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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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why? because we have huge potential for internal growth.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. after the start.
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and such a boomerang effect, they already call inflation by my name, and we have absolutely nothing to do with it, they achieved the opposite of the expected result. sanctions then began to be imposed even against those who defend the rights of children, schizophrenia, it seems to me that they simply no longer understand what they are doing, the largest gas pipelines were simply blown up, but the anglo-saxons no longer had enough sanctions, they switched to sabotage, it would seem that after this the russian economy certainly should not have recovered. recession, failure, collapse, that under the pressure of sanctions we will retreat, give up, fall apart, i want to show a well-known gesture, i won’t do this, there are a lot of girls here, nothing will work out for them, but we won’t collapse, everything is already clear, everything, and they all understand, no, they climbed into this rut, along this rut ​​they continue to make noise, without any analysis of the events taking place, the word to the conductor, i will buy a ticket and not go, many people in our country, i know that many abroad simply surprised.
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it was given to them voluntarily, payments within the country take place through a visa and mastercard, largely through servers located in the usa, well, this is a stranger, somehow we didn’t even think about it before, we proceeded from the fact that all our partners, both visa and mastercard, they are highly politicized, it turns out that they are subject to very strong political influence, pressure, and immediately bend under this pressure, and their national system. accounts, we, as
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the japanese and chinese did in their time, did not create, it is completely dependent, on these partners, have now moved on to the practical implementation of the creation. over the past year, russia has become the first economy in europe, despite all the sanctions and restrictions, this is normal, from your point of view, sanctions are restrictions. without calculation in dollars, disconnection from swift, which means sanctions against our ships transporting oil, sanctions against aircraft, sanctions in everything, everywhere, the largest number of sanctions in the world that are applied are applied against russia, and we became the first economy of europe during this time, people who are guided by their
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neocolonial ideas, and there are idiots who would take second place in a competition for idiots. daily allowance is impossible any other way. pavel, we have a very busy week ahead of us. what details of the president's schedule are already known? some details are already generally known, but now we’ll tell you some for the first time. on may 7, the whole country, of course,
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and the whole world will definitely be glued to the screens. the elected president of russia vladimir putin will take the oath of office on...
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i greet everyone who is fighting for russia on the battlefield, there is no more important thing now than your combat work, the presidential week will be extremely tense, before the rest, we will show you more than the rest about the most interesting events in the zarubino telegram channel on sunday in our program. thank you pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week, and i’ll see you with the audience after a short break in the studio on sunday evening. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we are
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the creators of the russia 2072 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we discuss how to... arrange the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. christ has risen, this is such a big holiday that today people of very different faiths and convictions congratulated me on it, they
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were exchanged only by the fact that they are all russian, orthodoxy has become so important, so decisive in the war. that questions all the time return to understanding what is happening from completely different positions, this is no longer geopolitics, this is no longer strategy. these are no longer national interests, these are completely different issues, these are essential issues, today i i’ll show the film 25th army, zhenya knows them very well, this is the youngest army, not at all in terms of composition, because the composition is right there, this was that rare case when i met over and over again colonels who were older than me in age, they everyone was forced to part with the army during the reform of serdyukov, well, let’s be fair, serdyukov terai makarov. because then makarov was the chief of the general staff and he had not yet answered for everything that he had done then,
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and people decided to return, so they are returning and fulfilling their military duty, they felt the highest justice being done, because there were people who went into the army consciously, then cruel fate did not give them the opportunity to continue, now they have returned, they are fighting, this is the army... he is a chechen, when i’m talking to him, an amazing, absolutely guy, rustam yusupov, when i talk to him, he also talks about deep, fundamentally important things, in a conversation with each of the fighters, starting from a private from...
