to introduce them. in the modern world, when everything. everything is interconnected, everyone depends on each other one way or another, of course, you can cause some damage to each other, but it will be mutual damage, and you also need
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to think about this, this is the first, second, this is, in fact, the most important thing, i already he spoke about our motives for behavior, and what are the motives for behavior of our partners, what is this, what is this, this is support for an armed seizure of power. well, of course, what do you think, how could we have acted differently, exchanging people for some benefits, exchanging people for the possibility
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of some contracts or bank transfers, this is absolutely unacceptable, when if we allow ourselves to act in such logic, we if we lose everything, we will lose the whole side, and the behavior of western politicians even then was not very logical. the first sanctions were imposed against large businessmen who had nothing to do with the events around crimea. these are just them, polite people in camouflage and masks with machine guns on their stomachs. and their last names are kind of strange. kovalchuk, rotenberg, timchenko, typical muscovites. i think i need to stay away from them.
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the application of sanctions against russia, i have putin's forecast from 2014, insisting on such even a suspicion that maybe our american friends, they are sophisticated guys, so they may even want to gain certain competitive advantages in their trade and economic ties with europe. we are ready to strengthen sanctions and develop new ones, if possible. necessary, the purpose of such actions is to prevent a new confrontation. now the world knows that both alland and merkel prepared ukraine precisely for this confrontation in the video archive, with dozens, if not
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hundreds. such statements: since the minsk agreements were not fully implemented, we will have to continue sanctions against russia, sanctions for alleged non-compliance with the minsk agreements, sanctions for alleged interference in the american elections, sanctions for the alleged poisoning of skripols, sanctions for cyber attacks, sanctions for syria, at some point everyone lost count. did anything work out? no, it didn’t work, it was not possible to contain russia and will never be possible. in cyberspace can we contain russia? i think that russia cannot be contained anywhere, but we need to understand this, well, listen, you can’t contain north korea? well, what are you talking about, why do this, why restrain each other, attack, suspect each other of something, we offer to cooperate, but since we didn’t want to cooperate, then western agricultural products were then 10 years ago access to the russian market is prohibited, to support domestic producers, but
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to consumers... voices began to sound more often calling for the return of their producers to the russian market, they don’t care, moreover, we are now looking for sales markets, i agreed with our chinese friends that so that they open the chinese market for our producers, there is pork and poultry. sometimes there are calls to make peace with everyone, but if we imagine that russia has complied with all the demands of the west and
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agreed with everything, what does that mean? will give our economy? well, first of all, what does it mean to make peace, we didn’t quarrel with anyone, and there is no such desire, we have no one to quarrel with. in the mid-nineties, everyone liked us when they sent us potatoes through humanitarian aid. look, the people's republic of china has nothing to do with crimea or donbass, right? tariffs on its goods mean the same sanctions are increasing, increasing. this means that now the attack is on the haalei.
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i listened about putin’s attitude towards sanctions, this leads to restrictions at some stage, then a breakthrough is made anyway, ways to solve problems are found, everything seems to fall into place, so in the end , such a policy makes no sense, it is obvious to me that the confrontation in the international economic arena will continue, but this will affect us,
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but i’m sure not... radically, why? because we have huge potential for internal growth.


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