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he figured it out, he recently stated that he was talking about god, i have only one question, no, well, in principle, when zelensky is an atheist, he said not so long ago that he is generally a non-religious person, a person who destroyed the ukrainian christian essence, well, simply destroyed it, replaced it with the devil, a person who... does not understand that he speaks about western values, and what are western values ​​in the ukrainian presentation, here you go, i
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’ll show you this character, i want to say about lgbt children, i don’t know whether you remembered this here or not, for 8 years we built the tyu platform in mariupol, brought donors there funds, helped the children come out, then we left and the children stayed. for macron, for scholz, for sunak, they sound
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terrifying, because they are not about god at all, they are all anti, they are about anything, but definitely not about morality, not about morality, not about god, so they are talking absolutely about moreover, they are talking about war, and for them, russia is afraid of its own religious essence, they cannot understand it, they have not reasoned from the position of pragmatism for a long time. put on spacesuits so as not to drown immediately and go out into the baltic sea to
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block it, so line, line , subdonnaska, podonovska, line up, line up, they don’t have any other opportunities for blocking, and it has come to the point that some idiot in finland says that it is necessary to deprive moscow access to kaliningrad, well, we will deprive, okay, we will deprive finland of access anywhere, i always felt that... the finns want to go back to the russian empire, so i had this feeling that they, like abandoned ones, are constantly trying to somehow attract attention, dream russian empire, that's it. confrontation with russia has no boundaries and includes all possible directions. poland has officially requested the deployment of american nuclear weapons, which are based in several european countries. macron voiced
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his main strategic goal: russia cannot win in ukraine, why? because then the missiles that threatened will end up in ukraine. you want to fight with russia, cretin, you couldn’t be napoleon, who do you think you are, a pathetic follower of pétain, who has long turned into a prostitute, who are you trying to scare, cretin, yours in africa couldn’t show anything, and you want here, how many of them have already been buried, when will you start telling
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the truth, no limits on assistance, almost 80% of the weapons that are used today in the zone were built on enterprises of our corporation and the main customer from the ministry of defense in the twenty -third year, new production aircraft su-57, su-35s, su-34, su-30 sm2, il-76 md990a, yak-130, k-52m helicopters were delivered, mi-28
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nm, tanks, t-90 breakthrough and artillery reconnaissance complexes penicillin, other military equipment, the production of new models has been mastered, including heavy flamethrower systems, this is tos-2, it is today very involved in the area of ​​​​its engineering system for remote mining of agriculture , krasnopol guided projectiles, and kup control ammunition complexes, aviation -guided missiles for unmanned aerial vehicles , compared to the twenty-second year, the volume of production of overhauls, say, tanks at our factories increased by 3 times, light armored vehicles by three times, production shots for tanks of infantry fighting vehicles by almost nine times, shells for cannon artillery by six times, rockets
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for rockets by eight times, unguided rocket shells for heavy flamethrower systems - three times in the twenty-third year, compared to the twenty-second, the volume of production of self-propelled artillery has increased 10 times, towed artillery by 14 times, mortars by 20 times, rocket launchers by two times, our specialists jointly with the tactical missile weapons concern continue to work on adapting standard aviation ammunition to the planning module and corrections, these are flying aerial bombs, which are in great demand today, and such long-range weapons are very... so the west may be worried, very
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nervous, but not the only one, about the deployment of nuclear weapons in poland. iran, iran, iran, yes, and not only iran, probably also dream that someone would deploy nuclear weapons, yes, probably, yes, probably, many countries dream that suddenly someone would take up and deploy nuclear weapons , this door is easy to open slightly, but impossible to close, then you can forget, or it's up to the french, honestly guys, macron said, there are no tactical nuclear weapons for us, we are for strategic deterrence, with weapons. well, let’s answer according to macron, macronowski, if you want, get it, but once again i ask, please show on the map the city in france that you least feel sorry for, so that others don’t accidentally. hurt margaritna, this is the ukrainian idiot you showed, who laments the fact that they say we left, and the children whom we taught
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to do camming, that is, to confess they remained gay in their childhood, he regrets it so much, why? well, because you can’t play with these kids anymore, as much as you’d like, and as much as you might have played, that ’s what ours still has to do. it’s now up to the investigative authorities to figure out what to do with these kids, that at that age they suddenly realized that they were gay and felt the need to publicly admit it, but it’s clear from him why he regrets it so much, but today we’re talking about friend, although this has direct the opposite attitude to what we are talking about today, the bright holiday of easter, my favorite holiday in general, easter and victory day, i was born on orthodox easter, that year, on the day when i was born, it coincided, in fact, with orthodox easter, here is what i want to talk about, it’s
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not at all about religion, a person can be a believer, he can be an unbeliever, although i really like the phrase that any person, a convinced bachelor before his first great love, any person shares the ideas of communism until his first big money, and every person is an atheist until the first serious shaking and turbulence on the plane, christ... is recognized not only by christians, he is recognized by more or less all major religions, as a man who lived in islam, the prophet isa, he is a prophet there, where he is not a prophet, anyway, no one denies that he lived, everything that happened happened, they simply deny that he is the son of god, even the historian tacitus admits all this, although he considers the christian religion to be misanthropic, as was customary at the time when christians were accused is that...
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crucified, before they were crucified, they were also tortured with flagrums, these are ancient roman whips with bone tips from the bones of wild animals, an experienced executioner could rip off all the skin of a person with four or five blows with these flagrums, this was all to come and happened to our savior, and then besides, now mary magdalene came, brought him an egg, because you can’t come empty-handed, there wasn’t enough money for anything else, tell him, she brought him the good news, she said, the emperor, christ is risen, i saw it with my own eyes, and he tells her how this egg is from white cannot turn red, so
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a dead person cannot become alive, and this egg, according to legend, in the hands of mary magdalene turned red, in fact, that’s why a significant part of our country painted eggs red and other colors all previous days, that’s how we since then we have been celebrating easter, tiberius, who ... did not distinguish anything, was imbued, i must say, and wanted to officially declare jesus christ one of the ancient roman gods, the emperor had such a privilege in those days to declare whoever he wanted as a god, but it was necessary approval of the senate, the senate did not approve, thank you, lord, jesus christ was not declared a pagan, ancient roman god, but then there were no special claims, claims began, the most terrible persecution of christians began, prineronia began.
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there is humanism, well, how can they give in or allow such a religion to live next to them, which does not recognize their saturnalia and many similar holidays that were in ancient rome, their incredible spending on unnecessary luxuries, their feasts with stuffed blackbirds, camels, that means , with such small animals, dormouse, they are called, which are kept in pots with fruits and nuts so that they grow fat, and then they
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eat these dormouse, nightingales. there was simply no money anymore, he could only eat when he returned and realized that he could now eat simple food, he committed suicide, because for this society today’s pleasures were the most important thing, they did not believe in eternal life. they couldn’t have them, they wanted to snatch everything here now.
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this is described amazingly by heinrich sienkiewicz, the poles should read it, he is the nobel i wrote a prize for this, amazing, absolutely in terms of strength, not even the literary word, and the historical word of the book kamagesh. probably everyone has heard the phrase of kam gredesha, maybe not all viewers know what it means, this phrase means where you are going, it was said by jesus christ to the apostle peter, when the apostle peter learned that nero was going to execute him, little by little left rome and on the way jesus christ met him, he said: where are you going, lord, to whom are you coming? christ answers, yes, where i go to sing, i go to rome to be crucified again.
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then peter realized that now it was his turn, returned to rome, asked to be crucified when he was captured, to be executed differently from his teacher jesus christ, and he was executed in the presence of the joy of a clapping neuron, still upside down, and how it all ended, for rome, how it all ended, rome died, there was nothing left, well, some ruined coliseums that tourists go to, litter there, i couldn’t see either... it’s especially impressive, i’ve seen it a couple of times, but the great there was an empire, it means nothing to us reminds us that we are now separated from this empire, the western empire, by a ditch, this ditch is constantly widening, and i can directly feel how it is filled with some kind of boiling resin, which can probably be called a fiery hyena, and i completely agree with you, volodya, what's at
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the front...


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